The Democrats' strategy is now clear

Mac is correct in that Democrats learned something from Republicans...

Obama, Holder to lead post-Trump redistricting campaign

And they ARE doing trying to get districts drawn in a non partisan manner.

Sure they are. Just like holder looked the other way when the black panthers were intimidating voters with bats at the voting booths.

Good grief, you're both stupid and dishonest. One photo, posted innumerable times by racists, and you buy it. You're disgusting.

And you're still an ignorant idiot. Holder was a supporter of the black panthers and in contempt of congress. Bury that head just a little further and maybe you can describe the exact composition of the core of the earth....or maybe you'll breakout on the other side of earth to see china.

I told people Republicans were going to cut medicare and social security and they didn't believe me.

Sanders: GOP Tax Plan "Laying The Groundwork For Cuts To Social Security"

Told you so.
Stay tuned and watch someone who understands economics instead of a community organizer or and Affirmative-Action squaw:

I would say you are the dumbest Greek I know but unfortunately I've met many stupid fucking Greeks.

“You’ve taken business bankruptcies six times.”
–Hillary Clinton

“On occasion – four times – we used certain laws that are there.”

–Donald Trump

THE FACT CHECKER | Clinton is correct.

I too have met a number of malakes, but ever a bigger wanker or dtsier malaka than yourself, rarely, And I, unlike you, have lived in Greece about 22 years of my life.

Greeks from Greece are the biggest malakes!!! Are you kidding me? I at least have respect for the Greeks who came to America and worked hard and made something of themselves. But usually those aren't the die hard Republicans. No no. The die hard right wing Greeks are usually the dumbest and brokest or their parents have a lot of money.

And like Howard Stern said, nothing worst than a person who inherited their money. For some reason they know it all. They know everything. And many of the Greeks I know who are Republicans own business' their parents started and they are not college educated.

And Greeks from Greece are the biggest know it alls. My brothers brother in law and his father in law are two great examples. Hell, I can name dozens of stupid Greeks who vote Republican including my arrogant grandfather who died penniless. If it wasn't for social security he and my Yaya would have been fucked.

Or we would have been because us liberal kids and grandkids would have paid their bills and allowed them to remain arrogant and ignorant.
Ay gammisou re pousti. Esi eisai akrivous yeti i syngonis sou fingane apo tin Ellada.
Re malaka, when an SNL skit is all you've got, you've pretty much lost.

Btw, did you hear the economy's going to go to 3.3%. Obama and they Affirmative Action experiment is going down in flames.

Well I have lost all hope because I know what the GOP will do if the Democrats gain back the Senate House &/or White House. They won't get shit done either. They won't have enough votes. And whatever they do pass will be flawed because of lobbyists.

Watch SNL making fun of the Democratic party SNL’s most brutal political sketch wasn’t about Trump. It was about the Democratic Party.

It really sucks. Pelosi? Reid? Chuck Shumer? Bernie? Hillary? Tim Kaine? Dianne Feinstein? Elizabeth Warren?

I can tell you right now the Democratic party sucks and needs new blood. The fools I mentioned above won't want to give up power until they are sure they suck so expect them to leave after Trump gets re elected in 2020.

I told people Republicans were going to cut medicare and social security and they didn't believe me.

Sanders: GOP Tax Plan "Laying The Groundwork For Cuts To Social Security"

Told you so.
Stay tuned and watch someone who understands economics instead of a community organizer or and Affirmative-Action squaw:

I would say you are the dumbest Greek I know but unfortunately I've met many stupid fucking Greeks.

“You’ve taken business bankruptcies six times.”
–Hillary Clinton

“On occasion – four times – we used certain laws that are there.”

–Donald Trump

THE FACT CHECKER | Clinton is correct.

I too have met a number of malakes, but ever a bigger wanker or dtsier malaka than yourself, rarely, And I, unlike you, have lived in Greece about 22 years of my life.

Bottom line is Trump has to deliver right? If he doesn't you'll vote Democratic next time right? Or will you vote GOP no matter what?

Can Trump deliver 4% economic growth?

I told people Republicans were going to cut medicare and social security and they didn't believe me.

Sanders: GOP Tax Plan "Laying The Groundwork For Cuts To Social Security"

Told you so.
Stay tuned and watch someone who understands economics instead of a community organizer or and Affirmative-Action squaw:

I would say you are the dumbest Greek I know but unfortunately I've met many stupid fucking Greeks.

“You’ve taken business bankruptcies six times.”
–Hillary Clinton

“On occasion – four times – we used certain laws that are there.”

–Donald Trump

THE FACT CHECKER | Clinton is correct.

I too have met a number of malakes, but ever a bigger wanker or dtsier malaka than yourself, rarely, And I, unlike you, have lived in Greece about 22 years of my life.

Greeks from Greece are the biggest malakes!!! Are you kidding me? I at least have respect for the Greeks who came to America and worked hard and made something of themselves. But usually those aren't the die hard Republicans. No no. The die hard right wing Greeks are usually the dumbest and brokest or their parents have a lot of money.

And like Howard Stern said, nothing worst than a person who inherited their money. For some reason they know it all. They know everything. And many of the Greeks I know who are Republicans own business' their parents started and they are not college educated.

And Greeks from Greece are the biggest know it alls. My brothers brother in law and his father in law are two great examples. Hell, I can name dozens of stupid Greeks who vote Republican including my arrogant grandfather who died penniless. If it wasn't for social security he and my Yaya would have been fucked.

Or we would have been because us liberal kids and grandkids would have paid their bills and allowed them to remain arrogant and ignorant.

had a business in Astoria NY for many years Think more Greeks there than in Athens All hard working people that loved their ouzo
"Any one who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices.” ~ Voltaire

What does this tell us about a party that has seized on to the idea that a man with a severe psychiatric disease, is really a woman, should legally be considered a woman, and should be allowed into women's restrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms, and such; and has managed to intimidate a significant portion of the population—if not into actually believing this absurdity—into at least playing along with it?

Hater's go to hate ^^^. One phrase to consider: Live, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Some other things to consider:
Mac is correct in that Democrats learned something from Republicans...

Obama, Holder to lead post-Trump redistricting campaign

And they ARE doing trying to get districts drawn in a non partisan manner.

Sure they are. Just like holder looked the other way when the black panthers were intimidating voters with bats at the voting booths.

Good grief, you're both stupid and dishonest. One photo, posted innumerable times by racists, and you buy it. You're disgusting.

And you're still an ignorant idiot. Holder was a supporter of the black panthers and in contempt of congress. Bury that head just a little further and maybe you can describe the exact composition of the core of the earth....or maybe you'll breakout on the other side of earth to see china. you need a tissue? It's not my doing that you're dishonest and dumb and a bigot, so stop whining.
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

Once the meat puppet was off the ballot democrooks have been doing abysmally in nearly every local, state and federal election. They need a new rap-star cult of personality meat puppet and the best they have are crazy bernie, fauxcahontas and (HA!) biden, maybe algore (HAHAHAHA!!!)

If the economy continues to improve, and I heard the numbers were "revised" from the last announcement and the improvement brought us beyond any of the meat puppet years to 3.3%. I do recall so many or the "revisions" during the moonbat messiah's reign were DOWNWARD. I think the Tea Party rallies you saw 8 years ago in public displays of peaceful dissent that were quite large were exactly because the meat puppet pretended to be some "moderate" that would bring everyone together and solve problems. As soon as he got in he went full moonbat and the DNC is still on that bus speeding into the abyss.

The only reason the meat puppet was elected twice is because the republicrats didn't get a real opponent of the left, in fact they got someone almost as bad as mclame.

I think the best thing the democrook party can do at this point is dissolve and take over the CPUSA. If more libertarian minded republicrats take over the GOP and it becomes the only real opposition to the nanny state, her hordes of miscreants and sociopath
commissars. They can lose "moderate" republicrat scum to the green party until they die of starvation and double their numbers with people who want the nanny state to get a double mastectomy and sew her snatch shut.

The only way I can see the democrooks being taken seriously again is if they actually live like BERNIE.

The only bastard who went in nearly as worthless and poor as he still is. Name a democrook who didn't get elected to offices that pay not a lot and they're suddenly rich? DEMOCROOKS are the party of the filthy rich elitist scum their own asinine constituency loathes. The bankers, the military contractors, the stock brokers all buy their campaign and get laws passed in their favor and no one exploits it more than the people who constantly push for more laws.

Let them start wearing shabby clothes and leaving congress with less than a million bucks like Bernie might have. I don't know if he has some stashed, but he's the only one who didn't get rich there. That's what the Tea Party was sick of, the corrupt bullshit and if it stops favoring globalist sociopaths then all the better.

The only reason republicrats came in on a wave was opposition to the meat puppet after he revealed what a sick bed wetting douchbag he really was. Groveling in front of the Saudi's, his bullshit healthcare law, and embracing the morally wrong side of nearly every issue. That's why the republicrats strategy worked and if they deliver depends on how hard their primaries are against the wave of Tea Party minded opponents they face in 2018. If RINOs are swept out and regressive policy is rolled back the only option to political survival to the democrook elite is a mass suicide.

Or enjoy the party issued green woolen clothing and join the workers in the rice fields between senate votes.

Last edited:
Mac is correct in that Democrats learned something from Republicans...

Obama, Holder to lead post-Trump redistricting campaign

And they ARE doing trying to get districts drawn in a non partisan manner.

Sure they are. Just like holder looked the other way when the black panthers were intimidating voters with bats at the voting booths.
oh jebus! the lies and exaggeration

it was 2 people, one new blk panther worked for the voting place as a volunteer and the other one did have a stick.... no one was threatened, the man with the bat like stick did not raise it towards anyone AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, it was an all black district, or nearly.....

the black panthers in my day GUARDED the voting places in black districts outside with sticks in hand if memory serves, to make certain no whites tried to prevent them from voting.,....

It seems like you all are just a bunch of sissies afraid of the imaginary boogeyman that your masters told you to be afraid of.... :rolleyes:

Uh huh. If it were the kkk with crosses at the booth you would be screaming.
two people, one was working the polling place the other had a night stick, they were standing outside talking....

no one was being attacked, the precinct was in a district made up primarily if not all, African one voting was scared of just another person of color....the only person that could have been frightened is an outsider to the neighborhood who likely is scared of their own shadow....

Truly, Holder did the right one deserved jail over's ridiculous to think they did... slap their hand, at most, and ask them to put away the night stick, if it was even against rules to carry one there....
Mac is correct in that Democrats learned something from Republicans...

Obama, Holder to lead post-Trump redistricting campaign

And they ARE doing trying to get districts drawn in a non partisan manner.

Sure they are. Just like holder looked the other way when the black panthers were intimidating voters with bats at the voting booths.
oh jebus! the lies and exaggeration

it was 2 people, one new blk panther worked for the voting place as a volunteer and the other one did have a stick.... no one was threatened, the man with the bat like stick did not raise it towards anyone AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, it was an all black district, or nearly.....

the black panthers in my day GUARDED the voting places in black districts outside with sticks in hand if memory serves, to make certain no whites tried to prevent them from voting.,....

It seems like you all are just a bunch of sissies afraid of the imaginary boogeyman that your masters told you to be afraid of.... :rolleyes:

Uh huh. If it were the kkk with crosses at the booth you would be screaming.
two people, one was working the polling place the other had a night stick, they were standing outside talking....

no one was being attacked, the precinct was in a district made up primarily if not all, African one voting was scared of just another person of color....the only person that could have been frightened is an outsider to the neighborhood who likely is scared of their own shadow....

Truly, Holder did the right one deserved jail over's ridiculous to think they did... slap their hand, at most, and ask them to put away the night stick, if it was even against rules to carry one there....

Would you have the same reaction if it were two good old boy rednecks wearing the confederate flag and carrying a club, talking outside a polling place in a district that was made up of primarily, if not all, white people? I mean, you'd think there was no intended intimidation toward the few black voters in the district? Just tell them to put the club away?
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

Once the meat puppet was off the ballot democrooks have been doing abysmally in nearly every local, state and federal election. They need a new rap-star cult of personality meat puppet and the best they have are crazy bernie, fauxcahontas and (HA!) biden, maybe algore (HAHAHAHA!!!)

If the economy continues to improve, and I heard the numbers were "revised" from the last announcement and the improvement brought us beyond any of the meat puppet years to 3.3%. I do recall so many or the "revisions" during the moonbat messiah's reign were DOWNWARD. I think the Tea Party rallies you saw 8 years ago in public displays of peaceful dissent that were quite large were exactly because the meat puppet pretended to be some "moderate" that would bring everyone together and solve problems. As soon as he got in he went full moonbat and the DNC is still on that bus speeding into the abyss.

The only reason the meat puppet was elected twice is because the republicrats didn't get a real opponent of the left, in fact they got someone almost as bad as mclame.

I think the best thing the democrook party can do at this point is dissolve and take over the CPUSA. If more libertarian minded republicrats take over the GOP and it becomes the only real opposition to the nanny state, her hordes of miscreants and sociopath
commissars. They can lose "moderate" republicrat scum to the green party until they die of starvation and double their numbers with people who want the nanny state to get a double mastectomy and sew her snatch shut.

The only way I can see the democrooks being taken seriously again is if they actually live like BERNIE.

The only bastard who went in nearly as worthless and poor as he still is. Name a democrook who didn't get elected to offices that pay not a lot and they're suddenly rich? DEMOCROOKS are the party of the filthy rich elitist scum their own asinine constituency loathes. The bankers, the military contractors, the stock brokers all buy their campaign and get laws passed in their favor and no one exploits it more than the people who constantly push for more laws.

Let them start wearing shabby clothes and leaving congress with less than a million bucks like Bernie might have. I don't know if he has some stashed, but he's the only one who didn't get rich there. That's what the Tea Party was sick of, the corrupt bullshit and if it stops favoring globalist sociopaths then all the better.

The only reason republicrats came in on a wave was opposition to the meat puppet after he revealed what a sick bed wetting douchbag he really was. Groveling in front of the Saudi's, his bullshit healthcare law, and embracing the morally wrong side of nearly every issue. That's why the republicrats strategy worked and if they deliver depends on how hard their primaries are against the wave of Tea Party minded opponents they face in 2018. If RINOs are swept out and regressive policy is rolled back the only option to political survival to the democrook elite is a mass suicide.

Or enjoy the party issued green woolen clothing and join the workers in the rice fields between senate votes.

By your idiotic logic, republicans are hypocrites, if they are not racist pukes who lie about their faith and live in denial of evolution and climate science.

But that means you're all good.
Well, the US political system doesn't have enough parties. So instead of having parties which try and get votes by showing something the people want, the Koch brothers, and others, spend money telling the people what to think, and lots of them take it just like they get brainwashed by Coca-Cola, Pepsi, McDonalds etc.

I don't know if more parties would solve the problem, because they be m ore beholden to special interests. The real problem is that the primary system is so slanted towards early, smaller states most of have no say in who the major parties put up as a candidate.

The thing is, the money knows where to throw its money.

There are two issues in the US.

The first is politicians being bought. Now, they can be bought easily because they know that money buys an election easily in the US.

The second is that because there are only two viable parties which are covering such a large population, that they can't appeal to what the people want. Doing that would annoy too many people. They have to become generic.

Look at Germany. You have the right wing CDU/CSU. You have the left wing SPD, but then you have the environmentalists, Die Gruene, you have the FDP which is sort of center right which supports liberal policies, then you have the new AfD a much further right party. The German system has allowed a party like the AfD to spring up out of no where and to be doing quite well at it. Political mobility. Then you have Die Linke, further to the right.

There are six parties, each of them covers a part of politics.

In the US, the AfD, CDU/CSU and FDP are Republicans, the SPD, Die Linke and Die Gruene are Democrats. They try and fill the gaps where people who support these things would be by telling them what to think.

This means you have generic policies and people are voting for things they don't really want. But the Democrats will see this as a mandate because people voted for it.

This means that the money knows where to spend the money, because people can't be attracted by another party. They're either attracted by the Republicans or Democrats because the system says they're the only viable parties.

EVERY PR election in a proper functioning democracy has a wide number of parties in government. It's that simple. Germany is actually quite low at 6 and had less last time around.
I told people Republicans were going to cut medicare and social security and they didn't believe me.

Sanders: GOP Tax Plan "Laying The Groundwork For Cuts To Social Security"

Told you so.
Stay tuned and watch someone who understands economics instead of a community organizer or and Affirmative-Action squaw:

I would say you are the dumbest Greek I know but unfortunately I've met many stupid fucking Greeks.

“You’ve taken business bankruptcies six times.”
–Hillary Clinton

“On occasion – four times – we used certain laws that are there.”

–Donald Trump

THE FACT CHECKER | Clinton is correct.

I too have met a number of malakes, but ever a bigger wanker or dtsier malaka than yourself, rarely, And I, unlike you, have lived in Greece about 22 years of my life.

Greeks from Greece are the biggest malakes!!! Are you kidding me? I at least have respect for the Greeks who came to America and worked hard and made something of themselves. But usually those aren't the die hard Republicans. No no. The die hard right wing Greeks are usually the dumbest and brokest or their parents have a lot of money.

And like Howard Stern said, nothing worst than a person who inherited their money. For some reason they know it all. They know everything. And many of the Greeks I know who are Republicans own business' their parents started and they are not college educated.

And Greeks from Greece are the biggest know it alls. My brothers brother in law and his father in law are two great examples. Hell, I can name dozens of stupid Greeks who vote Republican including my arrogant grandfather who died penniless. If it wasn't for social security he and my Yaya would have been fucked.

Or we would have been because us liberal kids and grandkids would have paid their bills and allowed them to remain arrogant and ignorant.

had a business in Astoria NY for many years Think more Greeks there than in Athens All hard working people that loved their ouzo

Yea but a lot of them politically are Malakas. We’re just smart not to talk politics in public.

My cousin stayed in Astoria. We stayed with him 3 days in his small apartment. Subway right on his corner. Everything you could possibly need within walking distance. Rooftop like in The Godfather.

He was in college rent was normally $1500 but he only paid $700 a month but he had to take the trash from the side of the building to the street. 2 times a week. Rats as big as dogs.

I love nyc!
Democratic strategy for 2018 and 2020

We Told You So!
Stay tuned and watch someone who understands economics instead of a community organizer or and Affirmative-Action squaw:

I would say you are the dumbest Greek I know but unfortunately I've met many stupid fucking Greeks.

“You’ve taken business bankruptcies six times.”
–Hillary Clinton

“On occasion – four times – we used certain laws that are there.”

–Donald Trump

THE FACT CHECKER | Clinton is correct.

I too have met a number of malakes, but ever a bigger wanker or dtsier malaka than yourself, rarely, And I, unlike you, have lived in Greece about 22 years of my life.

Greeks from Greece are the biggest malakes!!! Are you kidding me? I at least have respect for the Greeks who came to America and worked hard and made something of themselves. But usually those aren't the die hard Republicans. No no. The die hard right wing Greeks are usually the dumbest and brokest or their parents have a lot of money.

And like Howard Stern said, nothing worst than a person who inherited their money. For some reason they know it all. They know everything. And many of the Greeks I know who are Republicans own business' their parents started and they are not college educated.

And Greeks from Greece are the biggest know it alls. My brothers brother in law and his father in law are two great examples. Hell, I can name dozens of stupid Greeks who vote Republican including my arrogant grandfather who died penniless. If it wasn't for social security he and my Yaya would have been fucked.

Or we would have been because us liberal kids and grandkids would have paid their bills and allowed them to remain arrogant and ignorant.

had a business in Astoria NY for many years Think more Greeks there than in Athens All hard working people that loved their ouzo

Yea but a lot of them politically are Malakas. We’re just smart not to talk politics in public.

My cousin stayed in Astoria. We stayed with him 3 days in his small apartment. Subway right on his corner. Everything you could possibly need within walking distance. Rooftop like in The Godfather.

He was in college rent was normally $1500 but he only paid $700 a month but he had to take the trash from the side of the building to the street. 2 times a week. Rats as big as dogs.

I love nyc!

My clothing store was right next to the subway Not the elevated but the one on Steinway street One of my stores had a car coming off the roof
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

The main one would be the system that hasn't given the US a new president with a majority of the votes since 1992.

Yes, it's been 25 years since a Republican not in office managed to get more votes than their counterpart.

And yet in this time the Republicans have managed to get HALF of the presidents.

Don't fuck around pretending it's because the Republicans somehow have the message of the people.
You bring up a good point that shows how messed up is the democrat party. No one has campaigned in CA and NY in years, why? Because it is full of democrat voters. So in effect democrats have been spotted a really big lead, yet they lose. Thankfully the founders realized that one state could dominate and started the electoral college.

No, this isn't how messed up the Democratic Party is, it's how messed up THE SYSTEM IS.

In Presidential elections they only campaign in TWELVE STATES because all the others are basic certainties for one party or the other. In other words, the system says only 20% of the people get to decide who the president is. That's fucked up.
It wouldn't matter if it were popular vote only then it would just be another 12 states. At least the way it is the democrats can't keep stuffing CA with illegal voters who can thus sway the vote.

And again I point out to you, the democrats always start out with a huge electoral lead, and they lose. THAT is why you want to change the system, you want to make it as unfair as it has to be so democrat win elections.
When you're given the gift of having someone like Trump to run against, to make the election a referendum on him,

you don't pass up the chance.
And yet Hillary was so bad she lost. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

The main one would be the system that hasn't given the US a new president with a majority of the votes since 1992.

Yes, it's been 25 years since a Republican not in office managed to get more votes than their counterpart.

And yet in this time the Republicans have managed to get HALF of the presidents.

Don't fuck around pretending it's because the Republicans somehow have the message of the people.
You bring up a good point that shows how messed up is the democrat party. No one has campaigned in CA and NY in years, why? Because it is full of democrat voters. So in effect democrats have been spotted a really big lead, yet they lose. Thankfully the founders realized that one state could dominate and started the electoral college.

No, this isn't how messed up the Democratic Party is, it's how messed up THE SYSTEM IS.

In Presidential elections they only campaign in TWELVE STATES because all the others are basic certainties for one party or the other. In other words, the system says only 20% of the people get to decide who the president is. That's fucked up.
It wouldn't matter if it were popular vote only then it would just be another 12 states. At least the way it is the democrats can't keep stuffing CA with illegal voters who can thus sway the vote.

And again I point out to you, the democrats always start out with a huge electoral lead, and they lose. THAT is why you want to change the system, you want to make it as unfair as it has to be so democrat win elections.
Republicans rule from a minority
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

The main one would be the system that hasn't given the US a new president with a majority of the votes since 1992.

Yes, it's been 25 years since a Republican not in office managed to get more votes than their counterpart.

And yet in this time the Republicans have managed to get HALF of the presidents.

Don't fuck around pretending it's because the Republicans somehow have the message of the people.
You bring up a good point that shows how messed up is the democrat party. No one has campaigned in CA and NY in years, why? Because it is full of democrat voters. So in effect democrats have been spotted a really big lead, yet they lose. Thankfully the founders realized that one state could dominate and started the electoral college.

No, this isn't how messed up the Democratic Party is, it's how messed up THE SYSTEM IS.

In Presidential elections they only campaign in TWELVE STATES because all the others are basic certainties for one party or the other. In other words, the system says only 20% of the people get to decide who the president is. That's fucked up.
It wouldn't matter if it were popular vote only then it would just be another 12 states. At least the way it is the democrats can't keep stuffing CA with illegal voters who can thus sway the vote.

And again I point out to you, the democrats always start out with a huge electoral lead, and they lose. THAT is why you want to change the system, you want to make it as unfair as it has to be so democrat win elections.

"And again I point out to you, the democrats always start out with a huge electoral lead, and they lose. "

Uh, except for when they don't, like when they easily won two presidential elections in 2008 and 2012, and took the Congress during the Bush administration (also in this century).. what is wrong with your brain that dumb shit like this spills out?
Much has been said and written about why and how the Democrats find themselves out of the White House, and in the minority in Congress. Not to mention State Houses. We all know the arguments, so let's focus on something else.

It's clear now that the Democrats' strategy for 2018 and 2020 is not to change any of their behaviors, whether you agree with them or not. The strategy is to bring Trump down as far as possible and then make those elections a simple referendum.

That was essentially the Republicans' strategy with Obama, and the Democrats can't be blamed for pointing at that and saying, "See? Let's just do that. It worked. And it's easier". That's where we are. That's where our politics are.

The press and the Democrats are going to minimize/avoid any positive developments in areas such as the economy, and they're going to focus on Trump and his behaviors.

So given that, why won't that work in 2018 and 2020?

The main one would be the system that hasn't given the US a new president with a majority of the votes since 1992.

Yes, it's been 25 years since a Republican not in office managed to get more votes than their counterpart.

And yet in this time the Republicans have managed to get HALF of the presidents.

Don't fuck around pretending it's because the Republicans somehow have the message of the people.
You bring up a good point that shows how messed up is the democrat party. No one has campaigned in CA and NY in years, why? Because it is full of democrat voters. So in effect democrats have been spotted a really big lead, yet they lose. Thankfully the founders realized that one state could dominate and started the electoral college.

No, this isn't how messed up the Democratic Party is, it's how messed up THE SYSTEM IS.

In Presidential elections they only campaign in TWELVE STATES because all the others are basic certainties for one party or the other. In other words, the system says only 20% of the people get to decide who the president is. That's fucked up.
It wouldn't matter if it were popular vote only then it would just be another 12 states. At least the way it is the democrats can't keep stuffing CA with illegal voters who can thus sway the vote.

And again I point out to you, the democrats always start out with a huge electoral lead, and they lose. THAT is why you want to change the system, you want to make it as unfair as it has to be so democrat win elections.
Republicans rule from a minority

Thanks to gerrymandered districts.

Column: Wave Election in Virginia Shows the Power of Gerrymandering

Consider the following facts about the Virginia House of Delegates: In three previous elections (2011, 2013 and 2015), Republicans won 66 or 67 out of 100 seats. Republicans maintained this supermajority even though Democrats narrowly won every statewide race over this period. To secure (roughly) half of the House seats on Tuesday, Democrats had to earn well over 50 percent of the statewide House vote. This was Democrats’ best showing in more than 30 years. Had Republicans done as well, they would have won far more than 50 seats: close to 70, in fact.

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