Zone1 The Dark Secret of Jew Hatred: Pleasure.

Hatred of Jews is found on both political extremes. Currently more of it seems to be on the left.
hatred of Jews by an extremely large percentage of the world's population
is no mystery. An extremely large proportion of the World's population consists of christians and muslims. Both christianity and islam hold that their
scriptural writings---to wit, the "new testament" and the "koran" are absolute
truths and both advocate deadly hatred of Jews. In the US--the people are MOSTLY christians and muslims combined
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hatred of Jews by an extremely large percentage of the world's population
is no mystery. An extremely large proportion of the World's population consists of christians and muslims. Both christianity and islam hold that their
scriptural writings---to wit, the "new testament" and the "koran" are absolute
truths and both advocate deadly hatred of Jews. In the US--the people are MOSTLY christians and muslims combined
I have never known a Christian who hated Jews.
I have never known a Christian who hated Jews.
really? I have---I grew up in a very genteel somewhat rural town that
was very christian. Adolf was a catholic as were his best friends ---Josef
and Magda Goebbels Adolf Eichmann was Protestant.
I was four--then five and in Kindergarten---somehow the local
girls KNEW ---without having met me----
that it was a good idea to throw rocks at me and yell about how I had
"killed Jesus" LISTEN TO WHAT THE CHILDREN SAY. I learned lots about
Islam when I encountered a muslim kid---Pakistani background. We were
14. ---nice kid ---he told me about the FACT that "jews have no business
in Jerusalem---"it is MUSLIM LAND" I was a reticent, quiet kid and got
"invited" ---church, sunday school ---and later in young adulthood to
mosques and even to the local RESTRICTED --"country club" I also read
scriptural writings----bible, koran, hindu stuff like the Bhagavad Gita, etc
christians and muslims cannot AVOID being inculcated with hatred towards
jews-----WASPS and various others---like the Eastern Orthodox----also
hate "blacks", to wit, "colored people" In my town---Protestant hatred of
Catholics was also a "thing". "catholics pray to Mary" was a playground
taunt. The declaration of Pope John XXIII --something like "jews of today
are not guilty of killing Jesus' (sic) actually became a point of contention
between catholics and protestants----on the playground. Listen to what
the children say
The fury has reached such a frenzy that I’ve been wondering if there’s a deeper motivation at work.

Given that bashing the Jewish state is a lot more acceptable than bashing Jews, Israel provides the ideal instrument to camouflage Jew hatred and maintain a semblance of moral purity.

It’s not hard to imagine, then, a certain pleasure in the hearts of Jew-hating protesters. They may be enraged, but they hardly look sad. Indeed, there’s a kind of thrill in the air that goes beyond the search for justice; a sense of exhilaration, even glee, in joining a mob to go after the world’s most maligned country; a smug contentment that you can put the blame for some much evil on one group.

But if Jew hatred feels so good to haters, what does that mean for our goal to end Jew hatred? For starters, it means being realistic. Pleasure is a tough nut to crack. The usual tactics of education and condemnation can’t compete with visceral satisfaction.

I wouldn't be a fan George Soros, the Rothschild family, Justice Ruth Ginsberg, Justice Elena Kagan, Henry Kissinger, Mark Zuckerberg, Harvey Weinstein, Senator Chuck Schumer, Al Franken, Rep Jerry Nadler, Rep Jamie Raskin, Karl Marx, Anthony Weiner, (and many more) with or without the "Jewish State."
I wouldn't be a fan George Soros, the Rothschild family, Justice Ruth Ginsberg, Justice Elena Kagan, Henry Kissinger, Mark Zuckerberg, Harvey Weinstein, Senator Chuck Schumer, Al Franken, Rep Jerry Nadler, Rep Jamie Raskin, Karl Marx, Anthony Weiner, (and many more) with or without the "Jewish State."
the list of christian nazi pigs, rapist dogs, and mass murderers is FAR LONGER
I wouldn't be a fan George Soros, the Rothschild family, Justice Ruth Ginsberg, Justice Elena Kagan, Henry Kissinger, Mark Zuckerberg, Harvey Weinstein, Senator Chuck Schumer, Al Franken, Rep Jerry Nadler, Rep Jamie Raskin, Karl Marx, Anthony Weiner, (and many more) with or without the "Jewish State."

I don’t think about Joo things like that.
What list is that?

Sounds like I may have insulted some of your favorite Marxists.
you don't know? Where to start? How about Pig Pope Gregory and his
Inquisition----or the dog that set organized mass filth "SAINT" Constantine---or their famous heir ADOLF HITLER. Sounds like you are a jelly bean school valedictorian.
... somehow the local girls KNEW ---without having met me----
that it was a good idea to throw rocks at me and yell about how I had "killed Jesus" .....
So what? Children who wore glasses, had red hair, were fat, were short, had freckles, came from the other side of the tracks, said a prayer before meals in the cafeteria, got straight "A"s, couldn't keep their shoelaces tied ..... they were all harassed or given the cold shoulder. And by the way, the Jews didn't kill Jesus so maybe someday everyone else will throw stones at them for being so stupid.
So what? Children who wore glasses, had red hair, were fat, were short, had freckles, came from the other side of the tracks, said a prayer before meals in the cafeteria, got straight "A"s, couldn't keep their shoelaces tied ..... they were all harassed or given the cold shoulder. And by the way, the Jews didn't kill Jesus so maybe someday everyone else will throw stones at them for being so stupid.
So what? the fact that five year old kids "KNEW ME TO BE A JEW"--which
was something I barely knew----and the fact that as a group they "knew"
that "jews killed Jesus" ----and they used VIOLENCE (I have never thrown a rock at a living creature---nice girls don't) is a matter of that which they were TAUGHT IN THE FILTH OF THEIR "culture and religion" They were not BORN that way.
So what? Children who wore glasses, had red hair, were fat, were short, had freckles, came from the other side of the tracks, said a prayer before meals in the cafeteria, got straight "A"s, couldn't keep their shoelaces tied ..... they were all harassed or given the cold shoulder. And by the way, the Jews didn't kill Jesus so maybe someday everyone else will throw stones at them for being so stupid.
I don't mean "So what?" as if it doesn't matter. Of course, it matters. But you're not special. You have to take the lumps just like everyone else. You may think Jews should get the red carpet over everyone else but you're wrong.
I don't mean "So what?" as if it doesn't matter. Of course, it matters. But you're not special. You have to take the lumps just like everyone else. You may think Jews should get the red carpet over everyone else but you're wrong.
you are missing lots-----Listen to what the children say---it is a clue to the
mindset of their parents and their CULTURE. More on my Wasp childhood
town-----"HELL" or "DAMNIT" were "dirty words" ----but "******" was
commonly used without reproach (except by my mother---but that gave
her a bad rep with the other genteel moms)
you don't know? Where to start? How about Pig Pope Gregory and his
Inquisition----or the dog that set organized mass filth "SAINT" Constantine---or their famous heir ADOLF HITLER. Sounds like you are a jelly bean school valedictorian.
There are bad folks in every race. That's why I don't worship races like you do. Just acknowledge that there are lots and lots of Jews who are hell-bent on destroying America (along with their white, black, Hispanic, and Asian Democrat/Marxist buddies).

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