The Definition of a "Living Wage"

Do you agree with this definition of a Living Wage? (Ignore my personal opinion below it)

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If hamburger flippers are going to make $15.00 per hour then my wage should double as well (if we have any hope of keeping up with inflation and all of those hidden fees, penalties, charges, etc.).

I've brought that very point up in the past, and the response essentially was "great, let's raise them for everyone".

In an intensely competitive global economy this notion is simply naive. Any increase in the MW needs to be done with proper analysis and forethought, and I don't see a lot of that going on right now.

Shitty wages are not a 'Good Thing.' Better compensated workers are better workers for the most part. In the end, it's a Win/Win for everyone.

Maybe if your handlers paid you more you would be better at this online propaganda work. As it is now, you are worthless.

Yeah, you need a visit to Church. Jesus really can help. Treating workers like miserable slaves does not make for good productive workers. Too many Corporations have removed the incentive aspect. Pay raises especially, are vital to creating more productive workers. And Corporations have become shamefully stingy on that.

Try standing up for the lowly Worker sometime. It actually feels right. And Jesus would definitely approve. Give it a shot.
A living wage is supposed to be high enough to provide for a family with children. Minimum wage was never supposed to do that. It was an entry level wage that provided employment to young people.

Europe has a high minimum wage. People use minimum wage jobs as careers. Europe has a very high unemployment rate among the young. So do areas in the US that have high minimum wages. The unemployment rate among young people is catastrophic. Unemployed young people become unemployed middle aged people. The only hope a young person has to get a job is where someone just dies and creates a vacancy.
[Try standing up for the lowly Worker sometime. It actually feels right. And Jesus would definitely approve. Give it a shot.

I absolutely stand up for workers. I want them to believe in themselves and work hard and sacrifice and improve their skills and move up in income because they earned it.

I want them to stop listening to those who want to make them into the victim and enjoy the fruits of living in America. Nothing is sweeter than enjoying the benefits of something you earned.

Having something given to you without having earned it hurts a person in the long run.

I've asked this question many times before...'What do you personally feel is a 'Fair & Decent' wage for an average American to survive on?'

I ask to be specific and put a number on it. But many refuse to. Many say the question can't be answered. But i'll ask it again... What do you personally feel is a fair & decent wage for an average American to survive on?
A living wage is supposed to be high enough to provide for a family with children. Minimum wage was never supposed to do that. It was an entry level wage that provided employment to young people.

Europe has a high minimum wage. People use minimum wage jobs as careers. Europe has a very high unemployment rate among the young. So do areas in the US that have high minimum wages. The unemployment rate among young people is catastrophic. Unemployed young people become unemployed middle aged people. The only hope a young person has to get a job is where someone just dies and creates a vacancy.

Read the link from the Dept. of Labor above, unless you too hold a bias against government.
I've asked this question many times before...'What do you personally feel is a 'Fair & Decent' wage for an average American to survive on?'

I ask to be specific and put a number on it. But many refuse to. Many say the question can't be answered. But i'll ask it again... What do you personally feel is a fair & decent wage for an average American to survive on?

What is the cost of living of the county in which they live?

How much in monthly bills are they allowed to have?

How many mouths are they feeding now and in the future?

How much is not counted to be used for an IRA or other retirement savings?

The question is far too simplistic.

[Try standing up for the lowly Worker sometime. It actually feels right. And Jesus would definitely approve. Give it a shot.

I absolutely stand up for workers. I want them to believe in themselves and work hard and sacrifice and improve their skills and move up in income because they earned it.

I want them to stop listening to those who want to make them into the victim and enjoy the fruits of living in America. Nothing is sweeter than enjoying the benefits of something you earned.

Having something given to you without having earned it hurts a person in the long run.


Better-compensated workers are better workers for the most part. But Corporations have removed the incentive aspect. Pay raises have become very few and far between. Corporations have become despicably stingy. Pay a worker better, and we'll all benefit in the end.
I've asked this question many times before...'What do you personally feel is a 'Fair & Decent' wage for an average American to survive on?'

I ask to be specific and put a number on it. But many refuse to. Many say the question can't be answered. But i'll ask it again... What do you personally feel is a fair & decent wage for an average American to survive on?

What is the cost of living of the county in which they live?

How much in monthly bills are they allowed to have?

How many mouths are they feeding now and in the future?

How much is not counted to be used for an IRA or other retirement savings?

The question is far too simplistic.


Ah come on, throw a number out there. What would be a sufficient number for an average American to survive on in today's America? You're not on trial. Just throw a number out there.
I've asked this question many times before...'What do you personally feel is a 'Fair & Decent' wage for an average American to survive on?'

I ask to be specific and put a number on it. But many refuse to. Many say the question can't be answered. But i'll ask it again... What do you personally feel is a fair & decent wage for an average American to survive on?

"to survive on" Gee, is that the new American Dream?
I've asked this question many times before...'What do you personally feel is a 'Fair & Decent' wage for an average American to survive on?'

I ask to be specific and put a number on it. But many refuse to. Many say the question can't be answered. But i'll ask it again... What do you personally feel is a fair & decent wage for an average American to survive on?

What is the cost of living of the county in which they live?

How much in monthly bills are they allowed to have?

How many mouths are they feeding now and in the future?

How much is not counted to be used for an IRA or other retirement savings?

The question is far too simplistic.


Ah come on, throw a number out there. What would be a sufficient number for an average American to survive on in today's America? You're not on trial. Just throw a number out there.

Okay, $100,000.

Now what?

I've asked this question many times before...'What do you personally feel is a 'Fair & Decent' wage for an average American to survive on?'

I ask to be specific and put a number on it. But many refuse to. Many say the question can't be answered. But i'll ask it again... What do you personally feel is a fair & decent wage for an average American to survive on?

What is the cost of living of the county in which they live?

How much in monthly bills are they allowed to have?

How many mouths are they feeding now and in the future?

How much is not counted to be used for an IRA or other retirement savings?

The question is far too simplistic.


Ah come on, throw a number out there. What would be a sufficient number for an average American to survive on in today's America? You're not on trial. Just throw a number out there.

Okay, $100,000.

Now what?


Seems pretty high. But ok. You put a number on it. Now we're getting somewhere.
Well, gotta run. But i'll leave you with this my fellow Americans... Next time you're shopping at a sweat-shop like Walmart, and you see the miserable angry looks on their Workers' faces, just remember that there is no such thing as a 'Happy Slave.' You do get what you pay for. Peace. Have a good one.
Ah come on, throw a number out there. What would be a sufficient number for an average American to survive on in today's America? You're not on trial. Just throw a number out there.

Optimally? How about $0?

Now you say, Boss! Don't be ridiculous! But hey, there are people who live and survive on no income.... believe it or not. They do without luxuries like electricity and they grow their own food, make their own clothes, etc. If there is something they need that can't be made, they trade something they can make. It's not an easy or glamorous life, but it can be done.
I agree with the definition but don't believe the ideal is reachable in today's job market/economy. If hamburger flippers are going to make $15.00 per hour then my wage should double as well (if we have any hope of keeping up with inflation and all of those hidden fees, penalties, charges, etc.).

The real goal of the left is for everyone to give the same (100% of earnings, and the government will just take that before you get it to make it easier) and everyone to get the same (whatever mediocre shit the government decides is good enough for everyone but the 'elite').

That's actually the ultimate goal of the left. Everyone tosses in what they have to a central "pool" and then it's divided among the masses regardless of talent, ability, productivity, status, or intelligence. The incentive to work hard and achieve "the American Dream" is literally disappearing before our eyes. You and I are supposed to work our asses off so that some crack whore can feed her 15 illegitimate babies (by 15 different "baby-daddies") at our expense.
I agree with the definition but don't believe the ideal is reachable in today's job market/economy. If hamburger flippers are going to make $15.00 per hour then my wage should double as well (if we have any hope of keeping up with inflation and all of those hidden fees, penalties, charges, etc.).

The real goal of the left is for everyone to give the same (100% of earnings, and the government will just take that before you get it to make it easier) and everyone to get the same (whatever mediocre shit the government decides is good enough for everyone but the 'elite').

That's actually the ultimate goal of the left. Everyone tosses in what they have to a central "pool" and then it's divided among the masses regardless of talent, ability, productivity, status, or intelligence. The incentive to work hard and achieve "the American Dream" is literally disappearing before our eyes. You and I are supposed to work our asses off so that some crack whore can feed her 15 illegitimate babies (by 15 different "baby-daddies") at our expense.

There may exist one " crack whore can feed her 15 illegitimate babies (by 15 different "baby-daddies")" but be assured there are more billionaires who benefit from the labor of the masses.
Shitty wages are not a 'Good Thing.' Better compensated workers are better workers for the most part. In the end, it's a Win/Win for everyone.

Maybe if your handlers paid you more you would be better at this online propaganda work. As it is now, you are worthless.

Yeah, you need a visit to Church....

You need to stop spamming, engaging in hyperbole, and generally making an ignorant, socialist ass of yourself.

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