The Death Throes of Democracy

Any Liberals care to argue that the Founders presented us with a Fascist nation?
As I said....when FDR looked around for economic policies to follow, where did Roosevelt turn? Mussolini. Fascism.

See where I'm going with the title " The Death Throes of Democracy"?

A bit more proof? Sure.

5. Roosevelt and his New Deal bureaucrats studied Mussolini’s corporatism closely. From “Fortune” magazine: ‘The Corporate state is to Mussolini what the New Deal is to Roosevelt.’(July 1934)

"Rex Tugwell, FDR's economic adviser, was opposed to any private business not controlled by the government. General Hugh Johnson was working with Tugwell on a bill to create the NRA, and gave Perkins (Sec'y of Labor) the book by Rafaello Viglione, "The Corporate State," in which the neat Italian system of dictatorship for the benefit of the people was glowingly described."
Francis Perkins, "The Roosevelt I Knew."
(Better look up who Francis Perkins was, Libs....)

The NRA was copied from Mussolini's corporative system."

a. Perkins questioned whether Johnson 'really understood the democratic process..." New Dealers had no problem with the fascist nature of their plans.

b. "Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.48

6. People were beginning to recognize the fascist nature of the National Recovery Administration(NRA), code when they saw "... the jailing of a New Jersey tailor named Jack Magid, whose crime was pressing a suit for thirty-five cents when the code fixed the price at forty cents."

The Supreme Court, May 27, 1935, declared the NRA unconstitutional. (The court ruled that Congress had delegated the law-making authority to the President and the NRA.

The Supreme Court gave up its independenence shortly thereafter.

nothing like a far right wing writer telling us about FDR

1. There is no "far right" in this country....only a 'Far Left.'

2. I'm not 'telling you about FDR'....I'm teaching you.
The proof of same is that none of you brain-dead drones has found even one thing I've posted about him that is untrue nor inaccurate.


you teaching
how about writing your own version of history by the use of some right wing nut job like you ..

teaching ??? YOU ???

TOOOOOOOOOOO FUNNY seem to have missed this challenge....

2. I'm not 'telling you about FDR'....I'm teaching you.
The proof of same is that none of you brain-dead drones has found even one thing I've posted about him that is untrue nor inaccurate.

If you ignore it again, you will be documenting your own stupidity....

Classified documents? I think you're confusing me with someone
did you accuse hillary of violating the classified and top secret laws ??? the law where you claim by having a private server violated that law ??? where not only did you quoted the law but you posted it here on some of the threads ??/ if you didn't then I stand in error

No, I didn't. You may remember me from a discussion on that, but I never said what specific law she violated so you're definitely confusing me with someone. I argued that anyone who works with or for government knows about the extensive requirements on government for record keeping due to laws like the freedom of information act

1) It's not possible the Secretary of State didn't know that

2) Everyone in her office would know that, obviously she kept it secret. Why would she say nothing if she didn't know it was wrong?

3) The people who set it up knew it was wrong or they would have asked her to connect them with the State Department IT as that would be a lot easier to work with them to set something like that up

But I didn't argue the specific laws or any specific laws. If you knew what you were talking about you would just look at the list above and say yeah, clearly
I have debate this so many times some time one gets confused on who said what and when ... but i do remember you saying this very same thing ...I said to you that the freedom and information act only affects government documents, not private documents ... according to Hillary at that time her emails on her private server were considered private and not government documents ... then I also pointed out that there wasn't any firm law that said you can't have a private server... that law was changed in 2014 ... but you kept holding to this notion that some of her emails were classified ... I pointed out to you, at the time, accordimng to the FBI and not FOX news, that they haven't found any classified or top secret emails on her server at that time .... and they still haven't ... but you still insisted she was a criminal that she violated a law ... at that time I ask for this law you speak of and I believe you posted it... then I pointed out where you were wrong

I never argued the point about the "classified" documents, I said you can't do what she did, period. That documents conducting any business (classified or not) for her job are "private" is categorically ridiculous. That is the point I argued.

All your arguments over "classified documents" were with other people. That point is irrelevant, she can't do it, period. She knows that, the people in her office know that, and her IT people setting it up knew that. If she really had been innocent, she wouldn't have hidden it. Apparently the FBI knows that too. It's just you who don't.

I spent my career in commercial consulting, but I did do two government projects. One was for DARPA. The actual inventor of the Internet, sorry Al Gore. One of the projects I led for them was setting up procedures for keeping documents for the freedom of information act. As a research organization, those processes were to be rolled out across the government. They were setting up to keep freaking everything. That was in the mid 90s in the middle of Slick's Presidency.
there isn't any law that says she can't ... thats the whole point here ... you missed it then and you keep missing it now ... thats why she took the rout she did ... you keep saying she can't have a private server for her private emails and thats not true ... there isn't any government laws at that time that says she can't .. you told me about your so-called job then and at that time I stated to you, where dose it says in the law that you can't have a private server for your private emails ... you couldn't come up with any law that said that ... you trying to buffalo us with your so-caled knowledge of a law that does't exist at that time ... so stop your bull shit there was a law against it then an because it became a issue with republicans it got changed ...

Got it, I guess that's why the FBI is at the last step of recommending an indictment and interviewing her and her top cronies. They always investigate people who didn't violate any laws.

Look man, what you're saying is crap. She knew she couldn't do that. I'm an IT guy, but setting up an entire server is not an easy thing. Yet she never mentioned it to people in her office who would have told her whoa, hold on there and she never involved her IT department in setting it up. If she actually believed she could do it, she would have asked for help for her people setting it up. She's a Clinton, she's above the law, that's why she did it. Oops, maybe she's not. I guess we're about to find out when the FBI recommends and indictment
So, you are ready to give the land back to the natives?

I'm all for it. After all, I am a full blood Seminole. We never polluted the land.
You have never taken a crap?

No problem there is it? That fertilizes the soil.

He likes to say things that he thinks are clever but are actually just inane
Guffaw!!! Far left? There is no far left in America. There is no far right. No one is sophisticated enough for either direction. Would that there were! Then, the real contrasts might be obvious even to the blissfully naîve Americans.

There is no "far right" in this country.
To be 'far,' it must be at a distance to the center: American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

There are so very many ways to prove same.....

Let's take as an example, traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman, and compare that with homosexual marriage..
....which is the radical position?
Hence, Far Left.

Need convincing? Well, a common social reference is 'the nuclear family.' It has always menant:
" a family group that consists only of father, mother, and children" Definition of NUCLEAR FAMILY

How about 'traditional family'?
"A traditional family is a family structure that consists of a man, woman and one or more of their biological or adopted children. In most traditional families, the man and woman are husband and wife."Traditional Family: Definition & Concept | far as the concept of marriage and family, where do we find the radical position?
The Left.
Hence, 'Far Left.'
So far, far from the center, that they cannot point to a single philosopher, sage, or religious leader throughout history who has endorsed homosexual marriage.

If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.
Any Liberals care to argue that the Founders presented us with a Fascist nation?
As I said....when FDR looked around for economic policies to follow, where did Roosevelt turn? Mussolini. Fascism.

See where I'm going with the title " The Death Throes of Democracy"?

A bit more proof? Sure.

5. Roosevelt and his New Deal bureaucrats studied Mussolini’s corporatism closely. From “Fortune” magazine: ‘The Corporate state is to Mussolini what the New Deal is to Roosevelt.’(July 1934)

"Rex Tugwell, FDR's economic adviser, was opposed to any private business not controlled by the government. General Hugh Johnson was working with Tugwell on a bill to create the NRA, and gave Perkins (Sec'y of Labor) the book by Rafaello Viglione, "The Corporate State," in which the neat Italian system of dictatorship for the benefit of the people was glowingly described."
Francis Perkins, "The Roosevelt I Knew."
(Better look up who Francis Perkins was, Libs....)

The NRA was copied from Mussolini's corporative system."

a. Perkins questioned whether Johnson 'really understood the democratic process..." New Dealers had no problem with the fascist nature of their plans.

b. "Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.48

6. People were beginning to recognize the fascist nature of the National Recovery Administration(NRA), code when they saw "... the jailing of a New Jersey tailor named Jack Magid, whose crime was pressing a suit for thirty-five cents when the code fixed the price at forty cents."

The Supreme Court, May 27, 1935, declared the NRA unconstitutional. (The court ruled that Congress had delegated the law-making authority to the President and the NRA.

The Supreme Court gave up its independenence shortly thereafter.

nothing like a far right wing writer telling us about FDR

1. There is no "far right" in this country....only a 'Far Left.'

2. I'm not 'telling you about FDR'....I'm teaching you.
The proof of same is that none of you brain-dead drones has found even one thing I've posted about him that is untrue nor inaccurate.


come back when you really know what a liberal/Dem is... not some writes opinion on what a liberal/dem is


Look who's running off and hiding!

See ya'...
Classified documents? I think you're confusing me with someone
did you accuse hillary of violating the classified and top secret laws ??? the law where you claim by having a private server violated that law ??? where not only did you quoted the law but you posted it here on some of the threads ??/ if you didn't then I stand in error

No, I didn't. You may remember me from a discussion on that, but I never said what specific law she violated so you're definitely confusing me with someone. I argued that anyone who works with or for government knows about the extensive requirements on government for record keeping due to laws like the freedom of information act

1) It's not possible the Secretary of State didn't know that

2) Everyone in her office would know that, obviously she kept it secret. Why would she say nothing if she didn't know it was wrong?

3) The people who set it up knew it was wrong or they would have asked her to connect them with the State Department IT as that would be a lot easier to work with them to set something like that up

But I didn't argue the specific laws or any specific laws. If you knew what you were talking about you would just look at the list above and say yeah, clearly
I have debate this so many times some time one gets confused on who said what and when ... but i do remember you saying this very same thing ...I said to you that the freedom and information act only affects government documents, not private documents ... according to Hillary at that time her emails on her private server were considered private and not government documents ... then I also pointed out that there wasn't any firm law that said you can't have a private server... that law was changed in 2014 ... but you kept holding to this notion that some of her emails were classified ... I pointed out to you, at the time, accordimng to the FBI and not FOX news, that they haven't found any classified or top secret emails on her server at that time .... and they still haven't ... but you still insisted she was a criminal that she violated a law ... at that time I ask for this law you speak of and I believe you posted it... then I pointed out where you were wrong

I never argued the point about the "classified" documents, I said you can't do what she did, period. That documents conducting any business (classified or not) for her job are "private" is categorically ridiculous. That is the point I argued.

All your arguments over "classified documents" were with other people. That point is irrelevant, she can't do it, period. She knows that, the people in her office know that, and her IT people setting it up knew that. If she really had been innocent, she wouldn't have hidden it. Apparently the FBI knows that too. It's just you who don't.

I spent my career in commercial consulting, but I did do two government projects. One was for DARPA. The actual inventor of the Internet, sorry Al Gore. One of the projects I led for them was setting up procedures for keeping documents for the freedom of information act. As a research organization, those processes were to be rolled out across the government. They were setting up to keep freaking everything. That was in the mid 90s in the middle of Slick's Presidency.
there isn't any law that says she can't ... thats the whole point here ... you missed it then and you keep missing it now ... thats why she took the rout she did ... you keep saying she can't have a private server for her private emails and thats not true ... there isn't any government laws at that time that says she can't .. you told me about your so-called job then and at that time I stated to you, where dose it says in the law that you can't have a private server for your private emails ... you couldn't come up with any law that said that ... you trying to buffalo us with your so-caled knowledge of a law that does't exist at that time ... so stop your bull shit there was a law against it then an because it became a issue with republicans it got changed ...

"FOIA applies to official information held in private email accounts (and other media formats) when held on behalf of the public authority.

No one sensible who knows anything about FOIA is likely to disagree with this."

Hey Billy, the last sentence was about you ...

When ARE emails subject to FOIA?

Sure, private e-mails in a private account are not. Interestingly, private e-mails in their actual official e-mail accounts are also not subject to the FOIA. But all e-mails where they are doing business are regardless of where they are held.

FOIA record keeping is extensive, that's why you can't set up a private server. Whether or not the law is written that way, you can't do that and comply with record keeping regulations without violating other laws
7. The Supreme Court, on May 27, 1935, declared the NRA unconstitutional. (The court ruled that Congress had delegated the law-making authority to the President and the NRA.
And that, my friends, was the impetus for the title, "The Death Throes of Democracy."

Because petty dictator Roosevelt wouldn't take no for an answer. He beat the Supreme Court until it hollered 'You are greater than the Constitution!"

".... the Supreme Court outlawed the NRA in 1935 and the AAA in 1936, earning Roosevelt’s eternal wrath and derision. Recognizing much of what Roosevelt did as unconstitutional, the “nine old men” of the Court also threw out other, more minor acts and programs which hindered recovery.

Freed from the worst of the New Deal, the economy showed some signs of life. Unemployment dropped to 18 percent in 1935, 14 percent in 1936, and even lower in 1937.

But by 1938, it was back up to nearly 20 percent as the economy slumped again. The stock market crashed nearly 50 percent between August 1937 and March 1938. The “economic stimulus” of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal had achieved a real “first”: a depression within a depression!" Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

A reminder of what could/should have happened.....if Roosevelt actually wanted to end the recession/depression?

With Republican Harding’s tax cuts, spending cuts and relatively non-interventionist economic policy, the gross national product rebounded to $74.1 billion in 1922. The number of unemployed fell to 2.8 million – a reported 6.7% of the labor force – in 1922. So, just a year and a half after Harding became president, the Roaring 20s were underway! The unemployment rate continued to decline, reaching a low of 1.8% in 1926 – an extraordinary feat. Since then, the unemployment rate has been lower only once in wartime (1944), and never in peacetime.

"The seven years from the autumn of 1922 to the autumn of 1929," wrote Vedder and Gallaway, "were arguably the brightest period in the economic history of the United States."
Even if a distance from center was shown in the example, the direction was not. The center itself is merely a claim, as well. You are, thus, entirely correct by your entirely personal criteria.
Even if a distance from center was shown in the example, the direction was not. The center itself is merely a claim, as well. You are, thus, entirely correct by your entirely personal criteria.

"You are, thus, entirely correct by your entirely personal criteria."


A Left-handed compliment!
"....entirely personal criteria."
My view is entirely based on logic and the English language.

As is always important when dealing with Leftists, Liberals.....let's define terms.
The terms far right and far left are relative to some understood center.

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.
American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

The premise
here is that, if I can show that the values called 'Far Right' are actually at the center ofAmerican traditions, values, and history represent that center, well then, they cannot be correctly awarded the modifier "Far."

"Radical" is important to the discussion. It means
"especially of change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough" (see Google.)

Another of those positions under regular discussion is 'prayer.'
"WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Monday narrowly upheld the centuries-old tradition of offering prayers to open government meetings, even if the prayers are overwhelmingly Christian and citizens are encouraged to participate.

The 5-4 ruling, supported by the court's conservative justices and opposed by its liberals, was based in large part on the history of legislative prayer dating back to theFramers of the Constitution." Supreme Court upholds prayer at government meetings

See this? "... legislative prayer dating back to the Framers of the Constitution."
Clearly this is at the center of American tradition.

Nor is it based on "....entirely personal criteria."

But... "Lawless Judges Have Created an America Where Praying Gets a Man Suspended from His Job
Yesterday, Joe Kennedy, an assistant high-school–football coach in Bremerton, Wash., was suspended. His offense? Kneeling for a short on-field prayer after football games. According to multiple news reports, for the last several years Kennedy has waited until each game ends and the players leave the field before walking to the 50-yard line and offering a quiet prayer for his students. He never asks anyone to join him, nor does he stop anyone who wants to do so."
Lawless Judges Have Created an America Where Praying Gets a Man Suspended from His Job far as the concept of prayer in the public arena, where do we find the radical position?
Not on the Right.
Hence, far left.

If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

7. The Supreme Court, on May 27, 1935, declared the NRA unconstitutional. (The court ruled that Congress had delegated the law-making authority to the President and the NRA.
And that, my friends, was the impetus for the title, "The Death Throes of Democracy."

Because petty dictator Roosevelt wouldn't take no for an answer. He beat the Supreme Court until it hollered 'You are greater than the Constitution!"

".... the Supreme Court outlawed the NRA in 1935 and the AAA in 1936, earning Roosevelt’s eternal wrath and derision. Recognizing much of what Roosevelt did as unconstitutional, the “nine old men” of the Court also threw out other, more minor acts and programs which hindered recovery.

Freed from the worst of the New Deal, the economy showed some signs of life. Unemployment dropped to 18 percent in 1935, 14 percent in 1936, and even lower in 1937.

But by 1938, it was back up to nearly 20 percent as the economy slumped again. The stock market crashed nearly 50 percent between August 1937 and March 1938. The “economic stimulus” of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal had achieved a real “first”: a depression within a depression!" Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

A reminder of what could/should have happened.....if Roosevelt actually wanted to end the recession/depression?

With Republican Harding’s tax cuts, spending cuts and relatively non-interventionist economic policy, the gross national product rebounded to $74.1 billion in 1922. The number of unemployed fell to 2.8 million – a reported 6.7% of the labor force – in 1922. So, just a year and a half after Harding became president, the Roaring 20s were underway! The unemployment rate continued to decline, reaching a low of 1.8% in 1926 – an extraordinary feat. Since then, the unemployment rate has been lower only once in wartime (1944), and never in peacetime.

"The seven years from the autumn of 1922 to the autumn of 1929," wrote Vedder and Gallaway, "were arguably the brightest period in the economic history of the United States."

They still think Harding's tax cuts caused the expansion in the twenties. These people are so obsessed with tax cuts that if you lowered all taxes to zero,

they'd all kill themselves upon realizing they had no more reason to be.
Ask PoliticalChic specifically what FDR did that she wants undone,

ask her, that is, if you want to see her head do a Linda Blair Exorcist spin.
The grave was dug by the Civil War. The failings of the Constitution caused that conflict. Succeeding generations of vicious intent aided by general apathy have nudged the nation into any grave we might talk about. The dirt has not yet been kick in over it. Something could happen to save it. People could wake up to responsibility and sanity. That won't be done by continuing the sad and tired dualism so rampant on the current scene.
Ignorant nonsense.
And if the claim is rather that, as America represented at the start the most left position possible in the original meaning, left of the King, then it is entirely in the spirit of the nation to be ever changing and progressive.
But do not address yourself to liberals and leftists at the same time you address me, as I am none.
1. Funny how ironic the Liberal/Progressive motto 'from cradle to grave' turned out to be.

American democracy survived from it's birth.....the cradle.....until the primacy of the Liberals/Progressive: the regime of the 32nd President.
FDR dug its grave.

....American democracy, as defined by the United States Constitution, ended up in the grave.

2. As imagined by our Founders, the nation was balanced by checks imposed by conflicting motives and views.
The operating manual, the Constitution, set specific functions for the federal government, and reserved the rest for the states and for the individual citizens.

a. "Our Founders envisioned the states as laboratories of democracy and enshrined into our Constitution the principle of federalism. Under federalist principles, the American people endowed the national government with a defined set of limited, enumerated powers in the Constitution. Any powers beyond those specifically given to the federal government fall entirely within the province of the states. Federalism protects liberty by protecting against the overreaching of any one branch of our federal government, and is part of the uniquely American system of checks and balances."
Paloma Zepeda, "Reinventing the Right."

b. The idea that the reach of the federal government would be restricted to a few enumerated powers is articulated by Madison in Federalist No. 45:

"The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite."

This is a good time to consider two points about America:

a. Do you agree with the Founders about checks and balances, or would you rather be governed by a vast government with no restrictions on what it can do?

b. Do you weight how you vote in light of your decision about 'a.' above?

3. That brings me to the 32nd President, and how his reign ended the guidance of the Constitution. Giving Roosevelt the benefit of the doubt, let's assume that he had the best interests of America at heart, he wanted to cure the recession that Hoover's plans produced.....a recession that was turning into a depression....

a. "Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933.... . If this crash had been like previous ones, the hard times would have ended in two or three years at the most, and likely sooner than that. But unprecedented political bungling instead prolonged the misery for over 10 years." Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

b. While "The Depression" is probably the only economic downturn ever studied in government schools, few ever speak of any depressions or recessions prior to the "Great Depression."
Know how many there were?
Over thirty. And the average length was a couple of years.

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. "The Great Depression(1929-39) was the deepest andlongest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world. In the United States, ..." The Great Depression - Facts & Summary -

It sure was a good excuse for overturning the Constitution.
What have you gone from your 1, 2 3, 4 post to A,B,C,D,E,F,G post which by they wall they are all full of bull shit

She's lost this argument a dozen times on this forum, but keeps restarting it, as if she'll get a different outcome.

I think we know what that behaviour is the definition of.

FDR allowed USA.INC to file Chapter 11 Bankruptcy and then made our sweat equity via our birth certificate that was printed on bondpaper as collateral on the debt owed to the international bankers WHILE confiscating the real money of the people by making them turn it under penalty of prison and a fine in exchange for a fiat currency (Federal Reserve Note) that is backed by nothing. Yeah, FDR was a real prince. He sold us out just like the rest before and since have save for JFK.
"The Death Throes of Democracy"


The demagoguery of the ridiculous right.

Always the same sort of post from C_Chamber_Pot....and never an example of anything untrue or inaccurate.
Chamber Pot is the poster child for Coulter's astute observation:
"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"

I saw, Chamber Pot, that in another thread, someone named you as 'the dumbest poster."
He was being far too kind to you.
The Civil War was, indeed, the result of weaknesses of the founding document. That catastrophe propelled the US in an undesirable direction. Is that to be ignored?

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