The Dems just don't get it!


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
Democrats in this country still don't get the fact that they are not going to win anything until they stop kissing the butt of the same sponsors the Reps are kissing and start acting in concert with the real liberal and progressive movements in this country.

The Crisis within the Democratic Party
In one of the most striking political comebacks in U.S. history, the Republican Party marched in lockstep to victory in the midterm elections and seized control of the House of Representatives and state houses across the nation. Republicans made a battle plan, they disciplined their troops, and the corporations paid for the ammunition.

Unless the Democrats do something drastically differently during the next two years, the rich and powerful will cement their victory around the body of democracy and dump the barrel of freedom into the deep dark waters of cash politics where it will be lost forever.

The biggest reason the Dems are in the position they are in now, is because liberals can see them for what they really are, which is just the flip side of the republican coin. And you're not going to get liberals, progressives or millennials to vote for you until you stop bailing out Wall Street, suppressing constitutional rights, voting for wars of aggression and compromising with the rich and powerful fascists that run this country.

Look at all the protests across this country today, that's not just because people can't stand right wing representatives, it's because YOU DEMS dropped the ball on democracy!
The Democrat party, instead of facing reality for their epic defeat in the last election. Continue to ignore the fact that they ran a seriously flawed candidate, and embraced unpopular economic policies that were rejected by the middle class.

Instead of questioning what went wrong and why? And taking steps to address the problem. Their only response has been to blame Putin and the Russian's for the Democrat disaster at the ballot box. ...... :cool:
The Democrat party, instead of facing reality for their epic defeat in the last election. Continue to ignore the fact that they ran a seriously flawed candidate, and embraced unpopular economic policies that were rejected by the middle class.
The "...seriously flawed candidate..." won the popular vote, but couldn't convince the liberal base she was one of them. And the middle class does not support the republican platform of making the richest 1% richer.

Instead of questioning what went wrong and why? And taking steps to address the problem. Their only response has been to blame Putin and the Russian's for the Democrat disaster at the ballot box. ...... :cool:
I agree with this.
Go ahead and be cocky .

Truth is that the GOP barley fended off races in red districts . The Dems gained a seat in the senate , and trump is really a 3 party candidate.

Now the left leaning base is pissed off to high hell . There will Be more elections .
The loony left is posed to take over the Democratic party because of the centrists failed miserably. It brings the McGovern candidacy to mind and like the 1972 election, 2012 will be a blow out. It's what happens when a critical mass of ultra liberals takes power of a party.
Liberals need to be even more liberal...:eusa_think:...when that blows up in their face who are they going to blame next? Hell they are running out of boogiemen to pin the blame on.
If there were really brown shirts, those riots would have gone quite differently.
I guess in this country they'd be called "red-shirts"? And yeah, they were there. Just like when they "corralled" all those people on inauguration day. Just like when they pepper sprayed occupy movement protesters in the face. Just like when they shot that congresswoman in the face in Arizona.

You've never heard anyone on the left saying, "Well, maybe we should settle this, with our 2nd amendment rights!" There's no such thing as "left wing militias". You don't see the left starting wars of aggression.

The right is all about violence and if there is violence at a protest rally, it probably started with some right wing asshole who was being paid by Freedom Works.
Liberals need to be even more liberal...:eusa_think:...when that blows up in their face who are they going to blame next? Hell they are running out of boogiemen to pin the blame on.
Why would it blow up when 2 out of 3 millennials are liberals? Why would it blow up when our numbers are increasing? And why would it blow up when we all see your "blame game" mantra is just bullshit?

The right never accepts responsibility for the shit things they do. The right is just a bunch of irresponsible babies who don't have the stones to take ownership over the things they do and say. That's why you try to project your problems on to the left. It's not boogeymen, it's all the fucked things you are doing to this country, that the left is up in arms about.

And the Dems need to catch the fuckin' clue, they're not going to get votes from the growing liberal population, by kowtowing to the right.
Traditional liberals are fine.

It's the "progressives" and the Regressive Leftists who have put the party in such a shitty position. Nationally.
It's elected Democrats failing to honor their campaign promises, that is the reason they're in that shitty position.
The loony left is posed to take over the Democratic party because of the centrists failed miserably. It brings the McGovern candidacy to mind and like the 1972 election, 2012 will be a blow out. It's what happens when a critical mass of ultra liberals takes power of a party.
Why are so many of you guys (seemingly) trying to help the leftardz fix their problems?

If an enemy is in the process of falling on their sword... don't stand in their way.
Go ahead and be cocky .

Truth is that the GOP barley fended off races in red districts . The Dems gained a seat in the senate , and trump is really a 3 party candidate.

Now the left leaning base is pissed off to high hell . There will Be more elections .
How can Trump be a "3 party candidate" when he just got done saying he only represents his constituents? What we have, is the President of the United States, that only represents republicans.
You've never heard anyone on the left saying, "Well, maybe we should settle this, with our 2nd amendment rights!" There's no such thing as "left wing militias". You don't see the left starting wars of aggression.

The right is all about violence and if there is violence at a protest rally, it probably started with some right wing asshole who was being paid by Freedom Works.
Your paranoid delusions are amusing.

But the truth of the matter is that it has been gangs of violent goons dressed in black, with their faces covered and flying red flags no less, who have been doing all of the rioting as of late. They're exactly the kinds of animalistic punks that the 2nd amendment was meant to protect free people against.

Go ahead, keep it up. Keep showing us all that your thread title is correct, and that you really don't get it.

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