The Definition of a "Living Wage"

Do you agree with this definition of a Living Wage? (Ignore my personal opinion below it)

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since I capped out my SS payments before I turned 35. Every penny that goes to SS for me is pure tax now

What in the fuck are you babbling about dude? You mean they aren't withholding social security from your welfare check? Well no shit. But at least I know how you got your income tax obligation down. Welfare.
When you grow up and start paying SS taxes they send you reports about what you have deposited. The amount of SS you get in retirement is based on the deposits you made to SS. However, after you have deposited the maximum amount into SS over a number of years they eventually send you a congratulations letter telling you that you have maxed out your SS, so when you retire you will receive the largest SS check they can write. Thus, from that point on any further SS deposits are really just a tax that is used to pay for other people that don't max our their SS deposits.

No one from my family has ever received a dime of welfare, and we never will.
When you grow up and start paying SS taxes they send you reports about what you have deposited. The amount of SS you get in retirement is based on the deposits you made to SS. However, after you have deposited the maximum amount into SS over a number of years they eventually send you a congratulations letter telling you that you have maxed out your SS, so when you retire you will receive the largest SS check they can write. Thus, from that point on any further SS deposits are really just a tax that is used to pay for other people that don't max our their SS deposits.

Before I call you a liar, I want to be fair. I googled what you said. Couldn't find what you said. So before I go all ghetto on you, prove it.

IF you maxed out your contribution, it was on a yearly basis. According to you, you have virtually no income. So what is it that you think you have done?

Should be easy for you to prove. Just link up to the Social Security website so I can read this new development.
Hey, here's a great idea...Let's pay our American Workers less and treat em shittier. That should solve all the problems. I mean, how dare they not want to be slaves. Who do they think they are?

Oh boy, that does seem to be the Corporate-line, and for those who worship at the Corporate altar. Sadly, much darker days are still ahead for American Workers. They can't catch a break.
Hey, here's a great idea...Let's pay our American Workers less and treat em shittier. That should solve all the problems. I mean, how dare they not want to be slaves. Who do they think they are?

Oh boy, that does seem to be the Corporate-line, and for those who worship at the Corporate altar. Sadly, much darker days are still ahead for American Workers. They can't catch a break.

My suggestion would be, if you're not satisfied with being a worker, don't be a worker! I knew at 16 that I didn't want to be a worker. Nothing about it appealed to me. I always wanted to be my own boss and so, that's what I became. I didn't have anything special going for me, I wasn't born into wealth, and I made my share of boneheaded mistakes. My success wasn't a matter of luck or happenstance, I had to forge my own way and it was difficult.

The thing is, we're not all cut out to be our own boss. Some people like the security of being a "worker" and that's fine. I can recall my friends coaching little league with their kids while I had business to take care of. I remember them taking the family on vacations to the beach or getting that big tax return check while I had to figure out how to pay my tax bill. I had to make some sacrifices to be my own boss, but I can say that I have never "worked" a day in my adult life.

The really GREAT thing about America is, we don't have a "Worker Class" here. You are FREE to be anything you desire in America. You want to pretend this is not the case and some people are trapped in an inescapable class as "slaves" and this is because the Marxist propaganda you've been taught was based on this sort of condition elsewhere.
Hey, here's a great idea...Let's pay our American Workers less and treat em shittier. That should solve all the problems. I mean, how dare they not want to be slaves. Who do they think they are?

Oh boy, that does seem to be the Corporate-line, and for those who worship at the Corporate altar. Sadly, much darker days are still ahead for American Workers. They can't catch a break.

My suggestion would be, if you're not satisfied with being a worker, don't be a worker! I knew at 16 that I didn't want to be a worker. Nothing about it appealed to me. I always wanted to be my own boss and so, that's what I became. I didn't have anything special going for me, I wasn't born into wealth, and I made my share of boneheaded mistakes. My success wasn't a matter of luck or happenstance, I had to forge my own way and it was difficult.

The thing is, we're not all cut out to be our own boss. Some people like the security of being a "worker" and that's fine. I can recall my friends coaching little league with their kids while I had business to take care of. I remember them taking the family on vacations to the beach or getting that big tax return check while I had to figure out how to pay my tax bill. I had to make some sacrifices to be my own boss, but I can say that I have never "worked" a day in my adult life.

The really GREAT thing about America is, we don't have a "Worker Class" here. You are FREE to be anything you desire in America. You want to pretend this is not the case and some people are trapped in an inescapable class as "slaves" and this is because the Marxist propaganda you've been taught was based on this sort of condition elsewhere.

No, 'pretending' would be believing that Millions of American Workers are not trapped in an inescapable class as Slaves. But hey i know, if Workers would only shut up and just accept being treated shittier & shittier by the year. All of the problems would just disappear. I mean come on, how dare they not want to be slaves. Seriously, who the hell do they think they are?
When you grow up and start paying SS taxes they send you reports about what you have deposited. The amount of SS you get in retirement is based on the deposits you made to SS. However, after you have deposited the maximum amount into SS over a number of years they eventually send you a congratulations letter telling you that you have maxed out your SS, so when you retire you will receive the largest SS check they can write. Thus, from that point on any further SS deposits are really just a tax that is used to pay for other people that don't max our their SS deposits.

Before I call you a liar, I want to be fair. I googled what you said. Couldn't find what you said. So before I go all ghetto on you, prove it.

IF you maxed out your contribution, it was on a yearly basis. According to you, you have virtually no income. So what is it that you think you have done?

Should be easy for you to prove. Just link up to the Social Security website so I can read this new development.
I didn't say I have virtually no income, I said I reduced my income significantly. Where I used to bring in 3-4 times what I do now, I'm still maxing out SS each year.

After about 10 years of maxing out your SS deposits you are fully insured and eligible to receive retirement benefits. At that time they send the mail congratulating you for being fully vested. It's been a while and I forgot that it was just vested... my bad.

The amount you get back in retirement is 90% of the first $816 you earn each month, or $734.40 plus 32% of the next $4,101 or $1,312.32 plus 15% of anything you earned over that up to the cap which is 15% of $4,917 or $596.10. Primary Insurance Amount

IOW people who work part time at minimum wage get 90% back of what they put in (without interest) and people in the middle income who work harder get screwed, but people in the upper middle income get doubly screwed and people who work for themselves get triple screwed.

But once you've maxed out for 35 years you can't go higher. So I suppose some small amount of what I'm putting in is still raising the amount I'll get back. But at this point I'm looking at getting back only about 4% of what I'm putting in because I already maxed out 26years of SS, this as opposed to the 90% minimum wage folk will get back. IOW I might get another few dollars by maxing out all 35years, but I already put in 35years plus, albeit 9 were when I was in HS, college and just graduating thus not maxing out contributions for those years.
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Tell me again why the hell I work for a living?
Clearly you work to pay taxes... nudge.

I repeat: tell me again why the hell I work for a living? Why the hell do I bust my ass 45-50+ hours a week? I need to get on welfare.
But if everyone quits working to get on welfare... oh yeah that's what the democrats are seeking. Burn it all to the ground, so long as they don't have to pay for it.
No, 'pretending' would be believing that Millions of American Workers are not trapped in an inescapable class as Slaves. But hey i know, if Workers would only shut up and just accept being treated shittier & shittier by the year. All of the problems would just disappear. I mean come on, how dare they not want to be slaves. Seriously, who the hell do they think they are?

No one in America is trapped in anything. You are simply repeating the mindless rhetoric you already posted. There is no "Worker Class" in this country, we have a free enterprise system. What you are talking about, existed in 19th century Europe and Asia, not in America. For a brief time, we had slavery for certain people who were brought here as slaves, but that has been disposed of for 150 years.

Here is what is happening in America today.... We have a couple of generations of absolutely illiterate people who simply have no knowledge of world history. Apparently, we have abandoned this as a requirement for proper education. It has been replaced by fantasy role-play games, the veneration of tyrants and romanticism with counterculture. In that environment the all-but-obsolete propaganda of former Communists seems to appeal to the nitwits and retards.

No one... and I do mean NO ONE... doesn't want to make more money for their labor. But the way to get there is NOT through Marxism, Communism or Socialism. That is a recipe for FAILURE! ...It simply never has worked and never will work. The ONLY thing that has ever been proven successful in creating more wealth for the individual is free market capitalism. In order to make more money for your labor, you must invigorate more free market capitalism, that's the ONLY thing that works and has been proven to work time and time again.
By the time the whole thing collapses, I figure I'll be 10+ years I am having a hard time giving as shit.
The reason I give a shit is I have kids, and I hope to have grand kids. I want them to know their dad/grandpa at least tried to fight the people that changed their country into a communist state.
The reason I give a shit is I have kids, and I hope to have grand kids. I want them to know their dad/grandpa at least tried to fight the people that changed their country into a communist state.

Hyperbole much you drama queen?
The reason I give a shit is I have kids, and I hope to have grand kids. I want them to know their dad/grandpa at least tried to fight the people that changed their country into a communist state.

Hyperbole much you drama queen?

This from a far left programmed drone that defines a living wage as how they can exploit the illegals to build their fortune..
The reason I give a shit is I have kids, and I hope to have grand kids. I want them to know their dad/grandpa at least tried to fight the people that changed their country into a communist state.

Hyperbole much you drama queen?
I would give my left nut to have the opportunity to wipe this country free of people like you. You can call that hyperbole if you like. I call it a lifetime goal.
The reason I give a shit is I have kids, and I hope to have grand kids. I want them to know their dad/grandpa at least tried to fight the people that changed their country into a communist state.

Hyperbole much you drama queen?

This from a far left programmed drone that defines a living wage as how they can exploit the illegals to build their fortune..

KLosh. Your a drama queen to. Feel better now? Other than that, what the fuck was your post about?

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