The Department of Education and the public mind.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
I wrote this with my home city in mind but I am sure it applies to yours as well:

Being old enough to recall life before the Department of Education I consider myself lucky that I was never diagnosed with the government disease, ADHD. I think the concept and deployment of a Department of Education is closer to Orwell's novel 1984 than Huxley's Brave New World. Oddly, those dystopian views are likely different sides of the same coin, one warning of total control-we will watch you and make sure you comply! The other predicting an almost pleasurable acceptance of the control-you will own nothing and like it!

Back when I went to school it was accepted that central planning was the reason why so many totalitarian societies failed. This was before 1965 so the Great Society which was central planning, had yet to grip the minds of US academia and politics. I do remember that kids from broken families existed in school but they were rare. Almost everyone, black kids included, came from homes with two biological parents. The government in those days was seperate from individual families, it did not control families with threats of witholding benefits.

How did the Great Society take effect? Well first they took out John F. Kennedy who was traditional in the American sense and replaced him with Lyndon Johnson who was all about central power. Kennedy was no friend of a huge all-seeing government and he stood in the way of a Washington that wanted what the Soviets and East Germans had which was near total control of their populations. So a bullet changed history on Nov. 22, 1963 because Kennedy did not miraculously turn his head just before the bullets went by.

That is how we ended up with the Department of Education and millions of kids in school chemically castrated from the neck up with government drugs like Ritalin. You can't get any more dystopian than that but it is not clearly seen by the populaton because propaganda is powerful especially when legacy media has attached itself to the government and functions as public relations for it.

Read your local newspaper and listen to your local radio programming. Does the paper suggest that a former president is a threat to democracy because he is no friend of the power of government? Does your local radio programming sound like endless beggerly brown nosing for the status quo? If they do you are living in a genuine dystopian society.
Well first they took out John F. Kennedy who was traditional in the American sense and replaced him with Lyndon Johnson who was all about central power. So a bullet changed history on Nov. 22, 1963 because Kennedy did not miraculously turn his head just before the bullets went by.

Interesting. First comes JFK who opposed the centralization of government and he gets a bullet to the head.

Now comes Trump who opposes the centralization of government and he nearly gets a bullet to the head (after impeaching him, raiding him, fining him a billion dollars and trying to lock him away for 700 years didn't work).

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