The Definition of a "Living Wage"

Do you agree with this definition of a Living Wage? (Ignore my personal opinion below it)

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"to survive on" Gee, is that the new American Dream?

For someone making minimum wage, yes.

Do they have a right to more than they need to survive without working for it?

"The Right...if not working for it"? First, those who earn minimum wage are in fact working; next, those who earn only minimum wage may not be able to thrive and better their situation unless they rely on government aid.

Most minimum wage jobs require working on ones' feet. Expecting someone to improve their lot in life while working a minimum wage job by attending a Jr. College, or one of the many for profits, is next to impossible given the cost, the time required and likely transportation costs.

Callous conservatives (CC's) oppose welfare and government aid in all forms as well as raising the minimum wage. Many CC regulars on this forum refer to government aid as stealing from them and taking the food off their families table.

I suppose CC's have always existed, but in the recent past they were depicted as snidely whiplash, Nell as a lazy no good leach and Dudley Do-Right as a government agent paid too much who wants to redistribute the wealth. That the ethos in America changed is obvious, and I suspect it all began when the Messiah told the masses, "it's your money", transforming greed from a deadly sin into a virtue.
Many people working minimum wage are part time. They work minimum wage up to 30hrs, the cut off for welfare, then they go home.

I suspect some do, and some also work two or more MW jobs to survive. If an employer does hire and restrict hours to prevent providing healthcare insurance, he or she is the Snidley Wiplash referred to in my post above.

The employee unable to afford healthcare will need government aid. At least now this set of working poor can, in most states, be covered by the PPACA. Those in some states - each of which has a Republican governor - will rely on public hospitals, stressing local resources. Another example of how the CC's have been fooled by the power elite who benefited from the sickness of others before the passage of the PPACA.
Agreed. I've known both. Some folks just never get out of that rut of minimum wage jobs and work hard as hell. Props to them.
Seriously, a trip to Church will do you some real good. ...

Seriously, you are trying too hard, plant. Go back to the DNC and tell them you've failed.

I'm actually being serious. A trip to Church will do you some real good. Jesus wants to speak to you. Your heart has hardened. You've allowed greed & hate to get the best of you. But God can help you with that. Jesus can soften your heart and get you back to feeling compassion for your fellow Americans. I truly do hope you take my advice and head to Church. Good luck and God Bless.
Slave Labor has always been the goal. ...

Your emotionally-driven misuse of the term "slave" marks you as yet another mindless, leftist drone. The offensive misuse of language that animals like you have been trained to repeat does no one any good. Go shit on a police car and sleep in the middle of a busy street, punk.

There is no such thing as a 'Happy Slave.' Remember that next time you visit Walmart and see the misery written all over their Workers' faces. So forget about 5-Star Service for 1-Star pay. It ain't gonna happen. They actually hate you. That's the truth.

are any of them forced to work for walmart?

I have a feeling you're one of those who constantly bitches about 'Poor Service' at Walmart and so on. You expect that 5-Star Service for 1-Star Pay. Well, let me break the news to ya. There is no such thing as a 'Happy Slave.' They're miserable and they hate you. They are far from being good productive workers.

I know this because i had a relative who worked in Management at Walmart for years. Its workers are miserable and angry. And they have good reason. Better-compensated workers are better workers for the most part.

I ask again, are any of them forced to work for walmart? You do know that walmart employees get bonuses and stock options, have good medical insurance, and that walmart promotes from within?

But, it you don't like walmart don't work for them and don't shop there.

Ha, you're living a jolly ole 'Good Capitalist' fantasy there. Walmart treats their Workers like poor run-down mules. You can see the bitter misery written all over its Workers' faces. Take a closer look next time you shop there. They actually hate you.
I agree with the definition but don't believe the ideal is reachable in today's job market/economy. If hamburger flippers are going to make $15.00 per hour then my wage should double as well (if we have any hope of keeping up with inflation and all of those hidden fees, penalties, charges, etc.).

The real goal of the left is for everyone to give the same (100% of earnings, and the government will just take that before you get it to make it easier) and everyone to get the same (whatever mediocre shit the government decides is good enough for everyone but the 'elite').

Come on man, shitty wages are not a 'Good Thing.' You have to know that, no? Being a 'Good Capitalist' doesn't mean you have to be a loyal Corporate Bootlicker. It's ok to stand up for the Workers sometimes. No one's gonna confiscate your 'Good Capitalist' card.

Tell your handlers you need more training for this work, stooge. You are a very ineffective online propagandist. Whatever they are paying you is too much.

Man, you need to get to Church. Jesus can help. Seriously, you don't always have to defend the Corporations. It's ok to stand up for the Workers sometimes. No one's gonna kick you outta the 'Good Capitalist' club.

Shitty wages are not a 'Good Thing.' Better compensated workers are better workers for the most part. In the end, it's a Win/Win for everyone.

wages go up in a growing economy when employers are having a hard time finding enough employees. Want better pay for everyone? Get the govt out of private business and let businesses grow and expand.

Wages haven't gone up in many years. It's been the case in both 'Good' and 'Bad' times for the Economy. Corporations have become despicably greedy & stingy. That's the reality.
But, what is the cause of the debt?

Bush's Wars and Medicare expansions is half of it, Obama's welfare state is the other half.

Might need another Bill Clinton government hand-out reform.

But that's only short term.

155 taxes on a loaf of bread (and practically every other item) is the real problem.

Just to add that Obama spends more on wars than Bush did... And more than half is Obama's.
Some Americans just need to come to grips with the fact that there is no such thing as a 'Happy Slave.' Continuing to pay them awful wages and treating them miserably, will only lead to more suffering and anger. And it will also lead to more Americans relying on Government Entitlements to survive. So everyone pays in the end.

More Americans need to soften their hearts and see that it's not only about Politics. It's about helping the less fortunate among us. These are our fellow Americans after all. Jesus is speaking to us. And he's saying that we should all stand up for our American Workers. It's time we all listened.
Some Americans just need to come to grips with the fact that there is no such thing as a 'Happy Slave.' Continuing to pay them awful wages and treating them miserably, will only lead to more suffering and anger. And it will also lead to more Americans relying on Government Entitlements to survive. So everyone pays in the end.

More Americans need to soften their hearts and see that it's not only about Politics. It's about helping the less fortunate among us. These are our fellow Americans after all. Jesus is speaking to us. And he's saying that we should all stand up for our American Workers. It's time we all listened.
You can't "force" someone to be charitable.
Some Americans just need to come to grips with the fact that there is no such thing as a 'Happy Slave.' Continuing to pay them awful wages and treating them miserably, will only lead to more suffering and anger. And it will also lead to more Americans relying on Government Entitlements to survive. So everyone pays in the end.

More Americans need to soften their hearts and see that it's not only about Politics. It's about helping the less fortunate among us. These are our fellow Americans after all. Jesus is speaking to us. And he's saying that we should all stand up for our American Workers. It's time we all listened.
You can't "force" someone to be charitable.

No 'Happy Slaves' my friend. Next time you're at a sweat-shop like Walmart, take a closer look at their Workers' faces. Bitterness & misery is written all over their faces. They actually hate you.

But i bet you're one of those who expects 5-Star Service, huh? 5-Star Service for 1-Star pay. And sadly, that sums up most Americans today. Their greed and appetite for more stuff is insatiable.

American diets have changed dramatically in recent years. That's more of a logical explanation for lower sales. Minimum Wage has nothing to do with it. But see how quick you are to blame the Workers? And that's very sad. Seriously, it's ok to defend Workers sometimes. You can still keep your 'Good Capitalist' card. No one's gonna forcibly confiscate it.
When the troll is just endlessly spamming, the thread as got nowhere to go.
Some Americans just need to come to grips with the fact that there is no such thing as a 'Happy Slave.' Continuing to pay them awful wages and treating them miserably, will only lead to more suffering and anger. And it will also lead to more Americans relying on Government Entitlements to survive. So everyone pays in the end.

More Americans need to soften their hearts and see that it's not only about Politics. It's about helping the less fortunate among us. These are our fellow Americans after all. Jesus is speaking to us. And he's saying that we should all stand up for our American Workers. It's time we all listened.
You can't "force" someone to be charitable.

No 'Happy Slaves' my friend. Next time you're at a sweat-shop like Walmart, take a closer look at their Workers' faces. Bitterness & misery is written all over their faces. They actually hate you.

But i bet you're one of those who expects 5-Star Service, huh? 5-Star Service for 1-Star pay. And sadly, that sums up most Americans today. Their greed and appetite for more stuff is insatiable.

That isn't my experience, I find most of the people who work there to be pretty nice. They generally don't work that hard, but they do work. And they tend to be helpful if I ask a question. Working at Walmart seems about right for them.
Some Americans just need to come to grips with the fact that there is no such thing as a 'Happy Slave.' Continuing to pay them awful wages and treating them miserably, will only lead to more suffering and anger. And it will also lead to more Americans relying on Government Entitlements to survive. So everyone pays in the end.

More Americans need to soften their hearts and see that it's not only about Politics. It's about helping the less fortunate among us. These are our fellow Americans after all. Jesus is speaking to us. And he's saying that we should all stand up for our American Workers. It's time we all listened.
You can't "force" someone to be charitable.

No 'Happy Slaves' my friend. Next time you're at a sweat-shop like Walmart, take a closer look at their Workers' faces. Bitterness & misery is written all over their faces. They actually hate you.

But i bet you're one of those who expects 5-Star Service, huh? 5-Star Service for 1-Star pay. And sadly, that sums up most Americans today. Their greed and appetite for more stuff is insatiable.
I worked retail at a grocery store from 15-23. When I go to a retail store, I see those folks as peers. When I look at them they smile back at me. No misery is on their faces, no hate. But then I live in TX in a county that often ranks as one of the best counties in the country. Most of the people working retail around here are young college kids like I was. But some are retired folks getting some extra income. When I was a kid working at the grocery there were also retired folks working there. This is not new. It was fun to work with the old guys. When I see an old guy at the store I give him the biggest smile I can wave and say good day to ya sir! But that's how we are around here we wave at people when they drive by too... it's different here. More like mayberry RFD. FYI the closest big town to me is called Georgetown. Look it up.
Some Americans just need to come to grips with the fact that there is no such thing as a 'Happy Slave.' Continuing to pay them awful wages and treating them miserably, will only lead to more suffering and anger. And it will also lead to more Americans relying on Government Entitlements to survive. So everyone pays in the end.

More Americans need to soften their hearts and see that it's not only about Politics. It's about helping the less fortunate among us. These are our fellow Americans after all. Jesus is speaking to us. And he's saying that we should all stand up for our American Workers. It's time we all listened.
You can't "force" someone to be charitable.

No 'Happy Slaves' my friend. Next time you're at a sweat-shop like Walmart, take a closer look at their Workers' faces. Bitterness & misery is written all over their faces. They actually hate you.

But i bet you're one of those who expects 5-Star Service, huh? 5-Star Service for 1-Star pay. And sadly, that sums up most Americans today. Their greed and appetite for more stuff is insatiable.

That isn't my experience, I find most of the people who work there to be pretty nice. They generally don't work that hard, but they do work. And they tend to be helpful if I ask a question. Working at Walmart seems about right for them.

Ha, 'They generally don't work hard.' Wow, you really are living a jolly ole 'Good Capitalist' fantasy there. They're abused mules. They're only smiling at you because they're required to. They actually hate you. Like i said, there are no 'Happy Slaves.'

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