The Democrats' strategy is now clear

Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

It won’t work because Trump supporters won’t fall for it. The reason Trump won is because America knows what the democrats are about. Nothing they have done or will do is any different than what they did in the General last year.
That wasn't the message of Republicans in 2010.

But this will by democrats won't will in 2018. Especially with economy booming.
The economy is Obamas....Look at a graph of the past 8 years to realize this.

Trumps policies are the same policies that crashed this country during the great depression and great recession. Of course, I am wrong as you'll say I am full of crap but please for one second look at the policies of Hover and George W bush. Both wanted deregulation and let the banks do things that they shouldn't have. What do you think Trump is doing?

The person who is currently in the WH is the one who gets the credit or blame for the economy. For the good or the bad, the current economy is Trumps.

His nonsense is the same bull shit he tried to pull in another thread. Lefties never learn. Ever.
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

It won’t work because Trump supporters won’t fall for it. The reason Trump won is because America knows what the democrats are about. Nothing they have done or will do is any different than what they did in the General last year.
He'll have to retain most or all of those voters, and he's putting so much energy into playing to his base that he won't attract many new voters. That's pretty risky.
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

It won’t work because Trump supporters won’t fall for it. The reason Trump won is because America knows what the democrats are about. Nothing they have done or will do is any different than what they did in the General last year.
He'll have to retain most or all of those voters, and he's putting so much energy into playing to his base that he won't attract many new voters. That's pretty risky.

Remember back to the campaign. All the way back to when Trumpfirst announced. What is he doing different now than then? It’s funny to me that people are saying he will lose elections for the GOP, just the exact same way they said he couldn’t win the presidency.
The Democrats' strategy is now clear

another win by losing year ahead for these dumb asses
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

It won’t work because Trump supporters won’t fall for it. The reason Trump won is because America knows what the democrats are about. Nothing they have done or will do is any different than what they did in the General last year.
He'll have to retain most or all of those voters, and he's putting so much energy into playing to his base that he won't attract many new voters. That's pretty risky.

Remember back to the campaign. All the way back to when Trumpfirst announced. What is he doing different now than then? It’s funny to me that people are saying he will lose elections for the GOP, just the exact same way they said he couldn’t win the presidency.
Yeah, I'm not making any predictions, that's for damn sure, especially where this guy is concerned.

This is a high wire act, though, there aren't many on the fence about him, and he's a target. We'll see.
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

I think the GOP strategy is to not repeal Obamacare, something they promised to do and something they did under Obama after he vetoed it. This should lose them the Oval Office, which they obviously had planned to do with Trump.

The DNC strategy is just to sit back and reap the benefits and votes to usher in a single payer plan.

The hate toward Donald is just icing on the cake.
Besides the tax bill being unpopular, it will "hugely" increase the deficit, all analyses find that it benefits the rich at the expense of the middle & working class. It will PASS because they need the win, its party over people.

Unfortunately I agree with you on the tax plan. This is the win they will trumpet about for 2018 elections.
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

While Trump may be irregular and freakish, what you are describing is SOP for the minority party in midterm elections. You're pretty much spot on, as it's the tried and true plan. Democratic strategists aren't going to deviate too far from it.
Besides the tax bill being unpopular, it will "hugely" increase the deficit, all analyses find that it benefits the rich at the expense of the middle & working class. It will PASS because they need the win, its party over people.

Unfortunately I agree with you on the tax plan. This is the win they will trumpet about for 2018 elections.

Obamacare and the GOP tax plan both do the same thing, pummel the middle class.

It's all Congress is good for.
Well, the US political system doesn't have enough parties. So instead of having parties which try and get votes by showing something the people want, the Koch brothers, and others, spend money telling the people what to think, and lots of them take it just like they get brainwashed by Coca-Cola, Pepsi, McDonalds etc.

I don't know if more parties would solve the problem, because they be m ore beholden to special interests. The real problem is that the primary system is so slanted towards early, smaller states most of have no say in who the major parties put up as a candidate.
And yet it was wild bill that signed off on the most favored nation with china that sent millions of our jobs over there. Not only that, wild bill signed off on nafta that sent hundreds of thousands of jobs to our north and south. So yeah, the libs were ridin' dirty and you were smiling.

Um... no. Both parties agreed a long time ago that protectionism was a bad thing.

But the people who moved the jobs vote Republican, and fund them, too.

Or did you not notice Donnie Von Trumpenfuhrer hasn't torn up NAFTA yet?
And yet it was wild bill that signed off on the most favored nation with china that sent millions of our jobs over there. Not only that, wild bill signed off on nafta that sent hundreds of thousands of jobs to our north and south. So yeah, the libs were ridin' dirty and you were smiling.

Um... no. Both parties agreed a long time ago that protectionism was a bad thing.

But the people who moved the jobs vote Republican, and fund them, too.

Or did you not notice Donnie Von Trumpenfuhrer hasn't torn up NAFTA yet?

That just proves that both parties hate america yet you contend the dems love america. Lol.
It won’t work because Trump supporters won’t fall for it. The reason Trump won is because America knows what the democrats are about. Nothing they have done or will do is any different than what they did in the General last year.

Except again- Trump didn't win. He lost by 3 million votes and 7 million other people wasted their votes on third parties.
That just proves that both parties hate america yet you contend the dems love america. Lol.

Protectionism doesn't prove anyone loves America.

You need to look up something called "Smoot-Hartley" to see how protectionism works out. It doesn't. We'd lose more jobs than we'd gain.

What we need to do is make our industries more competitive, not admit that we can't beat the Mexicans and Chinese in a fair fight.

That means more on education, more on infrastructure, better tax policies, changing labor rules.
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

The main one would be the system that hasn't given the US a new president with a majority of the votes since 1992.

Yes, it's been 25 years since a Republican not in office managed to get more votes than their counterpart.

And yet in this time the Republicans have managed to get HALF of the presidents.

Don't fuck around pretending it's because the Republicans somehow have the message of the people.
We certainly know that Democrats have no message for the people.
Our plan is to let republicans screw America. That’s how we gain power back
My point precisely, thanks.

If you don't screw America then you should be fine.

At least our plan isn't to obstruct. We don't have to. You guys can't even get anything done yourselves so don't blame us. But you will. Trump already said if his tax bill doesn't happen he's going to blame Democrats.

But isn't that odd for him to say now that he's in charge? Remember how arrogant he was in the debates telling Hillary that she had years to get it done and she didn't? Well now it's his turn to get it done. And he's not getting it done. Everything he's getting done are things only a right wing retard would like.

Donald J. Trump


Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

2:01 PM - Nov 8, 2013

So either you blame him now or you admit he was full of shit in 2013. Or both!!!
"You guys"? I voted for Hillary. Trump pretty much horrifies me.

What concerns me is that the Democrats appear to be willing to win by default. By pointing at the other guy. I've had enough of that. I'd rather see a party win because they have a better plan and can execute it.

Well I have lost all hope because I know what the GOP will do if the Democrats gain back the Senate House &/or White House. They won't get shit done either. They won't have enough votes. And whatever they do pass will be flawed because of lobbyists.

Watch SNL making fun of the Democratic party SNL’s most brutal political sketch wasn’t about Trump. It was about the Democratic Party.

It really sucks. Pelosi? Reid? Chuck Shumer? Bernie? Hillary? Tim Kaine? Dianne Feinstein? Elizabeth Warren?

I can tell you right now the Democratic party sucks and needs new blood. The fools I mentioned above won't want to give up power until they are sure they suck so expect them to leave after Trump gets re elected in 2020.
Our plan is to let republicans screw America. That’s how we gain power back
My point precisely, thanks.

If you don't screw America then you should be fine.

At least our plan isn't to obstruct. We don't have to. You guys can't even get anything done yourselves so don't blame us. But you will. Trump already said if his tax bill doesn't happen he's going to blame Democrats.

But isn't that odd for him to say now that he's in charge? Remember how arrogant he was in the debates telling Hillary that she had years to get it done and she didn't? Well now it's his turn to get it done. And he's not getting it done. Everything he's getting done are things only a right wing retard would like.

Donald J. Trump


Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

2:01 PM - Nov 8, 2013

So either you blame him now or you admit he was full of shit in 2013. Or both!!!
"You guys"? I voted for Hillary. Trump pretty much horrifies me.

What concerns me is that the Democrats appear to be willing to win by default. By pointing at the other guy. I've had enough of that. I'd rather see a party win because they have a better plan and can execute it.
As a dem that agrees with you WHY can't those in the Dem party realize that? I can't believe they're dumber than Repubs

Looks like they are following the same model the Republicans followed when they started losing in 2006. They did nothing. They didn't change one bit. They just waited for the Democrats to fail. And when the Democrats didn't fail, instead the Republicans said, "NOT GOOD ENOUGH WE CAN DO BETTER" and the stupid American people believed it. Similar to when we didn't elect Gore thinking "how could Bush possibly fuck up this great economy and surplus?"
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

The main one would be the system that hasn't given the US a new president with a majority of the votes since 1992.

Yes, it's been 25 years since a Republican not in office managed to get more votes than their counterpart.

And yet in this time the Republicans have managed to get HALF of the presidents.

Don't fuck around pretending it's because the Republicans somehow have the message of the people.
We certainly know that Democrats have no message for the people.

Here's a message for you

Sanders: GOP Tax Plan "Laying The Groundwork For Cuts To Social Security"

We told you people that Republicans were going to cut social security and medicare. Republicans said we were liars and you folks believed them. Now you will see.

So when you get $300 or $200 a month less for the rest of your life from 65 to 85 years old, do the math. How much are the Republicans going to cost you? Lets say that's $2400 a year x 20 years. Lets just say they'll cost you $50K.

If they do your investments better double. That is if you have investments.

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