The Definition of a "Living Wage"

Do you agree with this definition of a Living Wage? (Ignore my personal opinion below it)

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5 million third world illegal immigrants deserve a living wage, subsidized housing , food stamps, free educations and medical care....

Thanks taxpayers !!! Lol
The issue has to be addressed. The Slaves are restless. They're not gonna just shut up and go away. And Jesus wants us to treat our fellow human beings better. Paying workers less and treating them worse, isn't a logical or humane way forward. But sadly, that's been the trend for too many years. We have to be better than that as a society. Jesus expects it of us.

Again, if you want to improve pay or conditions of the people who have CHOSEN to work, then you have to invigorate more free market capitalism, because that's the only thing known to work. Jesus would want you to promote a solution to HELP your fellow man, not destroy him. You're promoting an idea that has (in the past) led to genocide and heinous atrocities on mankind. I don't think Jesus would be cool with that at all.

Maybe head to Church this Sunday. Jesus wants to speak to you. He wants to tell you it's ok to help American Workers. It's even a duty.
5 million third world illegal immigrants deserve a living wage, subsidized housing , food stamps, free educations and medical care....

Thanks taxpayers !!! Lol

Yes, the American Worker's about to take another big hit. This current President has opened the Border floodgates. Wages will drop and jobs will become even more scarce. Poor American Worker just can't catch a break.
Got a drunk, a con man and a brown eyed drama queen.

Hey asshole RKM, post up your address. You never know.

You dumb fuckers really have a hard time with words don't cha? A living wage. Wages that are enough to live on.
Hope that helps you dumb mother fuckers.
Give me your cell number and gps I'll send you a route to mine.

RKM you pussy. All I need is your address. Come on dude. You the one making implied threats. Don't you want to find out?
3614 Bill Price Rd, Del Valle, TX 78617

Wear bright orange so know it's you.

Laugh my fucking ass off. You are in the Travis County Jail. Inmate or jailer?
For real next time.
invigorate more free market capitalism

Hey mouth. Why don't you take some of your millions and "invigorate more free market capitalism?
Why don'tcha do that? All those millions, not doing anything with them. Why you crying for others to do what you won't, can't or will not do?
advocating for, but I'm having to politically battle Socialist morons first

Battle Hymn of the Capitalist.

invigorate more free market capitalism

Hey mouth. Why don't you take some of your millions and "invigorate more free market capitalism?
Why don'tcha do that? All those millions, not doing anything with them. Why you crying for others to do what you won't, can't or will not do?

I would but the taxes are too high. I can make more money leaving my wealth in tax-free municipals for now. If you reduce capital gains taxes and/or corporate tax rates, I would be happy to help. I actually have several really good ideas ready to go... just waiting on the morons to stop trying to implement socialism and for us to return to promoting free market capitalism.
Got a drunk, a con man and a brown eyed drama queen.

Hey asshole RKM, post up your address. You never know.

You dumb fuckers really have a hard time with words don't cha? A living wage. Wages that are enough to live on.
Hope that helps you dumb mother fuckers.
Give me your cell number and gps I'll send you a route to mine.

RKM you pussy. All I need is your address. Come on dude. You the one making implied threats. Don't you want to find out?
3614 Bill Price Rd, Del Valle, TX 78617

Wear bright orange so know it's you.

Laugh my fucking ass off. You are in the Travis County Jail. Inmate or jailer?
For real next time.

Oh no, I don't live there. I was gonna meet you there. Then drive you out to my place. I live way out in the sticks you'd never find it.
I would but the taxes are too high. I can make more money leaving my wealth in tax-free municipals for now. If you reduce capital gains taxes and/or corporate tax rates,

Sure dude sure. You lying asshole.
Oh no, I don't live there. I was gonna meet you there. Then drive you out to my place. I live way out in the sticks you'd never find it.

That's why they made GPS. So if you won't put up your address, how about your phone number. I want to see if you are as fucking stupid as I think you are.
I would but the taxes are too high. I can make more money leaving my wealth in tax-free municipals for now. If you reduce capital gains taxes and/or corporate tax rates,

Sure dude sure. You lying asshole.

Hey, you asked me why I don't use my wealth to invigorate more free market capitalism and I told you why. If you think I am lying there isn't much I can do about that. I personally don't see where there is any motivation for me to lie.

Look... let's break it down so your moronic ass can maybe understand it...

Let's say I have $1 million in municipal bonds. This means I own the bonds and they continue to accrue interest. The rate is not much, I think it's around 5%, maybe a little more or less, but none of this is taxable until I liquidate the asset. As long as it sits there, I pay no taxes whatsoever. When I die, it can be distributed to my heirs and they can choose to liquidate the asset or leave it as is. So, if I do nothing at all, I am making $50k per year in interest, no risk, no taxation... as long as I leave it alone. In ten years, I make $500k, in 20 years, I have doubled my money.

Now... Let's say I want to use that $1 million to start Boss Enterprises and invigorate free market capitalism... As soon as I sell my asset (the bonds) they are subject to 39.6% federal income tax. So there goes $400k right off the top. Now I have $600k left to work with. I start my business up, I hire people and buy property for my operations. I am then subject to property tax as well as paying a portion of tax for my employees, who I also have to provide health care benefits for and other things like unemployment insurance. There are utility bills to pay, I have to pay for business licensing and such... lots and lots of expenses. But hey... cost of doing business, I expect to make a profit. Of course, when I do realize a profit, that is taxed at the corporate rate of 25% plus any state and local taxes. And my business is not guaranteed to make any profit at all, it could lose money.

Remind me again... Why do I need this headache? I can leave my money where it is, not have to worry with any of these problems, not risk anything at all, and generate $50k per year guaranteed. Even if I want to claim the interest as income, it is in the lower 15% tax bracket as a long-term capital gain. If it's my only source of income, there may be no taxes at all. Mmmm.... no taxes at all! That sounds like MY kind of plan! As opposed to the headaches and hardships of running a business, dealing with fucktarts like you who are looking for every way possible to steal my wealth.
Let's say I have $1 million in municipal bonds.
As soon as I sell my asset (the bonds) they are subject to 39.6% federal income tax.

You are saying that you are such a stupid investor that your 1 million bond investment is all subject to the "De Minimis" rule?

If you are not saying that, then you really are a liar because your tax owed would be at a capital gains tax rate.

What the fuck is the matter with you? You think I am not sitting at a computer with Google. Dumb fuck.
rkm, here's my number, 1 800 318 7448. Again, that number is 1 800 EAT SHIT.:banana:
But don't call me with your mouth full. I already have a hard enough time trying to understand what you're sayin'.
A common crisis of capitalism occurs when the drive for lower operating costs (of which low wages is central) leaves wage earners with too few dollars in the aggregate to consume.

When Reagan, who was part of a movement that dismantled our high postwar labor costs, faced this crisis of weakened consumer demand, he aggressively expanded credit to consumers. (Our substitution of credit for wages/benefits is obvious to anyone who looks at a chart of what happened to household debt starting in 1980.)

By fixing weak demand with credit, Reaganomics merely delayed the crisis, leaving us in a situation where American families are now now simply too indebted to consume at the needed levels to support robust economic growth.

What the OP doesn't understand is that the same old supply side reforms that worked so well in the late 70s and 80s are not as effective when the problem is demand centered. (FYI: this ignorance is typical of powerful movements (on both sides): people tend to calcify around a narrow framework which causes them to misread the problem.)

This is not to say that we can return to the demand-centered policies of the postwar years, when economic growth was well above where it has been over the last three decades, it's only to say that we should be very weary of the current supply side hysteria which no longer seems to be in touch with the actual economy. In other words, giving tax cuts to the wealthy when they are awash in unprecedented levels of cash is not likely to revive the purchasing power of our Walmart wage-and-benefit system. Meaning: companies will not have the incentive to invest and add jobs until their consumers come back, which will never happen if our incentive system for growing the economy keeps driving down wages.

Again, I don't know what the solution is, but it's hard to discuss living wages with people whose understanding of the economy is a talk radio cliche.
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This is not to say that we can return to the demand-centered policies of the postwar years, when economic growth was well above where it has been over the last three decades,

I don't believe we will ever again have the large numbers of citizens with good disposable incomes like we had in the not to distant past. The jobs that earned that good income are gone. And are not coming back in numbers great enough to make a difference.

Lets say we are moving away from the idea of people being able to move up in "class" through hard work alone; ie from lower to middle to upper middle to affluent to rich to very rich. Lets say we are going to a society of the have and the have nots.

The have nots will be counted on to purchase basic living necessities but will not be much of a contributor to growth in the discretionary spending markets. Their new TV will come from Craigslist or Goodwill or a friend with a good job selling his old stuff.

The future does not look too bright for those without the advantage of education and contacts. Who you know has never been more important than it is today. Relationships with other successful people will be paramount.

If you are poor, un educated, lacking good skills in math and reading (which is millions of people) then you are fucked for your lifetime. Survival will be what you concentrate on.

And we will have a hard time growing like we used to. IMO.

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