The difference between claims of cheating by democrats or republicans is that Republican cheating...

...has evidence to support it. Accusations of Democrats cheating are based on nothing besides the GOP making the claim.

The accusations of republican cheating is based on actual evidence in the media like the GOP suit in Arizona trying to limit the specific vote count to allow the GOP candidate to win.

Republican voters are assuming democrats cheated because Trump and other GOP officials make the claim without presenting evidence. That’s it. There is nothing else to go on.
Show ANY evidence of cheating
There is ample evidence of Republican voter suppression
...has evidence to support it. Accusations of Democrats cheating are based on nothing besides the GOP making the claim.

The accusations of republican cheating is based on actual evidence in the media like the GOP suit in Arizona trying to limit the specific vote count to allow the GOP candidate to win.

Republican voters are assuming democrats cheated because Trump and other GOP officials make the claim without presenting evidence. That’s it. There is nothing else to go on.
You never stop do you? Garbage in, garbage out.

...has evidence to support it. Accusations of Democrats cheating are based on nothing besides the GOP making the claim.

The accusations of republican cheating is based on actual evidence in the media like the GOP suit in Arizona trying to limit the specific vote count to allow the GOP candidate to win.

Republican voters are assuming democrats cheated because Trump and other GOP officials make the claim without presenting evidence. That’s it. There is nothing else to go on.
Show ANY evidence of cheating
The Broward County eletions board has broken the law.

They have broken protocol.

It is enough to allow the introduction of illigitmate ballots.

Pure and Simple.

Go shove a voting machine up your ass.
Closing polling places: Georgia shut down 214 polling places across the state, mainly in areas with higher poverty rates and significant populations of people of color.
They destroyed ballots in Florida, everyone knows this, there was a court trial.

You need to STFU.
Who destroyed ballots? What ballots? Who all knows this? What was the court trial?
View attachment 228100
Lol so because I question your assertion that has no evidence to support it, that means I’m the immature one?
Nope, rules for radicals, Deny, deny, deny, that is why I showed that picture, no matter what proof we post, you just wont look at...
They destroyed ballots in Florida, everyone knows this, there was a court trial.

You need to STFU.
Who destroyed ballots? What ballots? Who all knows this? What was the court trial?

She illegally destroyed ballots in 2016. Now the Florida GOP worries she's trying to steal a Senate seat

There you go Billy...I am sure you''ll be retracting your bullshit OP
Lol where is the evidence the ballots destroyed would only benefit the democrat candidate? How many were destroyed? How is this woman somehow in cahoots with democrats? That article is just stupid.

She violated the law.

Are you stupid ?
And the judge ruled. Oh well. Life goes on. This doesn’t somehow mean she was helping one party over another you doofus.

If that was a Trump appointee, you wouldn't be saying that....
...has evidence to support it. Accusations of Democrats cheating are based on nothing besides the GOP making the claim.

The accusations of republican cheating is based on actual evidence in the media like the GOP suit in Arizona trying to limit the specific vote count to allow the GOP candidate to win.

Republican voters are assuming democrats cheated because Trump and other GOP officials make the claim without presenting evidence. That’s it. There is nothing else to go on.
There is ample evidence of Republican voter suppression

Then you should have a court complaint that is being acted upon.

There already is in Georgia

Don't let Brian Kemp steal Georgia's gubernatorial election (opinion) - CNN
Closing polling places: Georgia shut down 214 polling places across the state, mainly in areas with higher poverty rates and significant populations of people of color.

So I read up on this.... and shockingly.... in places where the county his limited funds or a smaller population, they reduce the number of polling places.

Seriously? This is your brilliant example of clear voter suppression?

Small counties with Democrat leaning governments, who have limited funds and small populations, have cut the number of polling places....... and that is your brilliant example of Republican voter suppression.

It never occurred to you, that in places where there is high poverty, that this logically means they have limited funds? Poor people tend to pay less taxes sparky.

One of the counties that cut the number of polling places, literally didn't have the equipment to have more polling places open.

So your brilliant example of a 'voter suppression' was a county that didn't have the equipment, because they didn't have the funds to buy the equipment.

How does that work in your mind? The Republicans came and forced all the people to take low pay jobs, so they paid low taxes, so the county didn't have the money to buy voting equipment.

You are insane if you think this makes sense.
The biggest difference is we know Republicans lie, steal, hate and cheat.

Their crimes are endless. America if finally fighting back.

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