The Despicable Conduct Of Democrats Since Ted Cruz Announced He Was Running


Liberal gun reference targeting Ted Cruz

You can tell a political party has no good ideas when they feel they have to start flinging insults the moment a candidate announces he will be running for president. With Ted Cruz it began with silly accusations about scaring 3 year olds.

The wailing by Democrats is deafening. Calling Ted Cruz crazy, scary, dangerous, you name it. I think he's the right guy for the job. Nothing causes liberals to lose their minds like a genuine candidate that scares the shit out of them, meaning somebody that is a real conservative, not a fake conservative that can be manipulated. I figure they're going to be Palinizing him for the next year or so. They even have their bought and paid for Spanish station Univision trashing Cruz. Chris Matthews called him a hijacker, alluding to his Cuban ancestry, a Cruise missile aimed at the U.S. Capital. This insanity is a direct reflection of Democrats that feel they need to trash their opposition rather than give voters a reason to vote for their shitty candidate of choice, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It's absolutely priceless some of the accusations they're using.

  1. He's not qualified because he doesn't have a valid birth certificate
  2. He's never accomplished anything
  3. He's inexperienced
  4. His ideas on Global Warming are crazy

Jesus......this sounds just like Barack H. Obama.


Donny Deutsch Attacks Scary Dangerous Slimy Ted Cruz
On Day Cruz Announces for President Hardball s Matthews Spends Much of Program Blasting Him As Latter-Day McCarthy
Satirist Andy Borowitz Blogger Charles Pierce Welcome Disturbed Extremist Fanatic Ted Cruz to Presidential Race
From the Get-Go Univision Hammers Cruz
Crushing Cruz The Media s Worst Attacks on the GOP Presidential Candidate

Both sides play these games, it is nothing new. They already are going after his wife, just like the Republicans did with Obama.

It because you don't have faith in your candidate that you have to tear down the other side.

Proof that anyone democratic is involved with anything.

The laugh is how thin skinned they are about Cruz while saying vile stuff about every Democrat for the last 6 years.

The things said about Obama on this board by the Hard Right is shameful.

Now here is the Democratic position on Cruz:


The guy in our opinion will guarantee Clinton in the White House. We can disagree with our opinion but this guy is our dream candidate from the GOP Primaries. So no one from Democrats would bother slagging him off, it is a no win for Dems.

I know some Hard Right are going to be upset by this, but we genuinely want him in the race actually we want Palin too.
Watch the RWrs cry over the LW who has NOTHING to do with Cruz's selection until after he makes it thru the GOP Primaries.

said by a left wing fool with a clown face avatar---------------------WTF is wrong with you people?

They are brainwashed sheep. this is what we up against in this country and how we got someone like that thug Obama as President
Let it ROLL! Just let it ROLL! Get all your American Spring buddies to vote for Cruz. No problem.

Cuz it was a roaring success last time!
What last time?

Are you sniffing glue again?

It was just mentioned that Ted Cruz could attach himself to the AMERICAN SPRING Movement. That was the posting that I responded to. The was one in 2014. Do you not remember it? 30 Million "patriots" were supposed to arrrive in DC on Motorcycles and force our President out of office.

You really don't remember this?

Stephanie put out a thread on this, one that is still active to this day. :D

Although the comments would have been made in jest, I believe the point is that many think that Ted Cruz's extremists views are probably very in line with those "patriots".

You see, A leads to B, which leads to C....
The crazier they get, the more worried the Democrats are. I can't believe they even breathed the word "birth certificate!"

That is true that the more unhinged people become the more worried they are. It should be like a good dose of encouragement for any person under their attack.

One more thing! The more wicked your enemies are? The greater the plan of Victory God has laid out for you! It's ALL GOOD NEWS!! :)
What was God's victory when he let the Devil survive and rule parts of his universe after the Devil revolted against God over humans?
Watch the RWrs cry over the LW who has NOTHING to do with Cruz's selection until after he makes it thru the GOP Primaries.

said by a left wing fool with a clown face avatar---------------------WTF is wrong with you people?
Again, it's good to see that there are still butthurt posters over avies. Makes it worthwhile. :D

Butthurt over you looking like a clown?

Oh .... Stop ....lmao ... You're fucking killing me!!!

and the silly fucks all changed their avatars on the same day. Do they all have electrodes implanted in their tiny brains that are connected to Soros' computer?

they were just taking after their Messiah and the rest of their nasty people in their party

This thread started with how Cruz is being treated while totally ignoring there treatment of the President of the United States.
said by a left wing fool with a clown face avatar---------------------WTF is wrong with you people?
Again, it's good to see that there are still butthurt posters over avies. Makes it worthwhile. :D

Butthurt over you looking like a clown?

Oh .... Stop ....lmao ... You're fucking killing me!!!

and the silly fucks all changed their avatars on the same day. Do they all have electrodes implanted in their tiny brains that are connected to Soros' computer?

they were just taking after their Messiah and the rest of their nasty people in their party

This thread started with how Cruz is being treated while totally ignoring there treatment of the President of the United States.

Please. you all treated BUSH like shit. So go cry to someone else. dailykos, huffepost or something. Cruz is only a Candidate for President and go back and look how you all treated, Mrs Palin.
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said by a left wing fool with a clown face avatar---------------------WTF is wrong with you people?
Again, it's good to see that there are still butthurt posters over avies. Makes it worthwhile. :D

Butthurt over you looking like a clown?

Oh .... Stop ....lmao ... You're fucking killing me!!!

and the silly fucks all changed their avatars on the same day. Do they all have electrodes implanted in their tiny brains that are connected to Soros' computer?

they were just taking after their Messiah and the rest of their nasty people in their party

This thread started with how Cruz is being treated while totally ignoring there treatment of the President of the United States.
The right see's nothing wrong with their behavior.....What they say about Oblama is justified in their eyes, and unless you bow down to kiss the fightin' boots of a Canuke, you just are doing things wrong....
Again, it's good to see that there are still butthurt posters over avies. Makes it worthwhile. :D

Butthurt over you looking like a clown?

Oh .... Stop ....lmao ... You're fucking killing me!!!

and the silly fucks all changed their avatars on the same day. Do they all have electrodes implanted in their tiny brains that are connected to Soros' computer?

they were just taking after their Messiah and the rest of their nasty people in their party

This thread started with how Cruz is being treated while totally ignoring there treatment of the President of the United States.

Please. you all threated BUSH like shit. So go cry to someone else. dailykos, huffepost or something
I laughed with Boosh all the whey to the bank.....
Let it ROLL! Just let it ROLL! Get all your American Spring buddies to vote for Cruz. No problem.
Ol' Cruz should get at least 7% of the votes in the USA...

And Hillary has accomplished what?

Russian Reset?
Columbian hookers?

What had she done other than screw everything up?

I'm waiting for you to think up something.....:ahole-1:

What has Cruz accomplished?

more than obama had when he was elected.
Really, prove it...
Let it ROLL! Just let it ROLL! Get all your American Spring buddies to vote for Cruz. No problem.
Ol' Cruz should get at least 7% of the votes in the USA...

And Hillary has accomplished what?

Russian Reset?
Columbian hookers?

What had she done other than screw everything up?

I'm waiting for you to think up something.....:ahole-1:

What has Cruz accomplished?

more than obama had when he was elected.
Really, prove it...
Just like school yard bullies, the pricks in the GOP( Faux News) can dish it out but they just can't take it.

Cruz doesn't have a chance, never did.

Most of what we've pointed out is in response to things like Russia invading Crimea, or Benghazi, or missing emails.

All you libs have is nothing but "he scared a 3 year old!!!!"

No not really. They've always been trying to equate some of the worst disaster in previous presidencies, or other catastrophes, to the slightest hint of a scandal since his first days in office.

"Is this Obama's _________ " "Waterloo", "Katrina", "Iraq", "Watergate".......

Iran was contained when he took office. Now they control Yemen, Sudan, Southern Iraq, Libya, etc.

ISIS is expanding from Syria into Iraq and Obama wants Iran to stop it. He's not doing anything but making out his brackets and golfing.

Benghazi resulted in the arrest of one person.

Obama is trading murderers for deserters.

Haven't you had your one Middle East misadventure in a generation?

Idiot want more Americans back in ME defending a piece of sand for people who prefer you leave.
The crazier they get, the more worried the Democrats are. I can't believe they even breathed the word "birth certificate!"

That is true that the more unhinged people become the more worried they are. It should be like a good dose of encouragement for any person under their attack.

One more thing! The more wicked your enemies are? The greater the plan of Victory God has laid out for you! It's ALL GOOD NEWS!! :)

Obama must be a Saint then.
Again, it's good to see that there are still butthurt posters over avies. Makes it worthwhile. :D

Butthurt over you looking like a clown?

Oh .... Stop ....lmao ... You're fucking killing me!!!

and the silly fucks all changed their avatars on the same day. Do they all have electrodes implanted in their tiny brains that are connected to Soros' computer?

they were just taking after their Messiah and the rest of their nasty people in their party

This thread started with how Cruz is being treated while totally ignoring there treatment of the President of the United States.
The right see's nothing wrong with their behavior.....What they say about Oblama is justified in their eyes, and unless you bow down to kiss the fightin' boots of a Canuke, you just are doing things wrong....

how many of you called Bush "Chimp" ? you are such liars.
The crazier they get, the more worried the Democrats are. I can't believe they even breathed the word "birth certificate!"

That is true that the more unhinged people become the more worried they are. It should be like a good dose of encouragement for any person under their attack.

One more thing! The more wicked your enemies are? The greater the plan of Victory God has laid out for you! It's ALL GOOD NEWS!! :)

Obama must be a Saint then.

You seem to think so

Liberal gun reference targeting Ted Cruz

You can tell a political party has no good ideas when they feel they have to start flinging insults the moment a candidate announces he will be running for president. With Ted Cruz it began with silly accusations about scaring 3 year olds.

The wailing by Democrats is deafening. Calling Ted Cruz crazy, scary, dangerous, you name it. I think he's the right guy for the job. Nothing causes liberals to lose their minds like a genuine candidate that scares the shit out of them, meaning somebody that is a real conservative, not a fake conservative that can be manipulated. I figure they're going to be Palinizing him for the next year or so. They even have their bought and paid for Spanish station Univision trashing Cruz. Chris Matthews called him a hijacker, alluding to his Cuban ancestry, a Cruise missile aimed at the U.S. Capital. This insanity is a direct reflection of Democrats that feel they need to trash their opposition rather than give voters a reason to vote for their shitty candidate of choice, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It's absolutely priceless some of the accusations they're using.

  1. He's not qualified because he doesn't have a valid birth certificate
  2. He's never accomplished anything
  3. He's inexperienced
  4. His ideas on Global Warming are crazy

Jesus......this sounds just like Barack H. Obama.


Donny Deutsch Attacks Scary Dangerous Slimy Ted Cruz
On Day Cruz Announces for President Hardball s Matthews Spends Much of Program Blasting Him As Latter-Day McCarthy
Satirist Andy Borowitz Blogger Charles Pierce Welcome Disturbed Extremist Fanatic Ted Cruz to Presidential Race
From the Get-Go Univision Hammers Cruz
Crushing Cruz The Media s Worst Attacks on the GOP Presidential Candidate

Both sides play these games, it is nothing new. They already are going after his wife, just like the Republicans did with Obama.

It because you don't have faith in your candidate that you have to tear down the other side.

Proof that anyone democratic is involved with anything.

The laugh is how thin skinned they are about Cruz while saying vile stuff about every Democrat for the last 6 years.

The things said about Obama on this board by the Hard Right is shameful.

Now here is the Democratic position on Cruz:


The guy in our opinion will guarantee Clinton in the White House. We can disagree with our opinion but this guy is our dream candidate from the GOP Primaries. So no one from Democrats would bother slagging him off, it is a no win for Dems.

I know some Hard Right are going to be upset by this, but we genuinely want him in the race actually we want Palin too.

I don't think Hillary is going to survive the primaries. She will be the last one to fall, but just as in 2008 her name recognition will only carry so far.

As far as the things about what was said about Obama as shameful? Yes, but you can say the same about Bachman, Palin, Romney, Cain, West and on and on.

None of the BS changed my opinion about any of them including Obama.

All the games and BS are just that, I don't care who Cruz's dad is or was, I don't care where his wife works, the same with Hillary, I don't care. I care about their political stand on issues. Nothing more, nothing less.

The rest is all noise to keep us away from solving the real issues and problems.

Carry on with you BS.
Cripes in Lakhota's "Heidi has mental issues" thread the left wing loons were hot to trot calling her an ex prostitute.

The shit I saw being posted on various boards yesterday had my head spinning faster than Linda Blair in the freaking Exorcist.

Under the definition of scumbucket.


Cripes in Lakhota's "Heidi has mental issues" thread the left wing loons were hot to trot calling her an ex prostitute.

The shit I saw being posted on various boards yesterday had my head spinning faster than Linda Blair in the freaking Exorcist.

Under the definition of scumbucket.


Time to turn your tinfoil hat into tinfoil armor. I read the police report on her, what was left of it, and she lost it.
The proper response to liberals and left wing RINO'S that are spewing AntiCruz hate and rhetoric is to remind them that they are just:

"RACISTS that hate the idea of a Hispanic President". Who want Hispanics trimming their hedges, or cutting their grass, and voting how they are told to, rather than running for President.

All of their opposition to Cruz and his ideas are based in their own Racist Privilege.

If they ask how such a thing can be, remind them of the MANY examples we have been given of this over the last seven years by the likes of:

OPRAH WINFREY: Obama's critics motivated by racism, death is the answer Oprah Winfrey Obama s critics motivated by racism death is the answer - National Policy Issues

Democrat Black Racist Caucus Member Bennie Thompson(D-MS): "Let's face it, Basically All Criticism of Obama is Straight-up Racism" House Democrat Basically All Criticism of Obama is Straight-up Racism - Guy Benson

Or who can forget Chris Matthews famous: "Criticizing Obama is RACIST!" Olbermann Calls Obama s Critics Racist Mediaite

The time has come to "pay-it-forward" to these morons..... And you see MANY left wing Racists in here
The proper response to liberals and left wing RINO'S that are spewing AntiCruz hate and rhetoric is to remind them that they are just:

"RACISTS that hate the idea of a Hispanic President". Who want Hispanics trimming their hedges, or cutting their grass, and voting how they are told to, rather than running for President.

All of their opposition to Cruz and his ideas are based in their own Racist Privilege.

If they ask how such a thing can be, remind them of the MANY examples we have been given of this over the last seven years by the likes of:

OPRAH WINFREY: Obama's critics motivated by racism, death is the answer Oprah Winfrey Obama s critics motivated by racism death is the answer - National Policy Issues

Democrat Black Racist Caucus Member Bennie Thompson(D-MS): "Let's face it, Basically All Criticism of Obama is Straight-up Racism" House Democrat Basically All Criticism of Obama is Straight-up Racism - Guy Benson

Or who can forget Chris Matthews famous: "Criticizing Obama is RACIST!" Olbermann Calls Obama s Critics Racist Mediaite

The time has come to "pay-it-forward" to these morons..... And you see MANY left wing Racists in here
Seems that Whack-A-Wetback bothers you? Get over it since that's going to be the game for a bit. Screaming "racist" all day long won't change that.
said by a left wing fool with a clown face avatar---------------------WTF is wrong with you people?

They are brainwashed sheep. this is what we up against in this country and how we got someone like that thug Obama as President
Let it ROLL! Just let it ROLL! Get all your American Spring buddies to vote for Cruz. No problem.
Ol' Cruz should get at least 7% of the votes in the USA...

And Hillary has accomplished what?

Russian Reset?
Columbian hookers?

What had she done other than screw everything up?

I'm waiting for you to think up something.....:ahole-1:

She let's Bill minister to 16 year old sex slaves numerous times

Evidence? Proof? Links? Video? Audio?

Oh, and BTW, you realize that you just derailed a thread, right?
The proper response to liberals and left wing RINO'S that are spewing AntiCruz hate and rhetoric is to remind them that they are just:

"RACISTS that hate the idea of a Hispanic President". Who want Hispanics trimming their hedges, or cutting their grass, and voting how they are told to, rather than running for President.

All of their opposition to Cruz and his ideas are based in their own Racist Privilege.

If they ask how such a thing can be, remind them of the MANY examples we have been given of this over the last seven years by the likes of:

OPRAH WINFREY: Obama's critics motivated by racism, death is the answer Oprah Winfrey Obama s critics motivated by racism death is the answer - National Policy Issues

Democrat Black Racist Caucus Member Bennie Thompson(D-MS): "Let's face it, Basically All Criticism of Obama is Straight-up Racism" House Democrat Basically All Criticism of Obama is Straight-up Racism - Guy Benson

Or who can forget Chris Matthews famous: "Criticizing Obama is RACIST!" Olbermann Calls Obama s Critics Racist Mediaite

The time has come to "pay-it-forward" to these morons..... And you see MANY left wing Racists in here
Seems that Whack-A-Wetback bothers you? Get over it since that's going to be the game for a bit. Screaming "racist" all day long won't change that.

RACIST, That you are, and I feel better!:321:
Butthurt over you looking like a clown?

Oh .... Stop ....lmao ... You're fucking killing me!!!

and the silly fucks all changed their avatars on the same day. Do they all have electrodes implanted in their tiny brains that are connected to Soros' computer?

they were just taking after their Messiah and the rest of their nasty people in their party

This thread started with how Cruz is being treated while totally ignoring there treatment of the President of the United States.
The right see's nothing wrong with their behavior.....What they say about Oblama is justified in their eyes, and unless you bow down to kiss the fightin' boots of a Canuke, you just are doing things wrong....

how many of you called Bush "Chimp" ? you are such liars.

I was here during Bush. chimp was used regularly. another was chimpyMccokespoon, shrub, etc. oh the respect for him was through the roof

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