The Democrats' strategy is now clear

Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?
Democrats are simply what is wrong with Washington. Their only good at causing problems and pointing out what's wrong with their opponents. They aren't any good at governing or getting things done.
So if you want a for Democrats.

Really, you mean getting things done like Orange Julius and the GOP is right now.:2up::bsflag: Do you mean like that?
Trump is the only person in Washington doing his job.
The rest of them are just a bunch of assholes......
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

Good idea, because basically you keep getting shown how you are wrong, and you keep repeating the same things.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

Couple of points. You act like this started with Obama. It can also be said that the Democrats did the same thing with Bush in 06 and 08. That the Republicans did the same thing with Clinton. That the Democrats TRIED to do the same thing with Reagan (although they failed in the general, they did make pretty decent gains in 82 and 86).

The fact is, the MIDTERM is ALWAYS a referendum on the incumbent. So is any election with an incumbant in it.

Second, the Democrats should not really waste time trying to convince working class white males to not vote Republican by pandering to them or abandoning their commitment to women, minorities or gays. You go home with the one who brought you to the dance. You aren't going to win these guys over. Fuck, George W. Bush wrecked the economy, sent a lot of their kids home in boxes, and McCain STILL got 55% of the White vote,

Third and final point that you won't be able to answer, because you'll just whine about how I'm being mean to you. The elections SHOULD be a referendum on Trump. Trump represents a very dark turn in our body politic, the kind of thing where we've looked at demagogues in other countries and assured ourselves could never happen here.

Well. It happened here. Now what are we going to do about it.

"Um, um, whine about how Democrats aren't pandering to the same awful deplorables!!!"

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

As well they should. I mean, shit the economy in 1936 Germany was pretty awesome, but there was still some awful shit about to go down.

They should focus on Trump's behavior because his behavior is truly awful. Between mocking Gold Star Families and spewing racial slurs, how do you NOT pretend these things are happening.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

It probably will. But more likely, Trump is going to really fuck it up. which will work even better for the Democrats. It's just a question of how many people end up dying because we treated picking Leader of the Free World like selecting the Winner of American Idol.
Don't fuck around pretending it's because the Republicans somehow have the message of the people.

No, no, you see, according to Mac, the problem is that the Democrats don't pander to working class white males enough by insisting they can't use the N-word or the C-word in public.

Here's the reality. The only thing that keeps the GOP alive is that a lot of rich people pour shitloads of money into it, and into things like Fox News and Hate Radio distracting White People from who is really fucking them.

"Hey, my factory job is moving to China!"

"Look over there, there's some dude in a dress trying to use the lady's room!!!"

and shit, this has been their playbook since Nixon's southern strategy.
Trump is the only person in Washington doing his job.
The rest of them are just a bunch of assholes......

I remember you calling this way early saying both houses, both parties would not work with Trump. The Republicans want him out at least as much as the Democrats. He is non-establishment. The Republicans would rather have a Democrat insider than Trump. All the better to continue the game.
Don't fuck around pretending it's because the Republicans somehow have the message of the people.

No, no, you see, according to Mac, the problem is that the Democrats don't pander to working class white males enough by insisting they can't use the N-word or the C-word in public.

Here's the reality. The only thing that keeps the GOP alive is that a lot of rich people pour shitloads of money into it, and into things like Fox News and Hate Radio distracting White People from who is really fucking them.

"Hey, my factory job is moving to China!"

"Look over there, there's some dude in a dress trying to use the lady's room!!!"

and shit, this has been their playbook since Nixon's southern strategy.

Well, the US political system doesn't have enough parties. So instead of having parties which try and get votes by showing something the people want, the Koch brothers, and others, spend money telling the people what to think, and lots of them take it just like they get brainwashed by Coca-Cola, Pepsi, McDonalds etc.
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

Given the results of the 2017 election whatever the Democrats are doing currently is working very well.
Democrats' strategy for 2018;

kick back and let the GOP keep infighting and dividing itself while Trump destroys whats left of them.
And prevent anything of substance to move forward. Obstruct all the way into the gutter.
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

Given the results of the 2017 election whatever the Democrats are doing currently is working very well.

You don't understand.

According to Mac here, the Dems are supposed to be the ones who acquiesce. They are responsible for bringing the tone back down to normal levels. That doesn't lay at the feet of Trump nor the majority party.

The Dems should give Trump his wall and his Muslim ban. They should allow the repeal of the ACA and support tax cuts for the rich while gutting investment in our children and our research programs. They should rescind the sanctions on Russia, tear up the Iran nuke deal and tell the world that climate change is a hoax.

In addition, they should allow that Trump is truly responsible for the current economy. He and the GOP have done so much to reverse the death spiral that the UE rate and the stock market were in under the Obama administration.

Only by doing this can they reverse the downward trend in civility in Washington and get Congress back to work. It is entirely up to them. They own the

Damn, had they realized this sooner, McConnell might have allowed Obama to appoint a SC justice last year. The GOP would certainly have worked with them on all sorts of important legislation. The Dems hold all the cards. Will they play them?
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Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?
Democrats are simply what is wrong with Washington. Their only good at causing problems and pointing out what's wrong with their opponents. They aren't any good at governing or getting things done.
So if you want a for Democrats.

Really, you mean getting things done like Orange Julius and the GOP is right now.:2up::bsflag: Do you mean like that?
Trump is the only person in Washington doing his job.
The rest of them are just a bunch of assholes......

If his job is golfing you would be correct. And he is president asshole.
There is not much the Democrats can do, they are not even included in's all developed by Republicans, behind CLOSED DOORS, with the Republican donors from Wall street, and the Koch brothers and Mercer, and Addleson etc.... even the tax bill, completely shut out, just like the Health care bill. completely shut out.....

a democratic congress is hamstrung.


Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their Country!
(We used to have to practice typing that statement in my typing class in high school, it has FINALLY come to good use) :)

It's time for the Resistance! time to protest! In our Senator and Representatives offices, especially the Republicans, who are in charge of this crap we are being dealt and sold as rain when they are pissing down our legs....
And I do not think that everything is Trump's fault, it's the Republicans fault...the healthcare plan and this horrific tax bill.....these are not trump plans, they are Republican plans that they "sold" to Trump with a bunch of Malarkey.... And President Trump is completely ignorant on how the congress and Senate work, he has no experience with it, so he can be and has been taken advantage of by the Republicans in power....which has lead to failure....
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?
Democrats are simply what is wrong with Washington. Their only good at causing problems and pointing out what's wrong with their opponents. They aren't any good at governing or getting things done.
So if you want a for Democrats.

Do you mean like the GOP's vast superiority in dealing with Obamacare, compared to the Democrats?
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?
Democrats are simply what is wrong with Washington. Their only good at causing problems and pointing out what's wrong with their opponents. They aren't any good at governing or getting things done.
So if you want a for Democrats.

Do you mean like the GOP's vast superiority in dealing with Obamacare, compared to the Democrats?
Republicans strong suit is causing all the F ups and then blaming dems for not fixing them fast enough
Besides the tax bill being unpopular, it will "hugely" increase the deficit, all analyses find that it benefits the rich at the expense of the middle & working class. It will PASS because they need the win, its party over people.
They know cuts to medicare and social security are pure political suicide. Those will not be touched. Too many millions of people would be out on the street without them as not everyone makes a million dollars a year. There aren't enough high paying jobs for every adult. The working folk who make under 50 grand number in the high percentage. They vote and they will need their ss and Medicare.
No medicare & SS will be cut with this tax plan
Besides the tax bill being unpopular, it will "hugely" increase the deficit, all analyses find that it benefits the rich at the expense of the middle & working class. It will PASS because they need the win, its party over people.
And the win will soon turn into a loss when their sheep find out their SS and medicare are cut ,,,among other things ,,,But the rich will still be laughing all the way to the banks

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