The Definition of a "Living Wage"

Do you agree with this definition of a Living Wage? (Ignore my personal opinion below it)

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Only ten thousand years ago, a caveman could provide for his wives and children by working 20 hours a week, at the young age of 16+.

Since ten thousand years is hardly enough time for evolution to change our behavioral patterns, when you have block of young men who can't have a family, while they are working 60+ hours a week, there tends to be problems. The Arab Spring uprising are mostly influenced and fought by young men.

Think about it.

There is no such thing as a "happy slave," as paulitician said. There's no harm in occasional vouching for the little guy, you seriously will not be thrown out of the 'Capitalist Club.' Not like it would matter anyway, since Capitalism died in 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act.

It would be great if a young guy like me could sell my woodworking products (cabinets, treadle lathes, etc) to the general public without a bunch of regulators and IRS agents hounding me. No joke, the Town of Islip shut down my cabinet business that I ran out of my own garage six years ago. God forbid cabinets were MADE IN THE USA out of Maple, instead of MADE IN CHINA out of pinewood. Those big corporations don't want any competition, not even from a 18 year old kid in his garage (I was 18 six years ago), so their hire an army of lobbyists to pass laws and regulations that make it impossible.

Corporatism is NOT Capitalism. Capitalism is Form of Economics, Corporatism is a Form of GOVERNMENT.

The Republic isn't dying, it's dead, and has been dead since 1913.
By all means, let's demoralize our fellow American Workers even more. That should solve all the problems and make things so much better. I mean, if we could only pay the Workers less, and treat them worse, we could then have a decent Country. Right?

I swear, i think many who view themselves as 'Good Capitalists', actually believe that. It's very sad and pretty bizarre.
Shitty wages are not a 'Good Thing.' Better compensated workers are better workers for the most part. In the end, it's a Win/Win for everyone.

Maybe if your handlers paid you more you would be better at this online propaganda work. As it is now, you are worthless.

Yeah, you need a visit to Church....

You need to stop spamming, engaging in hyperbole, and generally making an ignorant, socialist ass of yourself.

Find Jesus my friend. God bless.
I've asked this question many times before...'What do you personally feel is a 'Fair & Decent' wage for an average American to survive on?'

I ask to be specific and put a number on it. But many refuse to. Many say the question can't be answered. But i'll ask it again... What do you personally feel is a fair & decent wage for an average American to survive on?

"to survive on" Gee, is that the new American Dream?

For too many, it is.
Only ten thousand years ago, a caveman could provide for his wives and children by working 20 hours a week, at the young age of 16+.

Since ten thousand years is hardly enough time for evolution to change our behavioral patterns, when you have block of young men who can't have a family, while they are working 60+ hours a week, there tends to be problems. The Arab Spring uprising are mostly influenced and fought by young men.

Think about it.

There is no such thing as a "happy slave," as paulitician said. There's no harm in occasional vouching for the little guy, you seriously will not be thrown out of the 'Capitalist Club.' Not like it would matter anyway, since Capitalism died in 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act.

It would be great if a young guy like me could sell my woodworking products (cabinets, treadle lathes, etc) to the general public without a bunch of regulators and IRS agents hounding me. No joke, the Town of Islip shut down my cabinet business that I ran out of my own garage six years ago. God forbid cabinets were MADE IN THE USA out of Maple, instead of MADE IN CHINA out of pinewood. Those big corporations don't want any competition, not even from a 18 year old kid in his garage (I was 18 six years ago), so their hire an army of lobbyists to pass laws and regulations that make it impossible.

Corporatism is NOT Capitalism. Capitalism is Form of Economics, Corporatism is a Form of GOVERNMENT.

The Republic isn't dying, it's dead, and has been dead since 1913.

Thanks for that. Very well said. And i'm sorry about your misfortune. But yeah, so many who view themselves as 'Good Capitalists', believe they'll have their 'Good Capitalist' membership revoked if they stand up for workers. They feel obligated to defend Corporations at all cost.

Paying our Workers less and treating them worse, isn't the logical or moral way forward. Hopefully more of my Republican friends will see the light on that someday.
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That's right, and I pointed it out earlier. I got 500 dollars off my car because I paid cash. Investments aren't making much right now, and surely weren't in 2012 when I bought the car, so it was definitely beneficial to pay cash. But the 500 dollars doesn't stop there. I pay 500 less for the car, and pay taxes on a sale price of 500 less, and then pay registration fees on a car for 500 dollars less.

If you finance, you finance for a larger amount. So you pay interest on the larger amount. So added up that you pay more in interest, pay more for the car, more for registration fees, more for everything. I'd like to see any investment of 20K that in 5 years earns more in interest than the total combined expenses of all of that. I don't buy it. The difference in expenses at the end is far more than just the 500 dollar difference in the sale price. Oh no, that snowball has to roll downhill for a ways before it finally stops.

My stepfather got his 300 for $250 over invoice & got $1500 trade-in for what was, realistically, a $8-900 car...not much room to go down from there.
I've never heard of a car listing for 20k selling for 12. Even cash. I checked with multiple dealers and a few came back with the exact same price. They told me the profit margin isn't that high on these small cars so not a ton of room to wiggle which I believe. That dealership sold that car for a loss, no doubt.

Right place at the right time. My friend's wife paid about $500 over wholesale for a beautiful Audi A4...not quite 2 years old, ~11,000 miles, and loaded to the gills with every option, including the pearlescent paint! Yet it had sat on the dealer's lot for about 8 months. Why? It was a standard shift.
But, what is the cause of the debt?

Bush's Wars and Medicare expansions is half of it, Obama's welfare state is the other half.

Might need another Bill Clinton government hand-out reform.

But that's only short term.

155 taxes on a loaf of bread (and practically every other item) is the real problem.

The cause of debt was lower taxes on the richest 1% so that when it became unpopular to cut programs, the government had to borrow money from the rich people to fund it thus creating a return.

The rich just exploited the system to profit off of it.
Shitty wages are not a 'Good Thing.' Better compensated workers are better workers for the most part. In the end, it's a Win/Win for everyone.

Maybe if your handlers paid you more you would be better at this online propaganda work. As it is now, you are worthless.

Yeah, you need a visit to Church....

You need to stop spamming, engaging in hyperbole, and generally making an ignorant, socialist ass of yourself.

Find Jesus my friend. God bless.

Find a better gig, plant.
Slave Labor has always been the goal. ...

Your emotionally-driven misuse of the term "slave" marks you as yet another mindless, leftist drone. The offensive misuse of language that animals like you have been trained to repeat does no one any good. Go shit on a police car and sleep in the middle of a busy street, punk.

There is no such thing as a 'Happy Slave.' Remember that next time you visit Walmart and see the misery written all over their Workers' faces. So forget about 5-Star Service for 1-Star pay. It ain't gonna happen. They actually hate you. That's the truth.

are any of them forced to work for walmart?

I have a feeling you're one of those who constantly bitches about 'Poor Service' at Walmart and so on. You expect that 5-Star Service for 1-Star Pay. Well, let me break the news to ya. There is no such thing as a 'Happy Slave.' They're miserable and they hate you. They are far from being good productive workers.

I know this because i had a relative who worked in Management at Walmart for years. Its workers are miserable and angry. And they have good reason. Better-compensated workers are better workers for the most part.

I ask again, are any of them forced to work for walmart? You do know that walmart employees get bonuses and stock options, have good medical insurance, and that walmart promotes from within?

But, it you don't like walmart don't work for them and don't shop there.
I agree with the definition but don't believe the ideal is reachable in today's job market/economy. If hamburger flippers are going to make $15.00 per hour then my wage should double as well (if we have any hope of keeping up with inflation and all of those hidden fees, penalties, charges, etc.).

The real goal of the left is for everyone to give the same (100% of earnings, and the government will just take that before you get it to make it easier) and everyone to get the same (whatever mediocre shit the government decides is good enough for everyone but the 'elite').

Come on man, shitty wages are not a 'Good Thing.' You have to know that, no? Being a 'Good Capitalist' doesn't mean you have to be a loyal Corporate Bootlicker. It's ok to stand up for the Workers sometimes. No one's gonna confiscate your 'Good Capitalist' card.

Tell your handlers you need more training for this work, stooge. You are a very ineffective online propagandist. Whatever they are paying you is too much.

Man, you need to get to Church. Jesus can help. Seriously, you don't always have to defend the Corporations. It's ok to stand up for the Workers sometimes. No one's gonna kick you outta the 'Good Capitalist' club.

Shitty wages are not a 'Good Thing.' Better compensated workers are better workers for the most part. In the end, it's a Win/Win for everyone.

wages go up in a growing economy when employers are having a hard time finding enough employees. Want better pay for everyone? Get the govt out of private business and let businesses grow and expand.
But, what is the cause of the debt?

Bush's Wars and Medicare expansions is half of it, Obama's welfare state is the other half.

Might need another Bill Clinton government hand-out reform.

But that's only short term.

155 taxes on a loaf of bread (and practically every other item) is the real problem.

The cause of debt was lower taxes on the richest 1% so that when it became unpopular to cut programs, the government had to borrow money from the rich people to fund it thus creating a return.

The rich just exploited the system to profit off of it.

horseshit, we are 17 trillion in debt because the govt spends more than it collects, it has nothing to do with the tax rate, its caused by deficit spending.
What if people raised their wages by working harder?

What if company owners rewarded their employees for their hard work?

That's up to the company.

If the employees feel they are being slighted, they can become more valuable, or improve their skill set and move up, or fund another job.

If another company rewards them better, their current employer loses them.

Many of us talk about the economy, leftists talk about a "living wage," and righties (who deny the existence of such a thing) often talk about "wage stagnation." One often wonders how righties can talk about "wage stagnation" when they deny the existence of the concept "living wage."

Well, here's my definition, and it's best that we all have a non-partisan definition from which we can measure economic success for the common man (this definition is localized, meaning it is relative to location where one lives).

"Living Wage: A wage that allows a man to support a stay-at-home wife and two children by being able to pay rent, electric, heating, water, laundry, basic healthcare and three good meals a day in the place he currently resides."

Notice that the following are not present: Mortgage, car-gas, car insurance, premium health insurance...etc...because you have to work harder/improve your skills/education for these things.

Now for my opinion:

With over 155 taxes on a loaf of bread, and steady inflation from the money printing presses, there's no doubt that most American males cannot procure the Living Wage that they should earn.

In my opinion, that rapacious taxation of the modern welfare state (money printing INFLATION is also considered a tax) has made the current wages that were OK in the past incapable of fulfilling the above definition today.

The answer is NOT to increase the minimum wage...because the minimum wage to 2014 was more than enough for a man to provide for his family 50 years ago. The answer is abolition of the welfare state, the repeal of the Regulation police and the REPUDIATION of Keynesian economic policy.

Think the definition is flawed. a worker working 40 hours a week should be able to support himself, but not himself, a spouse, and two kids. Want the extra people you need a career not a minimum wage job.
Many of us talk about the economy, leftists talk about a "living wage," and righties (who deny the existence of such a thing) often talk about "wage stagnation." One often wonders how righties can talk about "wage stagnation" when they deny the existence of the concept "living wage."

Well, here's my definition, and it's best that we all have a non-partisan definition from which we can measure economic success for the common man (this definition is localized, meaning it is relative to location where one lives).

"Living Wage: A wage that allows a man to support a stay-at-home wife and two children by being able to pay rent, electric, heating, water, laundry, basic healthcare and three good meals a day in the place he currently resides."

Notice that the following are not present: Mortgage, car-gas, car insurance, premium health insurance...etc...because you have to work harder/improve your skills/education for these things.

Now for my opinion:

With over 155 taxes on a loaf of bread, and steady inflation from the money printing presses, there's no doubt that most American males cannot procure the Living Wage that they should earn.

In my opinion, that rapacious taxation of the modern welfare state (money printing INFLATION is also considered a tax) has made the current wages that were OK in the past incapable of fulfilling the above definition today.

The answer is NOT to increase the minimum wage...because the minimum wage to 2014 was more than enough for a man to provide for his family 50 years ago. The answer is abolition of the welfare state, the repeal of the Regulation police and the REPUDIATION of Keynesian economic policy.

Think the definition is flawed. a worker working 40 hours a week should be able to support himself, but not himself, a spouse, and two kids. Want the extra people you need a career not a minimum wage job.

or find a second job. when I was young and struggling to make ends meet, I got a second job. Worked hard and learned both jobs and made myself more valuable to the employers until I got promotions and raises so that one job paid enough to cover expenses with some left over.

The government and the economy does not OWE anyone a "living wage" whatever the hell that is. What you earn is up to you, the liberal idea of whining until they get what someone else has earned is a sure way to destroy our society and our country.
Many of us talk about the economy, leftists talk about a "living wage," and righties (who deny the existence of such a thing) often talk about "wage stagnation." One often wonders how righties can talk about "wage stagnation" when they deny the existence of the concept "living wage."

Well, here's my definition, and it's best that we all have a non-partisan definition from which we can measure economic success for the common man (this definition is localized, meaning it is relative to location where one lives).

"Living Wage: A wage that allows a man to support a stay-at-home wife and two children by being able to pay rent, electric, heating, water, laundry, basic healthcare and three good meals a day in the place he currently resides."

Notice that the following are not present: Mortgage, car-gas, car insurance, premium health insurance...etc...because you have to work harder/improve your skills/education for these things.

Now for my opinion:

With over 155 taxes on a loaf of bread, and steady inflation from the money printing presses, there's no doubt that most American males cannot procure the Living Wage that they should earn.

In my opinion, that rapacious taxation of the modern welfare state (money printing INFLATION is also considered a tax) has made the current wages that were OK in the past incapable of fulfilling the above definition today.

The answer is NOT to increase the minimum wage...because the minimum wage to 2014 was more than enough for a man to provide for his family 50 years ago. The answer is abolition of the welfare state, the repeal of the Regulation police and the REPUDIATION of Keynesian economic policy.

Think the definition is flawed. a worker working 40 hours a week should be able to support himself, but not himself, a spouse, and two kids. Want the extra people you need a career not a minimum wage job.

or find a second job. when I was young and struggling to make ends meet, I got a second job. Worked hard and learned both jobs and made myself more valuable to the employers until I got promotions and raises so that one job paid enough to cover expenses with some left over.

The government and the economy does not OWE anyone a "living wage" whatever the hell that is. What you earn is up to you, the liberal idea of whining until they get what someone else has earned is a sure way to destroy our society and our country.

Companies can pay more, they should pay more, but there's no right to earn more if you're working a job governed by a federal minimum wage. That means you're doing something trained animals could do.
Many of us talk about the economy, leftists talk about a "living wage," and righties (who deny the existence of such a thing) often talk about "wage stagnation." One often wonders how righties can talk about "wage stagnation" when they deny the existence of the concept "living wage."

Well, here's my definition, and it's best that we all have a non-partisan definition from which we can measure economic success for the common man (this definition is localized, meaning it is relative to location where one lives).

"Living Wage: A wage that allows a man to support a stay-at-home wife and two children by being able to pay rent, electric, heating, water, laundry, basic healthcare and three good meals a day in the place he currently resides."

Notice that the following are not present: Mortgage, car-gas, car insurance, premium health insurance...etc...because you have to work harder/improve your skills/education for these things.

Now for my opinion:

With over 155 taxes on a loaf of bread, and steady inflation from the money printing presses, there's no doubt that most American males cannot procure the Living Wage that they should earn.

In my opinion, that rapacious taxation of the modern welfare state (money printing INFLATION is also considered a tax) has made the current wages that were OK in the past incapable of fulfilling the above definition today.

The answer is NOT to increase the minimum wage...because the minimum wage to 2014 was more than enough for a man to provide for his family 50 years ago. The answer is abolition of the welfare state, the repeal of the Regulation police and the REPUDIATION of Keynesian economic policy.

Think the definition is flawed. a worker working 40 hours a week should be able to support himself, but not himself, a spouse, and two kids. Want the extra people you need a career not a minimum wage job.

or find a second job. when I was young and struggling to make ends meet, I got a second job. Worked hard and learned both jobs and made myself more valuable to the employers until I got promotions and raises so that one job paid enough to cover expenses with some left over.

The government and the economy does not OWE anyone a "living wage" whatever the hell that is. What you earn is up to you, the liberal idea of whining until they get what someone else has earned is a sure way to destroy our society and our country.

Companies can pay more, they should pay more, but there's no right to earn more if you're working a job governed by a federal minimum wage. That means you're doing something trained animals could do.

I agree with you on minimum wage, its a non issue in the real world. its nothing but a dem/lib ploy to find more ways to divide the country.

employers pay for skills and experience and education. the more of those you have, the more pay you can demand.

no skills = low pay. always has been , always will be.
That's up to the company.

If the employees feel they are being slighted, they can become more valuable, or improve their skill set and move up, or fund another job.

If another company rewards them better, their current employer loses them.

That would be nice, but employees simply don't have any control over what their employer pays them. Any employee, no matter how smart, useful, educated or hard-working is totally at the mercy of the employer.

9 times out of 10, the employer is paid more than he's worth, and the employees are stuck with it.

Hence the need to raise the minimum wage.

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