The Dirty Little Truth About the Minimum Wage

Fuck the coal mines.. Dirty energy destroying the planet.

Amazing we have so many people here cheering on their right to be abused by the rich.

Battered Housewife conservatives, everyone.

That dirty energy is why you are going to sleep comfortably tonight in your AC, why your computer is running, why you can watch cable television, why your street lights are on, and if you have one of those stupid electric cars, why it will be charged for you by morning.
That dirty energy is why you are going to sleep comfortably tonight in your AC, why your computer is running, why you can watch cable television, why your street lights are on, and if you have one of those stupid electric cars, why it will be charged for you by morning.

Guy, I live in IL. Most of our power is nuclear.

The happy day we put the coal industry out of business will be a good one.
That dirty energy is why you are going to sleep comfortably tonight in your AC, why your computer is running, why you can watch cable television, why your street lights are on, and if you have one of those stupid electric cars, why it will be charged for you by morning.

Guy, I live in IL. Most of our power is nuclear.

The happy day we put the coal industry out of business will be a good one.
Democrats want nothing more that to take America back to the stone age....
Guy, I live in IL. Most of our power is nuclear.

The happy day we put the coal industry out of business will be a good one.

Then when people have less money to put into the economy, you'll blame unions, minimum wage and how much CEO's make, but never blame government and all their associated costs.
You are too stupid to know quality. The whole corporate model is based on the fact you are an easily led sheep.

More important than quality is value. How much I personally value something trumps everything else. I happen to value a nice soft toilet paper. Some people may not value it as much as myself and they may buy the cheap stuff. You don't use toilet paper so this analogy will fly right over your head.

The corporate model is based on our need in a free society to mitigate liability. It is so the free individual is able to pursue his ideas and fail but not be totally wiped out. So that many individuals can group together around a larger shared idea and make great things happen for the consumer.

What YOU want is control over the consumer. You want the sheep to be your sheep for your personal pleasures. Indeed, a very jarring thought.
Then when people have less money to put into the economy, you'll blame unions, minimum wage and how much CEO's make, but never blame government and all their associated costs.

Uh, guy, saving the planet is a little more important than providing jobs for some Red State inbreds.

Now, I know you won't believing in Global Warming no matter what, but you got to have some fucking priorities.

More important than quality is value. How much I personally value something trumps everything else.

I agree. I value taking care of people more than a few rich assholes. Glad we came to an agreement.
Then when people have less money to put into the economy, you'll blame unions, minimum wage and how much CEO's make, but never blame government and all their associated costs.

Uh, guy, saving the planet is a little more important than providing jobs for some Red State inbreds.

Now, I know you won't believing in Global Warming no matter what, but you got to have some fucking priorities.

More important than quality is value. How much I personally value something trumps everything else.

I agree. I value taking care of people more than a few rich assholes. Glad we came to an agreement.

Then why don't you log off ? Throw away your phone, computer , get those oil based products out of your life to save the planet?
And their income, including their tips, is way above minimum wage. Good waiters and waitresses make good money for hard work. My first "real" job was when I was 16 as a bag boy in a grocery store. The minimum wage was $1.00 per hour and we got $0.85 an hour plus tips. Working hard and really giving good service earned us a LOT more. The weekly paycheck from the store was usually less than the tips from working one 4:30-9:30 shift. Why is that bad?

Boy does that take me back.

During the Carter/ Reagan recession, I worked for a pizza place at night that I always did business with. He paid me $1.50 an hour plus gas money to deliver pizzas. Even then, that was well below minimum wage.

They would send me out with three or four deliveries, and I would have that completed in about a half-hour. With tips for those deliveries, I was making on average $10.00 for a half-hour work.

Mind you this didn't happen all night long, but you can make some pretty good money on tips. In fact one of my newest tenants has the same kind of job. While his actual pay was not impressive enough for me to trust him renting an apartment from me, my experience told me that he was making much more off the books. He and his girlfriend (now with child) have been successfully paying rent on time and keeping the apartment immaculate.

I never delivered pizza's but two friends of mine did during one of the recessions in the 80's. They both made terrific money and got them through the recession. I've only had a few jobs where I worked for an hourly wage during my years in college.
I don't even know what a "Dressage Horse" is other than you have an obsession with wealthy people owning them. I think maybe you fell off of one at some time and bumped your head.

A dressage horse is a really fancy horse rich people teach how to dance. It's really about the world's stupidest fucking sport... but Mitt Romney had one where he took a $77,000 tax deduction on it. And honestly, a country where the rich can spend money teaching horses how to dance while kids go to bed hungry at night, is a country that has some fucked up priorities.

No, most companies in the private sector are privately owned. They may sell publicly-traded stock but that is not publicly-owned. And no, the government cannot regulate their pay. Sorry... that's RUSSIA!

Sure they can. Pass a law tomorrow morning. DONE. Send the IRS out to nail any asshole who tries to get around it. THrow a few crooked CEO in big boy jail with an oversexed cellmate.

As you know, former President Bill Clinton tried to limit the pay of CEO's. He was told the idea was stupid and would have the opposite effect. Like Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama ignores his advisors, so did President Clinton.

From Bloomberg Business week

How Bill Clinton Helped Boost CEO Pay
Posted on November 26, 2006

Bill Clinton had what he thought was a great idea to curb the soaring paychecks of the nation's executives. It was 1991, shortly after the launch of his Presidential campaign, and he had just read a best seller on corporate greed by compensation guru Graef Crystal.

Clinton's brainstorm: Use the tax code to curb excessive pay.

Companies at the time were allowed to deduct all compensation to top executives. Clinton wanted to permit companies to write off amounts over $1 million only if executives hit specified performance goals. He called Crystal for his thoughts. "Utterly stupid," the consultant says he told the future President. THE SHAME GAME

Now, 13 years after Clinton's plan became law, the results are clear: It didn't work. Over the law's first decade, average compensation for chief executives at companies in Standard & Poor's 500-stock index soared from $3.7 million to $9.1 million, according to a 2005 Harvard Law School study. The law contains so many obvious loopholes, says Crystal, that "in 10 minutes even Forrest Gump could think up five ways around it."

My emphasis

Read more: How Bill Clinton Helped Boost CEO Pay
But when you vote Democrat and they want to take away your right to protect yourself, force you to purchase healthcare insurance against your will, close down coal mines and electric power plants increasing the cost of your electricity, that's not taking it up the ass according to a liberal.

Fuck the coal mines.. Dirty energy destroying the planet.

Amazing we have so many people here cheering on their right to be abused by the rich.

Battered Housewife conservatives, everyone.

Your ignorance on the subject of coal and energy is staggering.

China is currently building any form of energy producing power plant possible. Among those are more than one high-tech, ultra clean coal plant a month. To you, that's TERRIBLE. The reality is that is enabling millions of people to use electricity to cook and heat with instead of wood and animal dung.

There are 320 or so million people in the U.S. and about 7.4 BILLION people in the world. ANYTHING we do will have the effect of trying to empty the ocean with a bucket.
Uh, guy, saving the planet is a little more important than providing jobs for some Red State inbreds.

Now, I know you won't believing in Global Warming no matter what, but you got to have some fucking priorities.

Yes, saving the planet. We humans have that capability just like our ability to destroy the planet, huh Joe?

It's so funny how Godless people think anybody on this planet has that kind of power. It's also funny how liberals are the last to pray what they preach.

Do you keep your AC at 76 during the summer, or how about 55 during the winter? Do you ride your bike everywhere you go even if it costs you an extra hour? Or do you take the bus to work, shopping, to your friends house? How big is that windmill in your backyard Joe, or do you have solar panels on your roof, maybe both?

What is the highest wattage of light bulbs that you use, and how new are the windows in your home? Do you even recycle?

Saving the planet. Well just how do we save the planet anyway? Can you give me specifics? Can you tell me at what point we robbed the working people of enough of their money to actually save our planet?

Maybe it's time you move out of Chicago and into Amish country where you never have to worry about polluting the planet again: no more electricity, no more television or internet, no more natural gas heat that we have to frack to obtain, no more gasoline usage for your car, lawn care or snow removal equipment.

Show us the path Joe.

That was a dumbass piece by Carlin. He doesn't understand that "saving the planet' means "preventing massive damage to the biosphere"? What a maroon. I saw him do it live, and cringed at how bad it was, along with much of the audience.
That was a dumbass piece by Carlin. He doesn't understand that "saving the planet' means "preventing massive damage to the biosphere"? What a maroon. I saw him do it live, and cringed at how bad it was, along with much of the audience.

Oh, I'm sure you did. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I agree. I value taking care of people more than a few rich assholes. Glad we came to an agreement.

But you see, I don't share your opinion on value. I think taking care of the needy is best done at the local level through churches and non-profit charities where the overhead is low and most of the money contributed actually goes to help someone who needs help. I think that gives the best value as opposed to having the money removed from my pay check, sent to a bunch of corrupt politicians in Washington, filtered through their network of bureaucrats in bed with crony corporatists and special interests, used to grease the palms of donors and pay off threats to their power, keep their friends lucratively employed in their cushy government job, and then maybe a penny from every dollar going to pay some jackwagon claiming disability while he freeloads off Granny in her basement in his underwear.
But you see, I don't share your opinion on value. I think taking care of the needy is best done at the local level through churches and non-profit charities where the overhead is low and most of the money contributed actually goes to help someone who needs help.

No, what you want is for the poor to BEG. BEG THE IMAGINARY SKY MAN!!! BEG THE RICH.

But people voting to DISTRIBUTE the wealth fairly.


Seriously, fuck you.

Pissing yourself at the thought of democracy...
Yes, saving the planet. We humans have that capability just like our ability to destroy the planet, huh Joe?

It's so funny how Godless people think anybody on this planet has that kind of power. It's also funny how liberals are the last to pray what they preach.

Hey, dumbfuck. I'm sure the planet will still be here. It just won't be a place we can live on. Are you some kind of fucking retard.

Do you keep your AC at 76 during the summer, or how about 55 during the winter? Do you ride your bike everywhere you go even if it costs you an extra hour? Or do you take the bus to work, shopping, to your friends house? How big is that windmill in your backyard Joe, or do you have solar panels on your roof, maybe both?

Guy, I never even use my AC in my home, I drive a fuel efficient car, and quite frankly, I do my part. But you keep making excuses for big energy and the Koch brothers fighting every step of the way and pretend Global Warming isn't happening.
Then why don't you log off ? Throw away your phone, computer , get those oil based products out of your life to save the planet?

Wasn't talking about oil, dude... do try to keep up... And put down the fucking bottle.

You were talking about saving the planet. long as it don't effect your lifestyle you are ok with it.

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