The Dems hate that our underclass continues to expand yet they continue to recruit Mexico’s worse?

How does that make sense?
They campaign on and bitch nonstop about wealth and income inequality, poor healthcare, poor education...etc etc....Meanwhile they fight to expand the underclass at a much faster rate than we can improve pay and create jobs. With all that considered shouldn’t their concern be viewed as disingenuous?
Aren’t they clearly demonstrating that their relevance relies on a forever growing underclass?
Am I missing something?
How is it possible for our underclass to be expanding under the orange god's wonderful economy?

You tell me...aren’t ‘inequalities’ the nucleus of nearly all Mexicrat talking points?
Asking you can our underclass be growing with fat donnie's awesome, best-ever, economy?

They only need to get off their fat asses and find an available job which is plenty!
That's all.
How does that make sense?
They campaign on and bitch nonstop about wealth and income inequality, poor healthcare, poor education...etc etc....Meanwhile they fight to expand the underclass at a much faster rate than we can improve pay and create jobs. With all that considered shouldn’t their concern be viewed as disingenuous?
Aren’t they clearly demonstrating that their relevance relies on a forever growing underclass?
Am I missing something?
How is it possible for our underclass to be expanding under the orange god's wonderful economy?

You tell me...aren’t ‘inequalities’ the nucleus of nearly all Mexicrat talking points?
Asking you can our underclass be growing with fat donnie's awesome, best-ever, economy?

You tell me...aren’t ‘inequalities’ the nucleus of nearly all Mexicrat talking points?
An investor here in Las Vegas is going to open numerous chain 'Pot Belly' restaurants.

You know what his biggest concern is?
No, it is not customers.
It is finding enough reliable employees to staff his restaurants!

This could only happen in Trump's America!
(Contrast this with Obama's America...).
my feelings aren’t hurt. I don’t give a shit what words you use. That’s a reflection of you not me. You give yourself too much credit thinking what you say actually has an impact on how I feel. I know you trolls are out to antagonize so you like to believe your melting snowflakes on here but this is an Internet forum. Get real.

You have blown this thread off the rails...back up a bit and respond to the OP. Don’t be scared...
“How does that make sense?
They campaign on and bitch nonstop about wealth and income inequality, poor healthcare, poor education...etc etc....Meanwhile they fight to expand the underclass at a much faster rate than we can improve pay and create jobs. With all that considered shouldn’t their concern be viewed as disingenuous?
Aren’t they clearly demonstrating that their relevance relies on a forever growing underclass?
Am I missing something?”
Your question is loaded with distorted phrases so there isn’t a clear answer. For example you say they fight to expand the underclass. Well nobody is sitting around a table planning on how they can expand the underclass. They are working on helping the poor and oppressed. You redefine that as “expanding the underclass” or “importing 3rd worlders” or whatever other of the dozens of slanderous phrases you’ve come up with.

Your fighting against a faction of people who are activists for helping those who they see being attacked... attacks led by people like you. They aren’t focused on a comprehensive solution, they are on defense and engaged in a one on one battle which you also propagate. I’m not sure if that’s your intent, but it is wholly unproductive.

Slade you can’t be reasoned take great pride in lying to yourself...How does one reason with someone so disingenuous?
Sanctuary cities / states, EBT and welfare, free healthcare, free education, protections and rights....all things offered up to wetbacks by treasonous LefTarded Mexicrats.
These pieces of shits are supposed to be exhausting all effort, time and energy working for struggling Americans and not in recruiting competition for struggling Americans...How do you pretend this shit isn’t happening?
I don’t pretend like it isnt happening. Theres a lot in that list that I don’t support and if we could discuss those issues like adults instead of making it a race war perhaps we could make better progress. How you think calling Mexicans beaners does anything to help your argument just shows how clueless you are. It’s crap like that that emboldens you’re enemy and disgusts possible allies.

I’ve tried that approach with you and you have taken vague, bizarre positions and talked in circles...remember?
“I am against illegal immigration but I’m against a border wall and I’m against deporting illegals here now and I believe America owes EVERYBODY in the world an opportunity here.”
Remember those discussions?
A wall isn’t the only solution to illegal immigration. That isn’t the litmus test. And I’m all for deporting illegals but if we are going to be real then we need a more creative solution because we can’t deport the millions that are here. So I’m for smart solutions which would be much more productive for you to explore rather than the trolling rhetoric you spew out on this board.

But most interesting about your statement was the notion that you once tried to ya e a mature conversation with me and it didn’t work so that somehow excuses the bigoted insults and trolling tactics you take. Come on man, grow up and do better.
that was never in question, we determined that pages ago. I was asking about your support for a law that would make America smarter and stronger and you are against it. I guess that makes you an America hater

Fascinating...Are you trying to prove your ignorance by not being able to make a simple distinction between the importation of low iQ illegals and low iQ legal citizens? Where are you hoping to go with this?
i fully recognize the difference. I’m asking another question... if you truly care about America than you should want to make it stronger. Deporting stupid people makes it stronger. We can make a law to do that. Would you support it? Why or why not?

Okay Adolph.....
So you can’t answer a simple question. Can’t say I’m surprised. Are you really that insecure about your positions and intellect?! Come on, it isn’t hard

I answered,you just didnt like my answer.....Adolf.
you never explained why you wouldn’t support a law that makes America smarter and stronger... why not?

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