The differences between left and right....

Napoleon, Caesar and George III were liberals?
"I do not think that word means what you think it means".

dear, liberals have 1000 rationales for supporting big liberal govt. Our founders knew this and so made them all illegal in American. The only thing they made legal in Ameican was freedom from big liberal govt.

Do you have the IQ to understand?
I guess not.

how will you learn if you are afriad to try?? Do you want to be a liberal all your life?
I haven't been one up to now, so it couldn't be all my life in any event.

dear, liberals have Napoleon, Caesar and George III have 1000 liberal rationales for supporting big liberal govt. Our founders knew this and so made them all illegal in American. The only thing they made legal in Ameican was freedom from big liberal govt.
dear, read "Useful Idiots" for a complete rundown on all of our liberal spies most of whom were not Jewish.

And then we have the "Useless Idiots" like Special Ed here to whom anyone who is not in lockstep with the right 100% is a communist.

Fuckin' idiot.

dear, if there is another option beyond freedom versus govt please tell us what it is or admit as an especially slow liberal you should be reading the posts but not trying to comment on them,.
Your brand of anarcho-capitalism gave us a burning toxic river.

and how does the brainless Marxist puppet figure that?
Until the EPA there was no interstate legal framework to hold polluters responsible so they dumped shit all over the place. Anyone with a truck could be a toxic waste disposal company and drive the shit two states over and just dump it out on the side of a back road. If you hate the EPA you must hate their mission and wish a return to the horrors that prompted their creation. You must be relatively young to not know just how fucked up it all was.
Until the EPA there was no interstate legal framework to hold polluters responsible so they dumped shit all over the place.

100% stupid Marxist and liberal. Soviet regulation is obviously not as good as capitalist regulation.
Capitalist regulation is self-regulation and it does not work, things were so bad that the EPA was created by a Republican. In the meantime, ponder the pollution problems of China, that's what we used to have before we wised up and stopped trusting industry not to poison us all to death.
Capitalist regulation is self-regulation and it does not work,.

dear, why not tell us why you think it does not work. and what self-regulation is????
If you do not know then you are arguing for something you do not fully understand. Self regulation is exactly what it sounds like, an industry voluntarily adopts a set of rules and promises to follow them in spite of there being no regulatory authority to punish rule breaking. Infractions are subject to easily stalled civil suits by states and individuals who lack resources to fight them for years. This method of being regulated but practically untouchable by the law is what your people want to replace federal regulation with, did you not get the memo?
Self regulation is exactly what it sounds like, an industry voluntarily adopts a set of rules and promises to follow them in spite of there being no regulatory authority to punish rule breaking.

does the liberal have an example of this or did you just make it up??
Self regulation is exactly what it sounds like, an industry voluntarily adopts a set of rules and promises to follow them in spite of there being no regulatory authority to punish rule breaking.

does the liberal have an example of this or did you just make it up??
Self regulation of business is one of the main aims of libertarianism, it is not my duty to educate you on your professed political ideology.
Self regulation is exactly what it sounds like, an industry voluntarily adopts a set of rules and promises to follow them in spite of there being no regulatory authority to punish rule breaking.

does the liberal have an example of this or did you just make it up??
Self regulation of business is one of the main aims of libertarianism, it is not my duty to educate you on your professed political ideology.

Translation: as an illiterate Marxist puppet the fool liberal does not have have an example of this so was just pretending or lying!! Isn't that pathetic?
I listen to Dennis Prager almost every day.....and you should he is explaining the differences between the left and right in America....

To Defend a Position You Must Understand Both Sides National Review Online

The difference between Left and Right is, quite simply the difference between Wrong and Right.

And that, truthfully... Is all there is to it.

Man is basically good... Until man rejects the responsibilities which SPECIFICALLY define: GOOD.

To recognize those responsibilities, requires OBJECTIVITY and the Ideological Left wholly rejects objectivity... Entirely... Utterly... Completely... .

And that is why everything the Left does... Inevitably fails, after it brings chaos, calamity and catastrophe; decline, decay and ruin; OKA: Wrong... .
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