The Despicable Conduct Of Democrats Since Ted Cruz Announced He Was Running

Obama insults our allies

The UK

while he bargains with our enemies.


UK are perfect
The right see's nothing wrong with their behavior.....What they say about Oblama is justified in their eyes, and unless you bow down to kiss the fightin' boots of a Canuke, you just are doing things wrong....

how many of you called Bush "Chimp" ? you are such liars.

I was here during Bush. chimp was used regularly. another was chimpyMccokespoon, shrub, etc. oh the respect for him was through the roof

So lets get this:
You are complaining that Democrats are criticizing Cruz while totally ignoring RW actions.

We have asked where the Democrats have criticized him. We have explained that Democrats love him in the race. He is like Palin or Bachmann to Democrats, the gift that keeps on giving.

And the answer has been that someone you can't quote from an elected office called Bush a chimp. I would never advocate that because it would have weakened our argument that he was actually a war monger who got hundreds of thousands killed and drove US in to a deep recession unnecessarily.
So you're claiming Bush went around Congress and drove us into a recession all by his lonesome?
Are you retarded?

101 Economics : Cutting taxes while increasing spending on a war is bad, very bad. It overheats the economy.

Also he pushed the property boom as well.
"We can put light where there's darkness, and hope where there's despondency in this country. And part of it is working together as a nation to encourage folks to own their own home."

- President George W. Bush, Oct. 15, 2002

Probably the worst US president for a long time...

Obama has him beat by 1000%, worst ever.
There's a new gang in town, thanks to the government shutdown, and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says its mission is to stop people like Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) from striking again.

Calling the fiscal showdown a "shameful" and "agonizing odyssey," McCain said

John McCain Throws Down The Gauntlet Against Ted Cruz

Dam those Dems!!

You're funny, you keep quoting Make believe Republicans, which all of us acknowledge as such....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Is that also make believe support he receives from make believe republicans too?

Apparently the word RINO escapes your tiny mind! ....Ask a 2nd grader for help!
There's a new gang in town, thanks to the government shutdown, and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says its mission is to stop people like Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) from striking again.

Calling the fiscal showdown a "shameful" and "agonizing odyssey," McCain said

John McCain Throws Down The Gauntlet Against Ted Cruz

Dam those Dems!!
Fuck McCain.

GOP are starting to eat their own.

no, that was Clinton and Lewinsky.
It's what the left does... its called the politics of personal destruction. If you can't win in the arena of ideas, destroy them personally.
Trump is the Left? Levin is the Left? Hannity is the Left?

Trump is for himself..... the other 2 simply point out what is the countries problem...and rightfully so, it is YOU and the liberal left.... Sorry to hit you with a FACT so early in the morning!
There's a new gang in town, thanks to the government shutdown, and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says its mission is to stop people like Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) from striking again.

Calling the fiscal showdown a "shameful" and "agonizing odyssey," McCain said

John McCain Throws Down The Gauntlet Against Ted Cruz

Dam those Dems!!

You're funny, you keep quoting Make believe Republicans, which all of us acknowledge as such....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Is that also make believe support he receives from make believe republicans too?

Apparently the word RINO escapes your tiny mind! ....Ask a 2nd grader for help!

I asked about the support he receives. Are you saying all the support Trump receives is from fake republicans? Not real ones? Even on this site too?
You have to counter all sides, all the time...
Therein lies the problem. Having to counter both sides all the time can wear one down.

Especially when they have most of the energy, money and influence in their respective parties.

Hannity to Cruz: Why Are Republicans in Washington Against You?

Hannity to Cruz Why Are Republicans in Washington Against You

Cruz, sends another one out of the park... from the above story..."“When the New York Times says that the Washington elites despise me, my only question is whether I have to disclose that to the FEC as an in-kind donation,” Cruz quipped. “Frankly I can’t think of a better ground to run on.”

How right can a man be?
It's what the left does... its called the politics of personal destruction. If you can't win in the arena of ideas, destroy them personally.
Trump is the Left? Levin is the Left? Hannity is the Left?

telling the truth is not personal destruction. obama, clinton, pelosi, reid, kerry, gore all self destructed, they did it all by themselves.

Trump would probably be a very good president, but he has zero chance.
The insanity directed against Cruz is the same kind of insanity directed against all republicans. Democrats don't want any republican to challenge any democrat.
There's a new gang in town, thanks to the government shutdown, and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says its mission is to stop people like Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) from striking again.

Calling the fiscal showdown a "shameful" and "agonizing odyssey," McCain said

John McCain Throws Down The Gauntlet Against Ted Cruz

Dam those Dems!!
Fuck McCain.

GOP are starting to eat their own.

no, that was Clinton and Lewinsky.

and now they want to elect the woman who stood by her adulterer . Not a moral fiber in any democrat

Liberal gun reference targeting Ted Cruz

You can tell a political party has no good ideas when they feel they have to start flinging insults the moment a candidate announces he will be running for president. With Ted Cruz it began with silly accusations about scaring 3 year olds.

The wailing by Democrats is deafening. Calling Ted Cruz crazy, scary, dangerous, you name it. I think he's the right guy for the job. Nothing causes liberals to lose their minds like a genuine candidate that scares the shit out of them, meaning somebody that is a real conservative, not a fake conservative that can be manipulated. I figure they're going to be Palinizing him for the next year or so. They even have their bought and paid for Spanish station Univision trashing Cruz. Chris Matthews called him a hijacker, alluding to his Cuban ancestry, a Cruise missile aimed at the U.S. Capital. This insanity is a direct reflection of Democrats that feel they need to trash their opposition rather than give voters a reason to vote for their shitty candidate of choice, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It's absolutely priceless some of the accusations they're using.

  1. He's not qualified because he doesn't have a valid birth certificate
  2. He's never accomplished anything
  3. He's inexperienced
  4. His ideas on Global Warming are crazy

Jesus......this sounds just like Barack H. Obama.


Donny Deutsch Attacks Scary Dangerous Slimy Ted Cruz
On Day Cruz Announces for President Hardball s Matthews Spends Much of Program Blasting Him As Latter-Day McCarthy
Satirist Andy Borowitz Blogger Charles Pierce Welcome Disturbed Extremist Fanatic Ted Cruz to Presidential Race
From the Get-Go Univision Hammers Cruz
Crushing Cruz The Media s Worst Attacks on the GOP Presidential Candidate

stop whining....

cruz is a piece of garbage who deserves everything he gets

there is a reason he's the most hated member of the senate (by other senators).

love the faux rage though. :thup:
There's a new gang in town, thanks to the government shutdown, and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says its mission is to stop people like Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) from striking again.

Calling the fiscal showdown a "shameful" and "agonizing odyssey," McCain said

John McCain Throws Down The Gauntlet Against Ted Cruz

Dam those Dems!!
Fuck McCain.

GOP are starting to eat their own.

no, that was Clinton and Lewinsky.

and now they want to elect the woman who stood by her adulterer . Not a moral fiber in any democrat

as soon as you have any moral fiber, feel free to comment.
Hannity to Cruz: Why Are Republicans in Washington Against You?

Hannity to Cruz Why Are Republicans in Washington Against You

Cruz, sends another one out of the park... from the above story..."“When the New York Times says that the Washington elites despise me, my only question is whether I have to disclose that to the FEC as an in-kind donation,” Cruz quipped. “Frankly I can’t think of a better ground to run on.”

How right can a man be?

Yeah nice attempt to side step the fact that Republicans hate him but you tried to make it about the NY Times. Almost but no cigar.

Dam those democrats!!
The insanity directed against Cruz is the same kind of insanity directed against all republicans. Democrats don't want any republican to challenge any democrat.

stop projecting rightwingnut behavior onto democrats.

would you like a tissue?
There's a new gang in town, thanks to the government shutdown, and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says its mission is to stop people like Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) from striking again.

Calling the fiscal showdown a "shameful" and "agonizing odyssey," McCain said

John McCain Throws Down The Gauntlet Against Ted Cruz

Dam those Dems!!

You're funny, you keep quoting Make believe Republicans, which all of us acknowledge as such....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Is that also make believe support he receives from make believe republicans too?

Apparently the word RINO escapes your tiny mind! ....Ask a 2nd grader for help!

I asked about the support he receives. Are you saying all the support Trump receives is from fake republicans? Not real ones? Even on this site too?

As with MANY of the Republican's we all differ in opinion of the men choosing to run.... Trump has said some stupid things, more than many of the others... After all he is supposedly RUNNING for president and has to put some ground between himself and the first declared to stay relevant! ....Glad I could help you with a difficult question you had no idea what the answer was.... Need help on anything else?
There's a new gang in town, thanks to the government shutdown, and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says its mission is to stop people like Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) from striking again.

Calling the fiscal showdown a "shameful" and "agonizing odyssey," McCain said

John McCain Throws Down The Gauntlet Against Ted Cruz

Dam those Dems!!

You're funny, you keep quoting Make believe Republicans, which all of us acknowledge as such....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Is that also make believe support he receives from make believe republicans too?

Apparently the word RINO escapes your tiny mind! ....Ask a 2nd grader for help!

Let me tell you what a RINO is, in no uncertain terms....

A RINO is someone who blasts the Party because he can't get who he wants whenever he wants it.

A RINO is someone who insists on nominating someone that can't win the general election.

A RINO is someone who doesn't care that his preferred candidate couldn't win a race for dog catcher.

A RINO is someone who pushes policies and picks fights WE CAN'T WIN (goobermint shutdown comes to mind)

A RINO is someone who, when they don't get their way, proclaims that "There's no difference'' in the parties

A RINO is someone who refuses to support the Party when he or she doesn't get what they want every time they want it.

A RINO is someone who stays home on election day allowing THE SCUM OF THE FUCKING EARTH to win elections simply because the RINO couldn't get his/her candidate on the ticket

Let's talk about who the REAL RINOs are

Liberal gun reference targeting Ted Cruz

You can tell a political party has no good ideas when they feel they have to start flinging insults the moment a candidate announces he will be running for president. With Ted Cruz it began with silly accusations about scaring 3 year olds.

The wailing by Democrats is deafening. Calling Ted Cruz crazy, scary, dangerous, you name it. I think he's the right guy for the job. Nothing causes liberals to lose their minds like a genuine candidate that scares the shit out of them, meaning somebody that is a real conservative, not a fake conservative that can be manipulated. I figure they're going to be Palinizing him for the next year or so. They even have their bought and paid for Spanish station Univision trashing Cruz. Chris Matthews called him a hijacker, alluding to his Cuban ancestry, a Cruise missile aimed at the U.S. Capital. This insanity is a direct reflection of Democrats that feel they need to trash their opposition rather than give voters a reason to vote for their shitty candidate of choice, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

It's absolutely priceless some of the accusations they're using.

  1. He's not qualified because he doesn't have a valid birth certificate
  2. He's never accomplished anything
  3. He's inexperienced
  4. His ideas on Global Warming are crazy

Jesus......this sounds just like Barack H. Obama.


Donny Deutsch Attacks Scary Dangerous Slimy Ted Cruz
On Day Cruz Announces for President Hardball s Matthews Spends Much of Program Blasting Him As Latter-Day McCarthy
Satirist Andy Borowitz Blogger Charles Pierce Welcome Disturbed Extremist Fanatic Ted Cruz to Presidential Race
From the Get-Go Univision Hammers Cruz
Crushing Cruz The Media s Worst Attacks on the GOP Presidential Candidate

Both sides play these games, it is nothing new. They already are going after his wife, just like the Republicans did with Obama.

It because you don't have faith in your candidate that you have to tear down the other side.

Proof that anyone democratic is involved with anything.

The laugh is how thin skinned they are about Cruz while saying vile stuff about every Democrat for the last 6 years.

The things said about Obama on this board by the Hard Right is shameful.

Now here is the Democratic position on Cruz:


The guy in our opinion will guarantee Clinton in the White House. We can disagree with our opinion but this guy is our dream candidate from the GOP Primaries. So no one from Democrats would bother slagging him off, it is a no win for Dems.

I know some Hard Right are going to be upset by this, but we genuinely want him in the race actually we want Palin too.
The folks you hate the most you claim you want us to vote for.

But not really......

From a political strategy it makes sense for Democrats.

If the GOP want to keep their prize stallion in the stable during the race.... Cruz is not the GOP prize stallion...

Who's our prize stallion?

Jeb Bush?

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