The Difference between Republicans and Democrats

Tyranny is, by definition, the triumph of a special interest over common interests. Freedom for the special interest at the expense of the people.

Yet media conservatives claim to embrace both freedom and that tyranny.

They've been taught that freedom is the ability to impose what they want, power, on the rest of us.

That's just silly a best, or asinine at worst........Freedom is the ability of an individual to exercise their God given, and Constitutionally guaranteed rights without the Government punishing them for doing so......Tyranny is when the Government punishes them for doing so. And to suggest that the Democrats (given that they are the PARTY OF SPECIAL INTEREST) do not IMPOSE their will/ideology on the people requires one to be completely blind. Neither Party is without blame when it comes to the imposition of their ideology on the, at least be honest...........or your commentary is just so much manure. Great for gardens, but worthless for pretty much anything else.
Our Constitution identifies specific areas that government is not allowed to legislate within. It also specifies exactly how that will be enforced. We've never deviated from any of that.

Mostly what legislation does is prevent some people from compromising the right of the equal pursuit of happiness of all citizens. Some people is the definition of special interests.

Republicans have always been known as the party of special interests, most notably business and the wealthy. Democrats have always been known as the party of the people. That's why Dixiecrats moved en masse from the Democrat Party to the GOP following the civil rights activism of the 60s and 70s.

None of this may be the truth that you'd prefer. It's merely the truth that is.
Our Constitution identifies specific areas that government is not allowed to legislate within. It also specifies exactly how that will be enforced. We've never deviated from any of that.

Mostly what legislation does is prevent some people from compromising the right of the equal pursuit of happiness of all citizens. Some people is the definition of special interests.

Republicans have always been known as the party of special interests, most notably business and the wealthy. Democrats have always been known as the party of the people. That's why Dixiecrats moved en masse from the Democrat Party to the GOP following the civil rights activism of the 60s and 70s.

None of this may be the truth that you'd prefer. It's merely the truth that is.

Another silly comment........anyone with an 8th Grade Education, and having received a passing grade in reading comprehension knows that BOTH Parties are fed by Special Interest groups..........the Democrat Party has so many Special Interest Groups intertwined within it's makeup, that it is no longer recognizable as the Party of Jefferson. The usual tactic of the left to lie, to lie again, to lie once more, and to continue to promote the lie until some people actually start to believe it is truth...........and the other favorite tactic is to charge Republicans/Conservatives with being racists............just plain stupid.......My only question is why did you leave out the third idiotic charge of Republicans/Conservatives being women haters..............didya not know how to work that one into your comment?

There are more wealthy Democrats than wealthy Republicans, so if your truth were "the truth that is," then the Republicans would be the party of the Democrats would they not? As for Democrats being the Party of the people, this has not been true since the mid to late 60' try again with that one...........
It would appear then that they had no rights guaranteed by God.

........and the ignorance continues.........

God given...........and............God guaranteed are not one in the same..........

...........and the ignorance continues............

If you don't believe in God............why on earth would you even ask? Oh, that's right, your only intent is to try and discredit the existence of God, and to belittle those who are intellectually superior enough to believe in Him.

"Only a fool says there is no God."

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