The Disreputable Robert Mueller

"Another Liar? Despite Denials Under Oath, Mueller Wanted FBI Director Job During 2017 Meeting With Trump

There are a lot of rotten eggs at the FBI and now we’re learning that ex-special counsel Robert Mueller had actually pursued the FBI director position in 2017, despite denying it under oath.

...when Robert Mueller met with President Trump in May of 2017, Mueller was indeed pursuing the open post as the director of the FBI – something the former Russia probe special counsel denied under oath during congressional testimony this summer.

...emails released this month through a Freedom of Information Act request by the conservative group Judicial Watch seemed to indicate Mueller knew there was a real possibility he could be named special counsel if he wasn’t chosen as the next FBI director."
Another Liar? Despite Denials Under Oath, Mueller Wanted FBI Director Job During 2017 Meeting With Trump
Remember how we were assured by all that Dirty Bob was oozing with integrity? Then during his testimony it was clear that his involvement was a farce, and he didn't have a clue what was going on. He was a face without a purpose, other than once again, to mislead.

With the Demos attacks on Trump, it's always lies and farces, all the way down.

Trump-bashers think that Mueller is the torch bearer for everything that is noble and just. Of course, as in most things, they are wrong. The only people who believe Mueller is principled are those who know nothing about him. Muller leaves behind him a record of incompetency and ruthlessness

.Muller mishandling the anthrax investigation back in the early 1990s His ignorance, arrogance and total disregard for individual rights and due process ruined the lives of innocent people, including Steven Hatfill. Hatfill sued and was awarded almost $6 million.

Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

Mueller didn't give a royal damn about how many innocent people he hurt as long as he deluded Americans that he was doing his job

“In the aftermath of the attacks, Mueller directed the “post-9/11 round-up” of around 1,000 immigrants who mostly happened to be in the wrong place (NYC area) at the wrong time, as FBI Headquarters encouraged more and more detentions for what seemed to be essentially PR purposes. Field offices were required to report daily the number of detentions in order to supply grist for FBI press releases about FBI “progress” in fighting terrorism. Consequently, some of the detainees were brutalized and jailed for up to a year despite the fact that none turned out to be terrorists.”

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

There is one more case that reveals Mueller's true character. The FBI let four men rot in prison for decades even though they knew the men were innocent. Mueller did his best to keep them there.

“In 2001, the four men convicted of Teddy Deegan’s murder [in 1965] were exonerated. Turned out the FBI let them take the rap to protect one of their informants, a killer named Vincent “Jimmy’’ Flemmi, who just happened to be the brother of their other rat, Stevie Flemmi. Thanks to the FBI’s corruption, taxpayers got stuck with the $100 million bill for compensating the framed men, two of whom, Greco and Tameleo, died in prison.

“Albano was appalled that, later that same year, Mueller was appointed FBI director, because it was Mueller, first as an assistant US attorney then as the acting US attorney in Boston, who wrote letters to the parole and pardons board throughout the 1980s opposing clemency for the four men framed by FBI lies.

“Of course, Mueller was also in that position while Whitey Bulger was helping the FBI cart off his criminal competitors even as he buried bodies in shallow graves along the Neponset

“Four years ago, when questioned about the FBI’s corruption in Boston, Mueller told the Globe, “I think the public should recognize that what happened, happened years ago.’’

A lingering question for the FBI’s director

Mueller is dishonest and ruthless. The only thing he cares about is himself. He will destroy people's lives to protect his image. The fact that Mueller gave Hillary a free pass on her multiple crimes – including Russian collusion - while conducting a witch hunt on Trump proves he is biased and corrupt,. The stench of Hillary Clinton emanates from his every pore.
As bad as Mueller was, a republican congress in 2011 unanimously extended Mueller's term as FBI director for two more years.
So, Mueller was FBI director for 12 years. Why would he want to become director again in 2017. Its pure nonsense.

Hillary's campaign purchased opposition research from Steele, which had Russian sources. And these sources had assassination attempts from russian government. Because Putin hates Hillary.

This is not the same as the Russian government helping a US campaign or influencing a US election.
Russia pushed the Dossier into the 2016 election, in collusion with the CIA, FBI and foreign governments, because he hates Hillary so much?

Have you read the Dossier?
The Russian government had nothing to do with the dossier.
It was from Steele, who wasnt on the good side of Putin or his government.
Putin had tried to kill people associated with steele, such as Skripal.

One more time for the Cons with a single digit I.Q.

The "Steele Dossier" was originally contracted to dig up information detrimental to 45. The People who paid for it WERE MOTHER FUCKING REPUBLICANS...GOT THAT!!!

When they realized that 5-Deferment Draft Dodging POS 45 would be the nominee, they dropped it. Yes, it was shopped to HRC's Campaign, but they were not the original parties who wanted the damn thing.

Next. Not ONE bit of the Dossier has proven to be a lie.

Cons ordered the Dossier.

Russia interfered the 2016 Election.

45 is Draft Dodging POS shit that attacks Gold Star Families and thanks to withdrawing U.S. Troops from Syria, is aiding and abetting genocide of the Kruds who are our allies. And just for shits and giggles for GroppenFuhrer followers, Turkish Military Units shelled U.S. Special Forces in the current attacks against the Kurds.

That Draft Dodging POS actually caused U.S. Forces to shelled by the Turkish Army.

Fuck 45

Fuck Russia.

Fuck The Seig Heil Goosestepping Dead From The Neck Up Fuck Wad Racists who get down their knees in hopes of giving the Orange Shit Gibbon a Blow Job.
"Another Liar? Despite Denials Under Oath, Mueller Wanted FBI Director Job During 2017 Meeting With Trump

There are a lot of rotten eggs at the FBI and now we’re learning that ex-special counsel Robert Mueller had actually pursued the FBI director position in 2017, despite denying it under oath.

...when Robert Mueller met with President Trump in May of 2017, Mueller was indeed pursuing the open post as the director of the FBI – something the former Russia probe special counsel denied under oath during congressional testimony this summer.

...emails released this month through a Freedom of Information Act request by the conservative group Judicial Watch seemed to indicate Mueller knew there was a real possibility he could be named special counsel if he wasn’t chosen as the next FBI director."
Another Liar? Despite Denials Under Oath, Mueller Wanted FBI Director Job During 2017 Meeting With Trump

Boy we are really digging deep aren't we.
Against a guy who has lied 12000 times?
Interesting, do you actually read your links?
No visual of mueller lying.
"Multiple officials tell Fox News "
"Seemed to indicate"
"m denied t claim , believed he was "giving input"
So do we believe the 12000 lie boy or M?
Dirty Bob Mueller lied under oath when testified that he had not sought the FBI Director job.

) Got the video?
See above.
I guess you believe the con saying Biden got $1.5 B from the Chinese too?
His white boy disability and SS Medicare cult (1/4 of them troll from rally to rally, like NASCAR) were chanting last night

"During his time with Burisma, Hunter reportedly received compensation up to $50,000 a month."
A Ukraine gas company tied to Joe Biden's son is at the center of the Trump-whistleblower scandal

How about you list the expertise, knowledge, and/or background in oil that makes Hunter Biden worth over half a million dollars,

Must be quite a list, you dunce.
They were buying the Vice President of the United States by filling the pockets of his coke addled son with cash. No one doubts this. Hunter doesn't even speak, write or understand Ukrainian. This is the current scam, either a "Foundation" like the Clinton's to launder bribes, or paying off family members like Pelosi, Biden and Kerry did it.

Trump's the process of exposing all of this, which is why the Left is in such a panic.
"Another Liar? Despite Denials Under Oath, Mueller Wanted FBI Director Job During 2017 Meeting With Trump

There are a lot of rotten eggs at the FBI and now we’re learning that ex-special counsel Robert Mueller had actually pursued the FBI director position in 2017, despite denying it under oath.

...when Robert Mueller met with President Trump in May of 2017, Mueller was indeed pursuing the open post as the director of the FBI – something the former Russia probe special counsel denied under oath during congressional testimony this summer.

...emails released this month through a Freedom of Information Act request by the conservative group Judicial Watch seemed to indicate Mueller knew there was a real possibility he could be named special counsel if he wasn’t chosen as the next FBI director."
Another Liar? Despite Denials Under Oath, Mueller Wanted FBI Director Job During 2017 Meeting With Trump

Boy we are really digging deep aren't we.
Against a guy who has lied 12000 times?
Interesting, do you actually read your links?
No visual of mueller lying.
"Multiple officials tell Fox News "
"Seemed to indicate"
"m denied t claim , believed he was "giving input"
So do we believe the 12000 lie boy or M?
Dirty Bob Mueller lied under oath when testified that he had not sought the FBI Director job.

) Got the video?
See above.
I guess you believe the con saying Biden got $1.5 B from the Chinese too?
His white boy disability and SS Medicare cult (1/4 of them troll from rally to rally, like NASCAR) were chanting last night

"I guess you believe the con saying Biden got $1.5 B from the Chinese too?"

"In 2009, Hunter co-founded a new venture, Rosemont Seneca Partners. Rosemont and Hunter were given extraordinary opportunities in China while his father was vice president. Here are some key facts:

1. Joe Biden met with Hunter’s Chinese partners days before they established a new investment firm.

In December 2013, Hunter landed in Beijing aboard Air Force Two, accompanying his father on an official visit to China. Less than two weeks later, Hunter’s company, Rosemont Seneca, became a partner in a new investment company backed by the state-owned Bank of China.

Christening the new firm Bohai Harvest RST (BHR), the partners set out to raise $1 billion for the new fund.

Representatives of the Biden family have denied any connection between the vice president’s visit and Hunter’s business. However, a BHR representative told The New Yorker earlier this year that Hunter used the opportunity to introduce his father to Chinese private equity executive Jonathan Li, who became CEO of BHR after the deal’s conclusion.

2. BHR is a multibillion-dollar enterprise.

Exceeding their initial fundraising goal, the partners at BHR raised their target to $1.5 billion for the new fund. The company’s website now brags that it manages “over RMB 15 billion” in assets — the equivalent of about $2.1 billion in today’s dollars.

Under the terms of the deal, BHR, in which Hunter’s firm held an equity stake, would be a lead investor in the fund. Other investors include China Development Bank and China’s social security fund.

own website boasts: “BHR, with its unique mixed ownership, combines the resources and platforms of China’s largest financial institutions … and the networks and know-how of our U.S.-based investment fund and advisory firm shareholders.”

Hunter Biden claimed to the New Yorker that he and his partners have not seen any money from the BHR deal. But even if true, the potential payouts are significant.

4. BHR represented a unique investment opportunity.

BHR’s relationships weren’t the only unique thing about the company. Rosemont Seneca was getting a piece of something that no other Western firm had: a private equity fund inside the recently established Shanghai Free-Trade Zone, with a focus on international acquisitions. With the backing of the state-owned Bank of China, one of the country’s “big four” financial institutions, BHR had access to the types of deals that most Western firms only dreamed of, including IPOs of state-owned companies.

5. BHR invested in strategically sensitive assets in both China and the United States.

View attachment 284107
The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China
In December 2014, BHR became an “anchor investor” in the IPO of China General Nuclear Power Company (CGN), a state-owned nuclear company involved in the development of nuclear reactors. Not only is CGN a strategically important company in China, it was also facing legal scrutiny in the United States. In 2016, CGN was charged with espionage by the Justice Department for stealing US nuclear secrets.

As a “cross-border” investment fund, Bohai Harvest was interested in making deals outside of China. In 2015, BHR acquired Henniges Automotive, a Michigan-based producer of vibration-dampening equipment, alongside Chinese military contractor Aviation Industry Corp. of China (AVIC). Given the military applications of Henniges’ technology, the deal required federal approval. Like CGN, AVIC was suspected of stealing US technology for its purposes.

Not long after the Henniges deal closed, AVIC debuted its new J-20 fighter — incorporating designs allegedly stolen from the US’ F-35 program.

6. It wasn’t an isolated incident.

In 2015, a state-backed real estate conglomerate acquired a controlling stake in Rosemont Realty, a sister company of Rosemont Seneca where Hunter served as an advisor. As part of the deal, the Chinese promised $3 billion for commercial office property acquisitions in the US — a major windfall for the company.

It wouldn’t be Hunter’s last episode with Chinese capital. In May 2017, he met with Ye Jianming, chairman of Chinese energy company CEFC, to discuss investment opportunities in the US. After the meeting, Ye sent a 2.8-carat diamond to Hunter along with a “thank you” card. When, six months later, a CEFC executive was arrested in New York on unrelated bribery charges, his first phone call was to Hunter’s uncle, James Biden. James told the New York Times that “he believed it [the call] had been meant for Hunter” and that “he had passed on his nephew’s contact information.”

Ye, now accused of bribing a Communist Party official, has since been detained in his native China.

All of this adds up to an extremely troubling pattern. Much of the media, as they so often do, have chosen to air the spin, rather than the facts, on this issue. Did the Chinese give favorable treatment to Hunter Biden to curry favor with his vice-president father? The American public deserves to understand what exactly Hunter Biden was doing overseas and the extent of then-Vice President Biden’s involvement."

Which are you today, more a fool, or more a liar?
China looked throughout the entire world, and the Coke Addled son of the US Vice President was just the very best person to invest with!
They were buying the Vice President of the United States by filling the pockets of his coke addled son with cash. No one doubts this. Hunter doesn't even speak, write or understand Ukrainian. This is the current scam, either a "Foundation" like the Clinton's to launder bribes, or paying off family members like Pelosi, Biden and Kerry did it.

Trump's the process of exposing all of this, which is why the Left is in such a panic

Nice to see that you gave up on the claim that Biden got the prosecutor fired to stop an investigation of his son.

Of course the fact that there WAS no investigation to stop kinda ruined that one huh?

So all you got left is character assassination of Biden's son huh?

By the way...what are the qualifications for Kushner and Ivanka?

Has Kushner started any MORE wars trying to strongarm countries for loans to bail out his properties?
supposedly connected to Kremlin?

An ex-KGB who helped Steele was killed.
Putin Hates Hillary, because she challenge Russia's election.

Steele dossier is moot anyways, because nobody knew about it prior to 2016 vote for president.

Putin wanted the ClintonCrime Family, who he had a history of bribing, at his beck and President.
Everybody in Russia has free will, just like here in the USA not everybody supports Trump. They have phones and internet in Russia. The Russians who helped Steele were acting on their own behalf as indiviuals. Not everybody loves Putin in Russia, just like any other country where a leader isnt universally liked.

Putin himself said he wanted Trump

Why Putin hates Hillary.

1) Top 10 crimes Mueller report considers

John Solomon has zero credibility

2) It was the FBI surveilling Russian influence, and they warned Trump Campaign that Russia was doing it. However, the campaign had a shitload of contacts with Russia that were picked up in the process.

3) That is a conspiracy memo

4) here are two common instances in which Americans’ names are included in the reports

Trump's FBI director say there wasnt spying

In summary, think before you post. Use credible sources.
The Dossier claimed it's sources were linked to the Kremlin, when the Dossier was used by Obama and the Intelligence Community to illegally spy on Trump, this claim was given weight. Now that they want to impeach Trump for even mentioning to Ukraine that they should follow up on the obvious corruption of Biden family, the Left has reversed itself.

You fool no one!
You have actual link?
You do know a conservative group bought the dossier originally?

"You do know a conservative group bought the dossier originally?"

That's a lie.

Watch me shred it.

The attempted obfuscation by the Left, the Democrats/Liberals, is to point out that the firs to hire Fusion GPS was a never-Trump website, the Washington Free Beacon.
THEN, Hillary directed $ millions to that company to get the Kremlin to provide the fabrications we call the 'dossier.'


The Washington Free Beacon used only domestic sources as opposition research.
The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, sink the Trump candidacy.
And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing to be President.

"Lawyers for the conservative publication Washington Free Beacon informed the House Intelligence Committee Friday that the organization was the original funder for the anti-Trump opposition research project with Fusion GPS.

The Free Beacon funded the project from the fall of 2015 through the spring of 2016, whereupon it withdrew funding and the project was picked up by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

The original arrangement between the Free Beacon and Fusion GPS involved opposition research into multiple Republican candidates, not just front-runner Donald Trump.

Sources close to the Free Beacon stress that the project, when the Free Beacon funded it, had nothing to do with Russia and did not involve Christopher Steele, the former British spy who gathered anti-Trump dirt in Russia. Steele was retained by Fusion GPS when the project was funded by Democrats, and not in its initial phase, when the Free Beacon was involved." Washington Free Beacon funded original Fusion GPS anti-Trump opposition effort

Soooo....only one entity paid Russia to involve itself in the election.....the DNC.

The incident that gave cover to the Democrats and gave rise to Mueller is the question of collusion with RUSSIA.
Do you understand the difference between the Russian government (aka Kremlin) and the Russian people?
Steele was working with Russian people outside of government, such as ex-KGB.

A great explanation is here: They want you to believe Clinton colluded with Russia to defeat herself

Don't forget the FBI who favored Hillary so much that Comey torpedoed her campaign, by announcing re-opening of her email issue one week prior to voting.
Putin wanted the ClintonCrime Family, who he had a history of bribing, at his beck and President.
Everybody in Russia has free will, just like here in the USA not everybody supports Trump. They have phones and internet in Russia. The Russians who helped Steele were acting on their own behalf as indiviuals. Not everybody loves Putin in Russia, just like any other country where a leader isnt universally liked.

Putin himself said he wanted Trump

Why Putin hates Hillary.

1) Top 10 crimes Mueller report considers

John Solomon has zero credibility

2) It was the FBI surveilling Russian influence, and they warned Trump Campaign that Russia was doing it. However, the campaign had a shitload of contacts with Russia that were picked up in the process.

3) That is a conspiracy memo

4) here are two common instances in which Americans’ names are included in the reports

Trump's FBI director say there wasnt spying

In summary, think before you post. Use credible sources.
The Dossier claimed it's sources were linked to the Kremlin, when the Dossier was used by Obama and the Intelligence Community to illegally spy on Trump, this claim was given weight. Now that they want to impeach Trump for even mentioning to Ukraine that they should follow up on the obvious corruption of Biden family, the Left has reversed itself.

You fool no one!
You have actual link?
You do know a conservative group bought the dossier originally?

"You do know a conservative group bought the dossier originally?"

That's a lie.

Watch me shred it.

The attempted obfuscation by the Left, the Democrats/Liberals, is to point out that the firs to hire Fusion GPS was a never-Trump website, the Washington Free Beacon.
THEN, Hillary directed $ millions to that company to get the Kremlin to provide the fabrications we call the 'dossier.'


The Washington Free Beacon used only domestic sources as opposition research.
The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, sink the Trump candidacy.
And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing to be President.

"Lawyers for the conservative publication Washington Free Beacon informed the House Intelligence Committee Friday that the organization was the original funder for the anti-Trump opposition research project with Fusion GPS.

The Free Beacon funded the project from the fall of 2015 through the spring of 2016, whereupon it withdrew funding and the project was picked up by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

The original arrangement between the Free Beacon and Fusion GPS involved opposition research into multiple Republican candidates, not just front-runner Donald Trump.

Sources close to the Free Beacon stress that the project, when the Free Beacon funded it, had nothing to do with Russia and did not involve Christopher Steele, the former British spy who gathered anti-Trump dirt in Russia. Steele was retained by Fusion GPS when the project was funded by Democrats, and not in its initial phase, when the Free Beacon was involved." Washington Free Beacon funded original Fusion GPS anti-Trump opposition effort

Soooo....only one entity paid Russia to involve itself in the election.....the DNC.

The incident that gave cover to the Democrats and gave rise to Mueller is the question of collusion with RUSSIA.
Do you understand the difference between the Russian government (aka Kremlin) and the Russian people?
Steele was working with Russian people outside of government, such as ex-KGB.

A great explanation is here: They want you to believe Clinton colluded with Russia to defeat herself

Don't forget the FBI who favored Hillary so much that Comey torpedoed her campaign, by announcing re-opening of her email issue one week prior to voting.
Dossier Russian Sources included those that were Kremlin linked.
They were buying the Vice President of the United States by filling the pockets of his coke addled son with cash. No one doubts this. Hunter doesn't even speak, write or understand Ukrainian. This is the current scam, either a "Foundation" like the Clinton's to launder bribes, or paying off family members like Pelosi, Biden and Kerry did it.

Trump's the process of exposing all of this, which is why the Left is in such a panic

Nice to see that you gave up on the claim that Biden got the prosecutor fired to stop an investigation of his son...
Not only to protect his son, but also the corrupt company that gave Hunter $3M for a no show job, and the company that gave Biden $900k
...Of course the fact that there WAS no investigation to stop kinda ruined that one huh?...
There was an investigation of the corrupt company that was paying off the Biden's.
... So all you got left is character assassination of Biden's son huh?...
The cokehead who got thrown out of the Navy, who left his wife to have an affair with his sister in law after his brother died, and who blew all his money on hookers and blow, according to the wife he left, that guy?
Everybody in Russia has free will, just like here in the USA not everybody supports Trump. They have phones and internet in Russia. The Russians who helped Steele were acting on their own behalf as indiviuals. Not everybody loves Putin in Russia, just like any other country where a leader isnt universally liked.

Putin himself said he wanted Trump

Why Putin hates Hillary.

1) Top 10 crimes Mueller report considers

John Solomon has zero credibility

2) It was the FBI surveilling Russian influence, and they warned Trump Campaign that Russia was doing it. However, the campaign had a shitload of contacts with Russia that were picked up in the process.

3) That is a conspiracy memo

4) here are two common instances in which Americans’ names are included in the reports

Trump's FBI director say there wasnt spying

In summary, think before you post. Use credible sources.
The Dossier claimed it's sources were linked to the Kremlin, when the Dossier was used by Obama and the Intelligence Community to illegally spy on Trump, this claim was given weight. Now that they want to impeach Trump for even mentioning to Ukraine that they should follow up on the obvious corruption of Biden family, the Left has reversed itself.

You fool no one!
You have actual link?
You do know a conservative group bought the dossier originally?

"You do know a conservative group bought the dossier originally?"

That's a lie.

Watch me shred it.

The attempted obfuscation by the Left, the Democrats/Liberals, is to point out that the firs to hire Fusion GPS was a never-Trump website, the Washington Free Beacon.
THEN, Hillary directed $ millions to that company to get the Kremlin to provide the fabrications we call the 'dossier.'


The Washington Free Beacon used only domestic sources as opposition research.
The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, sink the Trump candidacy.
And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing to be President.

"Lawyers for the conservative publication Washington Free Beacon informed the House Intelligence Committee Friday that the organization was the original funder for the anti-Trump opposition research project with Fusion GPS.

The Free Beacon funded the project from the fall of 2015 through the spring of 2016, whereupon it withdrew funding and the project was picked up by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

The original arrangement between the Free Beacon and Fusion GPS involved opposition research into multiple Republican candidates, not just front-runner Donald Trump.

Sources close to the Free Beacon stress that the project, when the Free Beacon funded it, had nothing to do with Russia and did not involve Christopher Steele, the former British spy who gathered anti-Trump dirt in Russia. Steele was retained by Fusion GPS when the project was funded by Democrats, and not in its initial phase, when the Free Beacon was involved." Washington Free Beacon funded original Fusion GPS anti-Trump opposition effort

Soooo....only one entity paid Russia to involve itself in the election.....the DNC.

The incident that gave cover to the Democrats and gave rise to Mueller is the question of collusion with RUSSIA.
Do you understand the difference between the Russian government (aka Kremlin) and the Russian people?
Steele was working with Russian people outside of government, such as ex-KGB.

A great explanation is here: They want you to believe Clinton colluded with Russia to defeat herself

Don't forget the FBI who favored Hillary so much that Comey torpedoed her campaign, by announcing re-opening of her email issue one week prior to voting.
Dossier Russian Sources included those that were Kremlin linked.
The Kremlin was the subject of much of the dossier.
But yes, its certainly likely that the Kremlin fed some misinformation to Steele, yet the bulk of it remains corroborated.
Remember how we were assured by all that Dirty Bob was oozing with integrity? Then during his testimony it was clear that his involvement was a farce, and he didn't have a clue what was going on. He was a face without a purpose, other than once again, to mislead.

With the Demos attacks on Trump, it's always lies and farces, all the way down.

Trump-bashers think that Mueller is the torch bearer for everything that is noble and just. Of course, as in most things, they are wrong. The only people who believe Mueller is principled are those who know nothing about him. Muller leaves behind him a record of incompetency and ruthlessness

.Muller mishandling the anthrax investigation back in the early 1990s His ignorance, arrogance and total disregard for individual rights and due process ruined the lives of innocent people, including Steven Hatfill. Hatfill sued and was awarded almost $6 million.

Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

Mueller didn't give a royal damn about how many innocent people he hurt as long as he deluded Americans that he was doing his job

“In the aftermath of the attacks, Mueller directed the “post-9/11 round-up” of around 1,000 immigrants who mostly happened to be in the wrong place (NYC area) at the wrong time, as FBI Headquarters encouraged more and more detentions for what seemed to be essentially PR purposes. Field offices were required to report daily the number of detentions in order to supply grist for FBI press releases about FBI “progress” in fighting terrorism. Consequently, some of the detainees were brutalized and jailed for up to a year despite the fact that none turned out to be terrorists.”

No, Robert Mueller And James Comey Aren't Heroes | HuffPost

There is one more case that reveals Mueller's true character. The FBI let four men rot in prison for decades even though they knew the men were innocent. Mueller did his best to keep them there.

“In 2001, the four men convicted of Teddy Deegan’s murder [in 1965] were exonerated. Turned out the FBI let them take the rap to protect one of their informants, a killer named Vincent “Jimmy’’ Flemmi, who just happened to be the brother of their other rat, Stevie Flemmi. Thanks to the FBI’s corruption, taxpayers got stuck with the $100 million bill for compensating the framed men, two of whom, Greco and Tameleo, died in prison.

“Albano was appalled that, later that same year, Mueller was appointed FBI director, because it was Mueller, first as an assistant US attorney then as the acting US attorney in Boston, who wrote letters to the parole and pardons board throughout the 1980s opposing clemency for the four men framed by FBI lies.

“Of course, Mueller was also in that position while Whitey Bulger was helping the FBI cart off his criminal competitors even as he buried bodies in shallow graves along the Neponset

“Four years ago, when questioned about the FBI’s corruption in Boston, Mueller told the Globe, “I think the public should recognize that what happened, happened years ago.’’

A lingering question for the FBI’s director

Mueller is dishonest and ruthless. The only thing he cares about is himself. He will destroy people's lives to protect his image. The fact that Mueller gave Hillary a free pass on her multiple crimes – including Russian collusion - while conducting a witch hunt on Trump proves he is biased and corrupt,. The stench of Hillary Clinton emanates from his every pore.
As bad as Mueller was, a republican congress in 2011 unanimously extended Mueller's term as FBI director for two more years.
So, Mueller was FBI director for 12 years. Why would he want to become director again in 2017. Its pure nonsense.

Hillary's campaign purchased opposition research from Steele, which had Russian sources. And these sources had assassination attempts from russian government. Because Putin hates Hillary.

This is not the same as the Russian government helping a US campaign or influencing a US election.
Russia pushed the Dossier into the 2016 election, in collusion with the CIA, FBI and foreign governments, because he hates Hillary so much?

Have you read the Dossier?
The Russian government had nothing to do with the dossier.
It was from Steele, who wasnt on the good side of Putin or his government.
Putin had tried to kill people associated with steele, such as Skripal.

One more time for the Cons with a single digit I.Q.

The "Steele Dossier" was originally contracted to dig up information detrimental to 45. The People who paid for it WERE MOTHER FUCKING REPUBLICANS...GOT THAT!!!

When they realized that 5-Deferment Draft Dodging POS 45 would be the nominee, they dropped it. Yes, it was shopped to HRC's Campaign, but they were not the original parties who wanted the damn thing.

Next. Not ONE bit of the Dossier has proven to be a lie.

Cons ordered the Dossier.

Russia interfered the 2016 Election.

45 is Draft Dodging POS shit that attacks Gold Star Families and thanks to withdrawing U.S. Troops from Syria, is aiding and abetting genocide of the Kruds who are our allies. And just for shits and giggles for GroppenFuhrer followers, Turkish Military Units shelled U.S. Special Forces in the current attacks against the Kurds.

That Draft Dodging POS actually caused U.S. Forces to shelled by the Turkish Army.

Fuck 45

Fuck Russia.

Fuck The Seig Heil Goosestepping Dead From The Neck Up Fuck Wad Racists who get down their knees in hopes of giving the Orange Shit Gibbon a Blow Job.

Please try to pretend you are an adult, not a Democrat....and stop the vulgarity, no matter how you were brought up.

Grow up. a spanking before you prove you a lying Liberal.....none of the original dossier was from the Kremlin.....only the Hillary version came from Putin.

Putin used Brit communist Steele to conduit the fraudulent rag to Hillary and the DNC, and to the media and the Deep State.

The attempted obfuscation by the Left, the Democrats/Liberals, is to point out that the firs to hire Fusion GPS was a never-Trump website, the Washington Free Beacon.
THEN, Hillary directed $ millions to that company to get the Kremlin to provide the fabrications we call the 'dossier.'


The Washington Free Beacon used only domestic sources as opposition research.
The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, sink the Trump candidacy.
And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing to be President.

"Lawyers for the conservative publication Washington Free Beacon informed the House Intelligence Committee Friday that the organization was the original funder for the anti-Trump opposition research project with Fusion GPS.

The Free Beacon funded the project from the fall of 2015 through the spring of 2016, whereupon it withdrew funding and the project was picked up by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

The original arrangement between the Free Beacon and Fusion GPS involved opposition research into multiple Republican candidates, not just front-runner Donald Trump.

Sources close to the Free Beacon stress that the project, when the Free Beacon funded it, had nothing to do with Russia and did not involve Christopher Steele, the former British spy who gathered anti-Trump dirt in Russia. Steele was retained by Fusion GPS when the project was funded by Democrats, and not in its initial phase, when the Free Beacon was involved." Washington Free Beacon funded original Fusion GPS anti-Trump opposition effort

Soooo....only one entity paid Russia to involve itself in the election.....the DNC.

The incident that gave cover to the Democrats and gave rise to Mueller is the question of collusion with RUSSIA.
"Another Liar? Despite Denials Under Oath, Mueller Wanted FBI Director Job During 2017 Meeting With Trump

There are a lot of rotten eggs at the FBI and now we’re learning that ex-special counsel Robert Mueller had actually pursued the FBI director position in 2017, despite denying it under oath.

...when Robert Mueller met with President Trump in May of 2017, Mueller was indeed pursuing the open post as the director of the FBI – something the former Russia probe special counsel denied under oath during congressional testimony this summer.

...emails released this month through a Freedom of Information Act request by the conservative group Judicial Watch seemed to indicate Mueller knew there was a real possibility he could be named special counsel if he wasn’t chosen as the next FBI director."
Another Liar? Despite Denials Under Oath, Mueller Wanted FBI Director Job During 2017 Meeting With Trump

Boy we are really digging deep aren't we.
Against a guy who has lied 12000 times?
Interesting, do you actually read your links?
No visual of mueller lying.
"Multiple officials tell Fox News "
"Seemed to indicate"
"m denied t claim , believed he was "giving input"
So do we believe the 12000 lie boy or M?
Dirty Bob Mueller lied under oath when testified that he had not sought the FBI Director job.

) Got the video?
See above.
I guess you believe the con saying Biden got $1.5 B from the Chinese too?
His white boy disability and SS Medicare cult (1/4 of them troll from rally to rally, like NASCAR) were chanting last night

"During his time with Burisma, Hunter reportedly received compensation up to $50,000 a month."
A Ukraine gas company tied to Joe Biden's son is at the center of the Trump-whistleblower scandal

How about you list the expertise, knowledge, and/or background in oil that makes Hunter Biden worth over half a million dollars,

Must be quite a list, you dunce.
They were buying the Vice President of the United States by filling the pockets of his coke addled son with cash. No one doubts this. Hunter doesn't even speak, write or understand Ukrainian. This is the current scam, either a "Foundation" like the Clinton's to launder bribes, or paying off family members like Pelosi, Biden and Kerry did it.

Trump's the process of exposing all of this, which is why the Left is in such a panic.

The same reason they hate and fear this:

"Deregulation Nation: Trump Admin Killing 13 Regulations For Each New One

One of President Donald Trump’s campaign promises was to roll back Obama-era regulations and to lift a variety of restrictions put in place by the mammoth bureaucracy that is our federal government.

He stated in the lead-up to the 2016 election that he intended to eliminate two regulations for every new one. To date, the Trump administration is far exceeding that goal, eliminating 13 regulations for every new one.

The Washington Examiner reports:

“We’ve hit 13 to 1,” [Russ Vought, acting budget office director] told a Heritage Foundation conference on federalism. And cutting so many regulations, he added, has saved taxpayers $33 billion.

Departments and agencies including the departments of Labor, Education, Agriculture, and the Environmental Protection Agency have led the war on regulations, according to federal reports.

Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, said that President Trump has a builder’s approach to regulations and federalism.

“It is the best kind because it is real and it’s born of real world experience,” said the former House member.

“The president has it because he had to go and pull a permit to build a building and deal with bureaucracy and doesn’t like that and knows why that impedes growth and impedes development, impedes creativity,” said Mulvaney."
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Deregulation Nation: Trump Admin Killing 13 Regulations For Each New One

Think bank robbers would be upset if Trump took away their guns?

Same thing here.
FISA Judges Collyer and Boasberg Both Identified NSA Databases Used for Political Surveillance…
Against what we see more visible every day; and thinking about how corrupt we already know the Mueller investigation to be; now consider that without going to federal courts to gain legal authority, warrants, taps etc…. using the database Mueller’s team could continue to exploit the FISA(702) process.

They could gather material for their criminal cases through the NSA database and then transfer those results to their spun off prosecutions.

That’s why the Steele Dossier was so important. The Dossier formed the basis to continue making the Mueller investigation a counterintelligence operation, Title-I. Without the Dossier creating the foreign construct, Mueller’s team would have had to follow Title-III.
Putin wanted the ClintonCrime Family, who he had a history of bribing, at his beck and President.
Everybody in Russia has free will, just like here in the USA not everybody supports Trump. They have phones and internet in Russia. The Russians who helped Steele were acting on their own behalf as indiviuals. Not everybody loves Putin in Russia, just like any other country where a leader isnt universally liked.

Putin himself said he wanted Trump

Why Putin hates Hillary.

1) Top 10 crimes Mueller report considers

John Solomon has zero credibility

2) It was the FBI surveilling Russian influence, and they warned Trump Campaign that Russia was doing it. However, the campaign had a shitload of contacts with Russia that were picked up in the process.

3) That is a conspiracy memo

4) here are two common instances in which Americans’ names are included in the reports

Trump's FBI director say there wasnt spying

In summary, think before you post. Use credible sources.
The Dossier claimed it's sources were linked to the Kremlin, when the Dossier was used by Obama and the Intelligence Community to illegally spy on Trump, this claim was given weight. Now that they want to impeach Trump for even mentioning to Ukraine that they should follow up on the obvious corruption of Biden family, the Left has reversed itself.

You fool no one!
You have actual link?
You do know a conservative group bought the dossier originally?

"You do know a conservative group bought the dossier originally?"

That's a lie.

Watch me shred it.

The attempted obfuscation by the Left, the Democrats/Liberals, is to point out that the firs to hire Fusion GPS was a never-Trump website, the Washington Free Beacon.
THEN, Hillary directed $ millions to that company to get the Kremlin to provide the fabrications we call the 'dossier.'


The Washington Free Beacon used only domestic sources as opposition research.
The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, sink the Trump candidacy.
And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing to be President.

"Lawyers for the conservative publication Washington Free Beacon informed the House Intelligence Committee Friday that the organization was the original funder for the anti-Trump opposition research project with Fusion GPS.

The Free Beacon funded the project from the fall of 2015 through the spring of 2016, whereupon it withdrew funding and the project was picked up by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

The original arrangement between the Free Beacon and Fusion GPS involved opposition research into multiple Republican candidates, not just front-runner Donald Trump.

Sources close to the Free Beacon stress that the project, when the Free Beacon funded it, had nothing to do with Russia and did not involve Christopher Steele, the former British spy who gathered anti-Trump dirt in Russia. Steele was retained by Fusion GPS when the project was funded by Democrats, and not in its initial phase, when the Free Beacon was involved." Washington Free Beacon funded original Fusion GPS anti-Trump opposition effort

Soooo....only one entity paid Russia to involve itself in the election.....the DNC.

The incident that gave cover to the Democrats and gave rise to Mueller is the question of collusion with RUSSIA.
Do you understand the difference between the Russian government (aka Kremlin) and the Russian people?
Steele was working with Russian people outside of government, such as ex-KGB.

A great explanation is here: They want you to believe Clinton colluded with Russia to defeat herself

Don't forget the FBI who favored Hillary so much that Comey torpedoed her campaign, by announcing re-opening of her email issue one week prior to voting.

No, dunce.....Steele was the latest version of Soviet spy in MI6, Kim Philby, who did Putin's bidding.

1. [Supposed author of the dossier,] Steele was a “confirmed socialist” in college at Oxford when he was hired by MI6, another point of suspicion for someone who would be dispatched to Moscow as a spy and later serve as head of the Russian desk at MI6, all extremely sensitive positions." The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

2.. Christopher Steele, Hillary's employee, got the 'dossier' via
Oleg Deripaska, a Russian oligarch linked to Vladimir Putin, according to a new report.
Christopher Steele Reportedly Worked For Sanctioned Russian Oligarch

3. Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

4. If any collusion occurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.

The Dossier claimed it's sources were linked to the Kremlin, when the Dossier was used by Obama and the Intelligence Community to illegally spy on Trump, this claim was given weight. Now that they want to impeach Trump for even mentioning to Ukraine that they should follow up on the obvious corruption of Biden family, the Left has reversed itself.

You fool no one!
You have actual link?
You do know a conservative group bought the dossier originally?

"You do know a conservative group bought the dossier originally?"

That's a lie.

Watch me shred it.

The attempted obfuscation by the Left, the Democrats/Liberals, is to point out that the firs to hire Fusion GPS was a never-Trump website, the Washington Free Beacon.
THEN, Hillary directed $ millions to that company to get the Kremlin to provide the fabrications we call the 'dossier.'


The Washington Free Beacon used only domestic sources as opposition research.
The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, sink the Trump candidacy.
And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing to be President.

"Lawyers for the conservative publication Washington Free Beacon informed the House Intelligence Committee Friday that the organization was the original funder for the anti-Trump opposition research project with Fusion GPS.

The Free Beacon funded the project from the fall of 2015 through the spring of 2016, whereupon it withdrew funding and the project was picked up by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

The original arrangement between the Free Beacon and Fusion GPS involved opposition research into multiple Republican candidates, not just front-runner Donald Trump.

Sources close to the Free Beacon stress that the project, when the Free Beacon funded it, had nothing to do with Russia and did not involve Christopher Steele, the former British spy who gathered anti-Trump dirt in Russia. Steele was retained by Fusion GPS when the project was funded by Democrats, and not in its initial phase, when the Free Beacon was involved." Washington Free Beacon funded original Fusion GPS anti-Trump opposition effort

Soooo....only one entity paid Russia to involve itself in the election.....the DNC.

The incident that gave cover to the Democrats and gave rise to Mueller is the question of collusion with RUSSIA.
Do you understand the difference between the Russian government (aka Kremlin) and the Russian people?
Steele was working with Russian people outside of government, such as ex-KGB.

A great explanation is here: They want you to believe Clinton colluded with Russia to defeat herself

Don't forget the FBI who favored Hillary so much that Comey torpedoed her campaign, by announcing re-opening of her email issue one week prior to voting.
Dossier Russian Sources included those that were Kremlin linked.
The Kremlin was the subject of much of the dossier.
But yes, its certainly likely that the Kremlin fed some misinformation to Steele, yet the bulk of it remains corroborated.

"..., yet the bulk of it remains corroborated."

Another lie I will shred:

"After 18 months of steely-eyed investigation, the only parts of the dossier that have been "confirmed" are bland factual statements -- Moscow is a city in Russia -- while the untrue parts are anything having to do with Trump or his associates.

As New York Times national security reporter Matthew Rosenberg explained to MSNBC's easily excited Chris Hayes last March:

"Both journalists and others who had copies of it for a long time have not been able to report much of it out. We've heard that, you know, the FBI and the Intelligence Community believe about 30 percent of it may be accurate, but most of that 30 percent, if not all, has been non-Trump stuff."
February 7, 2018 - CARTER PAGE: AGENT 000

“Not one claim concerning Trump in the Steele Dossier has ever been verified by the FBI, according to Andrew McCabe himself in recent testimony to the House Intelligence Committee. The only confirmed fact is unsurprising: former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page traveled to Moscow on his own dime and met with various Russians—all perfectly legal.

Comey and then-CIA Director John Brennan laundered the Steele Dossier through the U.S. intelligence community to give it an aura of credibility and get it to the press. It was also used by the FBI and senior DOJ officials to secure wiretap warrants from a secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court. Then its contents, via court-authorized FISA warrants, were used to justify the illegal unmasking of the identities of wiretapped Trump officials.”
The Politicization of the FBI

“Agents did not believe that either the source or Mr. Steele was deliberately inventing things, according to the former official. How the dossier ended up loaded with dubious or exaggerated details remains uncertain, but the document may be the result of a high-stakes game of telephone, in which rumors and hearsay were passed from source to source.” Mueller Report Likely to Renew Scrutiny of Steele Dossier

The purpose was to
a. sink Trump

b. elect Hillary

c. influence morons like you.
Today, of course, the excuse for singing the communist tune, by the Democrat Party, is forced indoctrination in government school. The course they neglected to teach might have begun with Kim Philby.

Philby was a double-agent, outwardly working for British Intelligence, MI6, their version of our CIA, but actually an ideological communist who worked for Russia. Philby was one of a number of British agents who leaned Left, and served Stalin.

BTW, another college-bred communist, who also worked for British MI6, and actually followed Philby’s model, has roiled American politics for nearly a decade: Christopher Steele.

3. [Supposed author of the dossier,] Steele confirmed socialist” in college at Oxford when he was hired by MI6, another point of suspicion for someone who would be dispatched to Moscow as a spy and later serve as head of the Russian desk at MI6, all extremely sensitive positions."

The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

Kim Philby did tremendous damage to the West…..Christopher Steele did as well.
You have actual link?
You do know a conservative group bought the dossier originally?

"You do know a conservative group bought the dossier originally?"

That's a lie.

Watch me shred it.

The attempted obfuscation by the Left, the Democrats/Liberals, is to point out that the firs to hire Fusion GPS was a never-Trump website, the Washington Free Beacon.
THEN, Hillary directed $ millions to that company to get the Kremlin to provide the fabrications we call the 'dossier.'


The Washington Free Beacon used only domestic sources as opposition research.
The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, sink the Trump candidacy.
And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing to be President.

"Lawyers for the conservative publication Washington Free Beacon informed the House Intelligence Committee Friday that the organization was the original funder for the anti-Trump opposition research project with Fusion GPS.

The Free Beacon funded the project from the fall of 2015 through the spring of 2016, whereupon it withdrew funding and the project was picked up by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

The original arrangement between the Free Beacon and Fusion GPS involved opposition research into multiple Republican candidates, not just front-runner Donald Trump.

Sources close to the Free Beacon stress that the project, when the Free Beacon funded it, had nothing to do with Russia and did not involve Christopher Steele, the former British spy who gathered anti-Trump dirt in Russia. Steele was retained by Fusion GPS when the project was funded by Democrats, and not in its initial phase, when the Free Beacon was involved." Washington Free Beacon funded original Fusion GPS anti-Trump opposition effort

Soooo....only one entity paid Russia to involve itself in the election.....the DNC.

The incident that gave cover to the Democrats and gave rise to Mueller is the question of collusion with RUSSIA.
Do you understand the difference between the Russian government (aka Kremlin) and the Russian people?
Steele was working with Russian people outside of government, such as ex-KGB.

A great explanation is here: They want you to believe Clinton colluded with Russia to defeat herself

Don't forget the FBI who favored Hillary so much that Comey torpedoed her campaign, by announcing re-opening of her email issue one week prior to voting.
Dossier Russian Sources included those that were Kremlin linked.
The Kremlin was the subject of much of the dossier.
But yes, its certainly likely that the Kremlin fed some misinformation to Steele, yet the bulk of it remains corroborated.

"..., yet the bulk of it remains corroborated."

Another lie I will shred:

"After 18 months of steely-eyed investigation, the only parts of the dossier that have been "confirmed" are bland factual statements -- Moscow is a city in Russia -- while the untrue parts are anything having to do with Trump or his associates.

As New York Times national security reporter Matthew Rosenberg explained to MSNBC's easily excited Chris Hayes last March:

"Both journalists and others who had copies of it for a long time have not been able to report much of it out. We've heard that, you know, the FBI and the Intelligence Community believe about 30 percent of it may be accurate, but most of that 30 percent, if not all, has been non-Trump stuff."
February 7, 2018 - CARTER PAGE: AGENT 000

“Not one claim concerning Trump in the Steele Dossier has ever been verified by the FBI, according to Andrew McCabe himself in recent testimony to the House Intelligence Committee. The only confirmed fact is unsurprising: former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page traveled to Moscow on his own dime and met with various Russians—all perfectly legal.

Comey and then-CIA Director John Brennan laundered the Steele Dossier through the U.S. intelligence community to give it an aura of credibility and get it to the press. It was also used by the FBI and senior DOJ officials to secure wiretap warrants from a secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court. Then its contents, via court-authorized FISA warrants, were used to justify the illegal unmasking of the identities of wiretapped Trump officials.”
The Politicization of the FBI

“Agents did not believe that either the source or Mr. Steele was deliberately inventing things, according to the former official. How the dossier ended up loaded with dubious or exaggerated details remains uncertain, but the document may be the result of a high-stakes game of telephone, in which rumors and hearsay were passed from source to source.” Mueller Report Likely to Renew Scrutiny of Steele Dossier

The purpose was to
a. sink Trump

b. elect Hillary

c. influence morons like you.
How could the dossier be used to help Hillary when nobody knew about the dossier during the campaign?
"You do know a conservative group bought the dossier originally?"

That's a lie.

Watch me shred it.

The attempted obfuscation by the Left, the Democrats/Liberals, is to point out that the firs to hire Fusion GPS was a never-Trump website, the Washington Free Beacon.
THEN, Hillary directed $ millions to that company to get the Kremlin to provide the fabrications we call the 'dossier.'


The Washington Free Beacon used only domestic sources as opposition research.
The Democrats colluded, collaborated, conspired with Moscow, the Kremlin, sink the Trump candidacy.
And the Kremlin was happy to do so: they wanted the candidate that they had a history of bribing to be President.

"Lawyers for the conservative publication Washington Free Beacon informed the House Intelligence Committee Friday that the organization was the original funder for the anti-Trump opposition research project with Fusion GPS.

The Free Beacon funded the project from the fall of 2015 through the spring of 2016, whereupon it withdrew funding and the project was picked up by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

The original arrangement between the Free Beacon and Fusion GPS involved opposition research into multiple Republican candidates, not just front-runner Donald Trump.

Sources close to the Free Beacon stress that the project, when the Free Beacon funded it, had nothing to do with Russia and did not involve Christopher Steele, the former British spy who gathered anti-Trump dirt in Russia. Steele was retained by Fusion GPS when the project was funded by Democrats, and not in its initial phase, when the Free Beacon was involved." Washington Free Beacon funded original Fusion GPS anti-Trump opposition effort

Soooo....only one entity paid Russia to involve itself in the election.....the DNC.

The incident that gave cover to the Democrats and gave rise to Mueller is the question of collusion with RUSSIA.
Do you understand the difference between the Russian government (aka Kremlin) and the Russian people?
Steele was working with Russian people outside of government, such as ex-KGB.

A great explanation is here: They want you to believe Clinton colluded with Russia to defeat herself

Don't forget the FBI who favored Hillary so much that Comey torpedoed her campaign, by announcing re-opening of her email issue one week prior to voting.
Dossier Russian Sources included those that were Kremlin linked.
The Kremlin was the subject of much of the dossier.
But yes, its certainly likely that the Kremlin fed some misinformation to Steele, yet the bulk of it remains corroborated.

"..., yet the bulk of it remains corroborated."

Another lie I will shred:

"After 18 months of steely-eyed investigation, the only parts of the dossier that have been "confirmed" are bland factual statements -- Moscow is a city in Russia -- while the untrue parts are anything having to do with Trump or his associates.

As New York Times national security reporter Matthew Rosenberg explained to MSNBC's easily excited Chris Hayes last March:

"Both journalists and others who had copies of it for a long time have not been able to report much of it out. We've heard that, you know, the FBI and the Intelligence Community believe about 30 percent of it may be accurate, but most of that 30 percent, if not all, has been non-Trump stuff."
February 7, 2018 - CARTER PAGE: AGENT 000

“Not one claim concerning Trump in the Steele Dossier has ever been verified by the FBI, according to Andrew McCabe himself in recent testimony to the House Intelligence Committee. The only confirmed fact is unsurprising: former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page traveled to Moscow on his own dime and met with various Russians—all perfectly legal.

Comey and then-CIA Director John Brennan laundered the Steele Dossier through the U.S. intelligence community to give it an aura of credibility and get it to the press. It was also used by the FBI and senior DOJ officials to secure wiretap warrants from a secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court. Then its contents, via court-authorized FISA warrants, were used to justify the illegal unmasking of the identities of wiretapped Trump officials.”
The Politicization of the FBI

“Agents did not believe that either the source or Mr. Steele was deliberately inventing things, according to the former official. How the dossier ended up loaded with dubious or exaggerated details remains uncertain, but the document may be the result of a high-stakes game of telephone, in which rumors and hearsay were passed from source to source.” Mueller Report Likely to Renew Scrutiny of Steele Dossier

The purpose was to
a. sink Trump

b. elect Hillary

c. influence morons like you.
How could the dossier be used to help Hillary when nobody knew about the dossier during the campaign?

I used to think you dopes were playing dumb......

The dossier was issued on Oct. 19, 2016, according to reporting this week from The Post.
We do know one element contained in it. The Post first reported on the warrant (known as a FISA warrant, short for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) in April. "
Analysis | What we know about the warrant to surveil Carter Page

" April 2016, Marc Elias — a top Democratic campaign lawyer — retained Fusion GPS through his firm of Perkins Coie on behalf of both Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Perkins Coie, at Elias’s behest and with the bills ultimately paid by Clinton and the DNC, continued to fund Fusion’s work through the end of October 2016, though the people involved say that neither the campaign nor the DNC was aware of the details of Fusion’s work."
Steele’s dossier circulated in the media during the fall of 2016..."
The Steele dossier on Trump and Russia, explained

Clearly, the dossier is contemporary with the Left/FBI attack on Trump associates.

Who was the dossier aimed AGAINST, you moron?????
Do you understand the difference between the Russian government (aka Kremlin) and the Russian people?
Steele was working with Russian people outside of government, such as ex-KGB.

A great explanation is here: They want you to believe Clinton colluded with Russia to defeat herself

Don't forget the FBI who favored Hillary so much that Comey torpedoed her campaign, by announcing re-opening of her email issue one week prior to voting.
Dossier Russian Sources included those that were Kremlin linked.
The Kremlin was the subject of much of the dossier.
But yes, its certainly likely that the Kremlin fed some misinformation to Steele, yet the bulk of it remains corroborated.

"..., yet the bulk of it remains corroborated."

Another lie I will shred:

"After 18 months of steely-eyed investigation, the only parts of the dossier that have been "confirmed" are bland factual statements -- Moscow is a city in Russia -- while the untrue parts are anything having to do with Trump or his associates.

As New York Times national security reporter Matthew Rosenberg explained to MSNBC's easily excited Chris Hayes last March:

"Both journalists and others who had copies of it for a long time have not been able to report much of it out. We've heard that, you know, the FBI and the Intelligence Community believe about 30 percent of it may be accurate, but most of that 30 percent, if not all, has been non-Trump stuff."
February 7, 2018 - CARTER PAGE: AGENT 000

“Not one claim concerning Trump in the Steele Dossier has ever been verified by the FBI, according to Andrew McCabe himself in recent testimony to the House Intelligence Committee. The only confirmed fact is unsurprising: former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page traveled to Moscow on his own dime and met with various Russians—all perfectly legal.

Comey and then-CIA Director John Brennan laundered the Steele Dossier through the U.S. intelligence community to give it an aura of credibility and get it to the press. It was also used by the FBI and senior DOJ officials to secure wiretap warrants from a secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court. Then its contents, via court-authorized FISA warrants, were used to justify the illegal unmasking of the identities of wiretapped Trump officials.”
The Politicization of the FBI

“Agents did not believe that either the source or Mr. Steele was deliberately inventing things, according to the former official. How the dossier ended up loaded with dubious or exaggerated details remains uncertain, but the document may be the result of a high-stakes game of telephone, in which rumors and hearsay were passed from source to source.” Mueller Report Likely to Renew Scrutiny of Steele Dossier

The purpose was to
a. sink Trump

b. elect Hillary

c. influence morons like you.
How could the dossier be used to help Hillary when nobody knew about the dossier during the campaign?

I used to think you dopes were playing dumb......

The dossier was issued on Oct. 19, 2016, according to reporting this week from The Post.
We do know one element contained in it. The Post first reported on the warrant (known as a FISA warrant, short for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) in April. "
Analysis | What we know about the warrant to surveil Carter Page

" April 2016, Marc Elias — a top Democratic campaign lawyer — retained Fusion GPS through his firm of Perkins Coie on behalf of both Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Perkins Coie, at Elias’s behest and with the bills ultimately paid by Clinton and the DNC, continued to fund Fusion’s work through the end of October 2016, though the people involved say that neither the campaign nor the DNC was aware of the details of Fusion’s work."
Steele’s dossier circulated in the media during the fall of 2016..."
The Steele dossier on Trump and Russia, explained

Clearly, the dossier is contemporary with the Left/FBI attack on Trump associates.

Who was the dossier aimed AGAINST, you moron?????
The October 19th 2016 date refers to FISA application on Carter Page.
This (as always) is done in secret and isn't publicly known.

The dossier was only made public after Trump assumed office, by buzzfeed. About a month after Trump was swornin.
Dossier Russian Sources included those that were Kremlin linked.
The Kremlin was the subject of much of the dossier.
But yes, its certainly likely that the Kremlin fed some misinformation to Steele, yet the bulk of it remains corroborated.

"..., yet the bulk of it remains corroborated."

Another lie I will shred:

"After 18 months of steely-eyed investigation, the only parts of the dossier that have been "confirmed" are bland factual statements -- Moscow is a city in Russia -- while the untrue parts are anything having to do with Trump or his associates.

As New York Times national security reporter Matthew Rosenberg explained to MSNBC's easily excited Chris Hayes last March:

"Both journalists and others who had copies of it for a long time have not been able to report much of it out. We've heard that, you know, the FBI and the Intelligence Community believe about 30 percent of it may be accurate, but most of that 30 percent, if not all, has been non-Trump stuff."
February 7, 2018 - CARTER PAGE: AGENT 000

“Not one claim concerning Trump in the Steele Dossier has ever been verified by the FBI, according to Andrew McCabe himself in recent testimony to the House Intelligence Committee. The only confirmed fact is unsurprising: former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page traveled to Moscow on his own dime and met with various Russians—all perfectly legal.

Comey and then-CIA Director John Brennan laundered the Steele Dossier through the U.S. intelligence community to give it an aura of credibility and get it to the press. It was also used by the FBI and senior DOJ officials to secure wiretap warrants from a secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court. Then its contents, via court-authorized FISA warrants, were used to justify the illegal unmasking of the identities of wiretapped Trump officials.”
The Politicization of the FBI

“Agents did not believe that either the source or Mr. Steele was deliberately inventing things, according to the former official. How the dossier ended up loaded with dubious or exaggerated details remains uncertain, but the document may be the result of a high-stakes game of telephone, in which rumors and hearsay were passed from source to source.” Mueller Report Likely to Renew Scrutiny of Steele Dossier

The purpose was to
a. sink Trump

b. elect Hillary

c. influence morons like you.
How could the dossier be used to help Hillary when nobody knew about the dossier during the campaign?

I used to think you dopes were playing dumb......

The dossier was issued on Oct. 19, 2016, according to reporting this week from The Post.
We do know one element contained in it. The Post first reported on the warrant (known as a FISA warrant, short for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) in April. "
Analysis | What we know about the warrant to surveil Carter Page

" April 2016, Marc Elias — a top Democratic campaign lawyer — retained Fusion GPS through his firm of Perkins Coie on behalf of both Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Perkins Coie, at Elias’s behest and with the bills ultimately paid by Clinton and the DNC, continued to fund Fusion’s work through the end of October 2016, though the people involved say that neither the campaign nor the DNC was aware of the details of Fusion’s work."
Steele’s dossier circulated in the media during the fall of 2016..."
The Steele dossier on Trump and Russia, explained

Clearly, the dossier is contemporary with the Left/FBI attack on Trump associates.

Who was the dossier aimed AGAINST, you moron?????
The October 19th 2016 date refers to FISA application on Carter Page.
This (as always) is done in secret and isn't publicly known.

The dossier was only made public after Trump assumed office, by buzzfeed. About a month after Trump was swornin.

"...the memo states that then-deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, quote, testified before the committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steele dossier information? Democrats say he never said that, did he?

NUNES: Yes. I mean, it’s a summation of a long interview. And that is definitely what he said. Not to mention, we have other witnesses who said very similar things. So, the fact of the matter is, the main things that were used to go out and get this warrant was the dossier and the story that corroborated the dossier.
Nunes on Memo: This Is About FBI Using Oppo Research To Get FISA Warrant On Trump Campaign

3. Even when the story blew up:

"FBI Director James Comey has been caught going around to secret Congressional briefings in “recent weeks” touting the lurid fake “Trump dossier.” He has been claiming that it is a major foundation of the FBI’s investigation of purported Russian collusion with Trump to interfere in the election—months after theFBI had already assessed the “dossier” as non-credible."
The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

"Each FISA application — the original one in October 2016, and the three renewals at 90-day intervals — is labeled "VERIFIED APPLICATION" (bold caps in original). And each one makes this breathtaking representation:

'The FBI has reviewed this verified application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures, which include sending a copy of the draft to the appropriate field office(s).'

In reality, the applications were never verified for accuracy."

McCarthy concludes that the FBI was "at best, being hyper-technical, and thus misleading."

So, after all the spinning, these are the undisputed facts: The FBI went to court to get a wiretap on a U.S. citizen it claimed was a Russian agent. It based this charge mainly on an uncorroborated, salacious document financed by the Clinton campaign. It failed to clearly disclose the funding source. Nor did it reveal that it had independently corroborated any of its claims."
At Best, The FISA Application Shows FBI Misled The Court To Wiretap Trump Campaign

Why are you afraid to answer this query?

Who was the dossier aimed AGAINST, you moron?????
The Kremlin was the subject of much of the dossier.
But yes, its certainly likely that the Kremlin fed some misinformation to Steele, yet the bulk of it remains corroborated.

"..., yet the bulk of it remains corroborated."

Another lie I will shred:

"After 18 months of steely-eyed investigation, the only parts of the dossier that have been "confirmed" are bland factual statements -- Moscow is a city in Russia -- while the untrue parts are anything having to do with Trump or his associates.

As New York Times national security reporter Matthew Rosenberg explained to MSNBC's easily excited Chris Hayes last March:

"Both journalists and others who had copies of it for a long time have not been able to report much of it out. We've heard that, you know, the FBI and the Intelligence Community believe about 30 percent of it may be accurate, but most of that 30 percent, if not all, has been non-Trump stuff."
February 7, 2018 - CARTER PAGE: AGENT 000

“Not one claim concerning Trump in the Steele Dossier has ever been verified by the FBI, according to Andrew McCabe himself in recent testimony to the House Intelligence Committee. The only confirmed fact is unsurprising: former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page traveled to Moscow on his own dime and met with various Russians—all perfectly legal.

Comey and then-CIA Director John Brennan laundered the Steele Dossier through the U.S. intelligence community to give it an aura of credibility and get it to the press. It was also used by the FBI and senior DOJ officials to secure wiretap warrants from a secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court. Then its contents, via court-authorized FISA warrants, were used to justify the illegal unmasking of the identities of wiretapped Trump officials.”
The Politicization of the FBI

“Agents did not believe that either the source or Mr. Steele was deliberately inventing things, according to the former official. How the dossier ended up loaded with dubious or exaggerated details remains uncertain, but the document may be the result of a high-stakes game of telephone, in which rumors and hearsay were passed from source to source.” Mueller Report Likely to Renew Scrutiny of Steele Dossier

The purpose was to
a. sink Trump

b. elect Hillary

c. influence morons like you.
How could the dossier be used to help Hillary when nobody knew about the dossier during the campaign?

I used to think you dopes were playing dumb......

The dossier was issued on Oct. 19, 2016, according to reporting this week from The Post.
We do know one element contained in it. The Post first reported on the warrant (known as a FISA warrant, short for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) in April. "
Analysis | What we know about the warrant to surveil Carter Page

" April 2016, Marc Elias — a top Democratic campaign lawyer — retained Fusion GPS through his firm of Perkins Coie on behalf of both Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Perkins Coie, at Elias’s behest and with the bills ultimately paid by Clinton and the DNC, continued to fund Fusion’s work through the end of October 2016, though the people involved say that neither the campaign nor the DNC was aware of the details of Fusion’s work."
Steele’s dossier circulated in the media during the fall of 2016..."
The Steele dossier on Trump and Russia, explained

Clearly, the dossier is contemporary with the Left/FBI attack on Trump associates.

Who was the dossier aimed AGAINST, you moron?????
The October 19th 2016 date refers to FISA application on Carter Page.
This (as always) is done in secret and isn't publicly known.

The dossier was only made public after Trump assumed office, by buzzfeed. About a month after Trump was swornin.

"...the memo states that then-deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, quote, testified before the committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steele dossier information? Democrats say he never said that, did he?

NUNES: Yes. I mean, it’s a summation of a long interview. And that is definitely what he said. Not to mention, we have other witnesses who said very similar things. So, the fact of the matter is, the main things that were used to go out and get this warrant was the dossier and the story that corroborated the dossier.
Nunes on Memo: This Is About FBI Using Oppo Research To Get FISA Warrant On Trump Campaign

3. Even when the story blew up:

"FBI Director James Comey has been caught going around to secret Congressional briefings in “recent weeks” touting the lurid fake “Trump dossier.” He has been claiming that it is a major foundation of the FBI’s investigation of purported Russian collusion with Trump to interfere in the election—months after theFBI had already assessed the “dossier” as non-credible."
The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

"Each FISA application — the original one in October 2016, and the three renewals at 90-day intervals — is labeled "VERIFIED APPLICATION" (bold caps in original). And each one makes this breathtaking representation:

'The FBI has reviewed this verified application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures, which include sending a copy of the draft to the appropriate field office(s).'

In reality, the applications were never verified for accuracy."

McCarthy concludes that the FBI was "at best, being hyper-technical, and thus misleading."

So, after all the spinning, these are the undisputed facts: The FBI went to court to get a wiretap on a U.S. citizen it claimed was a Russian agent. It based this charge mainly on an uncorroborated, salacious document financed by the Clinton campaign. It failed to clearly disclose the funding source. Nor did it reveal that it had independently corroborated any of its claims."
At Best, The FISA Application Shows FBI Misled The Court To Wiretap Trump Campaign

Why are you afraid to answer this query?

Who was the dossier aimed AGAINST, you moron?????
None of that relates to the dossier being public knowledge during campaign.
All that stuff happened in secret.

As far as the FISA warrants: were renewed three more times after the initial application. Each renewal included more evidence than the last.

Its moot anyways, because thats not what triggered Mueller probe.
"..., yet the bulk of it remains corroborated."

Another lie I will shred:

"After 18 months of steely-eyed investigation, the only parts of the dossier that have been "confirmed" are bland factual statements -- Moscow is a city in Russia -- while the untrue parts are anything having to do with Trump or his associates.

As New York Times national security reporter Matthew Rosenberg explained to MSNBC's easily excited Chris Hayes last March:

"Both journalists and others who had copies of it for a long time have not been able to report much of it out. We've heard that, you know, the FBI and the Intelligence Community believe about 30 percent of it may be accurate, but most of that 30 percent, if not all, has been non-Trump stuff."
February 7, 2018 - CARTER PAGE: AGENT 000

“Not one claim concerning Trump in the Steele Dossier has ever been verified by the FBI, according to Andrew McCabe himself in recent testimony to the House Intelligence Committee. The only confirmed fact is unsurprising: former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page traveled to Moscow on his own dime and met with various Russians—all perfectly legal.

Comey and then-CIA Director John Brennan laundered the Steele Dossier through the U.S. intelligence community to give it an aura of credibility and get it to the press. It was also used by the FBI and senior DOJ officials to secure wiretap warrants from a secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court. Then its contents, via court-authorized FISA warrants, were used to justify the illegal unmasking of the identities of wiretapped Trump officials.”
The Politicization of the FBI

“Agents did not believe that either the source or Mr. Steele was deliberately inventing things, according to the former official. How the dossier ended up loaded with dubious or exaggerated details remains uncertain, but the document may be the result of a high-stakes game of telephone, in which rumors and hearsay were passed from source to source.” Mueller Report Likely to Renew Scrutiny of Steele Dossier

The purpose was to
a. sink Trump

b. elect Hillary

c. influence morons like you.
How could the dossier be used to help Hillary when nobody knew about the dossier during the campaign?

I used to think you dopes were playing dumb......

The dossier was issued on Oct. 19, 2016, according to reporting this week from The Post.
We do know one element contained in it. The Post first reported on the warrant (known as a FISA warrant, short for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) in April. "
Analysis | What we know about the warrant to surveil Carter Page

" April 2016, Marc Elias — a top Democratic campaign lawyer — retained Fusion GPS through his firm of Perkins Coie on behalf of both Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Perkins Coie, at Elias’s behest and with the bills ultimately paid by Clinton and the DNC, continued to fund Fusion’s work through the end of October 2016, though the people involved say that neither the campaign nor the DNC was aware of the details of Fusion’s work."
Steele’s dossier circulated in the media during the fall of 2016..."
The Steele dossier on Trump and Russia, explained

Clearly, the dossier is contemporary with the Left/FBI attack on Trump associates.

Who was the dossier aimed AGAINST, you moron?????
The October 19th 2016 date refers to FISA application on Carter Page.
This (as always) is done in secret and isn't publicly known.

The dossier was only made public after Trump assumed office, by buzzfeed. About a month after Trump was swornin.

"...the memo states that then-deputy director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe, quote, testified before the committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISA court without the Steele dossier information? Democrats say he never said that, did he?

NUNES: Yes. I mean, it’s a summation of a long interview. And that is definitely what he said. Not to mention, we have other witnesses who said very similar things. So, the fact of the matter is, the main things that were used to go out and get this warrant was the dossier and the story that corroborated the dossier.
Nunes on Memo: This Is About FBI Using Oppo Research To Get FISA Warrant On Trump Campaign

3. Even when the story blew up:

"FBI Director James Comey has been caught going around to secret Congressional briefings in “recent weeks” touting the lurid fake “Trump dossier.” He has been claiming that it is a major foundation of the FBI’s investigation of purported Russian collusion with Trump to interfere in the election—months after theFBI had already assessed the “dossier” as non-credible."
The Final Truth about the “Trump Dossier”

"Each FISA application — the original one in October 2016, and the three renewals at 90-day intervals — is labeled "VERIFIED APPLICATION" (bold caps in original). And each one makes this breathtaking representation:

'The FBI has reviewed this verified application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures, which include sending a copy of the draft to the appropriate field office(s).'

In reality, the applications were never verified for accuracy."

McCarthy concludes that the FBI was "at best, being hyper-technical, and thus misleading."

So, after all the spinning, these are the undisputed facts: The FBI went to court to get a wiretap on a U.S. citizen it claimed was a Russian agent. It based this charge mainly on an uncorroborated, salacious document financed by the Clinton campaign. It failed to clearly disclose the funding source. Nor did it reveal that it had independently corroborated any of its claims."
At Best, The FISA Application Shows FBI Misled The Court To Wiretap Trump Campaign

Why are you afraid to answer this query?

Who was the dossier aimed AGAINST, you moron?????
None of that relates to the dossier being public knowledge during campaign.
All that stuff happened in secret.

As far as the FISA warrants: were renewed three more times after the initial application. Each renewal included more evidence than the last.

Its moot anyways, because thats not what triggered Mueller probe.

Everyone, but you, knows what triggered the Mueller fiasco: Hillary lost.

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