The devil made him do it

If he was a christian why wasn't he working with a christian organization, Luddly? He mentions having a demon and you immediately jump to the conclusion that he is a Christian?

Considering you've posted openly of your hatred for Christians and this latest "false alarm", I'm inclined to believe fact checking is not high on your list of priorities. I'd prefer you left me off of your @ list from now on. I won't be reading your theads. Thank you.

Hey, like I said, I didn't know that one cannot be a christian if one is not directly affiliated with a CHURCH/RELIGION.

You're absolutely correct that when he said he PRAYS to GOD to save him from a DEMON, I did indeed think that meant he's a christian.

Thanks very much for clearing this up for me and from now on, I'll be sure to get the name of the clubhouse, er, uh, church he is a dues paying, card carrying member of.

IOW, you are contradicting what you have said in the past. Or have you changed your mind and are now saying one must be a member of a church in order to be a "christian"?

Whatever, Jeri - I don't care about all the christian crap near as much as I care about keeping kids safe from crappy christians.

And, as you well know, I believe there's a huge difference between fake christians and the real thing.

And you STILL have not condemned his actions.
Not at all. He's a teabagger church going fun boy from Oklahoma.

Funny thing is, his grandfather is a Republican judge who hates the homos.

Oklahoma appeals court overturns Bible-quoting judge in name-change case | Deseret News

What the fuck are you yapping about, moron?

I see no connection to the Mormon judge in the article and Durham - nothing says it is a grandfather, other than you - a known lying demagogue. And there SURE THE FUCK is nothing the Tea party.

Oh, and are you STILL going with the "he stuck his dick up the ass of a little boy, must be hetero, since ass fucking other males is hetero," Goober?

If this is proven, put the pervert down. No one defends him Goober - but I do question the other claims you make, and let's face it, you're notorious for lying.
Uh oh, the welfare hag is trolling Christians again!

Here's a suggestion: Make a cross and set on fire in front of a church. You won't be convicted because you're a minority. Or just burn down the church!

There is no church. It's an NGO. False alarm.

Not at all. He's a teabagger church going fun boy from Oklahoma.

Funny thing is, his grandfather is a Republican judge who hates the homos.

Oklahoma appeals court overturns Bible-quoting judge in name-change case | Deseret News

Makes one wonder about his upbringing ...

And, from Deseret News, no less.
Not at all. He's a teabagger church going fun boy from Oklahoma.

Funny thing is, his grandfather is a Republican judge who hates the homos.

Oklahoma appeals court overturns Bible-quoting judge in name-change case | Deseret News

What the fuck are you yapping about, moron?

I see no connection to the Mormon judge in the article and Durham - nothing says it is a grandfather, other than you - a known lying demagogue. And there SURE THE FUCK is nothing the Tea party.

Oh, and are you STILL going with the "he stuck his dick up the ass of a little boy, must be hetero, since ass fucking other males is hetero," Goober?

If this is proven, put the pervert down. No one defends him Goober - but I do question the other claims you make, and let's face it, you're notorious for lying.

Read the links and quit being so insecure.
Where's the Christians , well I'm a loose Christian , I say , hang him as I guess that he admits to doing it . Problem is that he may be rehabilitated by the State experts / doktirs and then let loose into some halfway house in a neighborhood full of kids .
When are the Christians going to be forced to wear flair? Maybe a night of broken glass to go with it? Come on, you know you want to!
Where's the Christians , well I'm a loose Christian , I say , hang him as I guess that he admits to doing it . Problem is that he may be rehabilitated by the State experts / doktirs and then let loose into some halfway house in a neighborhood full of kids .


Does that mean you're a believer without a church?

According to some, that means you're not a christian at all.

Read Jeremiah's posts for explanation as I'm not an authority on all things christian.
the guy oughta be hung no matter if you understand my religion or not Luddley . Course , the perv may be rehabilitated and let out into a halfway house by the State and their expert doktirs where he can once again prey on neighborhood children . We Taxpayers pay for his halfway house housing . Hows it going Luddley , so yeah , the guy if guilty should simply be removed permanently ??
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the guy oughta be hung no matter if you understand my religion or not Luddley . Course , the perv may be rehabilitated and let out into a halfway house by the State and their expert doktirs where he can once again prey on neighborhood children . We Taxpayers pay for his halfway house housing . Hows it going Luddley , so yeah , the guy if guilty should simply be removed permanently ??

Personally and from all I have read, I don't believe its possible for a child predator to be rehabilitated.

And really, I don't give a fig about your religion.

HE said he was a christian missionary and HE prayed to a god for help against satan.
well , lots of child molester in neighborhoods all over the USA Luddley . Well , maybe they are 'sex offenders ' to be precise .
well , I think yer the guy that asked where the Christians were somewhere in this thread . Maybe , maybe not , I'll look to see Luddley .
yeah Luddley , yer the person that wanted to know where the Christians were , you asked that question in the 2nd post of this thread .
That's what Child Molesters do: They find jobs with easy access to kids.

Why would Religion get a pass?
Yes, that's really the excuse this missionary used for raping children.

? Oklahoma Missionary Arrested For Raping Orphan Children: ?A Demon? Made Him Do It


Durham wrote an 11 page confession, in which he details sexual abuse of at least ten children, who were between the ages of 4 and 10 years. In many instances he was able to escort them to the bathroom alone, where he admittedly carried out child rape on at least three children. He was also able to help them change clothing, watch them undress, take a little girl swimming without a top and even ‘spoon’ with one child at bedtime, nightly. His confession also describes acts such as fondling the children, forcing them to watch him touch himself, forcing them to perform oral sex on him and engaging in other sick and disgusting behaviors. These instances of abuse occurred repeatedly, over a six week period, between April 30th and June 17th, of this year.


According to evidence presented during the Grand Jury trial, on June 15, 2014, days after the allegations against him surfaced, Durham told an unnamed friend that he was demon possessed.


While it’s possible that Durham is suffering from some sort of mental illness, it’s far more likely that he was trying to desperately to find a way to excuse his crimes. The fact that there was no mention of “Luke the child molesting demon” before Durham was caught, is a sure sign that “the devil made me do it” was the only thing he could come up with under the circumstances.

Unfortunately, many people invovled with religion and religious causes are only there for easy access to children. To combat this phenomenae, my idea's to handle it like religions say. Because he's Christian let's think, what's the penalty for rape?

"God is for capital punishment. You say that to some people and the first thing they will tell you is 'That was the Old Testament, Jesus Christ did away with that law.' Well in this Bible study we are going to take an in depth look at God's law on capital punishment and see what the Bible really tells us. We are going to look at verses from the Old and New Testaments and were going to find out if Jesus Christ did away with capital punishment. For those of you that want to know the answer right away, Jesus Christ did not do away with the law of capital punishment. In fact, we will see in this Bible study from the New Testament that murders do not have eternal life abiding in them. Nor will they ever even get a chance for eternal life until they see God face to face. God takes it very seriously when some one murders or rapes one of His children. Yes, according to God's law, the punishment for rape is the same as murder, death."
Capital Punishment Bible Study

Another Christian site was more succinct: (paraphrasing) The OT laws are in effect for Christians. The NT doesn't mention the incestuous prohibitions against a brother marrying his sister, or a son marrying his mother yet they're still in effect.

"Deuteronomy 22:25-27 mentioned the punishment the Mosaic Law commanded for a man who raped a woman. The man was to be killed by stoning while the woman was considered innocent. Though the Mosaic Law was for the nation of Israel during the time of Moses, the principle is clear that rape was sinful in the eyes of God and led to the most extreme punishment possible—death for the rapist."
What does the Bible say about rape?

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