The Dirty Little Truth About the Minimum Wage

Except they only have so many jobs, and those jobs all disappear when Walmart has driven all the local businesses out of business and they close down and move...

This is what happens in the free market. Competition forces people out who can't afford to stay in business. The consumer creates this situation by their choices. You want to eliminate the consumer's choices. You want them to buy a bathroom plunger from the Mom and Pop for $8 when they could have the option to buy it for $3 at Walmart. And who does this harm the most, Joey? Is it the rich guy who doesn't give a shit how much a plunger costs? Or is it poor people who are doing good to rake and scrape up $3?

Walmart offers a service that is beneficial to the poor and people on a budget. They provide cheap products the consumer can afford. This is the secret of their success and why they are so huge. They're not screwing anybody over... that's what YOU want to do! You want a system that protects your little union thugs who get paid $24/hr to make bathroom plungers which must be sold at $8. Then you want to collude with government to shut down any competition from the likes of Walmart.
This is what happens in the free market.

Fuck the Free Market.

Competition forces people out who can't afford to stay in business.

you mean the selfish and evil fuck over decent people... and you don't have a problme with that, Chief Running Gag.

You want them to buy a bathroom plunger from the Mom and Pop for $8 when they could have the option to buy it for $3 at Walmart. And who does this harm the most, Joey?

Here's the problem with that kind of Big Box thinking. What you give up is the expertise. I'd rather go to a mom and pop plumbing supply store and pay an extra buck for that plunger and get the expertise on how to fix whatever my plumbing prolbem is, rather than the dumb look you get from the guy getting minimum wage who doesn't know anything about Plumbing.
Actually, they are mostly publically held companies, and the government CAN regulate their pay.

Or we can just say anything over $999,999.00 is taxed at 100%. Problem solved.

Now I know you live in mortal terror some rich person won't be able to afford a new Dressage Horse, but the rest of us don't worry about these things.

I don't even know what a "Dressage Horse" is other than you have an obsession with wealthy people owning them. I think maybe you fell off of one at some time and bumped your head.

No, most companies in the private sector are privately owned. They may sell publicly-traded stock but that is not publicly-owned. And no, the government cannot regulate their pay. Sorry... that's RUSSIA!

You wanna tax CEOs who's salaries are more than $999,999.00 at 100%? Okay... guess what the average salary of a CEO would be? Not a penny more. Instead, they would receive all kinds of company-provided perks that could never be taxed. There is always a way around your tax and rich people are always two steps ahead of you on that. They're smarter than you, Joey... that's why they're rich and you're not.
I don't even know what a "Dressage Horse" is other than you have an obsession with wealthy people owning them. I think maybe you fell off of one at some time and bumped your head.

A dressage horse is a really fancy horse rich people teach how to dance. It's really about the world's stupidest fucking sport... but Mitt Romney had one where he took a $77,000 tax deduction on it. And honestly, a country where the rich can spend money teaching horses how to dance while kids go to bed hungry at night, is a country that has some fucked up priorities.

No, most companies in the private sector are privately owned. They may sell publicly-traded stock but that is not publicly-owned. And no, the government cannot regulate their pay. Sorry... that's RUSSIA!

Sure they can. Pass a law tomorrow morning. DONE. Send the IRS out to nail any asshole who tries to get around it. THrow a few crooked CEO in big boy jail with an oversexed cellmate.
you mean the selfish and evil fuck over decent people... and you don't have a problme with that

No, I mean competition in the free market. Where, if someone can provide something better, do something more efficiently, or at a lower cost than their competition, I have the advantage of transacting with them instead.

Competition is not fucking someone over... When Peyton Manning defeated Cam Newton in the Super Bowl, he didn't fuck over Cam Newton... Denver didn't fuck over Carolina. It was a competition and the best team won.

And there is nothing "selfish" or "greedy" about true free market capitalism... no room for that. In the free market, the "greedy capitalist" discovers there is a less greedy capitalist more than willing to take his customers away. The "selfish capitalist" finds that no one wants to do business with them.

Here's the problem with that kind of Big Box thinking. What you give up is the expertise. I'd rather go to a mom and pop plumbing supply store and pay an extra buck for that plunger and get the expertise on how to fix whatever my plumbing prolbem is, rather than the dumb look you get from the guy getting minimum wage who doesn't know anything about Plumbing.

Well so would I... so would a lot of consumers. But many more are motivated by price. You want to control people. You want to force them to think the same as you do and only have the choices you want them to have. To me, that is the epitome of selfishness.
A dressage horse is a really fancy horse rich people teach how to dance. It's really about the world's stupidest fucking sport... but Mitt Romney had one where he took a $77,000 tax deduction on it. And honestly, a country where the rich can spend money teaching horses how to dance while kids go to bed hungry at night, is a country that has some fucked up priorities.

Well, if kids in America are going to bed hungry at night it's because their parents are morons. We can't fix stupid. So I don't know what to tell you there... we have SNAP and WIC programs out the wazoo... free lunch and breakfast programs, food pantries, charity organizations, meals on wheels... all kinds of things to help feed the hungry kids.

I'm sorry you have a hang up with dancing horses. But honestly, if a man works and produces wealth, he should be able to spend that wealth on whatever he wants. You have no right to take that wealth that he worked for and spend it on what you think is best. If you want to spend YOUR wealth that way it's fine... but I have a sneaking suspicion that you hardly ever consider spending your wealth to help others.
A dressage horse is a really fancy horse rich people teach how to dance. It's really about the world's stupidest fucking sport... but Mitt Romney had one where he took a $77,000 tax deduction on it. And honestly, a country where the rich can spend money teaching horses how to dance while kids go to bed hungry at night, is a country that has some fucked up priorities.

Is that what you think? Would you like me to list all those important things DumBama spent our tax money on instead of feeding those kids that went to bed hungry at night?
I don't even know what a "Dressage Horse" is other than you have an obsession with wealthy people owning them. I think maybe you fell off of one at some time and bumped your head.

Must have been a very big horse. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Socialists don't understand what a tax write-off is. Nor do they understand that you can write-off expenses for your investments like a show horse that just happened to compete in the Olympics.
Shareholders are parasites, and most CEO's are clueless. They are parasites who've convinced you they are vital organs..

Guess what, in Europe, the CEO's don't get six figures and the workers get good pay, and they produce better products than we do.

That's because Europe places more value on quality than cost. The US on the other hand is just the opposite. Our consumers focus on cost and to hell with quality.
Except they only have so many jobs, and those jobs all disappear when Walmart has driven all the local businesses out of business and they close down and move...

But you keep taking it up the ass from the Walton Family.

Battered housewife Conservatives are sooooo fun to watch.

Actually it's quite the opposite.

We had a Walmart close down a couple years ago in a brand new mall. After Walmart left, most all of the other businesses left as well.

That's because Walmart is what's known in the business world as an Anchor Store. An anchor store is the major feature of a mall that attracts customers who shop at other nearby stores and businesses.

Anchor stores attract customers to their store, and those customers drift to other shops in the mall giving them business. In fact one of the reasons those stores closed down is because they had a contract with the owners of the mall. The contract was valid provided the anchor store remained in the shopping center because without the anchor store, all those smaller stores can't stay afloat.

So Walmart does just the opposite of what you claim. They bring customers to those mom and pop shops, not take their customers away.
Increased prices always hurts the customer.

Then we need to stop paying CEO's Eight figures.... simple enough, right/

Except, as you well know, the people doing the work are paid exactly what they are worth, just as you are and I was before retiring. Pay them more, just for breathing and that gets passed to you, the customer.

YOu see, this is where you Wingnuts get confused. The CEO contributes NOTHING to the good or services I recieve. The SHAREHOLDER contributes nothing to the goods or services I receive. So why should they get huge amounts of money and the folks who did the work get a pittance. That's where the system is truly fucked up.

I understand, you do not believe in personal responsibility. Just because you can breath doesn't mean you are worth a "living wage".

I don't take you guys terribly seriously on "personal responsibility" anymore. When Rush Limbaugh goes to the same prison the poor black kid does for doping, then I'll take you guys seriously on "Personal Responsibility".

The point is, was Sen. Byrd a member of the Ku Klux Klan? Yes he was, he was a recruiter.

PLEASE show me where the Democrats have denounced the Occupy Wall Street Movement, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the New Black Panthers.

Why should they? OWS and BLM have VALID LEGITIMATE POINTS. the NBP has about what, five members?

I don't take you guys terribly seriously on "personal responsibility" anymore. When Rush Limbaugh goes to the same prison the poor black kid does for doping, then I'll take you guys seriously on "Personal Responsibility".

Rush Limbaugh would go to the same prison as the poor black kids if he did something illegal and was convicted of it. Rush did have problems with prescription drugs that he accidentally got hooked on, but they couldn't prove he did anything illegal. That was the claim by the couple (who worked for Rush) that were blackmailing him.

YOu see, this is where you Wingnuts get confused. The CEO contributes NOTHING to the good or services I recieve. The SHAREHOLDER contributes nothing to the goods or services I receive. So why should they get huge amounts of money and the folks who did the work get a pittance. That's where the system is truly fucked up.

That's as idiotic as saying why should the McDonald's franchise owner make millions and the french fry makers make nine dollars an hour. It's the franchise owner that invested his money. It's the franchise owner that erected the building. It's the franchise owner that has to pay the taxes on the place, keep up with all the new intrusive government regulations, be held liable if somebody gets hurt on the property or something that may have gone wrong with the food.

You are constantly complaining about greedy CEO's and greedy company owners. Well......stock holders are the people those CEO's and company owners share their wealth with. Those investors are the people that go along for the ride and make money with those greedy CEO's and company owners. Isn't that what you preach about, share the wealth?
Everywhere a Walmart has been built, retail prices to the community have gone down benefiting the low and middle-income workers. They also have lines of people looking for jobs so the unemployment goes down in the area.

Except they only have so many jobs, and those jobs all disappear when Walmart has driven all the local businesses out of business and they close down and move...

But you keep taking it up the ass from the Walton Family.

Battered housewife Conservatives are sooooo fun to watch.
Again Joe how do we take it up the ass from the Walton s?

We take it up the ass from democrats
This is what happens in the free market.

Fuck the Free Market.

Competition forces people out who can't afford to stay in business.

you mean the selfish and evil fuck over decent people... and you don't have a problme with that, Chief Running Gag.

You want them to buy a bathroom plunger from the Mom and Pop for $8 when they could have the option to buy it for $3 at Walmart. And who does this harm the most, Joey?

Here's the problem with that kind of Big Box thinking. What you give up is the expertise. I'd rather go to a mom and pop plumbing supply store and pay an extra buck for that plunger and get the expertise on how to fix whatever my plumbing prolbem is, rather than the dumb look you get from the guy getting minimum wage who doesn't know anything about Plumbing.

You can Google and you tube anything now.
In some cases, Walmart has actually helped some small businesses revitalize. They offer a baseline for market value. In doing this, they give the thinking entrepreneur an idea of where they need to be, what they need to do in order to survive. It motivates them to make changes they might have never made. Competition in a free market is great, it has enormous benefits because the human spirit is unleashed. That is precisely where "the better idea" comes from.
Again Joe how do we take it up the ass from the Walton s?

We take it up the ass because Walmart opens up and give us a huge selection and low prices.
We take it up the ass because Walmart provides jobs to the community.
We take it up the ass because Walmart creates badly needed taxes for your city or town.

But when you vote Democrat and they want to take away your right to protect yourself, force you to purchase healthcare insurance against your will, close down coal mines and electric power plants increasing the cost of your electricity, that's not taking it up the ass according to a liberal.
No, I mean competition in the free market. Where, if someone can provide something better, do something more efficiently, or at a lower cost than their competition, I have the advantage of transacting with them instead.

You are too stupid to know quality. The whole corporate model is based on the fact you are an easily led sheep.
But when you vote Democrat and they want to take away your right to protect yourself, force you to purchase healthcare insurance against your will, close down coal mines and electric power plants increasing the cost of your electricity, that's not taking it up the ass according to a liberal.

Fuck the coal mines.. Dirty energy destroying the planet.

Amazing we have so many people here cheering on their right to be abused by the rich.

Battered Housewife conservatives, everyone.
Rush Limbaugh would go to the same prison as the poor black kids if he did something illegal and was convicted of it. Rush did have problems with prescription drugs that he accidentally got hooked on, but they couldn't prove he did anything illegal. That was the claim by the couple (who worked for Rush) that were blackmailing him.

No, they knew he did struff that was illegal, his slimy lawyers wore down the system. Not the same thing as being innocent.

They had emails to this couple telling them to score Oxy for him. He was as guilty as a cat in a canary cage. But we don't send the rich to prison.
No, they knew he did struff that was illegal, his slimy lawyers wore down the system. Not the same thing as being innocent.

They had emails to this couple telling them to score Oxy for him. He was as guilty as a cat in a canary cage. But we don't send the rich to prison.


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