The Democrats Want Us To Be Afraid

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Lol, the mentality of your party. We stand behind Trump because you hate him so bad and he was the only president in a long time. That actually works for Americans. Biden is bought and paid for by Russia and China.
I am not perfectly certain but that some of those girls may have lost some dignity -- I wonder how they'll feel when a prospective employer looks them up with a Photo Recognition app.
Trump? News flash for ya, Jacky-- -- -- Trump and MAGA is the biggest thing to hit American politics in 100 years! They are not going away, they are only gaining STRENGTH (thank you Joe Buttock), and that is what kills you. Prepare to get your ass handed to you next November.
Sure. Come back and talk to me in six months. We'll see where we are at.
Don't bet the farm on 2022. Lotsa time left. :)
So wait wait wait, hold up a second. The GOP:

Says there is a war on Christmas
Says immigrants are coming in the border by the thousands
Says Democrats want schools to indoctrinate and control our children
Says that Dr. fauci is a Nazi doctor who wants to kill Americans
Says Obamacare allows death panels to kill your grandparents

But Democrats want people to be afraid?

Like, I'm sorry, but this may be the most terrible topic I've read here in my 2 months. The modern Republican Party is literally built on fear.
it's constitutional. you should learn who the US is.
That is about the kindest and most accurate thing I've seen Jack called, Rilly! Sure didn't take you long to figure Jack out! :clap:

He has to be triggered if he keeps bringing Trump up in threads that don't even mention him.
No, the GOP is built on truth. It is the democrats that stoke fear of everything at every opportunity.
The GOP hasn't been built on the truth since Gingrich and his Revolution blew into DC. It's been a slow downhill dive for Republicans ever since.
Memba all that Muslim hate after 9/11???...what eventually ended up leading to the Patriot Act?....nah, doesn't matter, there was a guy with a "R"
next to his name in the White House. :)

And because we're the ones who are “stupid”, we need you arrogant left wrong-wing to step in and make our choices for us, instead of letting us make any important choices for ourselves.

It's what you get when you mix a tyrannical drive to control others, with a severe case of Dunning-Kruger Syndrome.

Like I'm going to let some ignorant jackass who identifies by his utter lack of any employable skills be the one who tells me how to live my life.

Go fuck yourself.

With a saguaro.

The irony is rich coming from a pant load like you. When one resorts to weak ass ad hominem as you do, one should pretend to be concerned about it if others respond to your bullshit in like kind.

YOU and your ilk ARE indeed the ones trying to undermine the norms of our Constitutional Republic. (We aren’t a “democracy, “ by the way, you ignorant lummox.). Practically ALL you and your filthy ilk do is to spread lies, misinformation and disinformation.

I don’t use the term “alternate facts” and am not responsible for that putrid expression. I assume she was trying to talk about alternative views. But when you assholes spread your falsehoods, it isn’t an alternative fact nor an alternative view. What you scumbags do is lie. Incessantly.
No, Conway was talking about the alternate reality you live in.
You talk a good game but the minute someone calls you on your shit, you're right down there in the mud.

We are a democracy. We are organized as a constitutional republic.

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