The disturbing view of Muslims in the US

Columbia Heights students walk out over Facebook post about Muslims

Trump declines to correct man who says Obama is Muslim

"We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims," said the first man Trump called on to ask a question. "We know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American."

Ahmed Mohamed, Muslim teen cuffed over clock mistaken for bomb, still suspended from school

"Mohamed will not be charged with possessing a hoax bomb because there's no evidence the 14-year-old meant to cause alarm Monday at MacArthur High School in the Dallas suburb of Irving, according to police Chief Larry Boyd."

Since 9/11 Muslims have been having a hard time in the US. The reasons are clear, Bush wanted to make a new Common Enemy, the demise of the USSR left a gaping hole in the right wing "be tough on anything" policy.

In the past just calling someone a Communist was as bad as it got, now it's calling someone a Muslim. You want to get at Obama because you don't like him? Just call him a Muslim. It's simple, so simple even a redneck who managed to pass grade 2 could do it. It doesn't take brains.

And the whole while with ISIS going around killing and apparently this being really important for the citizens of the US, as opposed to, say, the Civil War in DRC or other such places.

Some Muslims are bad. Some Christians are bad. But by vilifying ALL Muslims people are essentially giving the right exactly what they want. People criticise Obama's foreign policy, it hasn't been amazing, but he's pulled back from the vilification of Muslims, and the need for the right to make Muslims the problem (and therefore the solution).
This op is pathetic

Muslims are being picked on now?

I'll remember that the next time they set off a bomb at a sporting event, or shoot up a recruitment center. All I have to do is look up 9/11 to remember the wonders of Islam....or remember all the times I was shot at while in Somalia.
Basically, Muslims are kkk members without hoods. They're no different. And whatever you do, don't tell them you're Jewish.
Ever wonder why the only peaceful Middle-Eastern countries have sectarian totalitarian governments? Because it's the only way to keep the bastards from murdering each other over some ages old religious differences.
Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Firstly. Your point.

Muslims are responsible for the image the US has of them. Yes, in part this is true. However not ALL MUSLIMS are responsible for this. Some Muslims are. Why should ALL Muslims be responsible for this image that some have made.

Secondly, Bush helped to make this image, he helped to spread this image.
Not all Muslims. ....but enough of them to give them a terrible image. The more of them you have in your country, the worse it becomes.
The point is that the vast majority of the intelligence community, Congress, the UN all saw a huge risk with Saddam in power.
But AFTER it became a political issue with the Democrats THAT's when people started abandoning the Liberation of Iraq...i.e. calling it an "Invasion" was the major force for showing the US and our military as the bad guys including you I'm sure!
These quotes were used by the enemy to recruit more terrorists and definitely prolonged the Liberation efforts.

The liberation was over in May 2003 as President Indicated with "Mission Accomplished".
BUT when enemies of our country made statements like these:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Which this Harvard study proves that these were enemies: found here THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT" asked:

"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

The short answer is YES!!! according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy
research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.

Are insurgents affected by information on US casualty sensitivity? Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across
Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to
information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war.
We find in periods after a spike in war-critical statements, insurgent attacks increases by 5-10 percent.
The results suggest that insurgent groups respond rationally to expected probability of US withdrawal.
So because of traitors making statements like the above the conflict was encouraged by these traitors to be
prolonged with 3,000 more deaths and $600 billion more then necessary!

One thing is seeing a huge risk. The US saw a huge risk from Saddam for years, Clinton didn't invade. Even after the First Gulf War they didn't invade. But Bush Dubya did. Why? Saddam in 2001 was at his lowest risk levels for a long time. In fact he was less of a risk than doing what Dubya actually did. The region is more turbulent, more likely to cause the US problems than when Saddam was in power.

I'm not saying Saddam was nice, I'm not saying I was sad to see him go. That's not the point. The point is the US went to war for one reason, and it was all about OPEC and stopping the cartel being powerful. WMD stuff was all fabricated to get people on their side (as stated in the Powell Doctrine).

Only the US called it a "Liberation", no one else did. Why? Because it wasn't a Liberation. The only reason to call it a "Liberation" was to make sure enough US citizens were on the side of the US govt in favoring invading. Nothing more, it's semantics.

Even US soldiers were told they were liberating and arrived and found they weren't liberating at all.

Bush spent 7 years vilifying Muslims, but then telling the US people it was a Liberation, but telling the Muslim people it wasn't at all. Making an absolute balls up in Iraq post war, making the region so unstable, but it all added to the sense that Muslims were the Common Enemy that the right needed after losing the USSR.

So you admit that the Liberation was used by Clinton to justify taking Saddam out?

Bush did NOT vilify Muslims. Prove in any text where Bush said ALL Muslims are the bad guys.
Never be that stupid as you obviously are but prove where Bush ever said that!
"A hard time"? Muslems have a "hard time" in the greatest Country in the world? Go to a radical muslem dominated country and get some perspective while they cut your head off.
When they want to build a mosque, they meet resistance. "It's a terrorist training camp!"

We have politicians claiming Muslims are not entitled to First Amendment protections.

We have bigots in three topics today lining up to smear Muslims. We see the bigots' media outlets filling their heads with non-stop confirmation bias stories and lies of omission.

So, yeah. They are given a fucking hard time. Non-stop.

"But we aren't beheading them, so it's all good!"
They aren't difficult to find, you know...if you LOOK, you bigoted retarded fuck.

Wow, you really need stop using insults. I'm not going to bother with people who are like this, bye.
I wasn't talking to you. I was talking to the bigoted retarded fuck.

Doesn't matter, the point is you seem to need insults instead of actually making your point.
Oh, I made the point. Quite well. He wanted videos, I gave him videos. No one else stepped up.

Bigoted retarded fucks deserve two things: Insults or silence.

And maybe you could just make your argument without stooping to such low levels. It really makes your argument almost non-existent if you have to resort to insults.
"A hard time"? Muslems have a "hard time" in the greatest Country in the world? Go to a radical muslem dominated country and get some perspective while they cut your head off.
When they want to build a mosque, they meet resistance. "It's a terrorist training camp!"

We have politicians claiming Muslims are not entitled to First Amendment protections.

We have bigots in three topics today lining up to smear Muslims. We see the bigots' media outlets filling their heads with non-stop confirmation bias stories and lies of omission.

So, yeah. They are given a fucking hard time. Non-stop.

"But we aren't beheading them, so it's all good!"

FACTS... The overall number of mosques in the United States quietly rose from 1,209 in 2000 to 2,106 in 2010.
The number of Islamic places of worship in the United States soared 74% in the past decade.[1]
List of mosques in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Open Doors International, a charity that supports Christians under pressure for their faith, said 2,123 Christians were reported to have been killed during the 12 months ending Oct. 31, 2013. That compares to 1,201 during the previous 12 months. During the most recent period, more Christians were killed in Syria alone than were killed globally in the previous year.

The World Watch List, which annually monitors the media worldwide for all reported incidents, emphasises that this is the “very, very minimum” count – only those who have been documented as killed.

Estimates of the total number killed range from around 7,000 or 8,000, according to the International Institute for Religious Freedom’s Thomas Schirrmacher, to the lofty 100,000 estimate of the Center for the Study of Global Christianity.
Christian deaths double in 2014 World Watch List

“The United Nations says more than 1,000 people have been killed in Iraq this month, most of them civilians, as Sunni Islamist insurgents have taken over most of the country’s north” said NBC News, bolstering the data.
This year, according to the Iraq Body Count (IBC) database, 7,658 civilians have been killed since the beginning of the year, at a rate approaching nearly 1,000 per month.
HUSAIN: Counting violent Muslim deaths by country in 2014 - Washington Times
The point is that the vast majority of the intelligence community, Congress, the UN all saw a huge risk with Saddam in power.
But AFTER it became a political issue with the Democrats THAT's when people started abandoning the Liberation of Iraq...i.e. calling it an "Invasion" was the major force for showing the US and our military as the bad guys including you I'm sure!
These quotes were used by the enemy to recruit more terrorists and definitely prolonged the Liberation efforts.

The liberation was over in May 2003 as President Indicated with "Mission Accomplished".
BUT when enemies of our country made statements like these:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the
dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

Which this Harvard study proves that these were enemies: found here THE "EMBOLDENMENT EFFECT" asked:

"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

The short answer is YES!!! according to Radha Iyengar, a Robert Wood Johnson Scholar in health policy
research at Harvard and Jonathan Monten of the Belfer Center at the university's Kennedy School of Government.

Are insurgents affected by information on US casualty sensitivity? Using data on attacks and variation in access to international news across
Iraqi provinces, we identify an “emboldenment” effect by comparing the rate of insurgent attacks in areas with higher and lower access to
information about U.S news after public statements critical of the war.
We find in periods after a spike in war-critical statements, insurgent attacks increases by 5-10 percent.
The results suggest that insurgent groups respond rationally to expected probability of US withdrawal.
So because of traitors making statements like the above the conflict was encouraged by these traitors to be
prolonged with 3,000 more deaths and $600 billion more then necessary!

One thing is seeing a huge risk. The US saw a huge risk from Saddam for years, Clinton didn't invade. Even after the First Gulf War they didn't invade. But Bush Dubya did. Why? Saddam in 2001 was at his lowest risk levels for a long time. In fact he was less of a risk than doing what Dubya actually did. The region is more turbulent, more likely to cause the US problems than when Saddam was in power.

I'm not saying Saddam was nice, I'm not saying I was sad to see him go. That's not the point. The point is the US went to war for one reason, and it was all about OPEC and stopping the cartel being powerful. WMD stuff was all fabricated to get people on their side (as stated in the Powell Doctrine).

Only the US called it a "Liberation", no one else did. Why? Because it wasn't a Liberation. The only reason to call it a "Liberation" was to make sure enough US citizens were on the side of the US govt in favoring invading. Nothing more, it's semantics.

Even US soldiers were told they were liberating and arrived and found they weren't liberating at all.

Bush spent 7 years vilifying Muslims, but then telling the US people it was a Liberation, but telling the Muslim people it wasn't at all. Making an absolute balls up in Iraq post war, making the region so unstable, but it all added to the sense that Muslims were the Common Enemy that the right needed after losing the USSR.

So you admit that the Liberation was used by Clinton to justify taking Saddam out?

Bush did NOT vilify Muslims. Prove in any text where Bush said ALL Muslims are the bad guys.
Never be that stupid as you obviously are but prove where Bush ever said that!

What are you talking about?

Bush DID vilify Muslims. If you need a text where Bush said all Muslims are the bad guys, then you will only ever accept stuff that's simplistic. But things aren't simple.

Where did Hitler say he was killing Jews in concentration camps? You won't find it. Does this mean Hitler didn't kill Jews in concentration camps? Er..... yeah, all of a sudden we're not going to be so simplistic are we. Just because Hitler was more intelligent than Bush doesn't mean we have to lower our levels of intelligence when looking at what Bush did.

Your point is "show where something was said directly, only then can you prove something", I think you'll find anyone with any ounce of intelligence will realise this just isn't the case.

How many murder cases require the murderer to admit they murdered someone in order to be locked up?
Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Firstly. Your point.

Muslims are responsible for the image the US has of them. Yes, in part this is true. However not ALL MUSLIMS are responsible for this. Some Muslims are. Why should ALL Muslims be responsible for this image that some have made.

Secondly, Bush helped to make this image, he helped to spread this image.
Actually Bush did lot of outreach himself..
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Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Firstly. Your point.

Muslims are responsible for the image the US has of them. Yes, in part this is true. However not ALL MUSLIMS are responsible for this. Some Muslims are. Why should ALL Muslims be responsible for this image that some have made.

Secondly, Bush helped to make this image, he helped to spread this image.

Where are the non radical Muslims condemning the actions of the radical few Muslims?
If they are not condemning the actions then that is showing passive support for them.
BTW, Bush did nothing to to spread this image, their own actions secures their image
How many times did he say we are not at war with Islam.......just another attempt to rewrite history
Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Firstly. Your point.

Muslims are responsible for the image the US has of them. Yes, in part this is true. However not ALL MUSLIMS are responsible for this. Some Muslims are. Why should ALL Muslims be responsible for this image that some have made.

Secondly, Bush helped to make this image, he helped to spread this image.

Where are the non radical Muslims condemning the actions of the radical few Muslims?
If they are not condemning the actions then that is showing passive support for them.
BTW, Bush did nothing to to spread this image, their own actions secures their image

Where are the Christians condemning Bush for invading Iraq?

Why should a Muslim automatically have to condemn? Also, they do.

The Paris attacks, so many Muslims came out and condemned it, and so many non-Muslims ignored it and then demanded that these Muslims condemn the attacks. I mean, what can they do if you don't listen?

Muslims Around The World Condemn Charlie Hebdo Attack

Arab League and top Muslim body condemn Paris attack

Muslim Leaders Condemn Attack, Warn on Anti-Islamic Sentiment in Europe


just look at the amount of sites that show Muslims condemning this attack.

paris attack muslims condemn - Yahoo Search Results

If I were a Muslims I wouldn't be condemning these attacks because I were a Muslim. I'd say the same as what I say now, whether I were Muslim or not has sweet FA to do with it.
Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Firstly. Your point.

Muslims are responsible for the image the US has of them. Yes, in part this is true. However not ALL MUSLIMS are responsible for this. Some Muslims are. Why should ALL Muslims be responsible for this image that some have made.

Secondly, Bush helped to make this image, he helped to spread this image.
Actually Bush did lot of outreach himself..

What, like making sure oil rich Saudis who he thought were his friends were able to fly out of the US when no one else was flying, for example?
"A hard time"? Muslems have a "hard time" in the greatest Country in the world? Go to a radical muslem dominated country and get some perspective while they cut your head off.
When they want to build a mosque, they meet resistance. "It's a terrorist training camp!"

We have politicians claiming Muslims are not entitled to First Amendment protections.

We have bigots in three topics today lining up to smear Muslims. We see the bigots' media outlets filling their heads with non-stop confirmation bias stories and lies of omission.

So, yeah. They are given a fucking hard time. Non-stop.

"But we aren't beheading them, so it's all good!"
It's only a smear if it's untrue.
Columbia Heights students walk out over Facebook post about Muslims

Trump declines to correct man who says Obama is Muslim

"We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims," said the first man Trump called on to ask a question. "We know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American."

Ahmed Mohamed, Muslim teen cuffed over clock mistaken for bomb, still suspended from school

"Mohamed will not be charged with possessing a hoax bomb because there's no evidence the 14-year-old meant to cause alarm Monday at MacArthur High School in the Dallas suburb of Irving, according to police Chief Larry Boyd."

Since 9/11 Muslims have been having a hard time in the US. The reasons are clear, Bush wanted to make a new Common Enemy, the demise of the USSR left a gaping hole in the right wing "be tough on anything" policy.

In the past just calling someone a Communist was as bad as it got, now it's calling someone a Muslim. You want to get at Obama because you don't like him? Just call him a Muslim. It's simple, so simple even a redneck who managed to pass grade 2 could do it. It doesn't take brains.

And the whole while with ISIS going around killing and apparently this being really important for the citizens of the US, as opposed to, say, the Civil War in DRC or other such places.

Some Muslims are bad. Some Christians are bad. But by vilifying ALL Muslims people are essentially giving the right exactly what they want. People criticise Obama's foreign policy, it hasn't been amazing, but he's pulled back from the vilification of Muslims, and the need for the right to make Muslims the problem (and therefore the solution).

Exactly what's so disturbing? Good muslims that sit on their hands and do nothing about the bad ones are really irrelevant to the discussion, aren't they? Their no different than the good Germans who did nothing about the atrocities committed by Hitler, they were also irrelevant, and paid a price for being such.

It's really no different than blacks who "dinnit see nuffen" when questioned by the police.
They cover for the bad ones because they dont like whitey or Americans.
Obama's foreign policy, it hasn't been amazing, but he's pulled back from the vilification of Muslims, and the need for the right to make Muslims the problem (and therefore the solution).

- Helped an internationally recognized terrorist organization take over the govt of our ally Egypt, supplied them with arms - while they targeted / refused to protect Christians after they took over, brought associated members here to the US - even those on No Fly Lists - so they could attend Cabinet Meetings, and now have some of those members on his Cabinet as 'Advisors'.

- Helped Al Qaeida, perpetrators of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12 - took our nation to war without Congressional approval to do so - to help them take over Libya.

- Denied the Ft. Hood Terrorist Attack was a terrorist attack, called it a case of 'workplace violence'

- Said virtually nothing to condemn the terrorist attack on a Naval Recruiting station that resulted in the deaths of several of our military.

I don't mind him pulling back the un-deserved 'vilification' of Muslims, but I source wish he would stop being an apologist and supporter of Islamic Extremists and of internationally recognized terrorist organizations AND of the leading exporter of terrorism in the world - Iran.
Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Firstly. Your point.

Muslims are responsible for the image the US has of them. Yes, in part this is true. However not ALL MUSLIMS are responsible for this. Some Muslims are. Why should ALL Muslims be responsible for this image that some have made.

Secondly, Bush helped to make this image, he helped to spread this image.

All muslims are not radical terrorists, but all radical terrorists are muslims. That is a basic truth then you libs and your kenyan messiah need to accept.
You apparently aren't a very bright person. Your source is actually called and has a website called loon watch. Holy shit. No numbers or examples let alone citations for their chart but...well it's a bunch of retarded anyway so why ask for that.

It's linked to FBI statistics. Just as it has been every other time it's been posted here.
Maybe you've heard of the FBI? Maybe not...

You would think I would have noticed the great Mexican terror plot at some point

Them dirty fucking bastards are apparently so good at this shit they are blowing people up and nobody even knows! I don't really remember any of these attacks though so how is that possible?

"If I didn't see it -- it doesn't exist". Poster please. The whole point of that page is what plays in the media, and what doesn't. Gullible's Travels.

Finally we get to the islamists. The ones that continually blow shit up, throw faggots from buildings, chop off heads, burn people alive and rape women. The shit that's in the news and on TV's daily but you think it's only 6% and should be ignored.

See above.
I never said it "should be ignored". I'm simply pointing out that it's not the domination you and your ilk seem to think it is from buying the Pamela Geller hair-on-fire sensationalist bigot bullshit. Now if you're gonna sit here and claim the number of 6% represents some kind of overwhelming majority, well you're not gonna be hired to count votes in my district.
I'm looking for the terror group wearing skull caps and blowing people up in the name of Jehova to out number the muslim ones. Maybe you and the FBI should work on that.
You apparently aren't a very bright person. Your source is actually called and has a website called loon watch. Holy shit. No numbers or examples let alone citations for their chart but...well it's a bunch of retarded anyway so why ask for that.

It's linked to FBI statistics. Just as it has been every other time it's been posted here.
Maybe you've heard of the FBI? Maybe not...

You would think I would have noticed the great Mexican terror plot at some point

Them dirty fucking bastards are apparently so good at this shit they are blowing people up and nobody even knows! I don't really remember any of these attacks though so how is that possible?

"If I didn't see it -- it doesn't exist". Poster please. The whole point of that page is what plays in the media, and what doesn't. Gullible's Travels.

Finally we get to the islamists. The ones that continually blow shit up, throw faggots from buildings, chop off heads, burn people alive and rape women. The shit that's in the news and on TV's daily but you think it's only 6% and should be ignored.

See above.
I never said it "should be ignored". I'm simply pointing out that it's not the domination you and your ilk seem to think it is from buying the Pamela Geller hair-on-fire sensationalist bigot bullshit. Now if you're gonna sit here and claim the number of 6% represents some kind of overwhelming majority, well you're not gonna be hired to count votes in my district.
I'm looking for the terror group wearing skull caps and blowing people up in the name of Jehova to out number the muslim ones. Maybe you and the FBI should work on that.

Maybe you should work on spending less time going :lalala: and drooling into your own lap every time mass media says "BOOGA BOOGA! SCARY MUSLIMS" because they know you'll line up to buy it.
Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Firstly. Your point.

Muslims are responsible for the image the US has of them. Yes, in part this is true. However not ALL MUSLIMS are responsible for this. Some Muslims are. Why should ALL Muslims be responsible for this image that some have made.

Secondly, Bush helped to make this image, he helped to spread this image.

All muslims are not radical terrorists, but all radical terrorists are muslims. That is a basic truth then you libs and your kenyan messiah need to accept.

As long as we define "all" as "six percent". That number ain't going away.
No matter how long you go :lalala: --- as the following post does --- it'll still be there.
Islam is at war with humanity in general and has been since its inception.... Islam cannot coexist with civilized society.

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