Zone1 The Dark Secret of Jew Hatred: Pleasure.

Your main problem is context and English comprehension. I know a lot about Judaism but it hardly matters because the bone of contention has nothing to do with Judaism. Now, if your understanding of context and English comprehension were better you wouldn't have voluntarily stepped into this quagmire you find yourself in. "Luck"? You're going to need lots of it to get yourself out of this one. Just between the two of us :eusa_shhh: I don't think you are going to succeed.
So you can't reply to what I wrote. Shocking. Maybe take a breath, realize you are outclassed and stop digging yourself in even deeper.
So you can't reply to what I wrote.
Your mirror must be broken. :oops:
Shocking. Maybe take a breath, realize you are outclassed and stop digging yourself in even deeper.
A pitiful statement by a pitiful person. You are dodging the issue by denying your crime. I'm sure that you are feeling the pain that my eyes are inflicting but the worst pain you are experiencing is from your own conscience. :eusa_shifty:
the deep dark secret is the BLOOD LIBEL----starting with the idiot jellybean
LIBEL regarding who killed the innocent PHARISEE son of the carpenter and
Blaming the Jews for killing Jesus is the dumbed-down Christian way of slandering everyone else but themselves. I have tried to have this discussion with Christians whose only motivation is, "He washed his hands! He washed his hands!" What idiots. :cuckoo:
Blaming the Jews for killing Jesus is the dumbed-down Christian way of slandering everyone else but themselves. I have tried to have this discussion with Christians whose only motivation is, "He washed his hands! He washed his hands!" What idiots. :cuckoo:
Believe it or not-----don't quote me, I am not sure---some sect of the Eastern Orthodox church considers Pontius Pilate---crucifier of at least
hundreds if not THOUSANDS to be a "saint" for "washing his hands" and
somehow being SO SORRY about this ONE he murdered....... never mind the
rest. I find that hand washing idiot story interesting in view of Jesus refusing
to wash his hands during lunch---not just silly ---just interesting in that
incessant handwashing by jews actually IRRITATED ROMANS
The question was asked: "Is Israel beyond criticism"

no----neither is Jesus or Muhummad
It depends upon who you ask:

* The Moslem will flatly say, "Yes! Mohmmad is correct in every crossed "t" and dotted "i"!

* The Christian will scour the Bible looking for an explanation why Jesus is beyond criticism and then return a week later (empty-handed) saying, Yes!" without any explanation at all.

* The Jew (never mind the incorrect question of Israel) will let the Talmud speak for any inaccuracies in Jewish beliefs and assumptions.
The question was asked: "Is Israel beyond criticism"

It depends upon who you ask:

* The Moslem will flatly say, "Yes! Mohmmad is correct in every crossed "t" and dotted "i"!

* The Christian will scour the Bible looking for an explanation why Jesus is beyond criticism and then return a week later (empty-handed) saying, Yes!" without any explanation at all.

* The Jew (never mind the incorrect question of Israel) will let the Talmud speak for any inaccuracies in Jewish beliefs and assumptions.
true----But I will FIX my statement by stating 'MOSES IS NOT ABOVE
Believe it or not-----don't quote me, I am not sure---some sect of the Eastern Orthodox church considers Pontius Pilate---crucifier of at least hundreds if not THOUSANDS to be a "saint" for "washing his hands"
I will assume it also applies to the Third Reich Catholics and whatever those Yugo ethnic cleansers call themselves.

In any case, Jesus was not a very good or pious Jew so why should Pontius Pilate exonerate him in full view of the Romans?
I find that hand washing idiot story interesting in view of Jesus refusing to wash his hands during lunch---not just silly ---just interesting in that incessant handwashing by jews actually IRRITATED ROMANS
Well, it was, after all, the middle easterners who taught Europeans the worth of cleanliness but it took some time.
The question was asked: "Is Israel beyond criticism"


* The Jew (never mind the incorrect question of Israel) will let the Talmud speak for any inaccuracies in Jewish beliefs and assumptions.

true----But I will FIX my statement by stating 'MOSES IS NOT ABOVE
I think MarcATL was hoping for a more official answer to his question, not your personal opinion ..... but your reply is now written down and noted.
I will assume it also applies to the Third Reich Catholics and whatever those Yugo ethnic cleansers call themselves.

In any case, Jesus was not a very good or pious Jew so why should Pontius Pilate exonerate him in full view of the Romans?

Well, it was, after all, the middle easterners who taught Europeans the worth of cleanliness but it took some time.
I have no idea re: the piety of Jesus. It's clear to me that he was a Pharisee---
the type of person Pilate lived to NAIL UP--- I do not believe (personally---
at the risk of inducing hysteria) that silly lack of handwashing at lunch story
I think MarcATL was hoping for a more official answer to his question, not your personal opinion ..... but your reply is now written down and noted.
it is actually official----not that I seek official answers----remember? moses
I have no idea re: the piety of Jesus. ....
True that most of what he was supposed to have said was not more than repeating rabbinic leaders before him, such as "Do unto others, etc." and although Christians give him credit for it .... it just isn't true. So, no fault on his part. But then there is the "I am the Lord, thy G_d." business. Well! That should give you some idea of his "piety" as you call it. If even a fraction of what Christians say about him is true then Jesus was a bad Jew so ... why not wash your hands of him?
True that most of what he was supposed to have said was not more than repeating rabbinic leaders before him, such as "Do unto others, etc." and although Christians give him credit for it .... it just isn't true. So, no fault on his part. But then there is the "I am the Lord, thy G_d." business. Well! That should give you some idea of his "piety" as you call it. If even a fraction of what Christians say about him is true then Jesus was a bad Jew so ... why not wash your hands of him?

All of that sageness is in The Torah.
True that most of what he was supposed to have said was not more than repeating rabbinic leaders before him, such as "Do unto others, etc." and although Christians give him credit for it .... it just isn't true. So, no fault on his part. But then there is the "I am the Lord, thy G_d." business. Well! That should give you some idea of his "piety" as you call it. If even a fraction of what Christians say about him is true then Jesus was a bad Jew so ... why not wash your hands of him?
He did a very pious Pharisee Jew act in attacking the money changers in
the Temple Courtyard. (uhm.... he also donated wine to a wedding party)
I think MarcATL was hoping for a more official answer to his question, not your personal opinion ..... but your reply is now written down and noted.
it is actually official ....
I know that. I am the one who brought the weight of the Talmud into the dialogue, remember? It's just that you are only now saying "it's official" when you should have told MarcATL that immediately. I got involved just because he's been absent.

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