The Democrats' strategy is now clear

Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

Democrats almost universally agree trump is unfit and incompetent to be POTUS, so do a number of Independents and Republicans.

The task at hand for the D's is to move forward with real world policies which promote fairness, real tax reform and goals to lessen the national debt and reduce the annual deficits. D's need to make a case in terms of cost-benefits and cost-deficits, and not pretend it can all be done in a day by one person or a single branch of government.

JFK united most of the nation to take 50-mile hikes and to put a man on the moon. Not because they were easy; making America Great Again is hard, and should not be nothing more than a talking point.

First the D leadership needs to define our problem in terms much wider than Trump's Tweets, Ryan's ambitions and McConnell's partisanship, D's must reject brinkmanship and the "ain't it awful" rhetoric of the current Administration and Congress. A rhetoric which divides the nation and creates schisms of enormous proportions.

The D's need to get out and LISTEN, not lecture and not pretend what our citizens want and need, they need to ask them; D;s should not pretend they have solutions, only ideas. Diversity defines America and no singular policy will ever meed the needs and wants of everyone.

D's should not make false promises or patronize the people in need with false pathos; the road to fairness will be bumpy, but hope and change can be resurrected, if and only if Trumpism is defeated and the H. or Rep. becomes the People's House, and not the house of whores who service the power elites.
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Besides the tax bill being unpopular, it will "hugely" increase the deficit, all analyses find that it benefits the rich at the expense of the middle & working class. It will PASS because they need the win, its party over people.
And the win will soon turn into a loss when their sheep find out their SS and medicare are cut ,,,among other things ,,,But the rich will still be laughing all the way to the banks
How else will they pay for their debt increase?
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

Democrats almost universally agree trump is unfit and incompetent to be POTUS, so do a number of Independents and Republicans.

The task at hand for the D's is to move forward with real world policies which promote fairness, real tax reform and goals to lessen the national debt and reduce the annual deficits. D's need to make a case in terms of cost-benefits and cost-deficits, and not pretend it can all be done in a day by one person or a single branch of government.

JFK united most of the nation to take 50-mile hikes and to put a man on the moon. Not because they were easy; making America Great Again is hard, and should not be nothing more than a talking point.

First the D leadership needs to define our problem in terms much wider than Trump's Tweets, Ryan's ambitions and McConnell's partisanship, by rejecting brinkmanship, the "ain't it awful" style which divides the nation and creates schisms of enormous proportions and no pretend they have all the answers.

The D's need to get out and LISTEN, not lecture and not pretend what our citizens want and need, they need to ask them. Diversity defines America and no singular policy will ever meed the needs and wants of everyone.

D's should not make false promises or patronize the people in need with false pathos; the road to fairness will be bumpy, but hope and change can be resurrected, if and only if Trumpism is defeated and the H. or Rep. becomes the People's House, and not the house of whores who service the power elites.
"Any one who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices.” ~ Voltaire
Don't fuck around pretending it's because the Republicans somehow have the message of the people.

No, no, you see, according to Mac, the problem is that the Democrats don't pander to working class white males enough by insisting they can't use the N-word or the C-word in public.

Here's the reality. The only thing that keeps the GOP alive is that a lot of rich people pour shitloads of money into it, and into things like Fox News and Hate Radio distracting White People from who is really fucking them.

"Hey, my factory job is moving to China!"

"Look over there, there's some dude in a dress trying to use the lady's room!!!"

and shit, this has been their playbook since Nixon's southern strategy.

And yet it was wild bill that signed off on the most favored nation with china that sent millions of our jobs over there. Not only that, wild bill signed off on nafta that sent hundreds of thousands of jobs to our north and south. So yeah, the libs were ridin' dirty and you were smiling.
Don't fuck around pretending it's because the Republicans somehow have the message of the people.

No, no, you see, according to Mac, the problem is that the Democrats don't pander to working class white males enough by insisting they can't use the N-word or the C-word in public.

Here's the reality. The only thing that keeps the GOP alive is that a lot of rich people pour shitloads of money into it, and into things like Fox News and Hate Radio distracting White People from who is really fucking them.

"Hey, my factory job is moving to China!"

"Look over there, there's some dude in a dress trying to use the lady's room!!!"

and shit, this has been their playbook since Nixon's southern strategy.

And yet it was wild bill that signed off on the most favored nation with china that sent millions of our jobs over there. Not only that, wild bill signed off on nafta that sent hundreds of thousands of jobs to our north and south. So yeah, the libs were ridin' dirty and you were smiling.
when obama left unemployment was in the 4 percents
Democrats running, need to show their own plans instead of simply bashing the republican plans....BOTH needs to be done....
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?
Except you're leaving out Trumps entire platform.
The wall
The tax cuts
The hard line on terrorism
The push back on the liberal media
Repatriation of lost money
Job growth

That's what Trump pushed. Is that the reason he won or could it be a combination of his platform & the behavior of the left?
Either way he didn't win by tearing down the Democrat party.

It seems to me you're trying to weasel out of holding your party accountable.
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?
Except you're leaving out Trumps entire platform.
The wall
The tax cuts
The hard line on terrorism
The push back on the liberal media
Repatriation of lost money
Job growth

That's what Trump pushed. Is that the reason he won or could it be a combination of his platform & the behavior of the left?
Either way he didn't win by tearing down the Democrat party.

It seems to me you're trying to weasel out of holding your party accountable.
didn't win by tearing down ?? Is alzheimers hitting you gramps? He bashed Hillary Dems and Obama to the sky and the AH is still doing it ,,,along with the NFL etc etc
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?
Except you're leaving out Trumps entire platform.
The wall
The tax cuts
The hard line on terrorism
The push back on the liberal media
Repatriation of lost money
Job growth

That's what Trump pushed. Is that the reason he won or could it be a combination of his platform & the behavior of the left?
Either way he didn't win by tearing down the Democrat party.

It seems to me you're trying to weasel out of holding your party accountable.
didn't win by tearing down ?? Is alzheimers hitting you gramps? He bashed Hillary Dems and Obama to the sky and the AH is still doing it ,,,along with the NFL etc etc
He fed the hacks with insults of his competitors sure. EVERY POLITICIAN IN HISTORY DOES THAT. But he had a solid platform of ideas for everyone else.
The left? Their platform was insulting the candidate AND THE VOTERS (deplorables)
Bernie was the only candidate with a platform but giving away the kitchen sink only resonates with a small segment. Hillary had nothing new to offer so she attacked anyone & everyone. As a result of being the empty can she was kicked down the road.
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?
Except you're leaving out Trumps entire platform.
The wall
The tax cuts
The hard line on terrorism
The push back on the liberal media
Repatriation of lost money
Job growth

That's what Trump pushed. Is that the reason he won or could it be a combination of his platform & the behavior of the left?
Either way he didn't win by tearing down the Democrat party.

It seems to me you're trying to weasel out of holding your party accountable.
No, I'm taking the whole thing into account. It's going to be Trump and his platform and whatever he accomplishes versus the Democrats' efforts to bring him down. And I agree, the Left is CLEARLY not going to change the behaviors that have damaged it, i.e., PC and Identity Politics. It all goes into the pot.

The Democrats think that's the winning strategy. What I don't know is whether it will be enough.
Ya know, old school liberals, old school dems who hadn't sold out to global corporate interests, to foreign bodies (UN, Europe, etc.), or elitists, them folks I could get behind, them folks I could vote for even. Not anymore, now the D party is dedicated solely to "transforming" america, something I don't fucking want to happen. If I wanted to be Europe I'd fucking move there...

The D's worst enemy is their own fucking supporters - they drive me right because I see the blatant disgust they have for half the nation, for the rural folks, for the military, for the religious folks. It disgusts me probably as much as socialists are disgusted by the 1%, possibly more. These rural folks are American's, their opinions and voices, no matter how much I might disagree with parts of them (like the whole Christianity thing with gay is a sin and shit), no matter how much I might not live like them (white collar vs blue collar and such), I value their voices because they /are/ fucking Americans and they have a say in where we go as a nation.

That's my biggest problem with D's, with these elitist urban fucks like Hillary who look down on rural folks and slander them as "uneducated" and "backwards" - I despise it because they're talking about my god damn family, my people, my parents, my grandparents (rest their souls), GOOD fucking people who had good fucking ideas and good morals - but the urban elitist fucks on the left treat them like god damn slaves. Their opinions, needs, and wants aren't even considered by the left, not even worth fucking talking about by the DNC - the lefty fucks "know better" so they're gonna tell "those people" how to live - the left "deserves" the WH and DC because the "fly-over states" have nothing to offer. Fuck off lefties, fuck the hell off.

I am glad that most of the reasonable D's, the classical liberals who actually care about /all/ American's not just their urban buddies and self-interests, have abandoned this new D party of hatred. I hope, maybe even pray (I'm agnostic,) that we can bury this steaming pile of shit "new DNC" in the back field ASAP.
Our plan is to let republicans screw America. That’s how we gain power back
My point precisely, thanks.

If you don't screw America then you should be fine.

At least our plan isn't to obstruct. We don't have to. You guys can't even get anything done yourselves so don't blame us. But you will. Trump already said if his tax bill doesn't happen he's going to blame Democrats.

But isn't that odd for him to say now that he's in charge? Remember how arrogant he was in the debates telling Hillary that she had years to get it done and she didn't? Well now it's his turn to get it done. And he's not getting it done. Everything he's getting done are things only a right wing retard would like.

Donald J. Trump


Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

2:01 PM - Nov 8, 2013

So either you blame him now or you admit he was full of shit in 2013. Or both!!!
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?
Except you're leaving out Trumps entire platform.
The wall
The tax cuts
The hard line on terrorism
The push back on the liberal media
Repatriation of lost money
Job growth

That's what Trump pushed. Is that the reason he won or could it be a combination of his platform & the behavior of the left?
Either way he didn't win by tearing down the Democrat party.

It seems to me you're trying to weasel out of holding your party accountable.
didn't win by tearing down ?? Is alzheimers hitting you gramps? He bashed Hillary Dems and Obama to the sky and the AH is still doing it ,,,along with the NFL etc etc
He fed the hacks with insults of his competitors sure. EVERY POLITICIAN IN HISTORY DOES THAT. But he had a solid platform of ideas for everyone else.
The left? Their platform was insulting the candidate AND THE VOTERS (deplorables)
Bernie was the only candidate with a platform but giving away the kitchen sink only resonates with a small segment. Hillary had nothing new to offer so she attacked anyone & everyone. As a result of being the empty can she was kicked down the road.
Does every politican lie his butt off accusing the sitting president of not being a citizen ,,,and keeping up with this lie for 5 years?? AND being believed by his crowd of sheep?
Our plan is to let republicans screw America. That’s how we gain power back
My point precisely, thanks.

If you don't screw America then you should be fine.

At least our plan isn't to obstruct. We don't have to. You guys can't even get anything done yourselves so don't blame us. But you will. Trump already said if his tax bill doesn't happen he's going to blame Democrats.

But isn't that odd for him to say now that he's in charge? Remember how arrogant he was in the debates telling Hillary that she had years to get it done and she didn't? Well now it's his turn to get it done. And he's not getting it done. Everything he's getting done are things only a right wing retard would like.

Donald J. Trump


Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

2:01 PM - Nov 8, 2013

So either you blame him now or you admit he was full of shit in 2013. Or both!!!
"You guys"? I voted for Hillary. Trump pretty much horrifies me.

What concerns me is that the Democrats appear to be willing to win by default. By pointing at the other guy. I've had enough of that. I'd rather see a party win because they have a better plan and can execute it.
Our plan is to let republicans screw America. That’s how we gain power back
My point precisely, thanks.

If you don't screw America then you should be fine.

At least our plan isn't to obstruct. We don't have to. You guys can't even get anything done yourselves so don't blame us. But you will. Trump already said if his tax bill doesn't happen he's going to blame Democrats.

But isn't that odd for him to say now that he's in charge? Remember how arrogant he was in the debates telling Hillary that she had years to get it done and she didn't? Well now it's his turn to get it done. And he's not getting it done. Everything he's getting done are things only a right wing retard would like.

Donald J. Trump


Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

2:01 PM - Nov 8, 2013

So either you blame him now or you admit he was full of shit in 2013. Or both!!!
"You guys"? I voted for Hillary. Trump pretty much horrifies me.

What concerns me is that the Democrats appear to be willing to win by default. By pointing at the other guy. I've had enough of that. I'd rather see a party win because they have a better plan and can execute it.
As a dem that agrees with you WHY can't those in the Dem party realize that? I can't believe they're dumber than Repubs
Our plan is to let republicans screw America. That’s how we gain power back
My point precisely, thanks.

If you don't screw America then you should be fine.

At least our plan isn't to obstruct. We don't have to. You guys can't even get anything done yourselves so don't blame us. But you will. Trump already said if his tax bill doesn't happen he's going to blame Democrats.

But isn't that odd for him to say now that he's in charge? Remember how arrogant he was in the debates telling Hillary that she had years to get it done and she didn't? Well now it's his turn to get it done. And he's not getting it done. Everything he's getting done are things only a right wing retard would like.

Donald J. Trump


Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

2:01 PM - Nov 8, 2013

So either you blame him now or you admit he was full of shit in 2013. Or both!!!
"You guys"? I voted for Hillary. Trump pretty much horrifies me.

What concerns me is that the Democrats appear to be willing to win by default. By pointing at the other guy. I've had enough of that. I'd rather see a party win because they have a better plan and can execute it.
As a dem that agrees with you WHY can't those in the Dem party realize that? I can't believe they're dumber than Repubs
Goddamn fucking politics.

That's the most intelligent answer I can give you.


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