The demographic and support shifts at the core of Donald Trump’s electoral problem


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
This isn't the primaries goober donny

We won the evangelicals," Trump said. "We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated! I love the poorly educated!"

Trump was talking only about groups he won within the Republican electorate, but that last point is true. Trump and voters without a college degree have formed a mutual admiration society over the course of the campaign — at least white male voters without a college degree. In 2012, those voters backed Mitt Romney by 31 points, according to exit polls. In the most recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, Trump led with the group by 42 points.

For Trump, that's the good news. The bad news is that, as a share of the electorate, the number of white men without college degrees who come out to vote has been declining for years.

The demographic and support shifts at the core of Donald Trump’s electoral problem

More moon bat shit from guano as usual.

White males make up 34% of the entire electerate including educated college white males. I'd imagine that the uneducated white males are below 25%.

Hillary is going to get a record number of females and probably come close to tying trump with white females. No way does Trump get more then 25% of hispanics, 30% of asians and 10% of blacks...

The numbers don't add up.

By 2020 after Trump loses big in this election these numbers will be even more against the republican party. Hopefully Hillary can make Puerto rico a state and grant amnesty.
What Hillary needs to do is not only bring in a few hundred thousand Syrians for rebuilding Detroit but also do the same for states like Florida, Co, Nevada, Virginia, and Arizona and Ga. Get them citizenships too so they can vote in 2020.

Make it so fucking demographically hard that the hicks never have the slightest chance in 2020.
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