The Dem Plan To Impeach Trump

So? When I was a lot younger, I had decent jobs and had trouble making ends meet, but did. You probably did too. My parents told me about the great depression, and later getting married and being separated during WWII, one in the Navy fighting in the pacific, the other taking care of my brother by herself while at Oak Ridge working to produce the material for the bomb and I think they had trouble making ends meet also, but figured it out, as I guess it's the family way. From what I have seen, heard and read about, I don't see this societal generation suffering unusually, in any kind of historic sense. Heck, it was way worse than this in last quarter of 2008 to first quarter of 2010. Even you have to admit that, with all the factory closings, people losing homes, people losing a ton of money overnight and continuing to lose for months. I just use a different yardstick than you and them probably, and know that panic is not an option and never has been, as it clouds real evaluation. They will learn this, too, if in fact they are suffering as much as you say, though by in large part, nothing compared to historic days, even you and I have seen.
Can't disagree with any of that, and folks and their perspectives/perceptions change from decade to decade it seems. When you plan for lean times you don't notice them as much, but I work in an area and with a lot of people paycheck to them this is really bad, some were still at home in 2008 with their parents. They get used to low prices and when something happens to make them go up, they freak out a bit.
I loved it when I lived in Tennessee. No state tax, could drive down to Mississippi to buy groceries or other items with lower sales tax. Anyway, hoping Biden does not win again and will vote for whomever the Republican nominee is. I think we can do better supporting our citizens throughout the country than we are doing now.
The only good thing I can say about him is, for a billionaire, he is very entertaining in a lowest common denominator kind of way, but not surprising for somebody that got his kicks as a game show host.
Were you born in 2020?... or is your memory gone?.... Trump pre covid made America great again... Biden broke it with the help of the Chinese military and covid....
Trump's Attorney General affirmed the seriousness and evidence of Trump's 2016?

You might want to check that.
Barr????? LMFAO... that wasn't Trump's AG he was America's AG... see that's how its suppose to work... they way dems work is they appoint a lap dog like Garland to be a AG and sick him on political rivals....
Impeach Trump??? what the fuck people... China purposely released covid via their lab and their military... they attacked the world with a bio weapon and have any of you heard from Biden about this news?....
Have any of you seen the whores in our media say a thing?....
No but you suck up any bad report on Trump whether its true or false....
Barr????? LMFAO... that wasn't Trump's AG he was America's AG... see that's how its suppose to work... they way dems work is they appoint a lap dog like Garland to be a AG and sick him on political rivals.... Trump's hand picked choice to be the Attorney General isn't a reliable source on the law?

Anything that doesn't ape your conspiracy must be part of it, eh tinfoil? Trump's hand picked choice to be the Attorney General isn't a reliable source on the law?

Anything that doesn't ape your conspiracy must be part of it, eh tinfoil?
Republicans don't put wing men in the DOJ... only dishonest dems do that....
Republicans don't put wing men in the DOJ... only dishonest dems do that....

So Bill Barr is part of your ever expanding, wildly complicated, and fantastically elaboate international conspiracy theory now?

Laughing......anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy must be part of it. The tinfoil mantra.
Were you born in 2020?... or is your memory gone?.... Trump pre covid made America great again... Biden broke it with the help of the Chinese military and covid....
BS. America has been great since long before I was born. There is nothing quite as cool as propagandizing a made up problem, to convince people you have the solution or are the solution.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
BS. America has been great since long before I was born. There is nothing quite as cool as propagandizing a made up problem, to convince people you have the solution or are the solution.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Bullshit... you call us great now?... LMAO... we are being shoved around by China like we are their bitch... China is building a base in Cuba... the economy sucks we are trillions in debt companies are closing wages are dropping as fast as savings accounts and we are involved in funding another war we can't afford as we evac American's from Taiwan like frightened weaklings.... you have a funny description of great....

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