The Dirty Little Truth About the Minimum Wage

Yes, saving the planet. We humans have that capability just like our ability to destroy the planet, huh Joe?

It's so funny how Godless people think anybody on this planet has that kind of power. It's also funny how liberals are the last to pray what they preach.

Hey, dumbfuck. I'm sure the planet will still be here. It just won't be a place we can live on. Are you some kind of fucking retard.

Do you keep your AC at 76 during the summer, or how about 55 during the winter? Do you ride your bike everywhere you go even if it costs you an extra hour? Or do you take the bus to work, shopping, to your friends house? How big is that windmill in your backyard Joe, or do you have solar panels on your roof, maybe both?

Guy, I never even use my AC in my home, I drive a fuel efficient car, and quite frankly, I do my part. But you keep making excuses for big energy and the Koch brothers fighting every step of the way and pretend Global Warming isn't happening.

Guy, I never even use my AC in my home, I drive a fuel efficient car, and quite frankly, I do my part. But you keep making excuses for big energy and the Koch brothers fighting every step of the way and pretend Global Warming isn't happening.

There is no pretend. Global Warming is not happening. That's why they changed their tune to Climate Change. We proved the earth stop heating years ago, but there is no way we can ever say the climate stopped changing, because the climate has been changing since God created this planet. It was changing a thousand years ago, it's changing today, and it will continue to change in a thousand years from today.

You're doing your part? Too cheap to get your AC fixed and too cheap to buy anything outside of a high milage car. I don't call that doing your part.

Hey, dumbfuck. I'm sure the planet will still be here. It just won't be a place we can live on. Are you some kind of fucking retard.

And why not? We've been living here since we fired up our first factory and are living longer and better lives.
That's your stupid answer? Ok we already know you are a hypochondria with your many Vists to the doctor in your posts about needing obama care.

So Joe now you are a bad driver to boot? How many car crashes have you had in your lifetime?

Guy, I don't need ObamaCare... I have good insurance, when a lousy insurance company doesn't try to cheat me after paying my premiums, which is what Cigna did to me in 2007.

I just think we could do better than a greedy system like private insurance which cost more than any other country and gets the worst results.

I'm sure you'll appreciate ObamaCare more when your liver finally explodes.
You mean the same people that told us NYC would be under water by now?

Except nobody serious actually said that, but that's okay.

There is no pretend. Global Warming is not happening. That's why they changed their tune to Climate Change. We proved the earth stop heating years ago, but there is no way we can ever say the climate stopped changing, because the climate has been changing since God created this planet. It was changing a thousand years ago, it's changing today, and it will continue to change in a thousand years from today.

Guy, the planet is warming, and it has nothing to do with your imaginary sky fairy.

There is no God and he didn't create the planet. The forces of nature did.

When you add CO2 to the atmosphere, the forces of nature trap heat. This isn't complicated.

How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic: Responses to the most common skeptical arguments on global warming
Yes, saving the planet. We humans have that capability just like our ability to destroy the planet, huh Joe?

It's so funny how Godless people think anybody on this planet has that kind of power. It's also funny how liberals are the last to pray what they preach.

Hey, dumbfuck. I'm sure the planet will still be here. It just won't be a place we can live on. Are you some kind of fucking retard.

Do you keep your AC at 76 during the summer, or how about 55 during the winter? Do you ride your bike everywhere you go even if it costs you an extra hour? Or do you take the bus to work, shopping, to your friends house? How big is that windmill in your backyard Joe, or do you have solar panels on your roof, maybe both?

Guy, I never even use my AC in my home, I drive a fuel efficient car, and quite frankly, I do my part. But you keep making excuses for big energy and the Koch brothers fighting every step of the way and pretend Global Warming isn't happening.

Apparently, you have not noticed that not even the most rabid environmental nuts no longer call it Global Warming...since it has not been happening for over eighteen years now. The nuts refer now, to Climate Change. Since that is undeniable to anyone. Of course, the climate has changed, even you know that has been happening for billions of years.

I live in Tallahassee, Florida. Our summers are long HOT AND HUMID. Highs for about seven-eight months in the mid to upper 90's and humidity easily above 80-90%. My AC is at 72 degrees, 24/7, I like it cool. Though I do seldom use any heat in winter. I live alone so I don't use the dishwasher or much in the way of hot water. My car is a late model, full-sized Cadillac. I've never checked the mileage but the AC ALWAYS works and is in use most of the year. I also have a very customized Harley Davidson which I ride frequently. I recycle nothing. I know it costs more than new materials. I do recycle clothing and electronics, computers, printers, TV's and such.

Having been a Realtor for more than 40 years, I do not have any solar panels. They make a house virtually impossible to sell and actually sell below the price they would have WITHOUT the panels.
That's your stupid answer? Ok we already know you are a hypochondria with your many Vists to the doctor in your posts about needing obama care.

So Joe now you are a bad driver to boot? How many car crashes have you had in your lifetime?

Guy, I don't need ObamaCare... I have good insurance, when a lousy insurance company doesn't try to cheat me after paying my premiums, which is what Cigna did to me in 2007.

I just think we could do better than a greedy system like private insurance which cost more than any other country and gets the worst results.

I'm sure you'll appreciate ObamaCare more when your liver finally explodes.

You posted this, and I quote: "I just think we could do better than a greedy system like private insurance which cost more than any other country and gets the worst results."

That, as you well know is a flat out...
You mean the same people that told us NYC would be under water by now?

Except nobody serious actually said that, but that's okay.

There is no pretend. Global Warming is not happening. That's why they changed their tune to Climate Change. We proved the earth stop heating years ago, but there is no way we can ever say the climate stopped changing, because the climate has been changing since God created this planet. It was changing a thousand years ago, it's changing today, and it will continue to change in a thousand years from today.

Guy, the planet is warming, and it has nothing to do with your imaginary sky fairy.

There is no God and he didn't create the planet. The forces of nature did.

When you add CO2 to the atmosphere, the forces of nature trap heat. This isn't complicated.

How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic: Responses to the most common skeptical arguments on global warming


he problem is the skills required to do minimum wage jobs today are the same as they were in 1980 yet those stagnant skill workers wants increased wages.

Anyone that requires a union to do their bidding isn't worth hiring.

My guess is, if I stuck you in a McDonalds during a lunch break, you'd have a meltdown with a room full of angry customers...

If houses where you lived lost value, it's because no one wanted to live next to a worthless piece of shit like you. I can understand why.

Everybody's houses lost value, Dummy.

You sure seem to make a lot of statements for which you can't prove.

Secondly, you don't have the ability to put me anywhere, figuratively or literally.

My house actually held it's value. What happens on paper is meaningless. The only way something loses value is if you sell it for less than what you paid for it.

Actually, what your house is worth on paper is not meaningless. What it is worth on paper means a great deal regarding your property taxes.
You mean the same people that told us NYC would be under water by now?

Except nobody serious actually said that, but that's okay.

There is no pretend. Global Warming is not happening. That's why they changed their tune to Climate Change. We proved the earth stop heating years ago, but there is no way we can ever say the climate stopped changing, because the climate has been changing since God created this planet. It was changing a thousand years ago, it's changing today, and it will continue to change in a thousand years from today.

Guy, the planet is warming, and it has nothing to do with your imaginary sky fairy.

There is no God and he didn't create the planet. The forces of nature did.

When you add CO2 to the atmosphere, the forces of nature trap heat. This isn't complicated.

How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic: Responses to the most common skeptical arguments on global warming

You mean the same people that told us NYC would be under water by now?

Except nobody serious actually said that, but that's okay.

There is no pretend. Global Warming is not happening. That's why they changed their tune to Climate Change. We proved the earth stop heating years ago, but there is no way we can ever say the climate stopped changing, because the climate has been changing since God created this planet. It was changing a thousand years ago, it's changing today, and it will continue to change in a thousand years from today.

Guy, the planet is warming, and it has nothing to do with your imaginary sky fairy.

There is no God and he didn't create the planet. The forces of nature did.

When you add CO2 to the atmosphere, the forces of nature trap heat. This isn't complicated.

How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic: Responses to the most common skeptical arguments on global warming

You need talking points?

Lmao, I already know how ignorant and indocterated you are already when you couldn't refute any of my posts...but Damn are you stupid...
Why wouldn't it be a planet we could still live on? Who told you that?

95% of Climate know, guys who know what they are talking about.


That has been debunked so many times I thought EVEN YOU would know it by now.

That's all you have is a shout Joe?

So what did these 95% (shrugs) scientist agree on Joe?

How did cook come up with that number Joe?

What methods did cook use Joe?

Dr he take the scientist out to dinner and ask them Joe?

Did cook poll the scientist Joe?

If cook did, what questions did cook ask Joe?
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Why wouldn't it be a planet we could still live on? Who told you that?

95% of Climate know, guys who know what they are talking about.

Again Joe why won't you answer my question

Who told you we couldn't live on this planet if the C02 got even 5 times as high Joe?

Hey Joe do you think life is possible on this planet if the C02 in the atmosphere was five times as it is now?
Apparently, you have not noticed that not even the most rabid environmental nuts no longer call it Global Warming...since it has not been happening for over eighteen years now. The nuts refer now, to Climate Change

Or that they need a term that describes a variety of phenomenon...

the reality is, it was CONSERVATIVES who insisted on using the term Climate Change.

That latter switch was championed by the GOP’s spinmaster, Frank Luntz, who, as it turns out, also championed switching from ‘global warming’ to ‘climate change’ in 2003. Scientists, environmentalists, progressives, and frankly the whole darn planet have always used both terms — hence the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, established in 1988.

In a confidential 2003 memo, Luntz asserted that the Administration and conservatives should stop using the term “global warming” because it was too frightening:

It’s time for us to start talking about “climate change” instead of global warming and “conservation” instead of preservation.1) “Climate change” is less frightening than “global warming”. As one focus group participant noted,

Sorry, buddy, it's still getting warmer, and it's still our fault.
That's all you have is a shout Joe?


Actually, what your house is worth on paper is not meaningless. What it is worth on paper means a great deal regarding your property taxes.

It also means a lot for your credit rating, it means a lot for your ability to borrow money. In short, Bush fucked us all, but you guys keep blaming the black guy.
Apparently, you have not noticed that not even the most rabid environmental nuts no longer call it Global Warming...since it has not been happening for over eighteen years now. The nuts refer now, to Climate Change

Or that they need a term that describes a variety of phenomenon...

the reality is, it was CONSERVATIVES who insisted on using the term Climate Change.

Debunking the dumbest denier myth: ‘Climate Change’ vs. ‘Global Warming’ — ThinkProgress

That latter switch was championed by the GOP’s spinmaster, Frank Luntz, who, as it turns out, also championed switching from ‘global warming’ to ‘climate change’ in 2003. Scientists, environmentalists, progressives, and frankly the whole darn planet have always used both terms — hence the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, established in 1988.

In a confidential 2003 memo, Luntz asserted that the Administration and conservatives should stop using the term “global warming” because it was too frightening:

It’s time for us to start talking about “climate change” instead of global warming and “conservation” instead of preservation.1) “Climate change” is less frightening than “global warming”. As one focus group participant noted,

Sorry, buddy, it's still getting warmer, and it's still our fault.
So we fixed MMGC too well? :lol:
he problem is the skills required to do minimum wage jobs today are the same as they were in 1980 yet those stagnant skill workers wants increased wages.

Anyone that requires a union to do their bidding isn't worth hiring.

My guess is, if I stuck you in a McDonalds during a lunch break, you'd have a meltdown with a room full of angry customers...

If houses where you lived lost value, it's because no one wanted to live next to a worthless piece of shit like you. I can understand why.

Everybody's houses lost value, Dummy.

You sure seem to make a lot of statements for which you can't prove.

Secondly, you don't have the ability to put me anywhere, figuratively or literally.

My house actually held it's value. What happens on paper is meaningless. The only way something loses value is if you sell it for less than what you paid for it.

Actually, what your house is worth on paper is not meaningless. What it is worth on paper means a great deal regarding your property taxes.

There are many things that can make a difference on property taxes when the value changes little. Several years ago during an assessment year in my County (previous house), my property taxes went up a noticeable but not significant amount based on reassessment despite the value from the previous reassessment changing a lesser percentage.

I called the Assessor's Office to find out why. Their explanation was that according to State law, a local government could not gain more than a certain overall percentage from previous years when it came to assessing homes. It kept those local government's from constantly claiming property values went up to have a windfall amount of money to use.

Not to say what you stated isn't true, however, my reference was to selling the house and unless you sell it, what's on paper is meaningless.
That's all you have is a shout Joe?


Actually, what your house is worth on paper is not meaningless. What it is worth on paper means a great deal regarding your property taxes.

It also means a lot for your credit rating, it means a lot for your ability to borrow money. In short, Bush fucked us all, but you guys keep blaming the black guy.

I didn't, as you say, get fucked by Bush but all you keep doing is kissing the black guy's ass. Pucker up Joe. He likes it and as much as you do it, it appears as if you like it.
There's nothing dirty about it! It is wonderful as it makes sure big corporate can't pay their workers like they do in Vietnam or Africa.

The federal minimum wage is a very hot topic in American policy. Significant figures like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have brought this issue in the light of the media. This has resulted in many Americans falsely associating a wage hike with them simply getting paid more. In fact raising the wage from $7.25 to a figure like $15.00 which most property agree is necessary will have much more complex consequences to the economic infrastructure of America. The Congressional Budget Office projected that a minimum wage increase from $7.25 to $10.10 would result in a loss of 500,000 jobs. In fact take countries that have inflated minimum wages like Sweden or Norway which have an hourly minimum of $25. As result of high wages, these countries have seen decades of stagnant domestic trade and limited earning potential for their citizens. Within specifically America the common argument to raising the minimum wage is the current 7.25 has not kept up with inflation rates since the 60s. Yes this is true and $15 is reasonably close to the margin of the value the $1.46 hourly wage was in 1960. However a raise to this amount may be a positive benefit in the short term but devastating to the future of the u.s dollar. Once the wage is theoretically increased consumers will have more spending power while businesses incur greater costs of operations and respond by raising prices. A 2015 Purdue University study found that raising the wage of fast food restaurant employees to $15 or $22 per hour would result in a price increase of 4.3% and 25% respectively, or a reduction in product size between 12% and 70%. To put it simply a hike will only devalue u.s currency and solve no issues of economic inequality within America.

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