The disturbing view of Muslims in the US

There are billions of Muslims out there and a small cadre of jihadists.

These billions have done nothing about the jihadists and anyone waiting for them to do so is going to wait forever.

And of course those "good" Muslims were cheering and celebrating 9-11 and UBL. No wonder Americans see them in a bad light. That's because they are all to blame because they did nothing about the jihadists and they never will.

Oh, because they haven't stopped angry aggressive killers then they are bad people. Did you stop Bush invading Iraq? How many Christians tried to stop Bush? Some did, most didn't. Is a Nigerian Christian who didn't stop Bush invading Iraq a bad person?

So, basically I can see you'd blame all Muslims for the bad of some Muslims, then when Christians do bad things, you're never going to be responsible for them, are you?

Hypocrisy, this is what we call it.

For evil to succeed all it takes is for good people to do nothing.

I blame Muslims because they have done nothing to get rid of the killers among them. If Christians did the same, I'd say the same about them. Your bullshit about Bush is just that. Bullshit.

Oh, so Bush invaded Iraq and the American people stood by, and apparently it's "bullshit".

So a Muslim kills a few people and he's evil and all other Muslims are supposed to be up in arms. Bush goes and causes chaos that gets millions killed and causes problems for decades, if not a century, and Americans stand by and do nothing and it's all okay.

Remember these DEMOCRATS' statements about the Liberation of Iraq.

Reid is describing the 1991 Cease Fire...
"We stopped the fighting [in 1991] on an agreement that Iraq would take steps to assure the world that it would not engage in further aggression and that it would destroy its weapons of mass destruction. It has refused to take those steps. That refusal constitutes a breach of the armistice which renders it void and justifies resumption of the armed conflict."

Senator Harry Reid (Democrat, Nevada)
Addressing the US Senate
October 9, 2002
Congressional Record, p. S10145

"It appears that with the deadline for exile come and gone, Saddam Hussein has chosen to make military force the ultimate weapons inspections enforcement mechanism. If so, the only exit strategy is victory, this is our common mission and the world's cause."

Senator John Kerry (Democrat, Massachusetts)
Statement on commencement of military strikes against Iraq
March 20, 2003

Senator John Edwards, when asked about "Axis of Evil" countries Iran, Iraq, and North Korea:
"I mean, we have three different countries that, while they all present serious problems for the United States -- they're dictatorships, they're involved in the development and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction -- you know, the most imminent, clear and present threat to our country is not the same from those three countries. I think Iraq is the most serious and imminent threat to our country."

Senator John Edwards (Democrat, North Carolina)
During an interview on CNN's "Late Edition"
February 24, 2002
"I think it was the right decision to disarm Saddam Hussein. And when the president made the decision, I supported him, and I support the fact that we did disarm him."

Senator John Kerry (Democrat, Massachusetts)
During a Democratic Primary Debate at the University of South Carolina
May 3, 2003

John Kerry, while voting YES to the Resolution authorizing US military force against Iraq:
"I will be voting to give the President of the United States the authority to use force - if necessary - to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security."

Senator John Kerry (Democrat, Massachusetts)
Addressing the US Senate
October 9, 2002
November 5, 1998
U.N. Security Council votes to condemn Iraq
The United Nations Security Council late Thursday voted unanimously to condemn Iraq and to demand that Baghdad immediately resume cooperation with U.N. weapons inspectors. Baghdad has already said it will not comply.
The resolution called Iraq's decision last week to halt cooperation with the U.N. Special Commission a "flagrant violation" of the 1991 resolution on Iraqi disarmament. It is the 45th U.N. resolution involving Iraq since the country invaded Kuwait in 1990.
Freedom Agenda - Quotes and Facts on Iraq

In case many of you are grossly ignorant, the "1991 Cease Fire" is what Reid's describing as a breach of
an armistice. A breach that justified the Liberation of Iraq which was again justified by this act signed by Congress and Bill Clinton...
Bill Clinton Regime change in Iraq has been official US policy since 1998.
The Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, signed into law by President Clinton, states:
"It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and to promote the emergence of a democratic government to replace that regime."

Iraq Liberation Act of 1998
105th Congress, 2nd Session
September 29, 1998

"People can quarrel with whether we should have more troops in Afghanistan or internationalize Iraq or whatever, but it is incontestable that on the day I left office, there were unaccounted for stocks of biological and chemical weapons."
Former President Clinton
During an interview on CNN's "Larry King Live"
July 22, 2003

What's your point here?

All I see are some quotes, but so what?

Many leaders around the world LIE, many leaders do bad things. Is this for the US to invade them and then cause chaos afterwards? I mean, did the US invade Rwanda, the Ivory Coast, the DRC? No, not at all.

In fact most of the military action by the US has to do with OIL and OPEC. Shocking huh?

Also the Powell Doctrine states that US military actions will ONLY happen when the US interests are at stake. What US interests were at stake in Iraq? One, only one, and that was oil.

The Iraqi people aren't US interests, none of the other stuff you mention is US interests, but stopping OPEC from making a strong cartel certainly IS US INTERESTS.

The point is that the vast majority of the intelligence community, Congress, the UN all saw a huge risk with Saddam in power.
But AFTER it became a political issue with the Democrats THAT's when people started abandoning the Liberation of Iraq...i.e. calling it an "Invasion" was the major force for showing the US and our military as the bad guys including you I'm sure!
These quotes were used by the enemy to recruit more terrorists and definitely prolonged the Liberation efforts.

The liberation was over in May 2003 as President Indicated with "Mission Accomplished".
BUT when enemies of our country made statements like these:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Which this Harvard study proves that these were enemies: found here THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT" asked:

"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

The short answer is YES!!! according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy
research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.

Are insurgents affected by information on US casualty sensitivity? Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across
Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to
information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war.
We find in periods after a spike in war-critical statements, insurgent attacks increases by 5-10 percent.
The results suggest that insurgent groups respond rationally to expected probability of US withdrawal.
So because of traitors making statements like the above the conflict was encouraged by these traitors to be
prolonged with 3,000 more deaths and $600 billion more then necessary!
What we have in the bigots is a classic case of confirmation bias. They only see what fits their narrow minded, retarded viewpoint.
They aren't difficult to find, you know...if you LOOK, you bigoted retarded fuck.

Wow, you really need stop using insults. I'm not going to bother with people who are like this, bye.
The propaganda outlets the piss drinkers watch and read don't show them any Muslims fighting Muslim extremism, and then they ask, " come we no see no ragheads protesting the bad Muslims?"

If there is one thing the propaganda media has down to a science, it is the lie of omission.

They want you to fear Muslims, and so they actively seek, and only show you, those things which make you shit your pants.
Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Firstly. Your point.

Muslims are responsible for the image the US has of them. Yes, in part this is true. However not ALL MUSLIMS are responsible for this. Some Muslims are. Why should ALL Muslims be responsible for this image that some have made.

Secondly, Bush helped to make this image, he helped to spread this image.

There are billions of Muslims out there and a small cadre of jihadists.

These billions have done nothing about the jihadists and anyone waiting for them to do so is going to wait forever.

And of course those "good" Muslims were cheering and celebrating 9-11 and UBL. No wonder Americans see them in a bad light. That's because they are all to blame because they did nothing about the jihadists and they never will.

Oh, because they haven't stopped angry aggressive killers then they are bad people. Did you stop Bush invading Iraq? How many Christians tried to stop Bush? Some did, most didn't. Is a Nigerian Christian who didn't stop Bush invading Iraq a bad person?

So, basically I can see you'd blame all Muslims for the bad of some Muslims, then when Christians do bad things, you're never going to be responsible for them, are you?

Hypocrisy, this is what we call it.

For evil to succeed all it takes is for good people to do nothing.

I blame Muslims because they have done nothing to get rid of the killers among them. If Christians did the same, I'd say the same about them. Your bullshit about Bush is just that. Bullshit.

Oh, so Bush invaded Iraq and the American people stood by, and apparently it's "bullshit".

So a Muslim kills a few people and he's evil and all other Muslims are supposed to be up in arms. Bush goes and causes chaos that gets millions killed and causes problems for decades, if not a century, and Americans stand by and do nothing and it's all okay.

Bush had approval from Congress idiot. Both parties approved of the war. Problem with that?? Take it up with them.

Muslims have done squat about the killers in their religion. Anyone who thinks they have is dumber than a box of rocks.

In your case, the box is smarter.
The point is that the vast majority of the intelligence community, Congress, the UN all saw a huge risk with Saddam in power.
But AFTER it became a political issue with the Democrats THAT's when people started abandoning the Liberation of Iraq...i.e. calling it an "Invasion" was the major force for showing the US and our military as the bad guys including you I'm sure!
These quotes were used by the enemy to recruit more terrorists and definitely prolonged the Liberation efforts.

The liberation was over in May 2003 as President Indicated with "Mission Accomplished".
BUT when enemies of our country made statements like these:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Which this Harvard study proves that these were enemies: found here THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT" asked:

"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

The short answer is YES!!! according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy
research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.

Are insurgents affected by information on US casualty sensitivity? Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across
Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to
information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war.
We find in periods after a spike in war-critical statements, insurgent attacks increases by 5-10 percent.
The results suggest that insurgent groups respond rationally to expected probability of US withdrawal.
So because of traitors making statements like the above the conflict was encouraged by these traitors to be
prolonged with 3,000 more deaths and $600 billion more then necessary!

One thing is seeing a huge risk. The US saw a huge risk from Saddam for years, Clinton didn't invade. Even after the First Gulf War they didn't invade. But Bush Dubya did. Why? Saddam in 2001 was at his lowest risk levels for a long time. In fact he was less of a risk than doing what Dubya actually did. The region is more turbulent, more likely to cause the US problems than when Saddam was in power.

I'm not saying Saddam was nice, I'm not saying I was sad to see him go. That's not the point. The point is the US went to war for one reason, and it was all about OPEC and stopping the cartel being powerful. WMD stuff was all fabricated to get people on their side (as stated in the Powell Doctrine).

Only the US called it a "Liberation", no one else did. Why? Because it wasn't a Liberation. The only reason to call it a "Liberation" was to make sure enough US citizens were on the side of the US govt in favoring invading. Nothing more, it's semantics.

Even US soldiers were told they were liberating and arrived and found they weren't liberating at all.

Bush spent 7 years vilifying Muslims, but then telling the US people it was a Liberation, but telling the Muslim people it wasn't at all. Making an absolute balls up in Iraq post war, making the region so unstable, but it all added to the sense that Muslims were the Common Enemy that the right needed after losing the USSR.
This what Obungles and the left want to bring here? No thanks

MUSLIM ‘REFUGEES’: Savagely Attack Mother & Daughter In Germany

Are these the innocent ‘refugees’ that Obama wants to bring into America? Just take a look at what is happening abroad and then you can decide if you want the same right here.

Here are some pictures that have emerged from the Italy/Austria border that will shock you:

It is not what the refugees used on their journey, but what they left behind unused – discarded Red Cross packaged water, crates of peaches, untouched packaged food, unopened baby diapers, brand new strollers, car seats, toys, and other necessities for someone traveling with a baby. Since these items were left behind, it is obvious that there were no babies among them.

Videos are coming in from various regions showing Muslim men fighting, throwing rocks and chairs at each other, breaking windows, throwing feces, bloodying each other’s noses in vicious fights, Shia fighting the Sunnis, the same centuries old senseless religious tribal animosity and hatred.
They aren't difficult to find, you know...if you LOOK, you bigoted retarded fuck.

Wow, you really need stop using insults. I'm not going to bother with people who are like this, bye.
I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the bigoted retarded fuck.

Doesn't matter, the point is you seem to need insults instead of actually making your point.
Oh, I made the point. Quite well. He wanted videos, I gave him videos. No one else stepped up.

Bigoted retarded fucks deserve two things: Insults or silence.
This what Obungles and the left want to bring here? No thanks

MUSLIM ‘REFUGEES’: Savagely Attack Mother & Daughter In Germany

And, boom, just like that, a bigoted retarded fuck steps up to demonstrate the confirmation bias of which I spoke earlier.
The propaganda outlets the bigoted retarded fucks watch are a non-stop fright show, with all the attendant doom music. It induces mass pants shitting in the credulous rubes.

"The darkies are in the wire!!!"
the Muslims living here don't go out of their way to change peoples minds, unless they are demanding our RIGHTS be taken away, or they kick out a candidate running for President because he said he wouldn't put a Muslim in his cabinet. Seriously people? you are going to allow them to stomp all over you in this way?

so they have no one to blame BUT THEMSELVES. I have no sympathy

What Muslims are demanding your rights be taken away or that a candidate be disqualified for not putting Muslims in his cabinent?

Too bad you haven't talked to "Christians" in Dearborn Mi or that you are aware of the concept of "Sharia Law" which takes precedence over
Constitutional law.
Our findings suggest that Shariah law has entered into state court decisions, in conflict with the Constitution and state public policy. Some commentators have said there are no more than one or two cases of Shariah law in U.S. state court cases; yet we found 50 significant cases just from the small sample of appellate published cases. Others state with certainty that state court judges will always reject any foreign law, including Shariah law, when it conflicts with the Constitution or state public policy; yet we found 15 Trial Court cases, and 12 Appellate Court cases, where Shariah was found to be applicable in the case at bar.
Read more at Sharia Law Deciding American Court Cases
Welcome to the seventh season of Darkies Behaving Badly. This year we are going to show you lots and lots and lots of all new videos of porch monkeys, ragheads, and wetbacks doing really horrible things. Plus, we will recap some of our old favorites.


Vote GOP!
Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

That's not exactly a novel attitude:

the Muslims living here don't go out of their way to change peoples minds, unless they are demanding our RIGHTS be taken away, or they kick out a candidate running for President because he said he wouldn't put a Muslim in his cabinet. Seriously people? you are going to allow them to stomp all over you in this way?

so they have no one to blame BUT THEMSELVES. I have no sympathy

What Muslims are demanding your rights be taken away or that a candidate be disqualified for not putting Muslims in his cabinent?

Too bad you haven't talked to "Christians" in Dearborn Mi or that you are aware of the concept of "Sharia Law" which takes precedence over
Constitutional law.
Our findings suggest that Shariah law has entered into state court decisions, in conflict with the Constitution and state public policy. Some commentators have said there are no more than one or two cases of Shariah law in U.S. state court cases; yet we found 50 significant cases just from the small sample of appellate published cases. Others state with certainty that state court judges will always reject any foreign law, including Shariah law, when it conflicts with the Constitution or state public policy; yet we found 15 Trial Court cases, and 12 Appellate Court cases, where Shariah was found to be applicable in the case at bar.
Read more at Sharia Law Deciding American Court Cases

Are you referring to Kim Davis? Doesn't she think her religion should take precedence over US law?
Bush had approval from Congress idiot. Both parties approved of the war. Problem with that?? Take it up with them.

Muslims have done squat about the killers in their religion. Anyone who thinks they have is dumber than a box of rocks.

In your case, the box is smarter.

I have two choices, one pretend you meant to say "Congress idiot", whatever that is, or two, know that you insult people.

Great, people who need insults instead of arguments. Again, I don't do people like you. I don't need insults, I wonder why you do? Well I won't be talking to you to find out.
"A hard time"? Muslems have a "hard time" in the greatest Country in the world? Go to a radical muslem dominated country and get some perspective while they cut your head off.
Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.

This is one of those things which serves as an example of the kind of bigotry under which the Right is suffering.

It also serves as an example of a bigot not even understanding how it is a bigoted statement.

"But it's true!"

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