The Democrats' strategy is now clear

Greeks from Greece are the biggest malakes!!! Are you kidding me? I at least have respect for the Greeks who came to America and worked hard and made something of themselves. But usually those aren't the die hard Republicans. No no. The die hard right wing Greeks are usually the dumbest and brokest or their parents have a lot of money.

And like Howard Stern said, nothing worst than a person who inherited their money. For some reason they know it all. They know everything. And many of the Greeks I know who are Republicans own business' their parents started and they are not college educated.

And Greeks from Greece are the biggest know it alls. My brothers brother in law and his father in law are two great examples. Hell, I can name dozens of stupid Greeks who vote Republican including my arrogant grandfather who died penniless. If it wasn't for social security he and my Yaya would have been fucked.

Or we would have been because us liberal kids and grandkids would have paid their bills and allowed them to remain arrogant and ignorant.
had a business in Astoria NY for many years Think more Greeks there than in Athens All hard working people that loved their ouzo
Yea but a lot of them politically are Malakas. We’re just smart not to talk politics in public.

My cousin stayed in Astoria. We stayed with him 3 days in his small apartment. Subway right on his corner. Everything you could possibly need within walking distance. Rooftop like in The Godfather.

He was in college rent was normally $1500 but he only paid $700 a month but he had to take the trash from the side of the building to the street. 2 times a week. Rats as big as dogs.

I love nyc!
My clothing store was right next to the subway Not the elevated but the one on Steinway street One of my stores had a car coming off the roof
If you walked out his place the underground subway was across the street to the right. Around the corner he had fish market, produce stand, little mom and pop shops. So cool.

I wouldn’t want to live there more than a couple weeks though. No lakes in the summer and cold and miserable in the winter
Yeah that's why I spend Jan to April in Ft Lauderdale But NYC is something special if you can afford it Great places to go

Good that mommy and daddy take you with them.
had a business in Astoria NY for many years Think more Greeks there than in Athens All hard working people that loved their ouzo
Yea but a lot of them politically are Malakas. We’re just smart not to talk politics in public.

My cousin stayed in Astoria. We stayed with him 3 days in his small apartment. Subway right on his corner. Everything you could possibly need within walking distance. Rooftop like in The Godfather.

He was in college rent was normally $1500 but he only paid $700 a month but he had to take the trash from the side of the building to the street. 2 times a week. Rats as big as dogs.

I love nyc!
My clothing store was right next to the subway Not the elevated but the one on Steinway street One of my stores had a car coming off the roof
If you walked out his place the underground subway was across the street to the right. Around the corner he had fish market, produce stand, little mom and pop shops. So cool.

I wouldn’t want to live there more than a couple weeks though. No lakes in the summer and cold and miserable in the winter
Yeah that's why I spend Jan to April in Ft Lauderdale But NYC is something special if you can afford it Great places to go

Good that mommy and daddy take you with them.
I wish,,,,, Gone many years But NYC might have the greatest night life of all
Democratic Party Strategy? Looking at the USMB Political Forum Thread Blitz their strategy is obvious:

False Accusations And LIES

Gone off of the Headlines are...
- Hillary's proven Server Crimes
- Comey / the FBI / Obama's proven protection of Hillary from indictment / charges
- Hillary/ DNC / Comey / Obama's illegal collusion / use of foreign agent-provided Russia-propaganda
- Obama administrating illegal leaking classified, outing Americans
- Mueller's / Holder's/ Obama's hiding Russian Crimes in 2009
- Comey / Lynch / Obama's hiding Russian crimes / attempts to hack from US Govt leaders in 2016
- Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Pakistani Spy Ring
- etc....

The strategy of flooding the board / discussions with all the distractions, lies, etc being pushed is intended to keep the plethora of exposed Democrat Crimes hidden and eventually forgotten about.
Democratic Party Strategy? Looking at the USMB Political Forum Thread Blitz their strategy is obvious:

False Accusations And LIES

Gone off of the Headlines are...
- Hillary's proven Server Crimes
- Comey / the FBI / Obama's proven protection of Hillary from indictment / charges
- Hillary/ DNC / Comey / Obama's illegal collusion / use of foreign agent-provided Russia-propaganda
- Obama administrating illegal leaking classified, outing Americans
- Mueller's / Holder's/ Obama's hiding Russian Crimes in 2009
- Comey / Lynch / Obama's hiding Russian crimes / attempts to hack from US Govt leaders in 2016
- Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Pakistani Spy Ring
- etc....

The strategy of flooding the board / discussions with all the distractions, lies, etc being pushed is intended to keep the plethora of exposed Democrat Crimes hidden and eventually forgotten about.
You mean all the relationships of REPUBLICANS with those 19 SOVIET higher ups was innocent??? and btw Trump IS CERTIFIABLE
Yea but a lot of them politically are Malakas. We’re just smart not to talk politics in public.

My cousin stayed in Astoria. We stayed with him 3 days in his small apartment. Subway right on his corner. Everything you could possibly need within walking distance. Rooftop like in The Godfather.

He was in college rent was normally $1500 but he only paid $700 a month but he had to take the trash from the side of the building to the street. 2 times a week. Rats as big as dogs.

I love nyc!
My clothing store was right next to the subway Not the elevated but the one on Steinway street One of my stores had a car coming off the roof
If you walked out his place the underground subway was across the street to the right. Around the corner he had fish market, produce stand, little mom and pop shops. So cool.

I wouldn’t want to live there more than a couple weeks though. No lakes in the summer and cold and miserable in the winter
Yeah that's why I spend Jan to April in Ft Lauderdale But NYC is something special if you can afford it Great places to go

Good that mommy and daddy take you with them.
I wish,,,,, Gone many years But NYC might have the greatest night life of all

Sorry to hear....good thing they left you enough though.
The economy is Obamas....Look at a graph of the past 8 years to realize this.

Trumps policies are the same policies that crashed this country during the great depression and great recession. Of course, I am wrong as you'll say I am full of crap but please for one second look at the policies of Hover and George W bush. Both wanted deregulation and let the banks do things that they shouldn't have. What do you think Trump is doing?

What specific Trump policies do you not like and will cause another great depression?


You mean like removing income checks from lenders because income checks are racist?
You mean like removing income checks from lenders because income checks are racist?

No, he means removing the protections that ensure that banks stay capitalized, offer credit, and don't make investments that are too risky with other people's money.

i gotta tell ya, that didn't take a lot of brain power to figure out. Do better, dude.
You mean like removing income checks from lenders because income checks are racist?

No, he means removing the protections that ensure that banks stay capitalized, offer credit, and don't make investments that are too risky with other people's money.

i gotta tell ya, that didn't take a lot of brain power to figure out. Do better, dude.

What specific protections are you referring to? Specifically, reference the regulations that you are talking about that will crush the economy.

When is this great depression going to occur because of Trump's seem to be really fucking when will Trump's house of cards collapse and GDP growth is negative and banks become insolvent?

Are you predicting that in Q4 2017, THE US ECONOMY is going to have negative growth?
When is this great depression going to occur because of Trump's policies..

Probably never, as we have a very large economy with a centralized banking system that can't help stave off deep depressions.

As far as specific regulations: Trump's plan is to gut the rest of Dodd-Frank, for one. This is not a mystery. The Fed chair Yellen has been criticizing him for this. If you are truly interested in learning something about this (at least, as interested in knowing something about it as you are interested in commenting on it), you should go read up. You might actually find the very first point on which you do not agree with the Great Pumpkin 100%.
When is this great depression going to occur because of Trump's policies..

Probably never, as we have a very large economy with a centralized banking system that can't help stave off deep depressions.

As far as specific regulations: Trump's plan is to gut the rest of Dodd-Frank, for one. This is not a mystery. The Fed chair Yellen has been criticizing him for this. If you are truly interested in learning something about this (at least, as interested in knowing something about it as you are interested in commenting on it), you should go read up. You might actually find the very first point on which you do not agree with the Great Pumpkin 100%.

So we have nothing to worry about. We are reducing the size of the FED, we are lowering taxes on individuals and corporations. Money from overseas will come back here, and be taxed.

Housing market it up, Stock market is up, GDP growth is wonderful, consumer confidence is very high.

I will not be happy until the FEDERAL BUDGET is cut by $2 trillion and taxes cut by $1 trillion per year.

SOCIAL SECURITY HAS TO BE DISSOLVED. People should be in charge of their own investing their retirement.

Giving MY MONEY to the GOVERNMENT for them to "HOLD" until I am 65....(OR OLDER)...and then give back to me is JUST BULLSHIT.

Why can't I keep MY MONEY and invest it the way I WANT TO for MY RETIREMENT.

Seems obvious.....I should use MY MONEY FOR MY RETIREMENT....I shouldn't take YOUR money.
When is this great depression going to occur because of Trump's policies..

Probably never, as we have a very large economy with a centralized banking system that can't help stave off deep depressions.

As far as specific regulations: Trump's plan is to gut the rest of Dodd-Frank, for one. This is not a mystery. The Fed chair Yellen has been criticizing him for this. If you are truly interested in learning something about this (at least, as interested in knowing something about it as you are interested in commenting on it), you should go read up. You might actually find the very first point on which you do not agree with the Great Pumpkin 100%.

So we have nothing to worry about. We are reducing the size of the FED, we are lowering taxes on individuals and corporations. Money from overseas will come back here, and be taxed.

Housing market it up, Stock market is up, GDP growth is wonderful, consumer confidence is very high.

I will not be happy until the FEDERAL BUDGET is cut by $2 trillion and taxes cut by $1 trillion per year.

SOCIAL SECURITY HAS TO BE DISSOLVED. People should be in charge of their own investing their retirement.

Giving MY MONEY to the GOVERNMENT for them to "HOLD" until I am 65....(OR OLDER)...and then give back to me is JUST BULLSHIT.

Why can't I keep MY MONEY and invest it the way I WANT TO for MY RETIREMENT.

Seems obvious.....I should use MY MONEY FOR MY RETIREMENT....I shouldn't take YOUR money.

Nothing to worry about...because the market is up?

"You're an idiot."


When is this great depression going to occur because of Trump's policies..

Probably never, as we have a very large economy with a centralized banking system that can't help stave off deep depressions.

As far as specific regulations: Trump's plan is to gut the rest of Dodd-Frank, for one. This is not a mystery. The Fed chair Yellen has been criticizing him for this. If you are truly interested in learning something about this (at least, as interested in knowing something about it as you are interested in commenting on it), you should go read up. You might actually find the very first point on which you do not agree with the Great Pumpkin 100%.

So we have nothing to worry about. We are reducing the size of the FED, we are lowering taxes on individuals and corporations. Money from overseas will come back here, and be taxed.

Housing market it up, Stock market is up, GDP growth is wonderful, consumer confidence is very high.

I will not be happy until the FEDERAL BUDGET is cut by $2 trillion and taxes cut by $1 trillion per year.

SOCIAL SECURITY HAS TO BE DISSOLVED. People should be in charge of their own investing their retirement.

Giving MY MONEY to the GOVERNMENT for them to "HOLD" until I am 65....(OR OLDER)...and then give back to me is JUST BULLSHIT.

Why can't I keep MY MONEY and invest it the way I WANT TO for MY RETIREMENT.

Seems obvious.....I should use MY MONEY FOR MY RETIREMENT....I shouldn't take YOUR money.

Nothing to worry about...because the market is up?

"You're an idiot."



Yes, that's all I wrote, you lazy stupid are a disingenuous twat, arent you?

Why not address the Social Security PONZI SCHEME. That's not the stock market.



Address how lower corporate tax rates will bring corporate money back to the USA form overseas....TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS that can be taxed.

Address GDP growth of 3.3% in Q3 2017.

You think, "THE STOCK MARKET" is "THE ECONOMY" suck dick in dark alleys to support yourself, don't you?
I didnt say it was all you wrote. I said you wrote that, and it was moronic.

But you topped it by calling Social security a Ponzi scheme. The only idiots that would make it insolvent are GOP corporatists cheered on by ignorant fools like you.

Maybe you cackling jackasses should start taking credit for your own efforts. What are you embarrassed of?
When you're given the gift of having someone like Trump to run against, to make the election a referendum on him,

you don't pass up the chance.
And yet Hillary was so bad she lost. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

You RWnuts think you're going to get another HRC to run against in 2020. Good luck with that.
She's the best the democrats had, so it doesn't matter whom you run. That is how bad the democrats have become.

And Trump's the best the Republicans have... that's how bad the Republicans have become.

Says the guy who's party put Hillary up for their nominee?
When you're given the gift of having someone like Trump to run against, to make the election a referendum on him,

you don't pass up the chance.
And yet Hillary was so bad she lost. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

You RWnuts think you're going to get another HRC to run against in 2020. Good luck with that.
She's the best the democrats had, so it doesn't matter whom you run. That is how bad the democrats have become.

And Trump's the best the Republicans have... that's how bad the Republicans have become.

Says the guy who's party put Hillary up for their nominee?

Oh fucking hell Ray, that's ridiculous. You've been speaking to me for how long and you still think I'm a Democrat. I have the urge to roll my eyes.
And yet Hillary was so bad she lost. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

You RWnuts think you're going to get another HRC to run against in 2020. Good luck with that.
She's the best the democrats had, so it doesn't matter whom you run. That is how bad the democrats have become.

And Trump's the best the Republicans have... that's how bad the Republicans have become.

Says the guy who's party put Hillary up for their nominee?

Oh fucking hell Ray, that's ridiculous. You've been speaking to me for how long and you still think I'm a Democrat. I have the urge to roll my eyes.

Go right ahead, just don't hurt yourself. :disbelief:
You RWnuts think you're going to get another HRC to run against in 2020. Good luck with that.
She's the best the democrats had, so it doesn't matter whom you run. That is how bad the democrats have become.

And Trump's the best the Republicans have... that's how bad the Republicans have become.

Says the guy who's party put Hillary up for their nominee?

Oh fucking hell Ray, that's ridiculous. You've been speaking to me for how long and you still think I'm a Democrat. I have the urge to roll my eyes.

Go right ahead, just don't hurt yourself. :disbelief:

You never did listen and understand what people are saying.
When is this great depression going to occur because of Trump's policies..

Probably never, as we have a very large economy with a centralized banking system that can't help stave off deep depressions.

As far as specific regulations: Trump's plan is to gut the rest of Dodd-Frank, for one. This is not a mystery. The Fed chair Yellen has been criticizing him for this. If you are truly interested in learning something about this (at least, as interested in knowing something about it as you are interested in commenting on it), you should go read up. You might actually find the very first point on which you do not agree with the Great Pumpkin 100%.

So we have nothing to worry about. We are reducing the size of the FED, we are lowering taxes on individuals and corporations. Money from overseas will come back here, and be taxed.

Housing market it up, Stock market is up, GDP growth is wonderful, consumer confidence is very high.

I will not be happy until the FEDERAL BUDGET is cut by $2 trillion and taxes cut by $1 trillion per year.

SOCIAL SECURITY HAS TO BE DISSOLVED. People should be in charge of their own investing their retirement.

Giving MY MONEY to the GOVERNMENT for them to "HOLD" until I am 65....(OR OLDER)...and then give back to me is JUST BULLSHIT.

Why can't I keep MY MONEY and invest it the way I WANT TO for MY RETIREMENT.

Seems obvious.....I should use MY MONEY FOR MY RETIREMENT....I shouldn't take YOUR money.

Nothing to worry about...because the market is up?

"You're an idiot."



Yes, that's all I wrote, you lazy stupid are a disingenuous twat, arent you?

Why not address the Social Security PONZI SCHEME. That's not the stock market.



Address how lower corporate tax rates will bring corporate money back to the USA form overseas....TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS that can be taxed.

Address GDP growth of 3.3% in Q3 2017.

You think, "THE STOCK MARKET" is "THE ECONOMY" suck dick in dark alleys to support yourself, don't you?

Americans have addressed all that. They've addressed by continuing to rate Trump at historically low approval ratings.

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