Zone1 The Dark Secret of Jew Hatred: Pleasure.

There are bad folks in every race. That's why I don't worship races like you do. Just acknowledge that there are lots and lots of Jews who are hell-bent on destroying America (along with their white, black, Hispanic, and Asian Democrat/Marxist buddies).
you comment is kinda useless as is your idiot standard LIBEL---"I don't worship races LIKE YOU DO" ------shove it---MORON!!!!!
you comment is kinda useless as is your idiot standard LIBEL---"I don't worship races LIKE YOU DO" ------shove it---MORON!!!!!
Oops ... I forgot "Son of Sam" David Berkowitz:


Another "chosen one." LOL
I was making a joke on what I perceived to be your misspelling of Herr.
Don't believe for a second that you can school me on SPELLING
You've got some serious personal problems and they stem from that gigantic chip on your shoulder, plus your misinterpretation of the term "perception". You see even a kind & friendly heart (mine!) as an enemy out to get you.
Oops ... I forgot "Son of Sam" David Berkowitz:


Another "chosen one." LOL
OOPS I forgot---"Dr" joseph mengele----catholic IN GOOD
STANDING uhm "son of sam" was born to good catholic
parents----his mother gave him up for adoption
You've got some serious personal problems and they stem from that gigantic chip on your shoulder, plus your misinterpretation of the term "perception". You see even a kind & friendly heart (mine!) as an enemy out to get you.
oh----VERY WHITE and CHRISTIAN of you !!!!
I wouldn't be a fan George Soros, the Rothschild family, Justice Ruth Ginsberg, Justice Elena Kagan, Henry Kissinger, Mark Zuckerberg, Harvey Weinstein, Senator Chuck Schumer, Al Franken, Rep Jerry Nadler, Rep Jamie Raskin, Karl Marx, Anthony Weiner, (and many more) with or without the "Jewish State."
Except for one (Kissinger) all those are liberal Jews. The liberal Jews are the worst, and some of them are even marching alongside antisemites as they yell “Death to Jews!”

I myself, as a Jewish Republican, found it unfathomable in my regular synagogue, as the congregants were mostly Democrats and hostile to those who didn’t worship at the altar of liberalism. I joined a Chabad, where they are observant and Orthodox Jews, and it is mostly Republican. A much better “home” for me.
really? I have---I grew up in a very genteel somewhat rural town that
was very christian. Adolf was a catholic as were his best friends ---Josef
and Magda Goebbels
The Heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew.

- Adolf Hitler from Hitler's Table Talk, 1941 - 1944: His Private Conversations page 7

Joseph Goebbels was raised as a Roman Catholic, but he became an atheist.
The Heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity's illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew.

- Adolf Hitler from Hitler's Table Talk, 1941 - 1944: His Private Conversations page 7

Joseph Goebbels was raised as a Roman Catholic, but he became an atheist.
Hitler's Table Talk has been largely debunked.

"Hitler's Table Talk" is a worthless primary source. The renowned "Hitler expert" Lord Dacre, better known as Hugh Trevor-Roper, knowingly and willingly engaged in a massive cover-up regarding "Hitler's Table Talk".Had it not been for the outstanding research of historian Richard Carrier, we might still be in the dark about this, 64 years after "Table Talk's" first appearance in the English language.In this study, I will establish three things:1) that Hugh Trevor-Roper knowingly and willingly engaged in academic fraud for profit and prestige,2) that "Table Talk" is a worthless primary source, and3) that renowned Hitler "experts", both Revisionist and Mainstream, have failed the public as regards Hitler primary sources.

For those playing along at home, Trevor-Roper was also the guy who authenticated the "Hitler Diaries", which were later proven to be frauds.
You've got some serious personal problems and they stem from that gigantic chip on your shoulder, plus your misinterpretation of the term "perception". You see even a kind & friendly heart (mine!) as an enemy out to get you.
oh----VERY WHITE and CHRISTIAN of you !!!!
You definitely need help with that chip on your shoulder and I think you should wait until help arrives before you try to interact with me. Ta-ta!
Your mirror must be broken. :oops:

A pitiful statement by a pitiful person. You are dodging the issue by denying your crime. I'm sure that you are feeling the pain that my eyes are inflicting but the worst pain you are experiencing is from your own conscience. :eusa_shifty:
so meanwhile, I still pointed out your error and you have yet to defend your position. Keep pumping up your own ego. Your wrong statement is still wrong.
so meanwhile, I still pointed out your error and you have yet to defend your position. Keep pumping up your own ego. Your wrong statement is still wrong.
You should be ashamed of yourself and I am sure most Jews are embarrassed that you use the kippah as your avatar while you spew your nonsense. You are giving Jews a bad name. :26:
Hitler's Table Talk has been largely debunked.

"Hitler's Table Talk" is a worthless primary source. The renowned "Hitler expert" Lord Dacre, better known as Hugh Trevor-Roper, knowingly and willingly engaged in a massive cover-up regarding "Hitler's Table Talk".Had it not been for the outstanding research of historian Richard Carrier, we might still be in the dark about this, 64 years after "Table Talk's" first appearance in the English language.In this study, I will establish three things:1) that Hugh Trevor-Roper knowingly and willingly engaged in academic fraud for profit and prestige,2) that "Table Talk" is a worthless primary source, and3) that renowned Hitler "experts", both Revisionist and Mainstream, have failed the public as regards Hitler primary sources.

For those playing along at home, Trevor-Roper was also the guy who authenticated the "Hitler Diaries", which were later proven to be frauds.
Just because you find something you like on the internet does not mean that it is true.


Albert Speer, who was the Minister of Armaments for Germany, confirmed the authenticity of Picker's German edition in his Spandau diaries. Speer stated that Hitler often spoke at length about his favorite subjects while dinner guests were reduced to silent listeners. In the presence of his "superiors by birth and education" Hitler made a sincere effort to "present his thoughts in as impressive manner as possible". Speer noted that "we must remember that this collection includes only those passages in Hitler's monologues—they took up one to two hours every day—which struck Picker as significant. Complete transcripts would reinforce the sense of stifling boredom".

You should be ashamed of yourself and I am sure most Jews are embarrassed that you use the kippah as your avatar while you spew your nonsense. You are giving Jews a bad name. :26:
Just because you don't understand something doesn't make it nonsense. You have made statements that are in error. When called on it, you run to insults because you cannot defend what you actually wrote.
Just because you find something you like on the internet does not mean that it is true.

Funny, that seems to be your modus opporendi,

Albert Speer, who was the Minister of Armaments for Germany, confirmed the authenticity of Picker's German edition in his Spandau diaries.

So now you are listing war criminals as a source. Speer was one of those people who tried to pass himself off as a "Good German" after the war, only to have it discovered his complicity in crimes against humanity was far worse.

Speer was a master of self-serving statements, like when he claimed he plotted to Kill Hitler to save Germany.
Funny, that seems to be your modus opporendi,

So now you are listing war criminals as a source. Speer was one of those people who tried to pass himself off as a "Good German" after the war, only to have it discovered his complicity in crimes against humanity was far worse.

Speer was a master of self-serving statements, like when he claimed he plotted to Kill Hitler to save Germany.

You claim that every assertion you do not want to believe has been "debunked."

My copy of Hitler's Table Talk has a Copyright of 2000. It gives the best record of what Hitler really thought. The book is full of expressions of Hitler's hatred of Christianity. You would agree with much that Hitler said about Christianity, just as you would agree with much that he said about the Jews.
You should be ashamed of yourself and I am sure most Jews are embarrassed that you use the kippah as your avatar while you spew your nonsense. You are giving Jews a bad name. :26:
Just because you don't understand something doesn't make it nonsense. You have made statements that are in error. When called on it, you run to insults because you cannot defend what you actually wrote.
You are talking nonsense. Look, let's get straight to the kosher meat of the matter. You are taking a non-issue and arguing about it. If you took the time to read what I actually wrote you could have saved yourself all of your embarrassment. But no, you just had to walk in side-ways (that chip on your shoulder makes walking straight in impossible) into a dialog I was having with someone else. You are a discredit to all women and Jews. Now, stop trying to get my attention, you silly girl, and go away to amuse yourself by playing with a dreidel or spinning around on a swivel chair the rest of the day. :spinner:
You claim that every assertion you do not want to believe has been "debunked."

Well, yes, when you guys trot out crank theories and questionable sources, their debunking needs to be pointed out. Table Talk probably has some legitimate stuff Hitler said in it, but also a lot of bunk that was passed off by people trying to absolve themselves of blame, such as the Churches, the capitalists, and others.

My copy of Hitler's Table Talk has a Copyright of 2000. It gives the best record of what Hitler really thought. The book is full of expressions of Hitler's hatred of Christianity. You would agree with much that Hitler said about Christianity, just as you would agree with much that he said about the Jews.

Well, no, not really. His argument against the Jews was that they were racially inferior, which I don't believe. I believe they have a messed up religion that gives them a sense of entitlement that wears really thin on people.

Hitler invoked Christianity at every turn. The leaders of the Catholic and Protestant Churches embraced him because he was better than that Godless Commie, Stalin.
You are talking nonsense. Look, let's get straight to the kosher meat of the matter. You are taking a non-issue and arguing about it. If you took the time to read what I actually wrote you could have saved yourself all of your embarrassment. But no, you just had to walk in side-ways (that chip on your shoulder makes walking straight in impossible) into a dialog I was having with someone else. You are a discredit to all women and Jews. Now, stop trying to get my attention, you silly girl, and go away to amuse yourself by playing with a dreidel or spinning around on a swivel chair the rest of the day. :spinner:
You can't get over the fact that you made a stupid mistake which shows your ignorance and I called you on it. The fact that you don't know what you are talking about then taints everything you say, and everyone here can see it, plain as day. The fact that you are wrong about other things is just icing on the hilarious cake. Keep spewing mistakes -- it is fun to watch!
You can't get over the fact that you made a stupid mistake which shows your ignorance and I called you on it. The fact that you don't know what you are talking about then taints everything you say, and everyone here can see it, plain as day. The fact that you are wrong about other things is just icing on the hilarious cake. Keep spewing mistakes -- it is fun to watch!
I believe you are talking to a non-American, and I know for certain you are talking to an antisemite.
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