The difference between hell and Hell


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
"hell" is a heathen underworld from pagan mythology.

Hell is eternal separation from God.

Quite a big difference, if you ask me.
Well yea its a big difference.
Capitalization is very important in our language.
"hell" is a heathen underworld from pagan mythology.

Hell is eternal separation from God.

Quite a big difference, if you ask me.
To me, "hell" is what I say in frustration, "Hell" is having to watch The View on the only television in a doctor's waiting room and being unable to turn down the volume or change the channel.
Do you think Tibetan Monks go to Hell?
I don't think that. Why should I?

In regards to Nichiren Buddhism, do you plan on asking them if Christians, Hindus, or other Buddhists (e.x. Tibetan Monks) who don't recite the Lotus Sutra are damned to an eternity of endless cycles of reincarnation and suffering?
there is no god so no hell

You must be a Northern Baptist. They say "There is no hell", while the Southern Baptists say "The hell there ain't."
I'm a Festivist

Well Merry Festivus.'s like Kwanzaa

I saw Seinfeld. It is like Kwanzaa, but for white people, most Jewish white people.
And of course, there's "Festivus for the rest of us!"
You must be a Northern Baptist. They say "There is no hell", while the Southern Baptists say "The hell there ain't."
I'm a Festivist

Well Merry Festivus.'s like Kwanzaa

I saw Seinfeld. It is like Kwanzaa, but for white people, most Jewish white people.
And of course, there's "Festivus for the rest of us!"'s better than fake Kwanzaa
Do you think Tibetan Monks go to Hell?
I don't think that. Why should I?

In regards to Nichiren Buddhism, do you plan on asking them if Christians, Hindus, or other Buddhists (e.x. Tibetan Monks) who don't recite the Lotus Sutra are damned to an eternity of endless cycles of reincarnation and suffering?
Sure those are all valid questions. And that of course begs the question which religion is the "right one"?
Do you think Tibetan Monks go to Hell?
I don't think that. Why should I?

In regards to Nichiren Buddhism, do you plan on asking them if Christians, Hindus, or other Buddhists (e.x. Tibetan Monks) who don't recite the Lotus Sutra are damned to an eternity of endless cycles of reincarnation and suffering?
Sure those are all valid questions. And that of course begs the question which religion is the "right one"?
..they are all made up by man--so really none are wrong--but they are still just made up
Hell has not yet been created, and will not be until the judgement.

Hell does not exist yet

The Bible states hell has been created for Satan and his bad angels already. I have to admit Matthew is a tough book to read.

“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels." Matthew 25:41 It's those in Hades (eventually everyone) who still await final judgement. If you're really bad, then you could suffer in Hades, too, such as the rich man who didn't do anything for Lazarus.
Hell has not yet been created, and will not be until the judgement.

Hell does not exist yet

The Bible states hell has been created for Satan and his bad angels already. I have to admit Matthew is a tough book to read.

“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels." Matthew 25:41 It's those in Hades (eventually everyone) who still await final judgement. If you're really bad, then you could suffer in Hades, too, such as the rich man who didn't do anything for Lazarus.
Are you saying Hades has a section for sort of bad people awaiting final judgement and eternal fire for "really bad" people?
I used to think hell was going to be this Earth as it will be set on global fire. It is prophecized that we will all "see" this, so everything will be settled on Earth. I think the Bible says that this Earth and universe will be folded up and be gone or destroyed, so where hell is is still a mystery.

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