The debate is OVER

So you're admitting that conservative policy put people back to work in Wisconsin - so much so that it has created "faster than expected" tax collections?

That was my point the whole time. Not sure why you wanted to argue with something you can't deny.

Are you being that disingenuous or are you THAT obtuse? A widespread recovery in tax revenues among the states is because of the Governor of ONE state?

"The national economic recovery has led to higher than expected tax revenues and projected budget surpluses in nearly every state in the nation, including Wisconsin."

My apology - I did not read that as states - I read it as state (as in one, as in Wisconsin).

In any case, this only reaffirms what I already pointed out. That once Obama and the Dumbocrats collapsed the world economy, the American people turned to Republicans and conservative policy to keep the U.S. afloat. It's no coincidence that all of this "better than expected tax collections" occured after the 2010 mid-term ass-kickings in which conservatives overwhelmingly won state and local elections.

What a fucking idiot. The world economy tanked three months before O'bama was even inaugurated.

That linear time thing again, where NOAA warns people about a storm that doesn't even exist yet. Freaking doofus.
[Well duh! Considering the state is overwhelmingly liberal, I'm shocked that 90% of the state doesn't hate him. That doesn't change the fact that the state went from a Dumbocrat failed shit-hole of $6 billion in debt with 9% unemployment to a thriving prosperity of nearly $1 billion surplus and 6% unemployment thanks to sound and proven conservative policy.

Half the state hates him because they can no longer sit on their ass and receive handouts. They actually have to contribute to society. Gasp! :eek:

No, they hate him because he's gutted services to give presents to his rich friends...

No, they hate him because he's proven beyond any and all doubt that Dumbcroat policy is failed.

Dumbocrats promise the world and deliver poverty. They create unsustainable debt and high unemployment (because they need to keep people dependent on the government plantation).

And Scott Walker came in and erased all of that with sound conservative policy which creates prosperity for all (the one caveat - the parasite class has to get up off of their lazy asses and actually contribute to society).
Are you being that disingenuous or are you THAT obtuse? A widespread recovery in tax revenues among the states is because of the Governor of ONE state?

"The national economic recovery has led to higher than expected tax revenues and projected budget surpluses in nearly every state in the nation, including Wisconsin."

My apology - I did not read that as states - I read it as state (as in one, as in Wisconsin).

In any case, this only reaffirms what I already pointed out. That once Obama and the Dumbocrats collapsed the world economy, the American people turned to Republicans and conservative policy to keep the U.S. afloat. It's no coincidence that all of this "better than expected tax collections" occured after the 2010 mid-term ass-kickings in which conservatives overwhelmingly won state and local elections.

What a fucking idiot. The world economy tanked three months before O'bama was even inaugurated.

That linear time thing again, where NOAA warns people about a storm that doesn't even exist yet. Freaking doofus.

Well that's funny, I don't seem to recall 10% unemployment before Obama. Hell, I don't even remember 8% before Obama. And I certainly don't recall $17 trillion in debt.

But hey, when did you ever deal in facts? You prefer propaganda and ideology at all costs.
Hey Einstein, without Illinois's huge increase in tax revenue from a national economic recovery, would Illinois be better off or worse off with less revenue...

Take you time...
Doesn't matter, genius. Illinois is a clusterfuck because the Democrats there don't know what "cut spending" means. So however much more money they take in, they spend that and more. Thus the problem.

Now back to your snide question: in fact IL is worse off. I would bet the "temporary" tax increase failed to balance the budget, as they claimed it would do. I know this because Quinn now wants to make it permanent. Tax increases never balance a budget. Never.

SO...less tax revenue would make the budget gap better, not worse.

Sure sounds like the same retard...:lol:

The Rabbi said:
"People are not on unemployment for 2 years because there are no jobs. There are no jobs because people are on unemployment for 2 years."

You are a gross simpleton who gets his ass handed to him in every debate.
Guy, half the state hates him. I go to Wisconsin twice a year, I doubt you've ever been there once.

Well duh! Considering the state is overwhelmingly liberal, I'm shocked that 90% of the state doesn't hate him. That doesn't change the fact that the state went from a Dumbocrat failed shit-hole of $6 billion in debt with 9% unemployment to a thriving prosperity of nearly $1 billion surplus and 6% unemployment thanks to sound and proven conservative policy.

Half the state hates him because they can no longer sit on their ass and receive handouts. They actually have to contribute to society. Gasp! :eek:

Hey pea brain, did you forget already? It has NOTHING to do with 'conservative policy'.

All Walker's voodoo scheme will create is DEFICITS and DEBT down the road.

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened."
-- Winston Churchill

Only a Dumbocrat could claim that lowering unemployment and turning a $6 billion debt into a nearly $1 billion surplus is "voodoo" which will "create deficits and debt down the road"... :eusa_doh:
My apology - I did not read that as states - I read it as state (as in one, as in Wisconsin).

In any case, this only reaffirms what I already pointed out. That once Obama and the Dumbocrats collapsed the world economy, the American people turned to Republicans and conservative policy to keep the U.S. afloat. It's no coincidence that all of this "better than expected tax collections" occured after the 2010 mid-term ass-kickings in which conservatives overwhelmingly won state and local elections.

What a fucking idiot. The world economy tanked three months before O'bama was even inaugurated.

That linear time thing again, where NOAA warns people about a storm that doesn't even exist yet. Freaking doofus.

Well that's funny, I don't seem to recall 10% unemployment before Obama. Hell, I don't even remember 8% before Obama. And I certainly don't recall $17 trillion in debt.

But hey, when did you ever deal in facts? You prefer propaganda and ideology at all costs.
And is it a coincidence that the $17 trillion, record food stamps, record number of workers dropping out happened after the 2010 election also?
I thought so!
Well duh! Considering the state is overwhelmingly liberal, I'm shocked that 90% of the state doesn't hate him. That doesn't change the fact that the state went from a Dumbocrat failed shit-hole of $6 billion in debt with 9% unemployment to a thriving prosperity of nearly $1 billion surplus and 6% unemployment thanks to sound and proven conservative policy.

Half the state hates him because they can no longer sit on their ass and receive handouts. They actually have to contribute to society. Gasp! :eek:

Hey pea brain, did you forget already? It has NOTHING to do with 'conservative policy'.

All Walker's voodoo scheme will create is DEFICITS and DEBT down the road.

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened."
-- Winston Churchill

Only a Dumbocrat could claim that lowering unemployment and turning a $6 billion debt into a nearly $1 billion surplus is "voodoo" which will "create deficits and debt down the road"... :eusa_doh:
This lie again!

There is no surplus, Walker increased the debt every year and it is increasing at this very moment to a record $47+ billion in debt.

State of Wisconsin Debt Clock
Hey pea brain, did you forget already? It has NOTHING to do with 'conservative policy'.

All Walker's voodoo scheme will create is DEFICITS and DEBT down the road.

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened."
-- Winston Churchill

Only a Dumbocrat could claim that lowering unemployment and turning a $6 billion debt into a nearly $1 billion surplus is "voodoo" which will "create deficits and debt down the road"... :eusa_doh:
This lie again!

There is no surplus, Walker increased the debt every year and it is increasing at this very moment to a record $47+ billion in debt.

State of Wisconsin Debt Clock

It's no "lie" junior - every new source in America is reporting on this and is proving that you are completely lost and confused (apparently Ed doesn't understand the difference between debt and liquidity :lol:)

The statement contains an element of truth in that state borrowing is at an all-time high -- but, flush with a nearly $1 billion surplus, it’s clear the state does not have a budget deficit.

We rate the statement Mostly False

(how appropriate that the article ends like this for a Dumbocrat propaganda point that Ed the Ignorant is parroting)

Despite $1 billion surplus, group says Scott Walker raising state deficit while borrowing is at record high | PolitiFact Wisconsin
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened."
-- Winston Churchill

Only a Dumbocrat could claim that lowering unemployment and turning a $6 billion debt into a nearly $1 billion surplus is "voodoo" which will "create deficits and debt down the road"... :eusa_doh:
This lie again!

There is no surplus, Walker increased the debt every year and it is increasing at this very moment to a record $47+ billion in debt.

State of Wisconsin Debt Clock

It's no "lie" junior - every new source in America is reporting on this and is proving that you are completely lost and confused (apparently Ed doesn't understand the difference between debt and liquidity :lol:)

The statement contains an element of truth in that state borrowing is at an all-time high -- but, flush with a nearly $1 billion surplus, it’s clear the state does not have a budget deficit.

We rate the statement Mostly False

(how appropriate that the article ends like this for a Dumbocrat propaganda point that Ed the Ignorant is parroting)

Despite $1 billion surplus, group says Scott Walker raising state deficit while borrowing is at record high | PolitiFact Wisconsin
It figures the idiot who doesn't know the difference between DEBT and DEFICIT and SURPLUS, you, thinks I'm the one confused.

Your own link, which has nothing to do with what I posted, admits that the current DEBT is $14 billion that you said was $6 billion when Walker started. So Walker turned $6 billion in DEBT into $14 billion in DEBT.

From your link:
As for the total amount of debt the state currently has -- most of which was accumulated before Walker -- that is also at a record level, exceeding $14 billion.
So you're admitting that conservative policy put people back to work in Wisconsin - so much so that it has created "faster than expected" tax collections?

That was my point the whole time. Not sure why you wanted to argue with something you can't deny.

Are you being that disingenuous or are you THAT obtuse? A widespread recovery in tax revenues among the states is because of the Governor of ONE state?

"The national economic recovery has led to higher than expected tax revenues and projected budget surpluses in nearly every state in the nation, including Wisconsin."

My apology - I did not read that as states - I read it as state (as in one, as in Wisconsin).

In any case, this only reaffirms what I already pointed out. That once Obama and the Dumbocrats collapsed the world economy, the American people turned to Republicans and conservative policy to keep the U.S. afloat. It's no coincidence that all of this "better than expected tax collections" occured after the 2010 mid-term ass-kickings in which conservatives overwhelmingly won state and local elections.

Please explain how "Obama and the Dumbocrats collapsed the world economy"

This should be interesting...
This lie again!

There is no surplus, Walker increased the debt every year and it is increasing at this very moment to a record $47+ billion in debt.

State of Wisconsin Debt Clock

It's no "lie" junior - every new source in America is reporting on this and is proving that you are completely lost and confused (apparently Ed doesn't understand the difference between debt and liquidity :lol:)

The statement contains an element of truth in that state borrowing is at an all-time high -- but, flush with a nearly $1 billion surplus, it’s clear the state does not have a budget deficit.

We rate the statement Mostly False

(how appropriate that the article ends like this for a Dumbocrat propaganda point that Ed the Ignorant is parroting)

Despite $1 billion surplus, group says Scott Walker raising state deficit while borrowing is at record high | PolitiFact Wisconsin
It figures the idiot who doesn't know the difference between DEBT and DEFICIT and SURPLUS, you, thinks I'm the one confused.

Your own link, which has nothing to do with what I posted, admits that the current DEBT is $14 billion that you said was $6 billion when Walker started. So Walker turned $6 billion in DEBT into $14 billion in DEBT.

From your link:
As for the total amount of debt the state currently has -- most of which was accumulated before Walker -- that is also at a record level, exceeding $14 billion

First you state that Walker turned $6 billion into $14 billion and then you follow that up with "as for the total amount of debt the state currently has -- most of which was accumulated before Walker".

Someone a little confused here? Someone a little schizophrenic? You contradict yourself... :lol:
Are you being that disingenuous or are you THAT obtuse? A widespread recovery in tax revenues among the states is because of the Governor of ONE state?

"The national economic recovery has led to higher than expected tax revenues and projected budget surpluses in nearly every state in the nation, including Wisconsin."

My apology - I did not read that as states - I read it as state (as in one, as in Wisconsin).

In any case, this only reaffirms what I already pointed out. That once Obama and the Dumbocrats collapsed the world economy, the American people turned to Republicans and conservative policy to keep the U.S. afloat. It's no coincidence that all of this "better than expected tax collections" occured after the 2010 mid-term ass-kickings in which conservatives overwhelmingly won state and local elections.

Please explain how "Obama and the Dumbocrats collapsed the world economy"

This should be interesting...

With their tax and spend, then borrow and spend, then borrow some more and spend, then keep borrowing and spend, then spend some more while they spend, and finally spend what you've spent policies. $7 trillion in deficit spending in only 4 years is mind-boggling and literally impossible unless you are actively attempting to collapse the world economy.

We've borrowed from China and are not paying them back. Germany and England have asked for their gold back and we refused to give it to them because Obama spent it. Which caused all of them financial hardships and has had a rippling effect on the world economy.

Germany Has Recovered A Paltry 5 Tons Of Gold From The NY Fed After One Year | Zero Hedge

Federal Reserve Refuses to Submit to an Audit of Germany´s Gold Held in US

What really happened to the German gold housed in the United States?

And this doesn't even begin to cover the all out assualt on business - taxes and regulations aimed at putting them out of business. And lets not forget the U.S. having it's bond rating lowered for the first time in our mations history under Obama, Pelosi, and Reid. Of course, this also had a ripple effect though out the world after people realized the government bonds they had invested in were worthless as the U.S. can't pay it's bills thanks to the irresponsible spending of the Dumbocrats. I could go on all day, but this is more than enough proof and you'll just ignore it anyway because that's what you do with facts. You prefer your ideology.
My apology - I did not read that as states - I read it as state (as in one, as in Wisconsin).

In any case, this only reaffirms what I already pointed out. That once Obama and the Dumbocrats collapsed the world economy, the American people turned to Republicans and conservative policy to keep the U.S. afloat. It's no coincidence that all of this "better than expected tax collections" occured after the 2010 mid-term ass-kickings in which conservatives overwhelmingly won state and local elections.

Please explain how "Obama and the Dumbocrats collapsed the world economy"

This should be interesting...

With their tax and spend, then borrow and spend, then borrow some more and spend, then keep borrowing and spend, then spend some more while they spend, and finally spend what you've spent policies. $7 trillion in deficit spending in only 4 years is mind-boggling and literally impossible unless you are actively attempting to collapse the world economy.

We've borrowed from China and are not paying them back. Germany and England have asked for their gold back and we refused to give it to them because Obama spent it. Which caused all of them financial hardships and has had a rippling effect on the world economy.

Germany Has Recovered A Paltry 5 Tons Of Gold From The NY Fed After One Year | Zero Hedge

Federal Reserve Refuses to Submit to an Audit of Germany´s Gold Held in US

What really happened to the German gold housed in the United States?

And this doesn't even begin to cover the all out assualt on business - taxes and regulations aimed at putting them out of business. And lets not forget the U.S. having it's bond rating lowered for the first time in our mations history under Obama, Pelosi, and Reid. Of course, this also had a ripple effect though out the world after people realized the government bonds they had invested in were worthless as the U.S. can't pay it's bills thanks to the irresponsible spending of the Dumbocrats. I could go on all day, but this is more than enough proof and you'll just ignore it anyway because that's what you do with facts. You prefer your ideology.

Not only will BO's crazy spending ultimately crash the economy, it has enriched the D Party and many of it's constituent groups. So...American tax payers are essentially funding the D Party to empower and enrich it.

And the Rs do nothing to stop it, because they want to do the same thing.
And lets not forget the U.S. having it's bond rating lowered for the first time in our mations history under Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.

You mean after Boenher threatened to default on our debt?

Wow, there's just some arguments that are too obscene to make, unless you are the Poodle.
It's no "lie" junior - every new source in America is reporting on this and is proving that you are completely lost and confused (apparently Ed doesn't understand the difference between debt and liquidity :lol:)

The statement contains an element of truth in that state borrowing is at an all-time high -- but, flush with a nearly $1 billion surplus, it’s clear the state does not have a budget deficit.

We rate the statement Mostly False

(how appropriate that the article ends like this for a Dumbocrat propaganda point that Ed the Ignorant is parroting)

Despite $1 billion surplus, group says Scott Walker raising state deficit while borrowing is at record high | PolitiFact Wisconsin
It figures the idiot who doesn't know the difference between DEBT and DEFICIT and SURPLUS, you, thinks I'm the one confused.

Your own link, which has nothing to do with what I posted, admits that the current DEBT is $14 billion that you said was $6 billion when Walker started. So Walker turned $6 billion in DEBT into $14 billion in DEBT.

From your link:
As for the total amount of debt the state currently has -- most of which was accumulated before Walker -- that is also at a record level, exceeding $14 billion

First you state that Walker turned $6 billion into $14 billion and then you follow that up with "as for the total amount of debt the state currently has -- most of which was accumulated before Walker".

Someone a little confused here? Someone a little schizophrenic? You contradict yourself... :lol:
YOU said repeatedly the debt was $6 billion when Walker took over and YOUR link says it is $14 billion now, I am merely quoting YOU. If the numbers don't jive YOUR sources are BULLSHIT.
It figures the idiot who doesn't know the difference between DEBT and DEFICIT and SURPLUS, you, thinks I'm the one confused.

Your own link, which has nothing to do with what I posted, admits that the current DEBT is $14 billion that you said was $6 billion when Walker started. So Walker turned $6 billion in DEBT into $14 billion in DEBT.

From your link:
As for the total amount of debt the state currently has -- most of which was accumulated before Walker -- that is also at a record level, exceeding $14 billion

First you state that Walker turned $6 billion into $14 billion and then you follow that up with "as for the total amount of debt the state currently has -- most of which was accumulated before Walker".

Someone a little confused here? Someone a little schizophrenic? You contradict yourself... :lol:
YOU said repeatedly the debt was $6 billion when Walker took over and YOUR link says it is $14 billion now, I am merely quoting YOU. If the numbers don't jive YOUR sources are BULLSHIT.

YOU said the debt is $45 billion. Then YOU said Walker accumulated it. Then YOU said that Walker doesn't have a surplus. I have proven you a liar on all accounts.

Game over junior!

It figures the idiot who doesn't know the difference between DEBT and DEFICIT and SURPLUS, you, thinks I'm the one confused.

Your own link, which has nothing to do with what I posted, admits that the current DEBT is $14 billion that you said was $6 billion when Walker started. So Walker turned $6 billion in DEBT into $14 billion in DEBT.

From your link:
As for the total amount of debt the state currently has -- most of which was accumulated before Walker -- that is also at a record level, exceeding $14 billion

First you state that Walker turned $6 billion into $14 billion and then you follow that up with "as for the total amount of debt the state currently has -- most of which was accumulated before Walker".

Someone a little confused here? Someone a little schizophrenic? You contradict yourself... :lol:
YOU said repeatedly the debt was $6 billion when Walker took over and YOUR link says it is $14 billion now, I am merely quoting YOU. If the numbers don't jive YOUR sources are BULLSHIT.

Proving you a liar once again junior. Almost EVERY post I made I put $6 billion in parentheses with a question mark because I did not remember the exact debt when Walker took office. From post #4 on page 1 of this thread:

Go ahead liberals - do what you do best and start with your lies, cries, and excuses. When Walker took over in 2010, the state was ($6 billion?) in debt. They now have a surplus of almost $1 trillion. And it was done with stone-cold conservative policy across the board.

The debate is over. Detroit proved that Dumbocrat policy collapses cities just as it does nations (Cuba, U.S.S.R., Greece, etc.) and Wisconsin proves that free-market conservative capitalism creates wealth and prosperity just as it does with nations (America before the rise of the cancer known as liberalism, Russia after they turned to it to rebuild from the former U.S.S.R., etc.).

Why do you insist on lying so much EdtheIgnorant? Is it because you're so afraid if the people see the truth they will cut off your government gravy train which is collapsing the U.S., costing people jobs, and hurting them financially - all because you're greedy and lazy? It's a fair question - why won't you answer?
First you state that Walker turned $6 billion into $14 billion and then you follow that up with "as for the total amount of debt the state currently has -- most of which was accumulated before Walker".

Someone a little confused here? Someone a little schizophrenic? You contradict yourself... :lol:
YOU said repeatedly the debt was $6 billion when Walker took over and YOUR link says it is $14 billion now, I am merely quoting YOU. If the numbers don't jive YOUR sources are BULLSHIT.

YOU said the debt is $45 billion. Then YOU said Walker accumulated it. Then YOU said that Walker doesn't have a surplus. I have proven you a liar on all accounts.

Game over junior!

The REAL debt IS $47 billion, and I posted the debt clock many times to prove it.
State of Wisconsin Debt Clock
The $14 billion current debt is the debt without the pension debt. There is no surplus yet, the $977 million PROJECTED surplus which includes $450 million in revenue from Obama is a PROJECTION that has not been realized yet and is not expected to be realized until 2015. The deficit for the budget ending 2013 was $1.7 billion. Walker has had a REAL deficit every year he has been in office which means the debt with or without the pension debt included has increased every year he has been in office and as the debt clock shows, the debt is increasing even now in real time.
First you state that Walker turned $6 billion into $14 billion and then you follow that up with "as for the total amount of debt the state currently has -- most of which was accumulated before Walker".

Someone a little confused here? Someone a little schizophrenic? You contradict yourself... :lol:
YOU said repeatedly the debt was $6 billion when Walker took over and YOUR link says it is $14 billion now, I am merely quoting YOU. If the numbers don't jive YOUR sources are BULLSHIT.

Proving you a liar once again junior. Almost EVERY post I made I put $6 billion in parentheses with a question mark because I did not remember the exact debt when Walker took office. From post #4 on page 1 of this thread:

Go ahead liberals - do what you do best and start with your lies, cries, and excuses. When Walker took over in 2010, the state was ($6 billion?) in debt. They now have a surplus of almost $1 trillion. And it was done with stone-cold conservative policy across the board.

The debate is over. Detroit proved that Dumbocrat policy collapses cities just as it does nations (Cuba, U.S.S.R., Greece, etc.) and Wisconsin proves that free-market conservative capitalism creates wealth and prosperity just as it does with nations (America before the rise of the cancer known as liberalism, Russia after they turned to it to rebuild from the former U.S.S.R., etc.).

Why do you insist on lying so much EdtheIgnorant? Is it because you're so afraid if the people see the truth they will cut off your government gravy train which is collapsing the U.S., costing people jobs, and hurting them financially - all because you're greedy and lazy? It's a fair question - why won't you answer?
Parenthesis or not, the DEBT has INCREASED every year of Walker's term. Every year Walker has run a budget DEFICIT, and IF the PROJECTED 2015 surplus pans out it will be the first time his budget will have not run a DEFICIT. You need to learn the difference between DEBT and DEFICIT, PROJECTED and REAL.
And lets not forget the U.S. having it's bond rating lowered for the first time in our mations history under Obama, Pelosi, and Reid.

You mean after Boenher threatened to default on our debt?

Wow, there's just some arguments that are too obscene to make, unless you are the Poodle.

No, that didnt happen.
Lo Info Joe strikes again.

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