The devastating bombshell which exposes liberals

Why would a media corporation have to follow all of the practices that might be advocated in its editorial content?

I'll bet most conservative media outlets that do anti-union stories on a regular basis have unionized people working for them.


repeat....The actions of Media Matters executives have placed employees in the impossible position of continuing to produce content espousing pro-labor values for an employer who is challenging our right to unionize.

they arnt challenging their right they only want them to follow the law --LOL

I agree with's downright laughable that's the reason
Why would a media corporation have to follow all of the practices that might be advocated in its editorial content?

I'll bet most conservative media outlets that do anti-union stories on a regular basis have unionized people working for them.

I AGREE with YOU! YOU ARE 100% right!
And of course where would the MSM be in RUNNING all sorts of exposes of these conservative media outlets "beating their employees"... working at slave labor rates... and ALL sorts of total myths!

So again blackmailed by the MSM that says "do as I say not as I do" are doing just like the statement their leader says..
""It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"

YET his brother lives in a $12 hut!


I too have noted how the establishment LIBERALS seem to think that liberalism isn't something that necessarily includes them.

What's wrong with wanting a secret ballot? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

why does the idiotic Left want to do away with the secret ballot when it comes to union representation and go with card-check?

libs are losers who lie to themselves

idiots and hypocrites

I too have noted how the establishment LIBERALS seem to think that liberalism isn't something that necessarily includes them.

It's not just the liberal establishment - they all do. Just look at the liberals on this board who call conservatives "greedy" yet none of them will share their wealth.
MM wants truth, and they they're doing this right...biotch, biotch, biotch. lol

The UNION is going overboard. Which happens.
Media Matters is small potatoes.

Clinton fucked unions much harder by pushing through NAFTA.

The last pro-union presidential nominee who made it past the primaries was George McGovern.

Rachel Maddow, ultra leftist, talks about unions w/ less than 3% of her content - which means 4x a year at best. There is no union movement - there is only a dying dog whose calls get put on hold by Democratic leaders who are talking with the moneybags on Wall Street.

The OP is either kidding with his hysterical, overblown language, or getting his content directly from a rightwing propaganda factory. There are much better instances of the Left being hypocritical.

It would be nice if the OP could compare the percentage of private sector unions to the percentage today. When Clinton decided to push for globalization and surrounded himself with an anti-union, pro-market advisory staff (like Richard Rubin), the real leaders on the Left no longer even pretended to care about Organized Labor. Sure, the dying union movement has to support the Dems, but they know they're 2nd class citizens. Which is why the Right's union hysteria is so funny. It proves that there is a small class of "talk radio republicans" who are stuck in a bubble. They don't know what is going on in the real world - they're just trolling for talking points so they can slay a demon that was created wholly inside the echo chamber.

(Welcome to planet "cut & paste")
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Why would a media corporation have to follow all of the practices that might be advocated in its editorial content?

I'll bet most conservative media outlets that do anti-union stories on a regular basis have unionized people working for them.

I AGREE with YOU! YOU ARE 100% right!
And of course where would the MSM be in RUNNING all sorts of exposes of these conservative media outlets "beating their employees"... working at slave labor rates... and ALL sorts of total myths!

So again blackmailed by the MSM that says "do as I say not as I do" are doing just like the statement their leader says..
""It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"

YET his brother lives in a $12 hut!

View attachment 30076

Don't forget about Obama's aunt - who lived off of welfare in government housing while he sat on tens of millions of dollars.

Oh, and don't forget Obama's nephew - who had to have his medical bills paid by conservative Dinesh D'Souza because Obama won't care for his own family (even children) while he sits on tens of millions of dollars.
Media Matters is small potatoes.

Clinton fucked unions much harder by pushing through NAFTA.

The last pro-union presidential nominee who made it past the primaries was George McGovern.

Rachel Maddow, ultra leftist, talks about unions w/ less than 3% of her content - which means 4x a year at best. There is no union movement - there is only a dying dog whose calls get put on hold by Democratic leaders who are talking with the moneybags on Wall Street.

The OP is either kidding with his hysterical, overblown language, or getting his content directly from a rightwing propaganda factory. There are much better instances of the Left being hypocritical.

(Welcome to planet "cut & paste" . . . where the minions don't question the shit created by the mothership)

Londoner continues to throw her small tantrums in the face of indisputable facts. Sorry sweetie, but you continue to prove you are a hack who can't accept facts and can't craft an intelligent argument to the facts you dislike.
MM wants truth, and they they're doing this right...biotch, biotch, biotch. lol

The UNION is going overboard. Which happens.

Then why did they hire an anti-union law firm for help? They don't need to drop a fortune on an anti-union law firm to "want the truth". They can get "the truth" themselves.

repeat....The actions of Media Matters executives have placed employees in the impossible position of continuing to produce content espousing pro-labor values for an employer who is challenging our right to unionize.

I guess you people can't summarily reject Media Matters as a biased liberal source then, if it's not run by liberals.

Wrong guess

What we have here is the liberal elites lying to the liberal lemmings and the subsequent whining liberals do when they find out they've been tools but refuse to see the forest for the trees

I'm guessing most of the top brass at McDonald's don't eat at McDonald's on a regular basis,

but I'm not going to have a fainting spell over it.
lol does this mean that the rightwing nuts will no longer accept mediamatters as a legitimate source of information?
Once again we see liberals reject their own position once that position affects them. This is grossly despicable and summarizes just how disgusting the liberal position - with all of its appalling hypocrisy - really is....

Over the top title...check. Drama queen lead up...check.

Media Matters rejects the “myth” that “unions reduce business competitiveness.” Unions “can increase individual firms’ productivity,” in fact, they say – apparently so long as that firm is not Media Matters.

The liberal outfit’s staff recently requested representation by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). But Media Matter’s management did not exactly welcome this prospective productivity boost with open arms. Instead of recognizing the union, Media Matters insisted on a secret-ballot election. An election that it intends to fight, having retained the services of Perkins Coie, a noted management-side law firm.

So they are fighting the unions by allowing a vote?

MMFAs employees released a statement expressing their disappointment:
The actions of Media Matters executives have placed employees in the impossible position of continuing to produce content espousing pro-labor values for an employer who is challenging our right to unionize. Not only is management subjecting Media Matters employees to arduous NLRB procedures, the actions of their attorneys indicate Media Matters executives object so tenaciously to our union that they appear willing to prevent employees from ever having the opportunity to vote on the matter.

Holy Smokes!!! First thats bullshit if the management wont even allow a fucking vote. Second, who knew that rich guys were opposed to allowing employees to have any power? WHO KNEW??!?

Add Media Matters to the long list of liberals who want employers to do as they say, not as they do:

Salon routinely criticizes companies that offer unpaid internships. It also offers unpaid internships at Salon.

Union stalwart and former congressman David Bonior (D., Mich.) fought strenuously to raise the minimum wage. Now that he runs two restaurants where he only pays his (non-union) workers the tip wage of $2.36 an hour (they make more after tips).

Media Matters: Do as We Say, Not as We Do

Salon if they are going to critisize needs to put up or shut up about it.

Fighting for the minimum wage isnt a bad thing but he shouldn't wait until someone makes him pay his employees more, he should step up to the plate and do it himself.

But this leads to the question. Why do you care? You dont support unions, minimum wage or increasing workers rights?

So you find some rich assholes who do what rich assholes do i.e. fight like hell to have complete control over their employees, reject unions and workers rights, pay the bare minimum to employees and you are shocked by this because one owns a liberal media company and the other was a democrat politician?

Silly rabbit, This is about money. Those with and those without and how those with want to stop you at all costs.

But the only way you understand that is if they are a Democrat, right?
left-wingers are losers and hypocrites who are greedier than the people they cry about
I guess you people can't summarily reject Media Matters as a biased liberal source then, if it's not run by liberals.

Wrong guess

What we have here is the liberal elites lying to the liberal lemmings and the subsequent whining liberals do when they find out they've been tools but refuse to see the forest for the trees

I'm guessing most of the top brass at McDonald's don't eat at McDonald's on a regular basis,

but I'm not going to have a fainting spell over it.

I'm also guessing that the top brass at McDonald's doesn't recommend that everyone go to Burger King for all of their meals (which is essentially the case you're trying to make by claiming that Media Matters pushes radical liberal propaganda while being run by capitalists).

Sorry friend, you're desperate attempt at spin here simply doesn't add up. But the inner turmoil over the realization that everything you bought into was a lie does add up and is on full display right now.
Wrong guess

What we have here is the liberal elites lying to the liberal lemmings and the subsequent whining liberals do when they find out they've been tools but refuse to see the forest for the trees

I'm guessing most of the top brass at McDonald's don't eat at McDonald's on a regular basis,

but I'm not going to have a fainting spell over it.

I'm also guessing that the top brass at McDonald's doesn't recommend that everyone go to Burger King for all of their meals (which is essentially the case you're trying to make by claiming that Media Matters pushes radical liberal propaganda while being run by capitalists).

This idiot cant imagine how someone can be progressive and capitalist. The reeducation camp has done a number on this guy. Reality check in case you didnt notice. YES! There are progressives who believe in capitalism. Are you ok? Did your brain just explode?

Sorry friend, you're desperate attempt at spin here simply doesn't add up. But the inner turmoil over the realization that everything you bought into was a lie does add up and is on full display right now.

everything you bought into was a lie??

A tad bit over the top wouldnt you say? What, so now a rich "liberal" acts like a rich person that means that the ideas of dems, libs and progressives are all fake? Because of this guy?
LOL, talk radio dingbat...All your facts are bs propaganda/infotainment for haters..
You have no idea what that law firm costs, and ANYTHING the Foundry and Heritage say is FOS...
I'm guessing most of the top brass at McDonald's don't eat at McDonald's on a regular basis,

but I'm not going to have a fainting spell over it.

I'm also guessing that the top brass at McDonald's doesn't recommend that everyone go to Burger King for all of their meals (which is essentially the case you're trying to make by claiming that Media Matters pushes radical liberal propaganda while being run by capitalists).

This idiot cant imagine how someone can be progressive and capitalist. The reeducation camp has done a number on this guy. Reality check in case you didnt notice. YES! There are progressives who believe in capitalism. Are you ok? Did your brain just explode?

Sorry friend, you're desperate attempt at spin here simply doesn't add up. But the inner turmoil over the realization that everything you bought into was a lie does add up and is on full display right now.

everything you bought into was a lie??

A tad bit over the top wouldnt you say? What, so now a rich "liberal" acts like a rich person that means that the ideas of dems, libs and progressives are all fake? Because of this guy?

Hey genius (yeah, that was sarcastic, we all know you come up a bit short in the intellectual department) - you cannot be a capitalist and a socialist. And progressive is just another word for socialist, which is just another word for communist.

Every time a progressive fails at something (which is daily), rather that examine why they failed, they simply rebrand the failure. That's why communists became socialists, socialist became progressives, and progressives became "liberals".

Now that liberals have been exposed, I give it another 5 years or so and they will give themselves yet another name. The bottom line - progressives believe that capitalism is "evil" and that people should have a portion of what they earned stolen from them and handed over to other lazy progressives.

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