The Democrats have made it clear they hate me just because I'm a white male...

So what? This still does not take away from the fact that you said Hispanics were a separate group from blacks and whites.
Table 55a. Of the UCR makes that distinction not me. It shows whites as being the most violent group in metro areas. You sought to distance yourself and your kind of whites from that violent indictment by culling Hispanics out of the white group temporarily and then putting white crime in their laps.
But no matter how you twist the facts to your advantage you can't escape the great campaigns of murder that European white people engaged in during the first half of the 20th Century. The paltry numbers associated with the race based statics in America pales by comparison.

It also doesn't stop people from using race.
Race is part of the social conditioning that dominates our daily indoctrination via various media and social interactions. White people have no interest in changing the dynamics of that social conditioning. Why should they want to stop fueling the engine that keeps the notion that white is superior to black alive?
Until Blacks find some way to free their own minds of that sublliminal and overt indoctrination..they cannot begin to work on
systemic changes in White society.

As long as people make race and issue, it becomes an issue whether you like it or not.

But that doesn't change the data in table 55a.
In metro counties white people commit 72.8% of violent crime and Blacks commit 25%
That means whites commit the most crime in those communities. Admit it.
Violent crimes like rape, murder and armed robbery are felonies that aren't taken lightly. But most Blacks do prison time for nonviolent offenses...usually associated with drugs.
Whites do prison time for the most egregious violent offenses but are typically given a slap on the wrist for drug offenses. White males lead the field in rape offenses but their lawyers are great for assassinating the characters of the raped women.

Didn't read a word I wrote, did ya?

The first thing a I White judge seesWhite judge sees is race. His views are reflective of white society and are tainted by media reports just as yours are.

There is only a hint of truth to what you say. Since this bogus charge comes up from time to time, I asked a personal friend of mine who works in the court system of Cleveland if there was any truth to it? He said no there isn't statistically, however his opinion is that some blacks do get harsher sentences. But guess what? Those harsher sentences were given by black judges.

You see, it only makes sense. A black judge who lives in the black community wants to rid his area of trouble makers, so he or she is likely to send them away for a longer period of time. Now if a white judge really dislikes blacks, the worst thing he could do to the black community is turn those trouble makers loose to further destroy black communities.

You're tap dancing.

Nope, truth isn't tap dancing.

If the judge bowls with the perps dad every Saturday night...that could sway his decision.

Yes, I'm sure the thousands of white judges in our country are on bowling teams with fathers of violent offenders. My Lord, what an imagination.

You're trying to deny the rampant bias inherent in the justice system.
Eight Charts That Show How the Justice System Is Stacked Against Black Americans

No, I'm trying to take you into reality, and that is comparing apples to oranges doesn't tell the entire story. Don't believe me? Record some episodes of the show COPS sometime. It's available on the SPIKE TV network. Take note how white suspects react to an arrest compared to black suspects. That should tell you all you need to know.
Myriad studies have concluded that there is bias in our justice system. You need to review them. I gave you a link to get you started...thats all you need to know.

If they have, where are they?

Giving a link doesn't do anything. You need to be sourcing the studies that you are quoting in order to promote your argument. Throwing sources and saying "here, read all this" doesn't work in universities and certainly doesn't work on a forum like this where half the people can't read a paragraph at a time.
You and Ray need ti set the example and. source your wild claims before demanding someone else do it to prove a premise.

Look Bub... This is a message board not a college classroom. Google is right under your finger tips...if you want more detailed it or go to the library. I ain't your friggin employee. You're damn lucky I provided a link. You fukaz rarely do.

Good luck with Ray, he doesn't even read what you write most of the time.

I do source my stuff, and I do back up my claims.

Yes, this is a message board and not a university classroom. However I know from lots and lots of experience that people who don't provide evidence to back up their claims are people who generally "know" stuff that simply isn't so.

Yes, I realize most of the people on this board don't give a shit about anything other than being right, and that's probably why half of them are on my ignore list.

However that doesn't mean that things shouldn't be done PROPERLY.
You dont expect everone posting on USMB to
post according to your specifications do you?
If someone posts an invalid statement its easy enough to research and debunk it. If a link is tied to a reliable agency or person
It's as good as gold. Why would i waste time doing research already accomplished by the credible experts in that link? If you question their findings..its up to you to find data to counter those findings.

But the FBI metro counties data I linked to
Is as reliable a source as you are going to get.
And it shows whites commit 3 times the number of violent crimes as blacks do.
Thats the issue thats got you and Ray tap dancing and trying to preserve the pristine lie of white benevolence snd brotherly love. You bith seem to have different opinions on black crime but my data on white criminality caused you to circle the wagons and join forces to protect " whiteness"... Thats a valuable lesson for all who venture here.
Heh heh heh.
So what? This still does not take away from the fact that you said Hispanics were a separate group from blacks and whites.
Table 55a. Of the UCR makes that distinction not me. It shows whites as being the most violent group in metro areas. You sought to distance yourself and your kind of whites from that violent indictment by culling Hispanics out of the white group temporarily and then putting white crime in their laps.
But no matter how you twist the facts to your advantage you can't escape the great campaigns of murder that European white people engaged in during the first half of the 20th Century. The paltry numbers associated with the race based statics in America pales by comparison.

It also doesn't stop people from using race.
Race is part of the social conditioning that dominates our daily indoctrination via various media and social interactions. White people have no interest in changing the dynamics of that social conditioning. Why should they want to stop fueling the engine that keeps the notion that white is superior to black alive?
Until Blacks find some way to free their own minds of that sublliminal and overt indoctrination..they cannot begin to work on
systemic changes in White society.

As long as people make race and issue, it becomes an issue whether you like it or not.

But that doesn't change the data in table 55a.
In metro counties white people commit 72.8% of violent crime and Blacks commit 25%
That means whites commit the most crime in those communities. Admit it.

The point was the source you showed makes this distinction, and then you said that NO, Hispanics are not part of white and black. They clearly are and you could just accept you're wrong and move on, or you could keep digging a hole. I understand you want to keep your pride or whatever, but really, who gives a shit?

The problem here is you don't have the population figures for these areas. What percentage of these people are black? If they're committing 25% of the crimes, but make up 12% of the population of the US, what's the population of these areas? You don't know. So making much out of this is hard to impossible. Black people might be 50%, they might be 12%, if they're 50% then you might have a case. But then you need the incarceration statistics for these areas, which you don't have.

Now, the point you made was about there being more blacks in prison than white people. Okay, but you haven't gone and found out any statistics that might show why this is the case.

This is what you need

Average prison sentences. For murder it's above 20 years. Now, seeing as black people have nearly a double percentage for murder than their demographics, you'd expect black people to be in prison longer per capita.

Sexual offenses are second for time in prison, rape white people are higher up, but prostitution is much higher for black people.

Now, again, if you want to make your point you have statistics there that you can stick into an excel worksheet and then come up with some other figures that may, or may not, show the point you want to make.

Well, you're accusing me of something to do with avoiding things that happened in the 1960s or what, but I don't remember ever having written anything which avoids anything like that. On the contrary, I'm the one who has said that slavery and segregation are still part of the psyche of black people and it still causes problems.

Well yes, race is something that people use to their political advantage. Again, I'm not ignoring this at all.

I haven't said white people don't commit most of the crimes in the US. So why you feel like you need to force me to "admit" something, when I haven't said it isn't the case, is bizarre.

Most people don't work off non-per capita statistics because they don't tell you much. White people make up 75% of the USA. 73.6% which is higher than their crime rate. Now, per capita their crime rate is LOWER than that for black people.

Now, 11.3% of the US population is WHITE HISPANIC and 0.3% is BLACK HISPANIC. So, you have 62.3% of people are white non-Hispanic.

18.3% of your crimes are Hispanic crimes. That takes the white non-Hispanic crimes down to about 55% for 62.3% of the population. Whereas black people are 12% and have a crime rate at 25%. That's double and more of the crime rate of white non-Hispanic, while Hispanics are 11.6% of the population and 18.3% of the crime rate.

These are facts too. But the one thing I'm trying to make you do, is to make your own argument solid, and you're not doing this. You're throwing around statistics like candy and not really thinking through what they actually mean. It doesn't mean I don't agree with you, it's that I can't agree with you because you haven't got anything to back up the statements you're making.
Didn't read a word I wrote, did ya?

There is only a hint of truth to what you say. Since this bogus charge comes up from time to time, I asked a personal friend of mine who works in the court system of Cleveland if there was any truth to it? He said no there isn't statistically, however his opinion is that some blacks do get harsher sentences. But guess what? Those harsher sentences were given by black judges.

You see, it only makes sense. A black judge who lives in the black community wants to rid his area of trouble makers, so he or she is likely to send them away for a longer period of time. Now if a white judge really dislikes blacks, the worst thing he could do to the black community is turn those trouble makers loose to further destroy black communities.

Nope, truth isn't tap dancing.

Yes, I'm sure the thousands of white judges in our country are on bowling teams with fathers of violent offenders. My Lord, what an imagination.

No, I'm trying to take you into reality, and that is comparing apples to oranges doesn't tell the entire story. Don't believe me? Record some episodes of the show COPS sometime. It's available on the SPIKE TV network. Take note how white suspects react to an arrest compared to black suspects. That should tell you all you need to know.
Myriad studies have concluded that there is bias in our justice system. You need to review them. I gave you a link to get you started...thats all you need to know.

If they have, where are they?

Giving a link doesn't do anything. You need to be sourcing the studies that you are quoting in order to promote your argument. Throwing sources and saying "here, read all this" doesn't work in universities and certainly doesn't work on a forum like this where half the people can't read a paragraph at a time.
You and Ray need ti set the example and. source your wild claims before demanding someone else do it to prove a premise.

Look Bub... This is a message board not a college classroom. Google is right under your finger tips...if you want more detailed it or go to the library. I ain't your friggin employee. You're damn lucky I provided a link. You fukaz rarely do.

Good luck with Ray, he doesn't even read what you write most of the time.

I do source my stuff, and I do back up my claims.

Yes, this is a message board and not a university classroom. However I know from lots and lots of experience that people who don't provide evidence to back up their claims are people who generally "know" stuff that simply isn't so.

Yes, I realize most of the people on this board don't give a shit about anything other than being right, and that's probably why half of them are on my ignore list.

However that doesn't mean that things shouldn't be done PROPERLY.
You dont expect everone posting on USMB to
post according to your specifications do you?
If someone posts an invalid statement its easy enough to research and debunk it. If a link is tied to a reliable agency or person
It's as good as gold. Why would i waste time doing research already accomplished by the credible experts in that link? If you question their findings..its up to you to find data to counter those findings.

But the FBI metro counties data I linked to
Is as reliable a source as you are going to get.
And it shows whites commit 3 times the number of violent crimes as blacks do.
Thats the issue thats got you and Ray tap dancing and trying to preserve the pristine lie of white benevolence snd brotherly love. You bith seem to have different opinions on black crime but my data on white criminality caused you to circle the wagons and join forces to protect " whiteness"... Thats a valuable lesson for all who venture here.
Heh heh heh.

No, I don't expect everyone to do as I do. But then many just insult and end up on my ignore list.

Why would you waste time to find out whether what you're saying is true or not? Maybe because you want to find out if you're actually right or not. I've proven myself wrong numerous times.

I don't know why the hell you're putting me and Ray into the same pocket here, I don't agree with Ray on most things and I've given up talking to a guy who doesn't read half of what I say, or more, and ignores anything that's inconvenient for him, who is contradictory at every turn, and most important is a massive partisan hack who'll say whatever his multi-billionaire handlers have told him to say.

What I'm doing is telling you that what you're writing isn't based on much. You don't have your argument solid, you don't have the statistics to back up what you're saying. That's completely different to saying you're wrong.

You think you're giving me a valuable lesson? I don't. Until you show me stuff that I don't know, then I haven't learned anything. I'm hoping you'll learn to present your evidence properly, rather than doing what most people on this forum do, and that's just decide they're right about stuff and therefore they don't need to provide evidence because "it's common sense" or "everyone knows this is right" or "fuck you asshole" or other such common responses.
Violent crimes like rape, murder and armed robbery are felonies that aren't taken lightly. But most Blacks do prison time for nonviolent offenses...usually associated with drugs.
Whites do prison time for the most egregious violent offenses but are typically given a slap on the wrist for drug offenses. White males lead the field in rape offenses but their lawyers are great for assassinating the characters of the raped women.

Didn't read a word I wrote, did ya?

The first thing a I White judge seesWhite judge sees is race. His views are reflective of white society and are tainted by media reports just as yours are.

There is only a hint of truth to what you say. Since this bogus charge comes up from time to time, I asked a personal friend of mine who works in the court system of Cleveland if there was any truth to it? He said no there isn't statistically, however his opinion is that some blacks do get harsher sentences. But guess what? Those harsher sentences were given by black judges.

You see, it only makes sense. A black judge who lives in the black community wants to rid his area of trouble makers, so he or she is likely to send them away for a longer period of time. Now if a white judge really dislikes blacks, the worst thing he could do to the black community is turn those trouble makers loose to further destroy black communities.

You're tap dancing.

Nope, truth isn't tap dancing.

If the judge bowls with the perps dad every Saturday night...that could sway his decision.

Yes, I'm sure the thousands of white judges in our country are on bowling teams with fathers of violent offenders. My Lord, what an imagination.

You're trying to deny the rampant bias inherent in the justice system.
Eight Charts That Show How the Justice System Is Stacked Against Black Americans

No, I'm trying to take you into reality, and that is comparing apples to oranges doesn't tell the entire story. Don't believe me? Record some episodes of the show COPS sometime. It's available on the SPIKE TV network. Take note how white suspects react to an arrest compared to black suspects. That should tell you all you need to know.
Myriad studies have concluded that there is bias in our justice system. You need to review them. I gave you a link to get you started...thats all you need to know.

Oh trust me, I've studied it already, that's why I explained to you what those studies don't show.

Looking at raw numbers without examining the circumstance of each case is how you get fudged data.
So you dispute the data in table 55A OF THE UCR as being fudged? If that's the case the data on Blacks could be fudged as well.
However you and I don't have the privilege of knowing whether the reporting agencies are fudging the data or not in either case. But we do know that any data on white criminality probably is less likely to be fudged in a negative manner...but white criminal data could be fudged to make whites look good.
Who would know the difference?

The issue you are loathe to face is what table 55a DOES show.... It shows whites commit the majority of violent crimes in metro areas.
We also know that the justice system is biased against Blacks ... Those were my original points . all that apologist BS about sentencing is just a diversion... Game over.

Who cares about metro areas? Are metro areas the only ones that count? The national statistics show that blacks per capita commit the most violent crime. You are six times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white in this country.

Again, you can't use raw statistics to prove something that needs to be looked at in a case by case situation. Two people facing the exact same charges are likely being judged under different circumstances, and I don't mean race either. There are many different factors in each case. For instance, in areas where prison overcrowding is a problem, that plays a role in a judges decision as well. Judges are pressured to only put the worst of the worst behind bars and give lesser penalties to less serious offenses.
Metro counties are host to our largest metroplitan centers. Whites commit most of the violent crime commited in those areas.
That data doesn't jibe with the widespread notion that blacks are commiting the most violence in those areas. That causes smart people to wonder whether we are being told the truth about violence taking place in Chicago, Detroit and other metro communities. We assume its all black on black violence but now...i wonder if its white on white violence...just like in the days of Al Capone.
Myriad studies have concluded that there is bias in our justice system. You need to review them. I gave you a link to get you started...thats all you need to know.

If they have, where are they?

Giving a link doesn't do anything. You need to be sourcing the studies that you are quoting in order to promote your argument. Throwing sources and saying "here, read all this" doesn't work in universities and certainly doesn't work on a forum like this where half the people can't read a paragraph at a time.
You and Ray need ti set the example and. source your wild claims before demanding someone else do it to prove a premise.

Look Bub... This is a message board not a college classroom. Google is right under your finger tips...if you want more detailed it or go to the library. I ain't your friggin employee. You're damn lucky I provided a link. You fukaz rarely do.

Good luck with Ray, he doesn't even read what you write most of the time.

I do source my stuff, and I do back up my claims.

Yes, this is a message board and not a university classroom. However I know from lots and lots of experience that people who don't provide evidence to back up their claims are people who generally "know" stuff that simply isn't so.

Yes, I realize most of the people on this board don't give a shit about anything other than being right, and that's probably why half of them are on my ignore list.

However that doesn't mean that things shouldn't be done PROPERLY.
You dont expect everone posting on USMB to
post according to your specifications do you?
If someone posts an invalid statement its easy enough to research and debunk it. If a link is tied to a reliable agency or person
It's as good as gold. Why would i waste time doing research already accomplished by the credible experts in that link? If you question their findings..its up to you to find data to counter those findings.

But the FBI metro counties data I linked to
Is as reliable a source as you are going to get.
And it shows whites commit 3 times the number of violent crimes as blacks do.
Thats the issue thats got you and Ray tap dancing and trying to preserve the pristine lie of white benevolence snd brotherly love. You bith seem to have different opinions on black crime but my data on white criminality caused you to circle the wagons and join forces to protect " whiteness"... Thats a valuable lesson for all who venture here.
Heh heh heh.

No, I don't expect everyone to do as I do. But then many just insult and end up on my ignore list.

Why would you waste time to find out whether what you're saying is true or not? Maybe because you want to find out if you're actually right or not. I've proven myself wrong numerous times.

I don't know why the hell you're putting me and Ray into the same pocket here, I don't agree with Ray on most things and I've given up talking to a guy who doesn't read half of what I say, or more, and ignores anything that's inconvenient for him, who is contradictory at every turn, and most important is a massive partisan hack who'll say whatever his multi-billionaire handlers have told him to say.

What I'm doing is telling you that what you're writing isn't based on much. You don't have your argument solid, you don't have the statistics to back up what you're saying. That's completely different to saying you're wrong.

You think you're giving me a valuable lesson? I don't. Until you show me stuff that I don't know, then I haven't learned anything. I'm hoping you'll learn to present your evidence properly, rather than doing what most people on this forum do, and that's just decide they're right about stuff and therefore they don't need to provide evidence because "it's common sense" or "everyone knows this is right" or "fuck you asshole" or other such common responses.
Do you dispute the data in table 55a that I posted? What more do you think i should add to the FBI race based crime report In that table? Why does the evidence of white violence concentrated in metro counties so worrisome to you?
Hardly patriots, but yes, by whites; whites that are willing to sellout their own race for power.
Patriots believe all Americans should be afforded Constitutional protections. Thanks for telling us how un- American you are.
are you suggesting no borders? how you think that will go over nationwide? you gonna call everyone who is a patriot anti illegal? hahahahahahahaha btw get fked.
How the fug did your warped mind misunderstand such a simple post. I said patriots believe all Americans should be afforded Constitutional protections. I said nothing about illegals. Now i see what the libs mean when they talk about an alt.right universe where reality is turned upside down.
You exemplify that concept with your bizarre ourbursts that haven't a damn thing to do with the issue being discussed.
LOL, then you should have paid attention to Ray's post,
I read the post and found it as defective as your posts tend to be. Birds of a feather...
then you shouldn't have commented as you did
Didn't read a word I wrote, did ya?

There is only a hint of truth to what you say. Since this bogus charge comes up from time to time, I asked a personal friend of mine who works in the court system of Cleveland if there was any truth to it? He said no there isn't statistically, however his opinion is that some blacks do get harsher sentences. But guess what? Those harsher sentences were given by black judges.

You see, it only makes sense. A black judge who lives in the black community wants to rid his area of trouble makers, so he or she is likely to send them away for a longer period of time. Now if a white judge really dislikes blacks, the worst thing he could do to the black community is turn those trouble makers loose to further destroy black communities.

Nope, truth isn't tap dancing.

Yes, I'm sure the thousands of white judges in our country are on bowling teams with fathers of violent offenders. My Lord, what an imagination.

No, I'm trying to take you into reality, and that is comparing apples to oranges doesn't tell the entire story. Don't believe me? Record some episodes of the show COPS sometime. It's available on the SPIKE TV network. Take note how white suspects react to an arrest compared to black suspects. That should tell you all you need to know.
Myriad studies have concluded that there is bias in our justice system. You need to review them. I gave you a link to get you started...thats all you need to know.

Oh trust me, I've studied it already, that's why I explained to you what those studies don't show.

Looking at raw numbers without examining the circumstance of each case is how you get fudged data.
So you dispute the data in table 55A OF THE UCR as being fudged? If that's the case the data on Blacks could be fudged as well.
However you and I don't have the privilege of knowing whether the reporting agencies are fudging the data or not in either case. But we do know that any data on white criminality probably is less likely to be fudged in a negative manner...but white criminal data could be fudged to make whites look good.
Who would know the difference?

The issue you are loathe to face is what table 55a DOES show.... It shows whites commit the majority of violent crimes in metro areas.
We also know that the justice system is biased against Blacks ... Those were my original points . all that apologist BS about sentencing is just a diversion... Game over.

Who cares about metro areas? Are metro areas the only ones that count? The national statistics show that blacks per capita commit the most violent crime. You are six times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white in this country.

Again, you can't use raw statistics to prove something that needs to be looked at in a case by case situation. Two people facing the exact same charges are likely being judged under different circumstances, and I don't mean race either. There are many different factors in each case. For instance, in areas where prison overcrowding is a problem, that plays a role in a judges decision as well. Judges are pressured to only put the worst of the worst behind bars and give lesser penalties to less serious offenses.
Metro counties are host to our largest metroplitan centers. Whites commit most of the violent crime commited in those areas.
That data doesn't jibe with the widespread notion that blacks are commiting the most violence in those areas. That causes smart people to wonder whether we are being told the truth about violence taking place in Chicago, Detroit and other metro communities. We assume its all black on black violence but now...i wonder if its white on white violence...just like in the days of Al Capone.
amazing how you wish to ignore gang violence in Chicago Detroit and etc...... where 4000 shootings occur a year. what's wrong with you are you racist?
...I don't get why someone would hate me for that.

But anyway, white males have caught on that Democrats hate us, which is one of the reasons we overwhelmingly vote Republican nowadays.
If it's true that white men have and continue to rule everything, then how was slavery abolished in this country and how did women get the right to vote? The only answer, if white men do rule everything, is white men.

So yea, it's pretty amazing how people can justify their own hate. If you can get someone who hates white men to admit what they really want, it's usually reparations or some type of governmental oppression exactly mirroring that which blacks and women had to deal with in the past. But that would be perfectly fine because as our parents all teach us when we're little, "if Tommy jumps off a bridge then you absolutely should too."
Didn't read a word I wrote, did ya?

There is only a hint of truth to what you say. Since this bogus charge comes up from time to time, I asked a personal friend of mine who works in the court system of Cleveland if there was any truth to it? He said no there isn't statistically, however his opinion is that some blacks do get harsher sentences. But guess what? Those harsher sentences were given by black judges.

You see, it only makes sense. A black judge who lives in the black community wants to rid his area of trouble makers, so he or she is likely to send them away for a longer period of time. Now if a white judge really dislikes blacks, the worst thing he could do to the black community is turn those trouble makers loose to further destroy black communities.

Nope, truth isn't tap dancing.

Yes, I'm sure the thousands of white judges in our country are on bowling teams with fathers of violent offenders. My Lord, what an imagination.

No, I'm trying to take you into reality, and that is comparing apples to oranges doesn't tell the entire story. Don't believe me? Record some episodes of the show COPS sometime. It's available on the SPIKE TV network. Take note how white suspects react to an arrest compared to black suspects. That should tell you all you need to know.
Myriad studies have concluded that there is bias in our justice system. You need to review them. I gave you a link to get you started...thats all you need to know.

Oh trust me, I've studied it already, that's why I explained to you what those studies don't show.

Looking at raw numbers without examining the circumstance of each case is how you get fudged data.
So you dispute the data in table 55A OF THE UCR as being fudged? If that's the case the data on Blacks could be fudged as well.
However you and I don't have the privilege of knowing whether the reporting agencies are fudging the data or not in either case. But we do know that any data on white criminality probably is less likely to be fudged in a negative manner...but white criminal data could be fudged to make whites look good.
Who would know the difference?

The issue you are loathe to face is what table 55a DOES show.... It shows whites commit the majority of violent crimes in metro areas.
We also know that the justice system is biased against Blacks ... Those were my original points . all that apologist BS about sentencing is just a diversion... Game over.

Who cares about metro areas? Are metro areas the only ones that count? The national statistics show that blacks per capita commit the most violent crime. You are six times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white in this country.

Again, you can't use raw statistics to prove something that needs to be looked at in a case by case situation. Two people facing the exact same charges are likely being judged under different circumstances, and I don't mean race either. There are many different factors in each case. For instance, in areas where prison overcrowding is a problem, that plays a role in a judges decision as well. Judges are pressured to only put the worst of the worst behind bars and give lesser penalties to less serious offenses.
Metro counties are host to our largest metroplitan centers. Whites commit most of the violent crime commited in those areas.
That data doesn't jibe with the widespread notion that blacks are commiting the most violence in those areas. That causes smart people to wonder whether we are being told the truth about violence taking place in Chicago, Detroit and other metro communities. We assume its all black on black violence but now...i wonder if its white on white violence...just like in the days of Al Capone.

In order for whites to be equal in violent crime, they would have to have committed six times more violent crimes than blacks. For instance in your chart, it states that whites are not even 2 to 1 when it comes to murder rates. For whites to be more violent than blacks, the murder rate would have to be 7 to 1.

Yes, that's called fudging the numbers which you are doing unsuccessfully:

In 2013, number and percentage of murder arrests by race were:

Black or African Americans 4,379 = 52.2%
White Americans (including Hispanic Americans) 3,799 = 45.3%
American Indians or Alaska Natives 98 = 1.06%
Asian Americans 101 = 1.2% [45][46]

Inversely, the percentage of individuals in each racial demographic arrested for murder in 2013 was:

0.01% of Black or African American population (4,379/38,929,319)
0.0017% of White American and Hispanic American population (3,799/223,553,265)

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

When talking per capita, blacks are way more violent than whites.
Myriad studies have concluded that there is bias in our justice system. You need to review them. I gave you a link to get you started...thats all you need to know.

Oh trust me, I've studied it already, that's why I explained to you what those studies don't show.

Looking at raw numbers without examining the circumstance of each case is how you get fudged data.
So you dispute the data in table 55A OF THE UCR as being fudged? If that's the case the data on Blacks could be fudged as well.
However you and I don't have the privilege of knowing whether the reporting agencies are fudging the data or not in either case. But we do know that any data on white criminality probably is less likely to be fudged in a negative manner...but white criminal data could be fudged to make whites look good.
Who would know the difference?

The issue you are loathe to face is what table 55a DOES show.... It shows whites commit the majority of violent crimes in metro areas.
We also know that the justice system is biased against Blacks ... Those were my original points . all that apologist BS about sentencing is just a diversion... Game over.

Who cares about metro areas? Are metro areas the only ones that count? The national statistics show that blacks per capita commit the most violent crime. You are six times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white in this country.

Again, you can't use raw statistics to prove something that needs to be looked at in a case by case situation. Two people facing the exact same charges are likely being judged under different circumstances, and I don't mean race either. There are many different factors in each case. For instance, in areas where prison overcrowding is a problem, that plays a role in a judges decision as well. Judges are pressured to only put the worst of the worst behind bars and give lesser penalties to less serious offenses.
Metro counties are host to our largest metroplitan centers. Whites commit most of the violent crime commited in those areas.
That data doesn't jibe with the widespread notion that blacks are commiting the most violence in those areas. That causes smart people to wonder whether we are being told the truth about violence taking place in Chicago, Detroit and other metro communities. We assume its all black on black violence but now...i wonder if its white on white violence...just like in the days of Al Capone.

In order for whites to be equal in violent crime, they would have to have committed six times more violent crimes than blacks. For instance in your chart, it states that whites are not even 2 to 1 when it comes to murder rates. For whites to be more violent than blacks, the murder rate would have to be 7 to 1.

Yes, that's called fudging the numbers which you are doing unsuccessfully:

In 2013, number and percentage of murder arrests by race were:

Black or African Americans 4,379 = 52.2%
White Americans (including Hispanic Americans) 3,799 = 45.3%
American Indians or Alaska Natives 98 = 1.06%
Asian Americans 101 = 1.2% [45][46]

Inversely, the percentage of individuals in each racial demographic arrested for murder in 2013 was:

0.01% of Black or African American population (4,379/38,929,319)
0.0017% of White American and Hispanic American population (3,799/223,553,265)

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

When talking per capita, blacks are way more violent than whites.
shhhhhhhhhh he doesn't know math or statistics. LOL
Did the OP ever produce any evidence of Democrats hating him because he's a white male?
Myriad studies have concluded that there is bias in our justice system. You need to review them. I gave you a link to get you started...thats all you need to know.

Oh trust me, I've studied it already, that's why I explained to you what those studies don't show.

Looking at raw numbers without examining the circumstance of each case is how you get fudged data.
So you dispute the data in table 55A OF THE UCR as being fudged? If that's the case the data on Blacks could be fudged as well.
However you and I don't have the privilege of knowing whether the reporting agencies are fudging the data or not in either case. But we do know that any data on white criminality probably is less likely to be fudged in a negative manner...but white criminal data could be fudged to make whites look good.
Who would know the difference?

The issue you are loathe to face is what table 55a DOES show.... It shows whites commit the majority of violent crimes in metro areas.
We also know that the justice system is biased against Blacks ... Those were my original points . all that apologist BS about sentencing is just a diversion... Game over.

Who cares about metro areas? Are metro areas the only ones that count? The national statistics show that blacks per capita commit the most violent crime. You are six times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white in this country.

Again, you can't use raw statistics to prove something that needs to be looked at in a case by case situation. Two people facing the exact same charges are likely being judged under different circumstances, and I don't mean race either. There are many different factors in each case. For instance, in areas where prison overcrowding is a problem, that plays a role in a judges decision as well. Judges are pressured to only put the worst of the worst behind bars and give lesser penalties to less serious offenses.
Metro counties are host to our largest metroplitan centers. Whites commit most of the violent crime commited in those areas.
That data doesn't jibe with the widespread notion that blacks are commiting the most violence in those areas. That causes smart people to wonder whether we are being told the truth about violence taking place in Chicago, Detroit and other metro communities. We assume its all black on black violence but now...i wonder if its white on white violence...just like in the days of Al Capone.

In order for whites to be equal in violent crime, they would have to have committed six times more violent crimes than blacks. For instance in your chart, it states that whites are not even 2 to 1 when it comes to murder rates. For whites to be more violent than blacks, the murder rate would have to be 7 to 1.

Yes, that's called fudging the numbers which you are doing unsuccessfully:

In 2013, number and percentage of murder arrests by race were:

Black or African Americans 4,379 = 52.2%
White Americans (including Hispanic Americans) 3,799 = 45.3%
American Indians or Alaska Natives 98 = 1.06%
Asian Americans 101 = 1.2% [45][46]

Inversely, the percentage of individuals in each racial demographic arrested for murder in 2013 was:

0.01% of Black or African American population (4,379/38,929,319)
0.0017% of White American and Hispanic American population (3,799/223,553,265)

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

When talking per capita, blacks are way more violent than whites.

What does any of that have to do with blacks who are not violent, not committing crimes?
Patriots believe all Americans should be afforded Constitutional protections. Thanks for telling us how un- American you are.
are you suggesting no borders? how you think that will go over nationwide? you gonna call everyone who is a patriot anti illegal? hahahahahahahaha btw get fked.
How the fug did your warped mind misunderstand such a simple post. I said patriots believe all Americans should be afforded Constitutional protections. I said nothing about illegals. Now i see what the libs mean when they talk about an alt.right universe where reality is turned upside down.
You exemplify that concept with your bizarre ourbursts that haven't a damn thing to do with the issue being discussed.
LOL, then you should have paid attention to Ray's post,
I read the post and found it as defective as your posts tend to be. Birds of a feather...
then you shouldn't have commented as you did
I'll comment any damn way I please, STFU :lol:
Myriad studies have concluded that there is bias in our justice system. You need to review them. I gave you a link to get you started...thats all you need to know.

Oh trust me, I've studied it already, that's why I explained to you what those studies don't show.

Looking at raw numbers without examining the circumstance of each case is how you get fudged data.
So you dispute the data in table 55A OF THE UCR as being fudged? If that's the case the data on Blacks could be fudged as well.
However you and I don't have the privilege of knowing whether the reporting agencies are fudging the data or not in either case. But we do know that any data on white criminality probably is less likely to be fudged in a negative manner...but white criminal data could be fudged to make whites look good.
Who would know the difference?

The issue you are loathe to face is what table 55a DOES show.... It shows whites commit the majority of violent crimes in metro areas.
We also know that the justice system is biased against Blacks ... Those were my original points . all that apologist BS about sentencing is just a diversion... Game over.

Who cares about metro areas? Are metro areas the only ones that count? The national statistics show that blacks per capita commit the most violent crime. You are six times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white in this country.

Again, you can't use raw statistics to prove something that needs to be looked at in a case by case situation. Two people facing the exact same charges are likely being judged under different circumstances, and I don't mean race either. There are many different factors in each case. For instance, in areas where prison overcrowding is a problem, that plays a role in a judges decision as well. Judges are pressured to only put the worst of the worst behind bars and give lesser penalties to less serious offenses.
Metro counties are host to our largest metroplitan centers. Whites commit most of the violent crime commited in those areas.
That data doesn't jibe with the widespread notion that blacks are commiting the most violence in those areas. That causes smart people to wonder whether we are being told the truth about violence taking place in Chicago, Detroit and other metro communities. We assume its all black on black violence but now...i wonder if its white on white violence...just like in the days of Al Capone.
amazing how you wish to ignore gang violence in Chicago Detroit and etc...... where 4000 shootings occur a year. what's wrong with you are you racist?
You sound like a rambling idiot just picking things out of thin air. Where did I ignore gang violence anywhere in what I have said in this thread? Just to make sure you know... there are a lot of White gangs in Chicago, Detroit etc... And
table 55a shows the white propensity for violence in metro counties is three times that of Black violence. Chicago and Detroit are included in those metro counties.
In order for whites to be equal in violent crime, they would have to have committed six times more violent crimes than blacks.

Not really... because proportional statistics doesn't give an accurate account of who is committing the most violent crimes in certain areas. If whites are committing 3 times more violent crimes in metro counties than Blacks are, you are 3 times more likely to encounter violence form a White person than a black in in metro counties. The national rate may be different but table 55a underscores the White crime in metro counties.
Oh trust me, I've studied it already, that's why I explained to you what those studies don't show.

Looking at raw numbers without examining the circumstance of each case is how you get fudged data.
So you dispute the data in table 55A OF THE UCR as being fudged? If that's the case the data on Blacks could be fudged as well.
However you and I don't have the privilege of knowing whether the reporting agencies are fudging the data or not in either case. But we do know that any data on white criminality probably is less likely to be fudged in a negative manner...but white criminal data could be fudged to make whites look good.
Who would know the difference?

The issue you are loathe to face is what table 55a DOES show.... It shows whites commit the majority of violent crimes in metro areas.
We also know that the justice system is biased against Blacks ... Those were my original points . all that apologist BS about sentencing is just a diversion... Game over.

Who cares about metro areas? Are metro areas the only ones that count? The national statistics show that blacks per capita commit the most violent crime. You are six times more likely to be murdered by a black than a white in this country.

Again, you can't use raw statistics to prove something that needs to be looked at in a case by case situation. Two people facing the exact same charges are likely being judged under different circumstances, and I don't mean race either. There are many different factors in each case. For instance, in areas where prison overcrowding is a problem, that plays a role in a judges decision as well. Judges are pressured to only put the worst of the worst behind bars and give lesser penalties to less serious offenses.
Metro counties are host to our largest metroplitan centers. Whites commit most of the violent crime commited in those areas.
That data doesn't jibe with the widespread notion that blacks are commiting the most violence in those areas. That causes smart people to wonder whether we are being told the truth about violence taking place in Chicago, Detroit and other metro communities. We assume its all black on black violence but now...i wonder if its white on white violence...just like in the days of Al Capone.

In order for whites to be equal in violent crime, they would have to have committed six times more violent crimes than blacks. For instance in your chart, it states that whites are not even 2 to 1 when it comes to murder rates. For whites to be more violent than blacks, the murder rate would have to be 7 to 1.

Yes, that's called fudging the numbers which you are doing unsuccessfully:

In 2013, number and percentage of murder arrests by race were:

Black or African Americans 4,379 = 52.2%
White Americans (including Hispanic Americans) 3,799 = 45.3%
American Indians or Alaska Natives 98 = 1.06%
Asian Americans 101 = 1.2% [45][46]

Inversely, the percentage of individuals in each racial demographic arrested for murder in 2013 was:

0.01% of Black or African American population (4,379/38,929,319)
0.0017% of White American and Hispanic American population (3,799/223,553,265)

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

When talking per capita, blacks are way more violent than whites.
shhhhhhhhhh he doesn't know math or statistics. LOL
No I guess Ray doesn't know math or statistics. But neither you or he seem to be able to tally the millions of innocent lives destroyed and lost to White killers from Hitler to Stalin to killer cops to the KKK and all the other murderous white SOBs in recent history. Lets see how good your math is in summing all those murders up... can you do it...feel up to it?
No I guess Ray doesn't know math or statistics. But neither you or he seem to be able to tally the millions of innocent lives destroyed and lost to White killers from Hitler to Stalin to killer cops to the KKK and all the other murderous white SOBs in recent history. Lets see how good your math is in summing all those murders up... can you do it...feel up to it?

Yes, well most people were much more violent many years ago. But if you look at history, whites became more civilized as time went on whereas blacks become more uncivilized.

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