The desperation of the Democrats is showing


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The desperation of the Democrats is showing
12 Dec 2019 ~~ By Patricia McCarthy
The left media spent yesterday furiously spinning their interpretation of what the DOJ’s IG Report had to say: that Horowitz report proved there was no bias behind the abuse of the FISA court warrants the FBI secured by lying outright and omitting all exculpatory material. Of course, not one of those left-media types bothered to read the nearly 500-page document. They relied on the headlines extracted from the summary of the project.
Why Horowitz insisted he found no "testimonial nor documentary evidence of bias" is a mystery. Was he trolling the Democrats who are consumed with impeachment madness or was he relying on the obvious fact that no one copped to being part of the attempted coup? Who knows? It is more entertaining to think he was trolling the Left knowing they would buy that one statement and not bother to read the results of his nineteen-month investigation. The fact is, however, that the report is a scathing indictment of all those who participated in this plot to destroy Trump and to use and destroy as well anyone they could to that end, like Carter Page. Whether or not he meant to, Horowitz sort of tricked the Left into thinking his report would come down on their side but it most definitely did not. It is a frightening account of how treacherous Comey, Brennan, Clapper and all the underlings they conscripted into their conspiracy are; they have collectively put the nation through a three-year nightmare of their own making, one for which there was no basis at all.

The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left simply cannot understand that when DJT has finished his 2nd term, he'll gladly go back to his private life, which is a damned good one. DJT actually understands public service, something the Left does not. He doesn't need them for validation and they clearly hate him for it. when DJT finally out of office, I look forward to him firing potshots from the sidelines.
The delusional Progressive Marxist Socialist Left is so caught up in their own world, that if Horowitz had misspelled words or failed to use punctuation, they would have thought it as a signal that he was on their side. I used to work with delusional people, and it is almost impossible to get them to drop their delusion unless you have a better delusion to give them or raise their medication. That will be the work of the DNC to give them a better delusion so they will turn loose of the FISA delusion.
PMS/DSA Commie Democrats and the Lame Stream Media are like a bunch of greedy monkeys sticking their hands in traps and don't realize to let go of the bait to free themselves. It doesn't matter that the truth will expose and shatter their false narrative and deceit they just cant let go, its in their nature.
In the mean time Trump and the American people keep winning in spite of them.
Regardless, we can all take solace in knowing that Trump will not live for too much longer due to age and obesity.
Regardless, we can all take solace in knowing that Trump will not live for too much longer due to age and obesity.

So you're a Pence fan? Or do you want to impeach him too? Also, please explain how Democrat Presidents become many millions of dollars richer after they leave office than when they entered?
Regardless, we can all take solace in knowing that Trump will not live for too much longer due to age and obesity.

So you're a Pence fan? Or do you want to impeach him too? Also, please explain how Democrat Presidents become many millions of dollars richer after they leave office than when they entered?
I'll take Pence over Trump 1000/1000 times. I don't suspect Pence of having dementia or that he'll sacrifice the country or constitution to look cool to his rich friends. And I've had my whole life to learn to put up with evangelical nonsense. So yes I'll take Pence.

Your last question is retarded. "Explain how spending years as the most powerful man on the planet can lead to making money." Too fucking stupid.
Regardless, we can all take solace in knowing that Trump will not live for too much longer due to age and obesity.

So you're a Pence fan? Or do you want to impeach him too? Also, please explain how Democrat Presidents become many millions of dollars richer after they leave office than when they entered?
I'll take Pence over Trump 1000/1000 times. I don't suspect Pence of having dementia or that he'll sacrifice the country or constitution to look cool to his rich friends. And I've had my whole life to learn to put up with evangelical nonsense. So yes I'll take Pence.

Your last question is retarded. "Explain how spending years as the most powerful man on the planet can lead to making money." Too fucking stupid.
Pence is fine with me. He'll stick it to Radical, Socialist, Globalist, American Hating DemTards just as much or even worse.

Plus if you can pull off removing Trump from office, he is still going to run for President, which means he will get elected and server 3 terms.
So you're a Pence fan? Or do you want to impeach him too? Also, please explain how Democrat Presidents become many millions of dollars richer after they leave office than when they entered?
I'll take Pence over Trump 1000/1000 times. I don't suspect Pence of having dementia or that he'll sacrifice the country or constitution to look cool to his rich friends. And I've had my whole life to learn to put up with evangelical nonsense. So yes I'll take Pence.

Your last question is retarded. "Explain how spending years as the most powerful man on the planet can lead to making money." Too fucking stupid.

As usual, your post is dripping with insincerity: You would transfer your vicious derangement to Pence the moment he brought the issue of abortion.

Also, your deliberate misquotation of my "question" indicates moral depravity as well as limited mental capacity. I said: "Also, please explain how Democrat Presidents become many millions of dollars richer after they leave office than when they entered?"

As you should know, Presidents Clinton and Obama have increased their wealth exponentially after being elected. Can you say the same thing the Bushes (or Trump)?

Questions are not stupid, but people who are unable to answer them are.
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