The Difference between the Rich and Poor~

So spending taxpayer dollars for their daycare is good for the economy, eh?

G5, your point unless I misunderstood it was to sympathize with the poor while attacking people who would claim the poor could be doing better. The way you did this was to say that the poor don't hire nannies, using sarcasm. The poor can't afford nannies. In the end the bigger point you seemed to be making unless again I misunderstood you, is that the poor don't have time to "read a book, go to the gym, eat wonderful food or talk/raise their children" because they can't afford a nannie. You then attached "create jobs" on the ass end because you have some issue with Republicans claiming "the poor don't create jobs."

So to answer you really stupid secondary made up on the spot no meaning question... Yes, spending tax dollars does create jobs, but no it's not good for the economy, it is instead a net negative for the economy or else Communism would be prefect and the dominate social structure on the planet. Currently communism boasts mass poverty and corruption so think the poor are literally dying from it.

Hey, wasn't this a thread about the difference between rich and poor? Sure it was.

So avery, just what is it that is so sucko in the economy that it is hurting the very rich?
Is it the spending on poor people? No. SO what is it?

Cause in case you haven't noticed or read anything about this, but the very rich have been doing real REAL REAL good the past few years.

So here is the question again; what is it that is being done for the poor people that is harming the real rich people in this country?

I don't understand where that question came from, as far as I could tell it was never a question until you just said it.

I will however answer your question, as basic as it is, but no less good of a question.

The poor currently hurt the rich by stagnating/suffocating/sabotage their own opportunity. They do this by voting for politicians, both Republican and Democrat that perpetuate and expand the welfare system that has failed year after year to ever produce positive results. Welfare creates a dependency thus holding people potential back as that is human nature. So, the poor hurt their own susses, and by doing so limit how many rich the US is able to produce... thus creating a massive underclass and a shrinking but more rich upper class.

So again, the poor hurt the rich by limiting their own success though way of votes to buy themselves welfare over opportunity.

This of course is easily proven and people have predicted this outcome since the inception of our country.
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Bear, somehow you have come to realize that there is a HUGE difference between rich people and poor people. Besides the money.

How did you come by this important and insightful information? And now that you know this, what will you do with this info?

Seems like we are watching an entire underclass be born. Most of the poor people will never have the 7 habits of highly successful people. Born poor will die poor more than likely.

I have known about it for years, I am not rich but I never stop laerning and stuff, so many people get so jaded would rather blame the rich while watching reruns of the golden girls or happy days. There is nothing you can do, they actually get jealous and want you stop learning and watch stupid crap with them.
These days they start out with more money, go to better schools, have much more free time, cheap food and inner city food are terrible. See sig para 1.

After 30 years of Voodoo and Reaganism, we're back to the terrible rich/poor gap and upward mobility of the gilded age Pubs loved. Read "The Good Old Days-Thet Were Terrible". Food, housing, education,transportation, work etc etc were horrible for the 99%...

A lot of white Americans misunderstand that "...all men are created equal" means we all started out equal.

We didn't and we still don't.

No rich person was born rich but died poor, and no poor person was born poor and died rich.... Fuckin A this country is getting dumber by the fucking second.

I just put together a 17k sqft gym (that I own), I was born very low middle class, borderline poor. How the fuck did I make it so far, HOW????? Oh I know, but it won;t matter if I told you how, you will deny it.

I bet you are a white male, too. Aren't you?

But your comment, "...No rich person was born rich but died poor, and no poor person was born poor and died rich.... """ doesn't make any sense. Better stick to punching bags instead of punch lines.
A lot of white Americans misunderstand that "...all men are created equal" means we all started out equal.

We didn't and we still don't.

No rich person was born rich but died poor, and no poor person was born poor and died rich.... Fuckin A this country is getting dumber by the fucking second.

I just put together a 17k sqft gym (that I own), I was born very low middle class, borderline poor. How the fuck did I make it so far, HOW????? Oh I know, but it won;t matter if I told you how, you will deny it.

I bet you are a white male, too. Aren't you?

But your comment, "...No rich person was born rich but died poor, and no poor person was born poor and died rich.... """ doesn't make any sense. Better stick to punching bags instead of punch lines.

Yea I didnt have a clue what that meant either, lol
There's nothing quite like inspiring people by shitting all over them.

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