The difference between Hillary Bill Obama and McCain Romney Bush


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
People like Mitt Romney and John McCain and George Bush were born into super rich households with millions and millions of dollars.
No matter what they did their lives were always going to be fantastic.
Their families are so rich they could live on permanent vacation.

Barack Obama came from a family that was a single mother on food stamps. The Clintons came from just as humble beginnings.

With Barack Obama and the Clintons fighting for healthcare for Americans and affordable education you would think that they would be a better fit for the GOP base.

Instead Republicans act as if it’s a crime for formerly poor people like Obama and the Clintons to become rich and famous strictly through their own merit.

But a predatory lender like Romney or Mr. Lawsuit Donald Trump with his fake foundation and his damaging university are completely accepted and supported by a Republican base who are more victims than supporters of these people.

It’s as if Republicans think if you’re born rich then you have a free pass to do anything you want without any regard for the law. But if you work your way up from poverty into wealth then you need to be watched and investigated every step of the way.

And how is the GOP base repaid for the support?
Tax cuts for billionaires, cutting Social Security cutting Medicare cutting food stamps, cutting the very things that keep people out of poverty.

I haven’t heard of a single billionaire who wasn’t a billionaire before the tax cuts.

So why do you think this support for people born into money rather than for people who earned it all by themselves?
People like Mitt Romney and John McCain and George Bush were born into super rich households with millions and millions of dollars.
No matter what they did their lives were always going to be fantastic.
Their families are so rich they could live on permanent vacation.

Barack Obama came from a family that was a single mother on food stamps. The Clintons came from just as humble beginnings.

With Barack Obama and the Clintons fighting for healthcare for Americans and affordable education you would think that they would be a better fit for the GOP base.

Instead Republicans act as if it’s a crime for formerly poor people like Obama and the Clintons to become rich and famous strictly through their own merit.

But a predatory lender like Romney or Mr. Lawsuit Donald Trump with his fake foundation and his damaging university are completely accepted and supported by a Republican base who are more victims than supporters of these people.

It’s as if Republicans think if you’re born rich then you have a free pass to do anything you want without any regard for the law. But if you work your way up from poverty into wealth then you need to be watched and investigated every step of the way.

And how is the GOP base repaid for the support?
Tax cuts for billionaires, cutting Social Security cutting Medicare cutting food stamps, cutting the very things that keep people out of poverty.

I haven’t heard of a single billionaire who wasn’t a billionaire before the tax cuts.

So why do you think this support for people born into money rather than for people who earned it all by themselves?
Um, perhaps a sports game?
People like Mitt Romney and John McCain and George Bush were born into super rich households with millions and millions of dollars.
No matter what they did their lives were always going to be fantastic.
Their families are so rich they could live on permanent vacation.

Barack Obama came from a family that was a single mother on food stamps. The Clintons came from just as humble beginnings.

With Barack Obama and the Clintons fighting for healthcare for Americans and affordable education you would think that they would be a better fit for the GOP base.

Instead Republicans act as if it’s a crime for formerly poor people like Obama and the Clintons to become rich and famous strictly through their own merit.

But a predatory lender like Romney or Mr. Lawsuit Donald Trump with his fake foundation and his damaging university are completely accepted and supported by a Republican base who are more victims than supporters of these people.

It’s as if Republicans think if you’re born rich then you have a free pass to do anything you want without any regard for the law. But if you work your way up from poverty into wealth then you need to be watched and investigated every step of the way.

And how is the GOP base repaid for the support?
Tax cuts for billionaires, cutting Social Security cutting Medicare cutting food stamps, cutting the very things that keep people out of poverty.

I haven’t heard of a single billionaire who wasn’t a billionaire before the tax cuts.

So why do you think this support for people born into money rather than for people who earned it all by themselves?
here we go again....its only rich republicans fucking people over,rich democrats never do that.....more of the same old type of threads....
People like Mitt Romney and John McCain and George Bush were born into super rich households with millions and millions of dollars.
No matter what they did their lives were always going to be fantastic.
Their families are so rich they could live on permanent vacation.

Barack Obama came from a family that was a single mother on food stamps. The Clintons came from just as humble beginnings.

With Barack Obama and the Clintons fighting for healthcare for Americans and affordable education you would think that they would be a better fit for the GOP base.

Instead Republicans act as if it’s a crime for formerly poor people like Obama and the Clintons to become rich and famous strictly through their own merit.

But a predatory lender like Romney or Mr. Lawsuit Donald Trump with his fake foundation and his damaging university are completely accepted and supported by a Republican base who are more victims than supporters of these people.

It’s as if Republicans think if you’re born rich then you have a free pass to do anything you want without any regard for the law. But if you work your way up from poverty into wealth then you need to be watched and investigated every step of the way.

And how is the GOP base repaid for the support?
Tax cuts for billionaires, cutting Social Security cutting Medicare cutting food stamps, cutting the very things that keep people out of poverty.

I haven’t heard of a single billionaire who wasn’t a billionaire before the tax cuts.

So why do you think this support for people born into money rather than for people who earned it all by themselves?

You really think the Clinton's "earned" their millions, R-Derp? That they didn't exchange political favors for huge sums of money over many decades?

It's strings like this one where you reveal how truly naive you really are...
People like Mitt Romney and John McCain and George Bush were born into super rich households with millions and millions of dollars.
No matter what they did their lives were always going to be fantastic.
Their families are so rich they could live on permanent vacation.

Barack Obama came from a family that was a single mother on food stamps. The Clintons came from just as humble beginnings.

With Barack Obama and the Clintons fighting for healthcare for Americans and affordable education you would think that they would be a better fit for the GOP base.

Instead Republicans act as if it’s a crime for formerly poor people like Obama and the Clintons to become rich and famous strictly through their own merit.

But a predatory lender like Romney or Mr. Lawsuit Donald Trump with his fake foundation and his damaging university are completely accepted and supported by a Republican base who are more victims than supporters of these people.

It’s as if Republicans think if you’re born rich then you have a free pass to do anything you want without any regard for the law. But if you work your way up from poverty into wealth then you need to be watched and investigated every step of the way.

And how is the GOP base repaid for the support?
Tax cuts for billionaires, cutting Social Security cutting Medicare cutting food stamps, cutting the very things that keep people out of poverty.

I haven’t heard of a single billionaire who wasn’t a billionaire before the tax cuts.

So why do you think this support for people born into money rather than for people who earned it all by themselves?

It is mind boggling how two public servants became millionaires off of tax payers.
People like Mitt Romney and John McCain and George Bush were born into super rich households with millions and millions of dollars.
No matter what they did their lives were always going to be fantastic.
Their families are so rich they could live on permanent vacation.

Barack Obama came from a family that was a single mother on food stamps. The Clintons came from just as humble beginnings.

With Barack Obama and the Clintons fighting for healthcare for Americans and affordable education you would think that they would be a better fit for the GOP base.

Instead Republicans act as if it’s a crime for formerly poor people like Obama and the Clintons to become rich and famous strictly through their own merit.

But a predatory lender like Romney or Mr. Lawsuit Donald Trump with his fake foundation and his damaging university are completely accepted and supported by a Republican base who are more victims than supporters of these people.

It’s as if Republicans think if you’re born rich then you have a free pass to do anything you want without any regard for the law. But if you work your way up from poverty into wealth then you need to be watched and investigated every step of the way.

And how is the GOP base repaid for the support?
Tax cuts for billionaires, cutting Social Security cutting Medicare cutting food stamps, cutting the very things that keep people out of poverty.

I haven’t heard of a single billionaire who wasn’t a billionaire before the tax cuts.

So why do you think this support for people born into money rather than for people who earned it all by themselves?
Trump damaging university? Trump UNiversity? It did no more damage than Harvard University...
People like Mitt Romney and John McCain and George Bush were born into super rich households with millions and millions of dollars.
No matter what they did their lives were always going to be fantastic.
Their families are so rich they could live on permanent vacation.

Barack Obama came from a family that was a single mother on food stamps. The Clintons came from just as humble beginnings.

With Barack Obama and the Clintons fighting for healthcare for Americans and affordable education you would think that they would be a better fit for the GOP base.

Instead Republicans act as if it’s a crime for formerly poor people like Obama and the Clintons to become rich and famous strictly through their own merit.

But a predatory lender like Romney or Mr. Lawsuit Donald Trump with his fake foundation and his damaging university are completely accepted and supported by a Republican base who are more victims than supporters of these people.

It’s as if Republicans think if you’re born rich then you have a free pass to do anything you want without any regard for the law. But if you work your way up from poverty into wealth then you need to be watched and investigated every step of the way.

And how is the GOP base repaid for the support?
Tax cuts for billionaires, cutting Social Security cutting Medicare cutting food stamps, cutting the very things that keep people out of poverty.

I haven’t heard of a single billionaire who wasn’t a billionaire before the tax cuts.

So why do you think this support for people born into money rather than for people who earned it all by themselves?

Obama's family was so poor that they could afford to send him to Colombia and Harvard.
Hillary Clinton went to Yale.
Bubba was in England at Cambridge on a scholarship.

But all of the above made their money because they were politicians.....not because they worked for it.
They just showed up.....told a bunch of lies.....and collected the cash from lobbyists and secret donors.....not to mention all the graft they got sending foreign aid to foreign banks.
They all pretty much lied to us and ripped us off.
People like Mitt Romney and John McCain and George Bush were born into super rich households with millions and millions of dollars.
No matter what they did their lives were always going to be fantastic.
Their families are so rich they could live on permanent vacation.

Barack Obama came from a family that was a single mother on food stamps. The Clintons came from just as humble beginnings.

With Barack Obama and the Clintons fighting for healthcare for Americans and affordable education you would think that they would be a better fit for the GOP base.

Instead Republicans act as if it’s a crime for formerly poor people like Obama and the Clintons to become rich and famous strictly through their own merit.

But a predatory lender like Romney or Mr. Lawsuit Donald Trump with his fake foundation and his damaging university are completely accepted and supported by a Republican base who are more victims than supporters of these people.

It’s as if Republicans think if you’re born rich then you have a free pass to do anything you want without any regard for the law. But if you work your way up from poverty into wealth then you need to be watched and investigated every step of the way.

And how is the GOP base repaid for the support?
Tax cuts for billionaires, cutting Social Security cutting Medicare cutting food stamps, cutting the very things that keep people out of poverty.

I haven’t heard of a single billionaire who wasn’t a billionaire before the tax cuts.

So why do you think this support for people born into money rather than for people who earned it all by themselves?
I don't know of any republican that said it was a crime for folks to work up from poverty to high office, or wealth...can you show me?

How was Romney a predatory lender? Also, I am not surprised that Trump, who ran a massive, and highly successful business, and was in numerous businesses was happens...the Clintons have been sued too....a lot of businesses at that level have been sued.

I do find it odd though that hte Clintons, and Obama got so rich from public office, while the left attacks people that get rich from private enterprise....there was a time public service was expected to be a place where folks weren't getting rich...but now it seems to be a pathway to become a millionare

SS, medicad and food stamps aren't keeping people "out of poverty" either...they are poor..hence why they get it, and it keeps them poor so long as their isn't reform...moreover, they are the largest drivers of debt.

THe GOP wants people out of poverty, and the success of those programs should be measured by how few people are on them, not expanding the left wants.

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