The danger of the "NO Evidence of fraud" narrative.

In 1876 there was a question of the EC so Congress established a joint committee to also include the Supreme Court to investigate. The result was that the election was legitimized.

Given the massive evidence of Democrat voter fraud in the Democrat controlled swing districts there is absolutely no reason that Congress shouldn't have demanded an audit.

Because the filthy Democrats, aided by a cowardly Supreme Court and the chickenshit RINOs, China Joe will never be legitimized. He will be sworn into office but never be a real President.

Meantime the country gets more and more divided. We are heading for a Civil War and these cowards that were too chickenshit to do a ten day audit are too blame.
To me, it was never about overturning the results of the election. There were too many borderline states involved in the election tampering controversy to realistically expect a reversal. That was poor judgement on Trump's part, and he fell victim to his own ego. The real problem is the Democrat response to the allegations. There has been a 100% total denial of any and all evidence of election tampering.

If we add up all of the sworn statements from election witnesses, video evidence, TV interviews of witnesses, expert review of voting system failures and the rest there are literally THOUSANDS of separate accounts of election wrong doing. When you summarily dismiss ALL OF IT as not real, or non-existent you have done something very dangerous. You are calling private citizens liars without giving them a chance to respond. You are calling experts putting their reputations on the line liars without giving them a chance to respond. You are eroding confidence in state level courts making 74 million Americans believe they are just another wing of the Democrat Party. And it re-emphasizes what we already know about our Media. They are hopelessly biased and utterly worthless.

There should be a bi-partisan effort to restore election integrity. As it stands now, nearly half of our country and much of the world question what used to be unquestionable: That the USA had the best and fairest election process in the world. We need to work hard to restore that and fix what went wrong to insure we never have a repeat of the 2020 election debacle.
Biden is talking about a commission for election fraud. Nobody denies that there are problems with the election system that need to be fixed. But when the Oresidemt is denying the results and actively trying to overturn the results because of massive fraud then there is only one way to fight back against that. At the Capital We saw what happens when that false narrative seeps into the minds of passionate people.

Trump had no intensions of fixing the election system for the good of the country. That’s just silly. It’s all about him and his ego and not admitting defeat. He was trying to override this election and he spread lies. He went waaay to far.
I provided the same kind of evidence that was presented.
No, you didn't. It's very clear because even a blind person can see the fraud- if you haven't seen it, with the many articles and videos posted here, it's because you don't want to look at it, as in see it-

There was no fraud of any account.

There were plenty of statements and affidavits that say otherwise, and no- the courts didn't give them all hearings.

If there was nothing to it, should those who signed the affidavits be held for Perjury? But so far, nothing on that.
I provided the same kind of evidence that was presented.
No, you didn't. It's very clear because even a blind person can see the fraud- if you haven't seen it, with the many articles and videos posted here, it's because you don't want to look at it, as in see it-

There was no fraud of any account.

There were plenty of statements and affidavits that say otherwise, and no- the courts didn't give them all hearings.

If there was nothing to it, should those who signed the affidavits be held for Perjury? But so far, nothing on that.

Sure, lets charge them with perjury. Obviously many of them were outright lies. Odds are that none of the statements were actually legally binding.

You lost. Get over it. You could have accepted the loss and fought another day. That's not what happened. Now Trumpism is burning to the ground.
It was covered. All that was provided was stupid conspiracy theories. The courts had earlier begged Trump to provide evidence. He never did.
And you're regurgitating what you believe without looking at the evidence yourself, good job, Parrot- Polly wanna cracker?
It was covered. All that was provided was stupid conspiracy theories. The courts had earlier begged Trump to provide evidence. He never did.
And you're regurgitating what you believe without looking at the evidence yourself, good job, Parrot- Polly wanna cracker?

I've seen it. 300,000 more votes than voters. It never happened. Machines changing votes. It never happened.
I've seen it. 300,000 more votes than voters. It never happened. Machines changing votes. It never happened.
There is no way, anyone with a modicum of intellectual honesty could look at all the videos and come to the conclusion you're defending- but, I look at who I'm talking to and wonder why I'm even talking to it- you're a partisan hack in the same vein as PoliticalChic- SMH
I've seen it. 300,000 more votes than voters. It never happened. Machines changing votes. It never happened.
There is no way, anyone with a modicum of intellectual honesty could look at all the videos and come to the conclusion you're defending- but, I look at who I'm talking to and wonder why I'm even talking to it- you're a partisan hack in the same vein as PoliticalChic- SMH

Every single Trump appointed judge came to the same conclusion. Every single court came to the same conclusion. The only one that hasn't is the guy and his following that is now crashing and burning.

You should be pissed at Trump for failing you so bad with his court picks. That's why you elected him in the first place.
Washington hearings never accomplish anything. The "evidence" was brought to the courts. The courts said there is nothing there.
No....the courts never took the time to explore the evidence.
That is a fact.
Not one case was thrown out due to lack of evidence.

They all were. Made up evidence is not evidence.

Judges are not as ignorant as Trump supporters. Telling them to investigate why there were 300,000 more votes than voters is not something they are going to investigate because it never happened.
Just because you say so doesn't mean people who are deep into the investigation are lying.
You basically have decided that you're going to listen to people who have been caught cheating.....and are now trying to silence anyone who dares to say differently.
The folks you support are attempting to silence anyone who says they cheated.....and you don't care if they're guilty or not because it blows up your balloon.
Why are you people so afraid of a lengthy investigation into these claims?
I'll answer that for you....the Communist Democrats are guilty as Hell......and you're worried about any discovery in a genuine investigation.
Washington hearings never accomplish anything. The "evidence" was brought to the courts. The courts said there is nothing there.
No....the courts never took the time to explore the evidence.
That is a fact.
Not one case was thrown out due to lack of evidence.

They all were. Made up evidence is not evidence.

Judges are not as ignorant as Trump supporters. Telling them to investigate why there were 300,000 more votes than voters is not something they are going to investigate because it never happened.
Just because you say so doesn't mean people who are deep into the investigation are lying.

Of course not. The courts are saying it.

You basically have decided that you're going to listen to people who have been caught cheating.....and are now trying to silence anyone who dares to say differently.

How did the Trump justices cheat?

The folks you support are attempting to silence anyone who says they cheated.....and you don't care if they're guilty or not because it blows up your balloon.

Strike three. I do not support the Democrats. I didn't vote for Biden.

Why are you people so afraid of a lengthy investigation into these claims?

Investigate until your little heart is content.

I'll answer that for you....the Communist Democrats are guilty as Hell......and you're worried about any discovery in a genuine investigation.

How did they get the Trump justices onboard?
Washington hearings never accomplish anything. The "evidence" was brought to the courts. The courts said there is nothing there.
No....the courts never took the time to explore the evidence.
That is a fact.
Not one case was thrown out due to lack of evidence.

They all were. Made up evidence is not evidence.

Judges are not as ignorant as Trump supporters. Telling them to investigate why there were 300,000 more votes than voters is not something they are going to investigate because it never happened.
Just because you say so doesn't mean people who are deep into the investigation are lying.

Of course not. The courts are saying it.

You basically have decided that you're going to listen to people who have been caught cheating.....and are now trying to silence anyone who dares to say differently.

How did the Trump justices cheat?

The folks you support are attempting to silence anyone who says they cheated.....and you don't care if they're guilty or not because it blows up your balloon.

Strike three. I do not support the Democrats. I didn't vote for Biden.

Why are you people so afraid of a lengthy investigation into these claims?

Investigate until your little heart is content.

I'll answer that for you....the Communist Democrats are guilty as Hell......and you're worried about any discovery in a genuine investigation.

How did they get the Trump justices onboard? my signature.
Washington hearings never accomplish anything. The "evidence" was brought to the courts. The courts said there is nothing there.
No....the courts never took the time to explore the evidence.
That is a fact.
Not one case was thrown out due to lack of evidence.

They all were. Made up evidence is not evidence.

Judges are not as ignorant as Trump supporters. Telling them to investigate why there were 300,000 more votes than voters is not something they are going to investigate because it never happened.
Just because you say so doesn't mean people who are deep into the investigation are lying.

Of course not. The courts are saying it.

You basically have decided that you're going to listen to people who have been caught cheating.....and are now trying to silence anyone who dares to say differently.

How did the Trump justices cheat?

The folks you support are attempting to silence anyone who says they cheated.....and you don't care if they're guilty or not because it blows up your balloon.

Strike three. I do not support the Democrats. I didn't vote for Biden.

Why are you people so afraid of a lengthy investigation into these claims?

Investigate until your little heart is content.

I'll answer that for you....the Communist Democrats are guilty as Hell......and you're worried about any discovery in a genuine investigation.

How did they get the Trump justices onboard? my signature.

Right, just like Trump at the courts, no answers.
You're talking total and utter NONSENSE OP.

It has NOTHING to do w/"the Democrat's response", you people are just wrong.

It's been adjudicated, studied, counted, recounted, and counted again.

You people are just plain nuts (to put it nicely), there's no pleasing you.
To me, it was never about overturning the results of the election. There were too many borderline states involved in the election tampering controversy to realistically expect a reversal. That was poor judgement on Trump's part, and he fell victim to his own ego. The real problem is the Democrat response to the allegations. There has been a 100% total denial of any and all evidence of election tampering.

If we add up all of the sworn statements from election witnesses, video evidence, TV interviews of witnesses, expert review of voting system failures and the rest there are literally THOUSANDS of separate accounts of election wrong doing. When you summarily dismiss ALL OF IT as not real, or non-existent you have done something very dangerous. You are calling private citizens liars without giving them a chance to respond. You are calling experts putting their reputations on the line liars without giving them a chance to respond. You are eroding confidence in state level courts making 74 million Americans believe they are just another wing of the Democrat Party. And it re-emphasizes what we already know about our Media. They are hopelessly biased and utterly worthless.

There should be a bi-partisan effort to restore election integrity. As it stands now, nearly half of our country and much of the world question what used to be unquestionable: That the USA had the best and fairest election process in the world. We need to work hard to restore that and fix what went wrong to insure we never have a repeat of the 2020 election debacle.
The whole fiasco at the Capital could of been avoided if the Congress just would of held hearings about the voting irregularities and address them for the 2022 coming election, but nope, the progressives are nasty fucks, who feel that they are superior to US, so they just told US to go to hell. That was why there was a large peaceful protest that showed up at the Capital.

View attachment 441347
I can find thousands of statements on the internet about people who have seen bigfoot.

You can't fix what is not broken.

Moron, the people who exposed the voter fraud took oaths in sworn afidavits under penalty of perjury...real consequences for perjury....
I provided the same kind of evidence that was presented.
No, you didn't. It's very clear because even a blind person can see the fraud- if you haven't seen it, with the many articles and videos posted here, it's because you don't want to look at it, as in see it-

There was no fraud of any account.

There were plenty of statements and affidavits that say otherwise, and no- the courts didn't give them all hearings.

If there was nothing to it, should those who signed the affidavits be held for Perjury? But so far, nothing on that.
These shills like to pretend the courts wanted to hear the evidence and that trumps lawyers as well as whistleblowers never received death. Threats to their familys as did judges and there were no whistleblowers beaten up.comedy gold how they embarrass themselves. :abgg2q.jpg:
I can find thousands of statements on the internet about people who have seen bigfoot.

You can't fix what is not broken.

Moron, the people who exposed the voter fraud took oaths in sworn afidavits under penalty of perjury...real consequences for perjury....
The trump haters obviously smoke crack everyday because we repeat facts like that thousands of times a day and yet they seem to develop dementia which comes from the crack they some everyday.
I can find thousands of statements on the internet about people who have seen bigfoot.

You can't fix what is not broken.

Moron, the people who exposed the voter fraud took oaths in sworn afidavits under penalty of perjury...real consequences for perjury....

But when they got to a real court they had nothing.
Your warped drugged up mind says they had nothing g because roberts and the courts as he just took you to school on,would not hear the evidence so in your fucked up brain,that means they had shills love embarrassing yourselves with your lies. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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