The Democrat Reich is trying to smear Marjorie Taylor Green.

The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
The Q/Trumpsters love her. She's one of them.

She's not an outlier. That's how far over the edge the party is.
What has she said that is "whacky?"
The Trumpsters don't see anything wrong with any of that.

It's just what good patriots do 'n stuff.
Prove she said any of that. Ilhan Omar married her brother, committed immigration fraud, diverted campaign funds to her lover, yada yada yada. Why should we take your smears against MTG seriously?
It's all out there. Easy to find. You just don't have the balls to look for it. You are a sheep.
Why would I look for evidence to support your imbecile claims? You BIden NAZIs just don't understand how a debate forum works.

You never provide any evidence.
I provide tons of evidence. What I don't do is play your go-fetch-it games.
Hahaha. You call for evidence and examples of why Greene is a kook. You are provided many including her listing several examples herself in front of congress which she apologized for. You then say you ignore those because they bore you. It honestly can’t get much dumber than that. You fail... again

Don’t pretend to be good at debate. You’re not
Green is 1000 times less kookie than a typical member of the Democrat Reich. Anyone who believes we're all going to die in 10 years from global warming is a kook, and most Democrats believe it. Anyone who says this country is racist is a kook, and all Democrats believe that.

Marjorie either has a drug problem or a room temperature IQ.. Let her talk.. The American people need to hear her.

Exactly. I want her and every other whack-a-doodle like Gaetz, Gohmert, Jordan, Scalise, and Boebert out front spewing their crazy. I want these people to be the face of the Republican party for the next decade. :)
The campaign ads are just writing themselves.
The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
The Q/Trumpsters love her. She's one of them.

She's not an outlier. That's how far over the edge the party is.
What has she said that is "whacky?"
The Trumpsters don't see anything wrong with any of that.

It's just what good patriots do 'n stuff.
Prove she said any of that. Ilhan Omar married her brother, committed immigration fraud, diverted campaign funds to her lover, yada yada yada. Why should we take your smears against MTG seriously?
It's all out there. Easy to find. You just don't have the balls to look for it. You are a sheep.
Why would I look for evidence to support your imbecile claims? You BIden NAZIs just don't understand how a debate forum works.

You never provide any evidence.
I provide tons of evidence. What I don't do is play your go-fetch-it games.
Hahaha. You call for evidence and examples of why Greene is a kook. You are provided many including her listing several examples herself in front of congress which she apologized for. You then say you ignore those because they bore you. It honestly can’t get much dumber than that. You fail... again

Don’t pretend to be good at debate. You’re not
Green is 1000 times less kookie than a typical member of the Democrat Reich. Anyone who believes we're all going to die in 10 years from global warming is a kook, and most Democrats believe it. Anyone who says this country is racist is a kook, and all Democrats believe that.

Marjorie either has a drug problem or a room temperature IQ.. Let her talk.. The American people need to hear her.

Exactly. I want her and every other whack-a-doodle like Gaetz, Gohmert, Jordan, Scalise, and Boebert out front spewing their crazy. I want these people to be the face of the Republican party for the next decade. :)
The campaign ads are just writing themselves.

Great idea................
The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
The Q/Trumpsters love her. She's one of them.

She's not an outlier. That's how far over the edge the party is.
What has she said that is "whacky?"
The Trumpsters don't see anything wrong with any of that.

It's just what good patriots do 'n stuff.
Prove she said any of that. Ilhan Omar married her brother, committed immigration fraud, diverted campaign funds to her lover, yada yada yada. Why should we take your smears against MTG seriously?
It's all out there. Easy to find. You just don't have the balls to look for it. You are a sheep.
Why would I look for evidence to support your imbecile claims? You BIden NAZIs just don't understand how a debate forum works.

You never provide any evidence.
I provide tons of evidence. What I don't do is play your go-fetch-it games.
Hahaha. You call for evidence and examples of why Greene is a kook. You are provided many including her listing several examples herself in front of congress which she apologized for. You then say you ignore those because they bore you. It honestly can’t get much dumber than that. You fail... again

Don’t pretend to be good at debate. You’re not
Green is 1000 times less kookie than a typical member of the Democrat Reich. Anyone who believes we're all going to die in 10 years from global warming is a kook, and most Democrats believe it. Anyone who says this country is racist is a kook, and all Democrats believe that.
Hahaha and now the deflection and whataboutism. I seriously almost wrote at the end of my last comment that you would respond with a petty finger point. Pretty damn pathetic and predictable. We aren’t talking about Dems, we aren’t comparing, we are talking about MTG and why she is a kook. If you’ve now seen the light and can admit that she is a kook then we can pivot to do some comparisons if you’d like. Do you concede your original argument?
I am talking about Dims, douchebag. "Whataboutism" is how leftwingers announce they are proud to be hypocrites.

Like I said, MTG has said a few kooky things, but nothing like AOC or Pelosi or Adolph Schiffler, and the fake news defends what they say.
The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
The Q/Trumpsters love her. She's one of them.

She's not an outlier. That's how far over the edge the party is.
What has she said that is "whacky?"
The Trumpsters don't see anything wrong with any of that.

It's just what good patriots do 'n stuff.
Prove she said any of that. Ilhan Omar married her brother, committed immigration fraud, diverted campaign funds to her lover, yada yada yada. Why should we take your smears against MTG seriously?
It's all out there. Easy to find. You just don't have the balls to look for it. You are a sheep.
Why would I look for evidence to support your imbecile claims? You BIden NAZIs just don't understand how a debate forum works.

You never provide any evidence.
I provide tons of evidence. What I don't do is play your go-fetch-it games.
Hahaha. You call for evidence and examples of why Greene is a kook. You are provided many including her listing several examples herself in front of congress which she apologized for. You then say you ignore those because they bore you. It honestly can’t get much dumber than that. You fail... again

Don’t pretend to be good at debate. You’re not
ROFL! Says the idiot who has been shown to be contradicting himself too many times to count.

Tell us, oh wise one, is a house "infrastructure?"
Haha, the natural evolution of the dodge. First step, whataboutism, next step, personal attacks on the person you’re debating. Your shit tactics are so old and tired and predictable. Meanwhile the entire premise of the thread are now lost to you. Don’t ever lecture people on how to debate again. You set the example on what not to do. Back to your hole now. You’ve been skooled enough for one day.
So we have established she is damaged goods and not very bright. Why are there no better candidates than her?
The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
The Q/Trumpsters love her. She's one of them.

She's not an outlier. That's how far over the edge the party is.
What has she said that is "whacky?"
The Trumpsters don't see anything wrong with any of that.

It's just what good patriots do 'n stuff.
Prove she said any of that. Ilhan Omar married her brother, committed immigration fraud, diverted campaign funds to her lover, yada yada yada. Why should we take your smears against MTG seriously?
It's all out there. Easy to find. You just don't have the balls to look for it. You are a sheep.
Why would I look for evidence to support your imbecile claims? You BIden NAZIs just don't understand how a debate forum works.

You never provide any evidence.
I provide tons of evidence. What I don't do is play your go-fetch-it games.
Hahaha. You call for evidence and examples of why Greene is a kook. You are provided many including her listing several examples herself in front of congress which she apologized for. You then say you ignore those because they bore you. It honestly can’t get much dumber than that. You fail... again

Don’t pretend to be good at debate. You’re not
Green is 1000 times less kookie than a typical member of the Democrat Reich. Anyone who believes we're all going to die in 10 years from global warming is a kook, and most Democrats believe it. Anyone who says this country is racist is a kook, and all Democrats believe that.
Hahaha and now the deflection and whataboutism. I seriously almost wrote at the end of my last comment that you would respond with a petty finger point. Pretty damn pathetic and predictable. We aren’t talking about Dems, we aren’t comparing, we are talking about MTG and why she is a kook. If you’ve now seen the light and can admit that she is a kook then we can pivot to do some comparisons if you’d like. Do you concede your original argument?
I am talking about Dims, douchebag. "Whataboutism" is how leftwingers announce they are proud to be hypocrites.

Like I said, MTG has said a few kooky things, but nothing like AOC or Pelosi or Adolph Schiffler, and the fake news defends what they say.
A whataboutism is exactly what you did. You asked a question about MGT, you wanted examples of why she is considered a joke. That’s the subject. Once indisputable examples were given, because they came out of her own mouth, you say you ignore them and are border and then start spouting off about crazy Dems. That’s the definition of whataboutism
So we have established she is damaged goods and not very bright. Why are there no better candidates than her?
I’m sure there are plenty better candidates. As you pointed out, A brick would be better. Problem is wingnut drama hounds catch people’s attention more than intellectuals talking about policy. So the dumb Ass showmen get the attention which translates to donations which translates to exposure which translates to votes. The entire election process needs an overhaul
The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
The Q/Trumpsters love her. She's one of them.

She's not an outlier. That's how far over the edge the party is.
What has she said that is "whacky?"
The Trumpsters don't see anything wrong with any of that.

It's just what good patriots do 'n stuff.
Prove she said any of that. Ilhan Omar married her brother, committed immigration fraud, diverted campaign funds to her lover, yada yada yada. Why should we take your smears against MTG seriously?
It's all out there. Easy to find. You just don't have the balls to look for it. You are a sheep.
Why would I look for evidence to support your imbecile claims? You BIden NAZIs just don't understand how a debate forum works.

You never provide any evidence.
I provide tons of evidence. What I don't do is play your go-fetch-it games.
Hahaha. You call for evidence and examples of why Greene is a kook. You are provided many including her listing several examples herself in front of congress which she apologized for. You then say you ignore those because they bore you. It honestly can’t get much dumber than that. You fail... again

Don’t pretend to be good at debate. You’re not
ROFL! Says the idiot who has been shown to be contradicting himself too many times to count.

Tell us, oh wise one, is a house "infrastructure?"
Haha, the natural evolution of the dodge. First step, whataboutism, next step, personal attacks on the person you’re debating. Your shit tactics are so old and tired and predictable. Meanwhile the entire premise of the thread are now lost to you. Don’t ever lecture people on how to debate again. You set the example on what not to do. Back to your hole now. You’ve been skooled enough for one day.
I don't acknowledge the Dim definition of a crime, douchebag. As I said, "whataboutism" is how Dims announce they are proud to be hypocrites. I take delight in personal attacks on leftwingers. They deserve it. Using logic and facts on them is certainly a waste of time. They certainly never attempt it. Just look at the BLM rhetoric. Look at the Antifa rhetoric. All the left ever does is accuse everyone of being a racist.
So we have established she is damaged goods and not very bright. Why are there no better candidates than her?
I’m sure there are plenty better candidates. As you pointed out, A brick would be better. Problem is wingnut drama hounds catch people’s attention more than intellectuals talking about policy. So the dumb Ass showmen get the attention which translates to donations which translates to exposure which translates to votes. The entire election process needs an overhaul
Do you believe there are better candidates than AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Adolph Schiffler?
The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
The Q/Trumpsters love her. She's one of them.

She's not an outlier. That's how far over the edge the party is.
What has she said that is "whacky?"
The Trumpsters don't see anything wrong with any of that.

It's just what good patriots do 'n stuff.
Prove she said any of that. Ilhan Omar married her brother, committed immigration fraud, diverted campaign funds to her lover, yada yada yada. Why should we take your smears against MTG seriously?
It's all out there. Easy to find. You just don't have the balls to look for it. You are a sheep.
Why would I look for evidence to support your imbecile claims? You BIden NAZIs just don't understand how a debate forum works.

You never provide any evidence.
I provide tons of evidence. What I don't do is play your go-fetch-it games.
Hahaha. You call for evidence and examples of why Greene is a kook. You are provided many including her listing several examples herself in front of congress which she apologized for. You then say you ignore those because they bore you. It honestly can’t get much dumber than that. You fail... again

Don’t pretend to be good at debate. You’re not
Green is 1000 times less kookie than a typical member of the Democrat Reich. Anyone who believes we're all going to die in 10 years from global warming is a kook, and most Democrats believe it. Anyone who says this country is racist is a kook, and all Democrats believe that.
Hahaha and now the deflection and whataboutism. I seriously almost wrote at the end of my last comment that you would respond with a petty finger point. Pretty damn pathetic and predictable. We aren’t talking about Dems, we aren’t comparing, we are talking about MTG and why she is a kook. If you’ve now seen the light and can admit that she is a kook then we can pivot to do some comparisons if you’d like. Do you concede your original argument?
I am talking about Dims, douchebag. "Whataboutism" is how leftwingers announce they are proud to be hypocrites.

Like I said, MTG has said a few kooky things, but nothing like AOC or Pelosi or Adolph Schiffler, and the fake news defends what they say.
A whataboutism is exactly what you did. You asked a question about MGT, you wanted examples of why she is considered a joke. That’s the subject. Once indisputable examples were given, because they came out of her own mouth, you say you ignore them and are border and then start spouting off about crazy Dems. That’s the definition of whataboutism
As I said, "Whataboutism" is how Dims announce they are proud to be hypocrites. It isn't a crime.
The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
The Q/Trumpsters love her. She's one of them.

She's not an outlier. That's how far over the edge the party is.
What has she said that is "whacky?"
The Trumpsters don't see anything wrong with any of that.

It's just what good patriots do 'n stuff.
Prove she said any of that. Ilhan Omar married her brother, committed immigration fraud, diverted campaign funds to her lover, yada yada yada. Why should we take your smears against MTG seriously?
It's all out there. Easy to find. You just don't have the balls to look for it. You are a sheep.
Why would I look for evidence to support your imbecile claims? You BIden NAZIs just don't understand how a debate forum works.

You never provide any evidence.
I provide tons of evidence. What I don't do is play your go-fetch-it games.
Hahaha. You call for evidence and examples of why Greene is a kook. You are provided many including her listing several examples herself in front of congress which she apologized for. You then say you ignore those because they bore you. It honestly can’t get much dumber than that. You fail... again

Don’t pretend to be good at debate. You’re not
ROFL! Says the idiot who has been shown to be contradicting himself too many times to count.

Tell us, oh wise one, is a house "infrastructure?"
Haha, the natural evolution of the dodge. First step, whataboutism, next step, personal attacks on the person you’re debating. Your shit tactics are so old and tired and predictable. Meanwhile the entire premise of the thread are now lost to you. Don’t ever lecture people on how to debate again. You set the example on what not to do. Back to your hole now. You’ve been skooled enough for one day.
I don't acknowledge the Dim definition of a crime, douchebag. As I said, "whataboutism" is how Dims announce they are proud to be hypocrites. I take delight in personal attacks on leftwingers. They deserve it. Using logic and facts on them is certainly a waste of time. They certainly never attempt it. Just look at the BLM rhetoric. Look at the Antifa rhetoric. All the left ever does is accuse everyone of being a racist.
I never said a word about a crime. What are you talking about?? And it’s obvious that you delight in personal attacks, you’re a troll. That’s what you do, whataboutisms and personal attacks, not smart debate. So don’t lecture others on how to debate when you can’t do it yourself. That makes you the hypocrite. You’re totally off the thread topic now because you got schooled. Stop trying to change the subject to the Dems. Tuck your tail and scurry off now
So we have established she is damaged goods and not very bright. Why are there no better candidates than her?
I’m sure there are plenty better candidates. As you pointed out, A brick would be better. Problem is wingnut drama hounds catch people’s attention more than intellectuals talking about policy. So the dumb Ass showmen get the attention which translates to donations which translates to exposure which translates to votes. The entire election process needs an overhaul
Do you believe there are better candidates than AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Adolph Schiffler?
Yes I think there are plenty and I hope they end up taking all three of those clowns seats
The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
The Q/Trumpsters love her. She's one of them.

She's not an outlier. That's how far over the edge the party is.
What has she said that is "whacky?"
The Trumpsters don't see anything wrong with any of that.

It's just what good patriots do 'n stuff.
Prove she said any of that. Ilhan Omar married her brother, committed immigration fraud, diverted campaign funds to her lover, yada yada yada. Why should we take your smears against MTG seriously?
It's all out there. Easy to find. You just don't have the balls to look for it. You are a sheep.
Why would I look for evidence to support your imbecile claims? You BIden NAZIs just don't understand how a debate forum works.

You never provide any evidence.
I provide tons of evidence. What I don't do is play your go-fetch-it games.
Hahaha. You call for evidence and examples of why Greene is a kook. You are provided many including her listing several examples herself in front of congress which she apologized for. You then say you ignore those because they bore you. It honestly can’t get much dumber than that. You fail... again

Don’t pretend to be good at debate. You’re not
Green is 1000 times less kookie than a typical member of the Democrat Reich. Anyone who believes we're all going to die in 10 years from global warming is a kook, and most Democrats believe it. Anyone who says this country is racist is a kook, and all Democrats believe that.
Hahaha and now the deflection and whataboutism. I seriously almost wrote at the end of my last comment that you would respond with a petty finger point. Pretty damn pathetic and predictable. We aren’t talking about Dems, we aren’t comparing, we are talking about MTG and why she is a kook. If you’ve now seen the light and can admit that she is a kook then we can pivot to do some comparisons if you’d like. Do you concede your original argument?
I am talking about Dims, douchebag. "Whataboutism" is how leftwingers announce they are proud to be hypocrites.

Like I said, MTG has said a few kooky things, but nothing like AOC or Pelosi or Adolph Schiffler, and the fake news defends what they say.
A whataboutism is exactly what you did. You asked a question about MGT, you wanted examples of why she is considered a joke. That’s the subject. Once indisputable examples were given, because they came out of her own mouth, you say you ignore them and are border and then start spouting off about crazy Dems. That’s the definition of whataboutism
As I said, "Whataboutism" is how Dims announce they are proud to be hypocrites. It isn't a crime.
No shit it isn’t a crime, I never said it was. I just said your using it as a petty tactic to dodge the topic at hand. You are dodging while lecturing others on how to debate which makes you the hypocrite. Guess you’re a Dim per your definition.
The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
The Q/Trumpsters love her. She's one of them.

She's not an outlier. That's how far over the edge the party is.
What has she said that is "whacky?"
The Trumpsters don't see anything wrong with any of that.

It's just what good patriots do 'n stuff.
Prove she said any of that. Ilhan Omar married her brother, committed immigration fraud, diverted campaign funds to her lover, yada yada yada. Why should we take your smears against MTG seriously?
It's all out there. Easy to find. You just don't have the balls to look for it. You are a sheep.
Why would I look for evidence to support your imbecile claims? You BIden NAZIs just don't understand how a debate forum works.

You never provide any evidence.
I provide tons of evidence. What I don't do is play your go-fetch-it games.
Hahaha. You call for evidence and examples of why Greene is a kook. You are provided many including her listing several examples herself in front of congress which she apologized for. You then say you ignore those because they bore you. It honestly can’t get much dumber than that. You fail... again

Don’t pretend to be good at debate. You’re not
ROFL! Says the idiot who has been shown to be contradicting himself too many times to count.

Tell us, oh wise one, is a house "infrastructure?"
Haha, the natural evolution of the dodge. First step, whataboutism, next step, personal attacks on the person you’re debating. Your shit tactics are so old and tired and predictable. Meanwhile the entire premise of the thread are now lost to you. Don’t ever lecture people on how to debate again. You set the example on what not to do. Back to your hole now. You’ve been skooled enough for one day.
I don't acknowledge the Dim definition of a crime, douchebag. As I said, "whataboutism" is how Dims announce they are proud to be hypocrites. I take delight in personal attacks on leftwingers. They deserve it. Using logic and facts on them is certainly a waste of time. They certainly never attempt it. Just look at the BLM rhetoric. Look at the Antifa rhetoric. All the left ever does is accuse everyone of being a racist.
I never said a word about a crime. What are you talking about?? And it’s obvious that you delight in personal attacks, you’re a troll. That’s what you do, whataboutisms and personal attacks, not smart debate. So don’t lecture others on how to debate when you can’t do it yourself. That makes you the hypocrite. You’re totally off the thread topic now because you got schooled. Stop trying to change the subject to the Dems. Tuck your tail and scurry off now
I delight in attacking lying leftwing turds like you. I make no bones about it. I think there needs to be a penalty for posting lies and stupidity on the internet.

I already told you my opinion of the term "whataboutism." It's just another leftwing propaganda tactic. Using it only proves that you're a douchebag who's proud to be hypocrite.

Don't lecture anyone on how to debate. You could lecture them on how to lie and weasel, but not on how to debate.
Last edited:
The bitch has done a pretty good job of smearing herself.
The Q/Trumpsters love her. She's one of them.

She's not an outlier. That's how far over the edge the party is.
What has she said that is "whacky?"
The Trumpsters don't see anything wrong with any of that.

It's just what good patriots do 'n stuff.
Prove she said any of that. Ilhan Omar married her brother, committed immigration fraud, diverted campaign funds to her lover, yada yada yada. Why should we take your smears against MTG seriously?
It's all out there. Easy to find. You just don't have the balls to look for it. You are a sheep.
Why would I look for evidence to support your imbecile claims? You BIden NAZIs just don't understand how a debate forum works.

You never provide any evidence.
I provide tons of evidence. What I don't do is play your go-fetch-it games.
Hahaha. You call for evidence and examples of why Greene is a kook. You are provided many including her listing several examples herself in front of congress which she apologized for. You then say you ignore those because they bore you. It honestly can’t get much dumber than that. You fail... again

Don’t pretend to be good at debate. You’re not
Green is 1000 times less kookie than a typical member of the Democrat Reich. Anyone who believes we're all going to die in 10 years from global warming is a kook, and most Democrats believe it. Anyone who says this country is racist is a kook, and all Democrats believe that.
Hahaha and now the deflection and whataboutism. I seriously almost wrote at the end of my last comment that you would respond with a petty finger point. Pretty damn pathetic and predictable. We aren’t talking about Dems, we aren’t comparing, we are talking about MTG and why she is a kook. If you’ve now seen the light and can admit that she is a kook then we can pivot to do some comparisons if you’d like. Do you concede your original argument?
I am talking about Dims, douchebag. "Whataboutism" is how leftwingers announce they are proud to be hypocrites.

Like I said, MTG has said a few kooky things, but nothing like AOC or Pelosi or Adolph Schiffler, and the fake news defends what they say.
A whataboutism is exactly what you did. You asked a question about MGT, you wanted examples of why she is considered a joke. That’s the subject. Once indisputable examples were given, because they came out of her own mouth, you say you ignore them and are border and then start spouting off about crazy Dems. That’s the definition of whataboutism
As I said, "Whataboutism" is how Dims announce they are proud to be hypocrites. It isn't a crime.
No shit it isn’t a crime, I never said it was. I just said your using it as a petty tactic to dodge the topic at hand. You are dodging while lecturing others on how to debate which makes you the hypocrite. Guess you’re a Dim per your definition.
It wasn't meant to be taken literally, you sanctimonious baboon.
So we have established she is damaged goods and not very bright. Why are there no better candidates than her?
I’m sure there are plenty better candidates. As you pointed out, A brick would be better. Problem is wingnut drama hounds catch people’s attention more than intellectuals talking about policy. So the dumb Ass showmen get the attention which translates to donations which translates to exposure which translates to votes. The entire election process needs an overhaul
Do you believe there are better candidates than AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Adolph Schiffler?
Yes I think there are plenty and I hope they end up taking all three of those clowns seats
90% of the Dims in Congress need to be taken out.

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