The Definition of a "Living Wage"

Do you agree with this definition of a Living Wage? (Ignore my personal opinion below it)

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Let's be real, American Worker morale is at an all-time low. Most just don't see any incentive anymore. Corporations have become shamefully greedy and stingy. Pay-raises are very few and far between at this point. And when they do happen, they're laughably minuscule. I mean come on, 'Hey Slave, here's a 10 Cent raise for ya.' Don't spend it all in one place. ;)'

So insulting Workers or just trying to ignore the problem, will not make the problem go away. We need to take care of our People better. Jesus wants that. Period, end of story.

If thats your world, I feel very sorry for you. Because you are living in a fantasy and whining for more of it.
both parties in congress authorized and funded the Iraq fiasco. Bush, nor any president, has or had the power to do it on his own. It was a stupid waste, but they are all responsible.
No exactly. The decision to invade Iraq was supported by 100% of Republicans and only a handful of Democrats.

Overall, Democrats voted against the invasion.
both parties in congress authorized and funded the Iraq fiasco. Bush, nor any president, has or had the power to do it on his own. It was a stupid waste, but they are all responsible.
No exactly. The decision to invade Iraq was supported by 100% of Republicans and only a handful of Democrats.

Overall, Democrats voted against the invasion.

doesn't matter. both parties supported, authorized, and funded it.

Not a single republican voted for obamacare, but its now law.
doesn't matter. both parties supported, authorized, and funded it.
Not true. Democrats voted overwhelmingly against it.

So what, enough dems voted for it to pass it. Have you forgotten what both Clintons said about Saddam and WMDs? The Iraq war was not a partisan affair, it was not Bush's war, it was a stupid mistake based on bad intel and Saddam's lies.

Unless we accept it for what it was, we cannot learn from it, same applies to Viet Nam.
doesn't matter. both parties supported, authorized, and funded it.
Not true. Democrats voted overwhelmingly against it.

So what, enough dems voted for it to pass it. Have you forgotten what both Clintons said about Saddam and WMDs? The Iraq war was not a partisan affair, it was not Bush's war, it was a stupid mistake based on bad intel and Saddam's lies.

Unless we accept it for what it was, we cannot learn from it, same applies to Viet Nam.
I've indulged you quite enough.

Back to the topic-- a definition of living wage.
doesn't matter. both parties supported, authorized, and funded it.
Not true. Democrats voted overwhelmingly against it.

So what, enough dems voted for it to pass it. Have you forgotten what both Clintons said about Saddam and WMDs? The Iraq war was not a partisan affair, it was not Bush's war, it was a stupid mistake based on bad intel and Saddam's lies.

Unless we accept it for what it was, we cannot learn from it, same applies to Viet Nam.
I've indulged you quite enough.

Back to the topic-- a definition of living wage.

Ok, I accept your concession of defeat. Back to minimum wage.

So, tell me. If $10/hour is good for workers, employers, and the economy, why isn't $50/hour even better?
doesn't matter. both parties supported, authorized, and funded it.
Not true. Democrats voted overwhelmingly against it.

So what, enough dems voted for it to pass it. Have you forgotten what both Clintons said about Saddam and WMDs? The Iraq war was not a partisan affair, it was not Bush's war, it was a stupid mistake based on bad intel and Saddam's lies.

Unless we accept it for what it was, we cannot learn from it, same applies to Viet Nam.
I've indulged you quite enough.

Back to the topic-- a definition of living wage.

Ok, I accept your concession of defeat. Back to minimum wage.

So, tell me. If $10/hour is good for workers, employers, and the economy, why isn't $50/hour even better?
Back at you.. if 7.50 isn't good for workers, employers, or the economy, why would 0.0 be good for workers, employers, or the economy?
doesn't matter. both parties supported, authorized, and funded it.
Not true. Democrats voted overwhelmingly against it.

So what, enough dems voted for it to pass it. Have you forgotten what both Clintons said about Saddam and WMDs? The Iraq war was not a partisan affair, it was not Bush's war, it was a stupid mistake based on bad intel and Saddam's lies.

Unless we accept it for what it was, we cannot learn from it, same applies to Viet Nam.
I've indulged you quite enough.

Back to the topic-- a definition of living wage.

Ok, I accept your concession of defeat. Back to minimum wage.

So, tell me. If $10/hour is good for workers, employers, and the economy, why isn't $50/hour even better?
Back at you.. if 7.50 isn't good for workers, employers, or the economy, why would 0.0 be good for workers, employers, or the economy?

who would agree to work for nothing? your reply is foolish.
Not true. Democrats voted overwhelmingly against it.

So what, enough dems voted for it to pass it. Have you forgotten what both Clintons said about Saddam and WMDs? The Iraq war was not a partisan affair, it was not Bush's war, it was a stupid mistake based on bad intel and Saddam's lies.

Unless we accept it for what it was, we cannot learn from it, same applies to Viet Nam.
I've indulged you quite enough.

Back to the topic-- a definition of living wage.

Ok, I accept your concession of defeat. Back to minimum wage.

So, tell me. If $10/hour is good for workers, employers, and the economy, why isn't $50/hour even better?
Back at you.. if 7.50 isn't good for workers, employers, or the economy, why would 0.0 be good for workers, employers, or the economy?

who would agree to work for nothing? your reply is foolish.
My argument was foolish?
who would agree to pay a 100k a year for someone to bag groceries...?

But to answer the question if you were forced to work at the crack of a whip you would work for free.

If you disagree, maybe you can explain why I had to work 5months out of last year before any of my income came to me.
My argument was foolish?
who would agree to pay a 100k a year for someone to bag groceries...?

But to answer the question if you were forced to work at the crack of a whip you would work for free.

If you disagree, maybe you can explain why I had to work 5months out of last year before any of my income came to me.

Because they cracked a whip? :dunno:
doesn't matter. both parties supported, authorized, and funded it.
Not true. Democrats voted overwhelmingly against it.

So what, enough dems voted for it to pass it. Have you forgotten what both Clintons said about Saddam and WMDs? The Iraq war was not a partisan affair, it was not Bush's war, it was a stupid mistake based on bad intel and Saddam's lies.

Unless we accept it for what it was, we cannot learn from it, same applies to Viet Nam.

I disagree that it was a "stupid mistake based on bad intel." I think that is the meme the liberal left successfully promoted and now has become some kind of "conventional wisdom" by even those on the right. What was a "stupid mistake" was allowing radical Islam to escape total retribution after 9/11. Now we have ISIS as a result... a direct result of following the liberal left's anti-Bush theme.

We should have turned the entire place into a massive fish bowl.
My argument was foolish?
who would agree to pay a 100k a year for someone to bag groceries...?

But to answer the question if you were forced to work at the crack of a whip you would work for free.

If you disagree, maybe you can explain why I had to work 5months out of last year before any of my income came to me.

Because they cracked a whip? :dunno:
A whip is a long strap that slave masters use to beat their slaves when they don't work hard enough.
My argument was foolish?
who would agree to pay a 100k a year for someone to bag groceries...?

But to answer the question if you were forced to work at the crack of a whip you would work for free.

If you disagree, maybe you can explain why I had to work 5months out of last year before any of my income came to me.

Because they cracked a whip? :dunno:
A whip is a long strap that slave masters use to beat their slaves when they don't work hard enough.

Agreed. So someone cracked on of those upon you, which is why you worked 5 months last year without pay? That is what your post seems to indicate. "answer the question if you were forced to work at the crack of a whip you would work for free. If you disagree, maybe you can explain why I had to work 5months out of last year before any of my income came to me."

If there is someplace in America where someone is cracking whips and forcing you to work for free, please let me know about that, I want to go protest! It's deplorable if that is happening!
Tax Freedom Day arrives April 17 this year - Apr. 2 2012

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- More than three months of your hard-earned wages are going straight to your tax bill this year.

Americans will spend an average of 29% of their income on federal, state and local taxes in 2012, the Tax Foundation announced Monday. That's more than the average family spends on food, clothing and housing combined, the organization said.

And it means that most Americans are going to need to work 107 days just to be able to earn enough money to pay their taxes.

I believe RK may be referring to this..........While it's not 5 months in this article's case.....................

107 days to pay the taxes imposed by this country and they are still broke............still borrowing.........

Some will deny they will ignore the hidden taxes we pay everyday.
My argument was foolish?
who would agree to pay a 100k a year for someone to bag groceries...?

But to answer the question if you were forced to work at the crack of a whip you would work for free.

If you disagree, maybe you can explain why I had to work 5months out of last year before any of my income came to me.

Because they cracked a whip? :dunno:
A whip is a long strap that slave masters use to beat their slaves when they don't work hard enough.

Agreed. So someone cracked on of those upon you, which is why you worked 5 months last year without pay? That is what your post seems to indicate. "answer the question if you were forced to work at the crack of a whip you would work for free. If you disagree, maybe you can explain why I had to work 5months out of last year before any of my income came to me."

If there is someplace in America where someone is cracking whips and forcing you to work for free, please let me know about that, I want to go protest! It's deplorable if that is happening!
There is no place to go to avoid taxes on income, not in the modern world. The only solution is to stop working. I used to pay about 65% of income to taxes. I reduced the amount of income I report and sold one of my houses to get that number down. I have plans to get that amount down even further. I don't mind paying sales and property tax, so not all of the taxes I'm paying are by the crack of the whip. One day I hope to achieve zero income tax and be completely reliant on bartering and other forms of trade to avoid non-voluntary taxes.
Tax Freedom Day arrives April 17 this year - Apr. 2 2012

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- More than three months of your hard-earned wages are going straight to your tax bill this year.

Americans will spend an average of 29% of their income on federal, state and local taxes in 2012, the Tax Foundation announced Monday. That's more than the average family spends on food, clothing and housing combined, the organization said.

And it means that most Americans are going to need to work 107 days just to be able to earn enough money to pay their taxes.

I believe RK may be referring to this..........While it's not 5 months in this article's case.....................

107 days to pay the taxes imposed by this country and they are still broke............still borrowing.........

Some will deny they will ignore the hidden taxes we pay everyday.
Yes that was what I was talking about. While 29% may be the number for some who are in the first two quin-tiles, those with higher income pay a lot more. I suspect that 29% does not include the 15% that goes to ss & med. I also suspect that does not cover AMT taxes, taxes on capital gains, & such. While the 15% may be effective for the first quin-tile, it's not for me, since I capped out my SS payments before I turned 35. Every penny that goes to SS for me is pure tax now.
since I capped out my SS payments before I turned 35. Every penny that goes to SS for me is pure tax now

What in the fuck are you babbling about dude? You mean they aren't withholding social security from your welfare check? Well no shit. But at least I know how you got your income tax obligation down. Welfare.

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