The Democrats Take This Quite Seriously


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
They'd love to get voting age to down to 13.

13-year-old gubernatorial candidate supports tougher gun laws

They could use government schools to mandate that the kids vote for their candidate.
They could use government schools to mandate that the kids vote for their candidate.

Either we end the government school monopoly, or it will come to pass.

Abraham Lincoln is credited with saying that the philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.

"For the last fifty or sixty years now our youth have been under an intense indoctrination program in our public schools and universities. American history is no longer taught, but instead a revisionist history of this country is force fed down our children’s throats by “educators” whose own anti-American biases are obvious to any person educated in an American school before schools became nothing more than ‘leftist indoctrination centers’.

Considering what appears to be a government that is awash in corruption, the America that I love and grew up in no longer exists. Unless we do something about it America will only be found in the documents our founders created that rest inside climate-controlled mounts within the National Archives."
D.W. Wilber - The America I Grew Up With Only Exists on Our Founding Documents

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