The Democratic party civil War is Here


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
I've been saying this for awhile now. These Progressives are not Democrats. people better wake up to this.

Posted by Daniel Greenfield @ the Sultan Knish blog 22 Comments
There are really two Democratic parties.

One is the old corrupt party of thieves and crooks. Its politicians, black and white, are the products of political machines. They believe in absolutely nothing. They can go from being Dixiecrats to crying racism, from running on family values to pushing gay marriage and the War on Women.

They will say absolutely anything to get elected.

Cunning, but not bright, they are able campaigners. Reformers underestimate them at their own peril because they are determined to win at all costs.

The other Democratic Party is progressive. Its members are radical leftists working within the system. They are natural technocrats and their agendas are full of big projects. They function as community organizers, radicalizing and transforming neighborhoods, cities, states and even the country.

They want to win, but it’s a subset of their bigger agenda. Their goal is to transform the country. If they can do that by winning elections, they’ll win them. But if they can’t, they’ll still follow their agenda.

Sometimes the two Democratic parties blend together really well. Bill Clinton combined the good ol' boy corruption and radical leftist politics of both parties into one package. The secret to his success was that he understood that most Democrats, voters or politicians, didn’t care about his politics, they wanted more practical things. He made sure that his leftist radicalism played second fiddle to their corruption.

Bill Clinton convinced old Dems that he was their man first. Obama stopped pretending to be anything but a hard core progressive.

The 2014 election was a collision course between the two Democratic parties. The aides and staffers spilling dirt into the pages of the New York Times, the Washington Post and Politico reveal that the crackup had been coming for some time now. Now the two Democratic parties are coming apart.

Reid is blaming Obama. The White House is blaming Reid. This isn’t just a showdown between two arrogant men. It’s a battle between two ideas of what the Democratic Party should be.

ALL of it here:
Sultan Knish The Democratic Party 8217 s Civil War is Here
Not sure there is a civil war but a catharsis of policy reexamination would do them a world of good..
There is no civil war. They haven't figured out what the hell the problem is.
yup, the Deomcrats are the ones talking independent sate freedom at all costs, including taking up arms against the government ... not.
The democratic party 'civil war' is a figment of the OP's imagination.
Really. So you think that Obama actually represents those that are on the left?

There is a war in the democratic party. It isn't new though and it is the same exact war that the republicans are fighting. As the parties have merged 80 percent of all their policy and essentially because the same thing other than a few social issues, both sides have become vexed over their politicians.

The left just doesn't seem as willing to take on their own side. Unfortunate as the right is running back to the establishment in the name of 'winning' though I fail to see what they have won.
I've been saying this for awhile now. These Progressives are not Democrats. people better wake up to this.

Posted by Daniel Greenfield @ the Sultan Knish blog 22 Comments
There are really two Democratic parties.

One is the old corrupt party of thieves and crooks. Its politicians, black and white, are the products of political machines. They believe in absolutely nothing. They can go from being Dixiecrats to crying racism, from running on family values to pushing gay marriage and the War on Women.

They will say absolutely anything to get elected.

Cunning, but not bright, they are able campaigners. Reformers underestimate them at their own peril because they are determined to win at all costs.

The other Democratic Party is progressive. Its members are radical leftists working within the system. They are natural technocrats and their agendas are full of big projects. They function as community organizers, radicalizing and transforming neighborhoods, cities, states and even the country.

They want to win, but it’s a subset of their bigger agenda. Their goal is to transform the country. If they can do that by winning elections, they’ll win them. But if they can’t, they’ll still follow their agenda.

Sometimes the two Democratic parties blend together really well. Bill Clinton combined the good ol' boy corruption and radical leftist politics of both parties into one package. The secret to his success was that he understood that most Democrats, voters or politicians, didn’t care about his politics, they wanted more practical things. He made sure that his leftist radicalism played second fiddle to their corruption.

Bill Clinton convinced old Dems that he was their man first. Obama stopped pretending to be anything but a hard core progressive.

The 2014 election was a collision course between the two Democratic parties. The aides and staffers spilling dirt into the pages of the New York Times, the Washington Post and Politico reveal that the crackup had been coming for some time now. Now the two Democratic parties are coming apart.

Reid is blaming Obama. The White House is blaming Reid. This isn’t just a showdown between two arrogant men. It’s a battle between two ideas of what the Democratic Party should be.

ALL of it here:
Sultan Knish The Democratic Party 8217 s Civil War is Here

The Left does seem to argue with themselves more than the Right. It's almost like they are discussing politics and not just conforming to one idea or platform.....................

Civil War? We were steering near one until Ted Cruz shut down the Government. That woke up a sleeping heard of WORKERS that have minimal time for politics. I'm sure many bunkers, crates of ammo, researched survival tactics and are not mad they don't need them all the while calling the other party the one that reacts on emotion.

The Corporations are happy you got so scared. Record high profits.
The democratic party 'civil war' is a figment of the OP's imagination.

Republicans like to pretend the Tea Party insurgency doesn't split the GOP. We'll know in a few months time whether or not Republicans have their own civil war under control, we'll see if McConnell can create a consensus within his own caucus.
McConnell's problem isn't going to be so much the Senate but dealing with the House and its lunacy with extremists such as the TPM, the social right, Christian fundamentalists, and libertarian nitwits trying to get their reckless, irresponsible 'legislation' on the floor for a vote.

Harry Reid was the Senate republicans' best friend, they're going to miss him.
The democratic party 'civil war' is a figment of the OP's imagination.

Republicans like to pretend the Tea Party insurgency doesn't split the GOP. We'll know in a few months time whether or not Republicans have their own civil war under control, we'll see if McConnell can create a consensus within his own caucus.
McConnell's problem isn't going to be so much the Senate but dealing with the House and its lunacy with extremists such as the TPM, the social right, Christian fundamentalists, and libertarian nitwits trying to get their reckless, irresponsible 'legislation' on the floor for a vote.

Harry Reid was the Senate republicans' best friend, they're going to miss him.

We can look forward to more of the same for the next two years because Republicans can't even make a deal with themselves.

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