The Democrats white man problem


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
My father was a union pipefitter from 1946 - 1983. A proud democrat who supported the rights of unions and common wage earners. He, and many thousands of white men held the same views as the democratic party they supported. And then things began to change.... The Democratic party (with good intentions) wanted to grow their tent and began highlighting more minority and females in their ranks, as you can see by press releases, and politicians they support. Slowly, the white men were patted on the heads, pushed to the side, made to stand in the corner, while our beloved minorities were highlighted. To make matters worse, the white man (and ONLY the white man) became the Liberal poster boy for racism, sexism, and everything that was wrong with America (conveniently ignoring the fact that others were just as guilty of these things) Result: White males began leaving the Democratic party and slowly filled the ranks of the GOP, or the legions of non-voters.
Be honest with yourself Liberals:

When was the last time you read of an African American, Asian American, Arab American etc. accused of racism? Because I never have.

When was the last time you heard of a woman accused of sexism - Because I never have.

To read the newspapers, the only folks guilty of these things are white men. Everyone else seems to be as innocent as the angels in heaven.

Democrats: I want you to win. We don't need another 4 years of Trump, but if you folks can't stop demonizing white males, you'll continue to lose them.
A student said white people were taking up too much space in the university's Multicultural Student CenterCredit:

"If ya'll didn't know, this is the MSC, and frankly there are just too many white people in here and this is a space for people of color," she says in the clip.

My father was a union pipefitter from 1946 - 1983. A proud democrat who supported the rights of unions and common wage earners. He, and many thousands of white men held the same views as the democratic party they supported. And then things began to change.... The Democratic party (with good intentions) wanted to grow their tent and began highlighting more minority and females in their ranks, as you can see by press releases, and politicians they support. Slowly, the white men were patted on the heads, pushed to the side, made to stand in the corner, while our beloved minorities were highlighted. To make matters worse, the white man (and ONLY the white man) became the Liberal poster boy for racism, sexism, and everything that was wrong with America (conveniently ignoring the fact that others were just as guilty of these things) Result: White males began leaving the Democratic party and slowly filled the ranks of the GOP, or the legions of non-voters.
Be honest with yourself Liberals:

When was the last time you read of an African American, Asian American, Arab American etc. accused of racism? Because I never have.

When was the last time you heard of a woman accused of sexism - Because I never have.

To read the newspapers, the only folks guilty of these things are white men. Everyone else seems to be as innocent as the angels in heaven.

Democrats: I want you to win. We don't need another 4 years of Trump, but if you folks can't stop demonizing white males, you'll continue to lose them.
So your father was a democrat during segregation and then switched as the party became more inclusive? You sure this isn't fake news. Conservatives tell us this never actually happened. :dunno: :lol:
No worries, the party of the Klan is just as racist today as it was the day it was formed. Different targets, same racism, hate and intolerance. Democrats never change.
My father was a union pipefitter from 1946 - 1983. A proud democrat who supported the rights of unions and common wage earners. He, and many thousands of white men held the same views as the democratic party they supported. And then things began to change.... The Democratic party (with good intentions) wanted to grow their tent and began highlighting more minority and females in their ranks, as you can see by press releases, and politicians they support. Slowly, the white men were patted on the heads, pushed to the side, made to stand in the corner, while our beloved minorities were highlighted. To make matters worse, the white man (and ONLY the white man) became the Liberal poster boy for racism, sexism, and everything that was wrong with America (conveniently ignoring the fact that others were just as guilty of these things) Result: White males began leaving the Democratic party and slowly filled the ranks of the GOP, or the legions of non-voters.
Be honest with yourself Liberals:

When was the last time you read of an African American, Asian American, Arab American etc. accused of racism? Because I never have.

When was the last time you heard of a woman accused of sexism - Because I never have.

To read the newspapers, the only folks guilty of these things are white men. Everyone else seems to be as innocent as the angels in heaven.

Democrats: I want you to win. We don't need another 4 years of Trump, but if you folks can't stop demonizing white males, you'll continue to lose them.
It’s all part of the backwards as fuck Twilight Zone concocted by woke white guilt purple hair degenerates.
My father was a union pipefitter from 1946 - 1983. A proud democrat who supported the rights of unions and common wage earners. He, and many thousands of white men held the same views as the democratic party they supported. And then things began to change.... The Democratic party (with good intentions) wanted to grow their tent and began highlighting more minority and females in their ranks, as you can see by press releases, and politicians they support. Slowly, the white men were patted on the heads, pushed to the side, made to stand in the corner, while our beloved minorities were highlighted. To make matters worse, the white man (and ONLY the white man) became the Liberal poster boy for racism, sexism, and everything that was wrong with America (conveniently ignoring the fact that others were just as guilty of these things) Result: White males began leaving the Democratic party and slowly filled the ranks of the GOP, or the legions of non-voters.
Be honest with yourself Liberals:

When was the last time you read of an African American, Asian American, Arab American etc. accused of racism? Because I never have.

When was the last time you heard of a woman accused of sexism - Because I never have.

To read the newspapers, the only folks guilty of these things are white men. Everyone else seems to be as innocent as the angels in heaven.

Democrats: I want you to win. We don't need another 4 years of Trump, but if you folks can't stop demonizing white males, you'll continue to lose them.
unions have never supported the average wage worker,,

they attack them with bats and the legal system to keep them from taking union jobs or force them to join unions
My father was a union pipefitter from 1946 - 1983. A proud democrat who supported the rights of unions and common wage earners. He, and many thousands of white men held the same views as the democratic party they supported. And then things began to change.... The Democratic party (with good intentions) wanted to grow their tent and began highlighting more minority and females in their ranks, as you can see by press releases, and politicians they support. Slowly, the white men were patted on the heads, pushed to the side, made to stand in the corner, while our beloved minorities were highlighted. To make matters worse, the white man (and ONLY the white man) became the Liberal poster boy for racism, sexism, and everything that was wrong with America (conveniently ignoring the fact that others were just as guilty of these things) Result: White males began leaving the Democratic party and slowly filled the ranks of the GOP, or the legions of non-voters.
Be honest with yourself Liberals:

When was the last time you read of an African American, Asian American, Arab American etc. accused of racism? Because I never have.

When was the last time you heard of a woman accused of sexism - Because I never have.

To read the newspapers, the only folks guilty of these things are white men. Everyone else seems to be as innocent as the angels in heaven.

Democrats: I want you to win. We don't need another 4 years of Trump, but if you folks can't stop demonizing white males, you'll continue to lose them.
My father was a union pipefitter from 1946 - 1983. A proud democrat who supported the rights of unions and common wage earners. He, and many thousands of white men held the same views as the democratic party they supported. And then things began to change.... The Democratic party (with good intentions) wanted to grow their tent and began highlighting more minority and females in their ranks, as you can see by press releases, and politicians they support. Slowly, the white men were patted on the heads, pushed to the side, made to stand in the corner, while our beloved minorities were highlighted. To make matters worse, the white man (and ONLY the white man) became the Liberal poster boy for racism, sexism, and everything that was wrong with America (conveniently ignoring the fact that others were just as guilty of these things) Result: White males began leaving the Democratic party and slowly filled the ranks of the GOP, or the legions of non-voters.
Be honest with yourself Liberals:

When was the last time you read of an African American, Asian American, Arab American etc. accused of racism? Because I never have.

When was the last time you heard of a woman accused of sexism - Because I never have.

To read the newspapers, the only folks guilty of these things are white men. Everyone else seems to be as innocent as the angels in heaven.

Democrats: I want you to win. We don't need another 4 years of Trump, but if you folks can't stop demonizing white males, you'll continue to lose them.
So your father was a democrat during segregation and then switched as the party became more inclusive? You sure this isn't fake news. Conservatives tell us this never actually happened. :dunno: :lol:
ITS insane to blame Every THING on one political party, Come on Republicans HAVE BEEN INCHARGE a little more than DEMS.
That is not what is important.
Both party's have some insane members, And some Very old people who are out of touch with what's happing in the world now.
When you see some voting against a bad bill put up by there own party. Maybe THEIR the good guys?
who knows?
so many vote their own interest & ignore what would be better for the many.
When we waste 17 billion dollars promoting elections???
ANY one interested in some unity?
Uhh yes they were Butthead. Cities and businesses burned in 2020
In 1921 Wilmington and Tulsa were torched by white people and they only burned the successful Black neighborhoods because those people needed to know their place.
History didn`t begin in 2020. Read a book and say NO to being ignorant.
ITS insane to blame Every THING on one political party, Come on Republicans HAVE BEEN INCHARGE a little more than DEMS.
That is not what is important.
Both party's have some insane members, And some Very old people who are out of touch with what's happing in the world now.
When you see some voting against a bad bill put up by there own party. Maybe THEIR the good guys?
who knows?
so many vote their own interest & ignore what would be better for the many.
When we waste 17 billion dollars promoting elections???
ANY one interested in some unity?
I'm in no way blaming one party for everything. Don't be such a hysterical little bitch.
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No. Not with commies. Or Nazis. No thanks.

Diversity kills. 100 million people in the last century.

Commies are evil. They're murderers and thieves.
A lot more than 100 million died in India under British rule. With Apartheid gone from South Africa, you Ku Kluxxers and other white supremacists have nowhere to go. It sucks to be a racist goon left out in the cold, doesn`t it? :D
There`s always Idaho.
In 1921 Wilmington and Tulsa were torched by white people and they only burned the successful Black neighborhoods because those people needed to know their place.
History didn`t begin in 2020. Read a book and say NO to being ignorant.

I agree, Democrats were awful to blacks.

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