The devil made him do it

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Yes, that's really the excuse this missionary used for raping children.

? Oklahoma Missionary Arrested For Raping Orphan Children: ?A Demon? Made Him Do It


Durham wrote an 11 page confession, in which he details sexual abuse of at least ten children, who were between the ages of 4 and 10 years. In many instances he was able to escort them to the bathroom alone, where he admittedly carried out child rape on at least three children. He was also able to help them change clothing, watch them undress, take a little girl swimming without a top and even ‘spoon’ with one child at bedtime, nightly. His confession also describes acts such as fondling the children, forcing them to watch him touch himself, forcing them to perform oral sex on him and engaging in other sick and disgusting behaviors. These instances of abuse occurred repeatedly, over a six week period, between April 30th and June 17th, of this year.


According to evidence presented during the Grand Jury trial, on June 15, 2014, days after the allegations against him surfaced, Durham told an unnamed friend that he was demon possessed.


While it’s possible that Durham is suffering from some sort of mental illness, it’s far more likely that he was trying to desperately to find a way to excuse his crimes. The fact that there was no mention of “Luke the child molesting demon” before Durham was caught, is a sure sign that “the devil made me do it” was the only thing he could come up with under the circumstances.
Where are all the so-called christians ?

Where's [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] ranting? What about [MENTION=854]Avatar4321[/MENTION] [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION] [MENTION=18558]Gadawg73[/MENTION] [MENTION=47835]Clement[/MENTION] [MENTION=44368]Chuckt[/MENTION] [MENTION=47390]DriftingSand[/MENTION] and all the other bible thumpers?

You're always so ready to hassle atheists and you hijack every thread you can but here, you have a chance to speak out for children and suddenly, its awful darned quiet.

But, I bet that if I made it about equality or abortion, you'd be elbowing others out of the way.
Uh oh, the welfare hag is trolling Christians again!

Here's a suggestion: Make a cross and set on fire in front of a church. You won't be convicted because you're a minority. Or just burn down the church!
Where are all the so-called christians ?

Where's [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] ranting? What about [MENTION=854]Avatar4321[/MENTION] [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION] [MENTION=18558]Gadawg73[/MENTION] [MENTION=47835]Clement[/MENTION] [MENTION=44368]Chuckt[/MENTION] [MENTION=47390]DriftingSand[/MENTION] and all the other bible thumpers?

You're always so ready to hassle atheists and you hijack every thread you can but here, you have a chance to speak out for children and suddenly, its awful darned quiet.

But, I bet that if I made it about equality or abortion, you'd be elbowing others out of the way.

Why would he have anything to do with us? This organization is not a Christian ministry that I can see and neither is he, Luddly. Not all Missionaries are Christian. Next time please fact check your story before going off on a tangent!

I noticed one mention on the website of St. Charles Dancers. Sounds like a catholic church ministry visited their organization. No affiliation there either that I can see.

Upendo Foundation | International

Upendo Foundation International was registered as a wholly Kenyan NGO in 2007, with the NGO number Op. 218/051/2007/0126/4567

With the continued growth and development of 3 related projects, over a nuimber of years, it was decided in 2007 to draw them together as a federation of partner projects. Imani CDO, Kirongo CICP and Umoja CCIP combined to form Upendo Foundation, a partnership embracing more than 30 community groups and nearly 3,000 people, of whom a half were partial or total orphans. In 2014 there are 2 clinics and 10 ECD Schools, run by and through the community groups. At the same time Upendo now oversees, in collaboration with their sponsor Amani UK, a schools link network with 20 local schools linked to 20 in the UK. Upendo is also the supervising agent for another UK charity, Trade Relief, which helps to finance and develop small local businesses capable of future employment opportunities and of positive social impact.

[MENTION=32558]Luddly Neddite[/MENTION]

Have a look and next time fact check your story. As you see, there is not one mention of Jesus Christ. Again, fact check your stories, Luddly. Thanks. - Jeri p.s. They call themselves a supervising agent. ( NGO) I think someone ought to shut them down. Doesn't sound like their supervising is going to well.
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Uh oh, the welfare hag is trolling Christians again!

Here's a suggestion: Make a cross and set on fire in front of a church. You won't be convicted because you're a minority. Or just burn down the church!

There is no church. It's an NGO. False alarm.
No one will make excuses for this vile subhuman, so stop this creepy obsession with slamming Christians.
Where are all the so-called christians ?

Where's [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] ranting? What about [MENTION=854]Avatar4321[/MENTION] [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION] [MENTION=18558]Gadawg73[/MENTION] [MENTION=47835]Clement[/MENTION] [MENTION=44368]Chuckt[/MENTION] [MENTION=47390]DriftingSand[/MENTION] and all the other bible thumpers?

You're always so ready to hassle atheists and you hijack every thread you can but here, you have a chance to speak out for children and suddenly, its awful darned quiet.

But, I bet that if I made it about equality or abortion, you'd be elbowing others out of the way.

I'm sure they'll be here defending him real soon.

Fucking hetero Christian paedophile!
Uh oh, the welfare hag is trolling Christians again!

Here's a suggestion: Make a cross and set on fire in front of a church. You won't be convicted because you're a minority. Or just burn down the church!

There is no church. It's an NGO. False alarm.

oops, sorry. I didn't know one had to be officially affiliated with a "church" in order to be a christian, believe in a god and/or the devil. Here, I thought one could be a christian even if one did not go to a special building and say special words together.

He sais he's a "missionary" and prays to a god to save him from a demon/devil.

And, I notice that you still did not condemn his actions. Understand that I'm certain you DO condemn his actions, just as most other people do. But why be in such a hurry to distance a "church" from him that you forgot all about the real crime?
I read that Satan Worshipers use that very same excuse!

According to christians, he's just another god so yes, its like his fans do as they believe he wants.

This child predator however, said he prayed to "god" -- not "satan".
Yes, that's really the excuse this missionary used for raping children.

? Oklahoma Missionary Arrested For Raping Orphan Children: ?A Demon? Made Him Do It


Durham wrote an 11 page confession, in which he details sexual abuse of at least ten children, who were between the ages of 4 and 10 years. In many instances he was able to escort them to the bathroom alone, where he admittedly carried out child rape on at least three children. He was also able to help them change clothing, watch them undress, take a little girl swimming without a top and even ‘spoon’ with one child at bedtime, nightly. His confession also describes acts such as fondling the children, forcing them to watch him touch himself, forcing them to perform oral sex on him and engaging in other sick and disgusting behaviors. These instances of abuse occurred repeatedly, over a six week period, between April 30th and June 17th, of this year.


According to evidence presented during the Grand Jury trial, on June 15, 2014, days after the allegations against him surfaced, Durham told an unnamed friend that he was demon possessed.


While it’s possible that Durham is suffering from some sort of mental illness, it’s far more likely that he was trying to desperately to find a way to excuse his crimes. The fact that there was no mention of “Luke the child molesting demon” before Durham was caught, is a sure sign that “the devil made me do it” was the only thing he could come up with under the circumstances.

I'm disgusted by ANYONE raping children. I'm especially angry when someone representing himself as a "Christian missionary" does it because he should hold himself to a higher standard. I hope he's justly punished and he's fortunate that I didn't catch him in the act. I mean that with all my heart. I would put a real hurt on any man who would perform such a depraved act.
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Where are all the so-called christians ?

Where's [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] ranting? What about [MENTION=854]Avatar4321[/MENTION] [MENTION=40845]Jeremiah[/MENTION] [MENTION=18558]Gadawg73[/MENTION] [MENTION=47835]Clement[/MENTION] [MENTION=44368]Chuckt[/MENTION] [MENTION=47390]DriftingSand[/MENTION] and all the other bible thumpers?

You're always so ready to hassle atheists and you hijack every thread you can but here, you have a chance to speak out for children and suddenly, its awful darned quiet.

But, I bet that if I made it about equality or abortion, you'd be elbowing others out of the way.

I'm sure they'll be here defending him real soon.

Fucking hetero Christian paedophile!

All the articles I read reported his victims were both male and female.
No one will make excuses for this vile subhuman, so stop this creepy obsession with slamming Christians.

I'm thinking that if they rant against a depraved "hetero" long enough then they will feel justified by their own depraved lifestyle. What they don't realize is the fact that ranting about someone else's depravity won't excuse their own vile acts.
Uh oh, the welfare hag is trolling Christians again!

Here's a suggestion: Make a cross and set on fire in front of a church. You won't be convicted because you're a minority. Or just burn down the church!

There is no church. It's an NGO. False alarm.

Not at all. He's a teabagger church going fun boy from Oklahoma.

Funny thing is, his grandfather is a Republican judge who hates the homos.

Oklahoma appeals court overturns Bible-quoting judge in name-change case | Deseret News
If he was a christian why wasn't he working with a christian organization, Luddly? He mentions having a demon and you immediately jump to the conclusion that he is a Christian?

Considering you've posted openly of your hatred for Christians and this latest "false alarm", I'm inclined to believe fact checking is not high on your list of priorities. I'd prefer you left me off of your @ list from now on. I won't be reading your theads. Thank you.
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If he was a christian why wasn't he working with a christian organization, Luddly? He mentions having a demon and you immediately jump to the conclusion that he is a Christian?

Considering you've posted openly of your hatred for Christians and this latest "false alarm", I'm inclined to believe fact checking is not high on your list of priorities. I'd prefer you left me off of your @ list from now on. I won't be reading your theads. Thank you.

Please read my last two posts.
Where are all the so-called christians ?

As soon as he is known to be part of a global groundswell forcing this behavior onto the world or when he becomes part of a lobby that forces the hand of government to legislate the coerced acquiescence to accepting and condoning this behavior, then you can expect a Christian outcry in the name of Christianity. Until then, it will remain an anomaly that deserves condemning by ALL people.
As soon as he is known to be part of a global groundswell forcing this behavior onto the world or when he becomes part of a lobby that forces the hand of government to legislate the coerced acquiescence to accepting and condoning this behavior, then you can expect a Christian outcry in the name of Christianity. Until then, it will remain an anomaly that deserves condemning by ALL people.

You mean, like...missionaries???

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