The disturbing view of Muslims in the US

Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Firstly. Your point.

Muslims are responsible for the image the US has of them. Yes, in part this is true. However not ALL MUSLIMS are responsible for this. Some Muslims are. Why should ALL Muslims be responsible for this image that some have made.

Secondly, Bush helped to make this image, he helped to spread this image.

All muslims are not radical terrorists, but all radical terrorists are muslims. That is a basic truth then you libs and your kenyan messiah need to accept.

As long as we define "all" as "six percent". That number ain't going away.
No matter how long you go :lalala: --- it'll still be there.

Great, so 6% are radicals who want all non-believers killed. Are you so naive that you think the other 94% ignore the words of the Koran when it instructs them that all non muslims are to be eliminated?

There are many many good muslims, I worked in the mid east and know many of them personally. The problem is the teaching of islam and the current religious leaders who are indoctrinating a billion muslims world wide with bullshit.
Then the ones who aren't should step up to the plate and condemn the ones who are making their lives miserable.
Pretty sure they do, unless you're blind.
Well, let's see some. Out of the billion plus muslims, if the majority of them oppose the murdering bastards that commit acts of terrorism and have condemned them, you should be able to post about 10,000 videos. How about 10?

Do 6 million Syrian refugees count?
Do you know how to post a video? Then do it.

They aren't difficult to find, you know...if you LOOK, you bigoted retarded fuck.


Muslims Are Speaking Out Against ISIS To Say: You Do Not Represent Us

Filming British Muslims' fight against extremism

Indian Muslims against Terrorism

Not in the Name of Islam? (Muslims Rally against Terrorism in Detroit)

Yeah, we get it, you're a muslim. Your videos, especially the first one. Not exactly spontaneous or candid, more like an amateurish documentary by some very amateur actors to give the impression that muslims condemn Islamic terrorism. The guy in the second video was saying Jesus was a muslim. I saw in the other videos a lot of pictures with claims that they were condemning terrorism but no real documentation.
Out of a billion+ muslims, the best anyone has been able to do is show a very small handful of them actually condemning Islamic terrorism. And usually those who do, justify it at the same time they say they condemn it by including Israel as a terrorist organization and pretend they're only fighting back.
I applaud muslims who actually DO condemn Islamic terrorism without claiming they're "only responding" but those muslims are few and far between. That's why you have to search out scripted videos on Youtube instead of being able to just turn on the tv set to find them.
BTW, I noticed Cat Stevens in one of your videos, claiming he condemns Islamic terrorism. He also supported the murder of Salman Rushdie and is on the no fly list.
Islam is at war with humanity in general and has been since its inception.... Islam cannot coexist with civilized society.

I will never understand why liberals want to ignore 3000 years of history. Oh wait, these are the same idiots who want to remove statues of confederate generals.

How many Muslims do you know personally?

I spent 4 years in and out of the mid east working with muslims. I know many, have worked with many, shared meals with many, am friends with many to this day.

I know exactly how they think and what they believe. Many of them are good people that I would trust with my life, but there are also many who would slit your throat and think nothing of it.

We americans think that all cultures have the same value systems that we have--------but they don't. Failure to understand that is why we keep fucking up in the mid east.
Islam is at war with humanity in general and has been since its inception.... Islam cannot coexist with civilized society.

I will never understand why liberals want to ignore 3000 years of history. Oh wait, these are the same idiots who want to remove statues of confederate generals.

How many Muslims do you know personally?

I spent 4 years in and out of the mid east working with muslims. I know many, have worked with many, shared meals with many, am friends with many to this day.

I know exactly how they think and what they believe. Many of them are good people that I would trust with my life, but there are also many who would slit your throat and think nothing of it.

We americans think that all cultures have the same value systems that we have--------but they don't. Failure to understand that is why we keep fucking up in the mid east.

Not all Muslims are of the same culture either.
Islam is at war with humanity in general and has been since its inception.... Islam cannot coexist with civilized society.

I will never understand why liberals want to ignore 3000 years of history. Oh wait, these are the same idiots who want to remove statues of confederate generals.

How many Muslims do you know personally?

I spent 4 years in and out of the mid east working with muslims. I know many, have worked with many, shared meals with many, am friends with many to this day.

I know exactly how they think and what they believe. Many of them are good people that I would trust with my life, but there are also many who would slit your throat and think nothing of it.

We americans think that all cultures have the same value systems that we have--------but they don't. Failure to understand that is why we keep fucking up in the mid east.

Not all Muslims are of the same culture either.

very true. the is no comparison between the king of Jordan and the leader of ISIS, but they are both muslims.
Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Firstly. Your point.

Muslims are responsible for the image the US has of them. Yes, in part this is true. However not ALL MUSLIMS are responsible for this. Some Muslims are. Why should ALL Muslims be responsible for this image that some have made.

Secondly, Bush helped to make this image, he helped to spread this image.
I didn't say all did i? Reality is reality. Deal with it.
Columbia Heights students walk out over Facebook post about Muslims

Trump declines to correct man who says Obama is Muslim

"We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims," said the first man Trump called on to ask a question. "We know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American."

Ahmed Mohamed, Muslim teen cuffed over clock mistaken for bomb, still suspended from school

"Mohamed will not be charged with possessing a hoax bomb because there's no evidence the 14-year-old meant to cause alarm Monday at MacArthur High School in the Dallas suburb of Irving, according to police Chief Larry Boyd."

Since 9/11 Muslims have been having a hard time in the US. The reasons are clear, Bush wanted to make a new Common Enemy, the demise of the USSR left a gaping hole in the right wing "be tough on anything" policy.

In the past just calling someone a Communist was as bad as it got, now it's calling someone a Muslim. You want to get at Obama because you don't like him? Just call him a Muslim. It's simple, so simple even a redneck who managed to pass grade 2 could do it. It doesn't take brains.

And the whole while with ISIS going around killing and apparently this being really important for the citizens of the US, as opposed to, say, the Civil War in DRC or other such places.

Some Muslims are bad. Some Christians are bad. But by vilifying ALL Muslims people are essentially giving the right exactly what they want. People criticise Obama's foreign policy, it hasn't been amazing, but he's pulled back from the vilification of Muslims, and the need for the right to make Muslims the problem (and therefore the solution).

Some Muslims are just as bad as other groups within society.

That is, there are insane people in every segment of society.

The trouble comes when the mentally ill are mixed in a religion that calls for jihad against the infidel. Chances are, they will not interpret those passages to our liking. In fact, that is what we see time and again.

And since the mentally ill will always be a segment of any society, I have to conclude that Islam is a danger for all societies.

I'd say Christianity, Judaism, Islam etc are all a danger for societies too.

Of course you would. That's because you are an idiot.
Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Firstly. Your point.

Muslims are responsible for the image the US has of them. Yes, in part this is true. However not ALL MUSLIMS are responsible for this. Some Muslims are. Why should ALL Muslims be responsible for this image that some have made.

Secondly, Bush helped to make this image, he helped to spread this image.

All muslims are not radical terrorists, but all radical terrorists are muslims. That is a basic truth then you libs and your kenyan messiah need to accept.

As long as we define "all" as "six percent". That number ain't going away.
No matter how long you go :lalala: --- it'll still be there.

Great, so 6% are radicals who want all non-believers killed. Are you so naive that you think the other 94% ignore the words of the Koran when it instructs them that all non muslims are to be eliminated?

There are many many good muslims, I worked in the mid east and know many of them personally. The problem is the teaching of islam and the current religious leaders who are indoctrinating a billion muslims world wide with bullshit.

No you colossal Dumbass---- that doesn't say "6% of Muslims are terrorists" as your fantasy would have us believe... it says "6% of terrorists are Muslim". HUUUUGE difference.
Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Firstly. Your point.

Muslims are responsible for the image the US has of them. Yes, in part this is true. However not ALL MUSLIMS are responsible for this. Some Muslims are. Why should ALL Muslims be responsible for this image that some have made.

Secondly, Bush helped to make this image, he helped to spread this image.

All muslims are not radical terrorists, but all radical terrorists are muslims. That is a basic truth then you libs and your kenyan messiah need to accept.

As long as we define "all" as "six percent". That number ain't going away.
No matter how long you go :lalala: --- it'll still be there.

Great, so 6% are radicals who want all non-believers killed. Are you so naive that you think the other 94% ignore the words of the Koran when it instructs them that all non muslims are to be eliminated?

There are many many good muslims, I worked in the mid east and know many of them personally. The problem is the teaching of islam and the current religious leaders who are indoctrinating a billion muslims world wide with bullshit.

No you colossal Dumbass---- that doesn't say "6% of Muslims are terrorists" as your fantasy would have us believe... it says "6% of terrorists are Muslim". HUUUUGE difference.

Bullshit. if only 6% of terrorists are muslims, tell us who the other 94% are. Are they buddhists? hindus? Christians? wichens? Papists? shintos?

then you can give us a list of acts of terror committed by non-muslims. Bring it, or STFU
Firstly. Your point.

Muslims are responsible for the image the US has of them. Yes, in part this is true. However not ALL MUSLIMS are responsible for this. Some Muslims are. Why should ALL Muslims be responsible for this image that some have made.

Secondly, Bush helped to make this image, he helped to spread this image.

All muslims are not radical terrorists, but all radical terrorists are muslims. That is a basic truth then you libs and your kenyan messiah need to accept.

As long as we define "all" as "six percent". That number ain't going away.
No matter how long you go :lalala: --- it'll still be there.

Great, so 6% are radicals who want all non-believers killed. Are you so naive that you think the other 94% ignore the words of the Koran when it instructs them that all non muslims are to be eliminated?

There are many many good muslims, I worked in the mid east and know many of them personally. The problem is the teaching of islam and the current religious leaders who are indoctrinating a billion muslims world wide with bullshit.

No you colossal Dumbass---- that doesn't say "6% of Muslims are terrorists" as your fantasy would have us believe... it says "6% of terrorists are Muslim". HUUUUGE difference.

Bullshit. if only 6% of terrorists are muslims, tell us who the other 94% are. Are they buddhists? hindus? Christians? wichens? Papists? shintos?

then you can give us a list of acts of terror committed by non-muslims. Bring it, or STFU

They're all that and more. Try reading the fuckin' link. The one I reposted today, reposted from yesterday, reposted from myriad times before on this board.
Obama's foreign policy, it hasn't been amazing, but he's pulled back from the vilification of Muslims, and the need for the right to make Muslims the problem (and therefore the solution).

- Helped an internationally recognized terrorist organization take over the govt of our ally Egypt, supplied them with arms - while they targeted / refused to protect Christians after they took over, brought associated members here to the US - even those on No Fly Lists - so they could attend Cabinet Meetings, and now have some of those members on his Cabinet as 'Advisors'.

- Helped Al Qaeida, perpetrators of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12 - took our nation to war without Congressional approval to do so - to help them take over Libya.

- Denied the Ft. Hood Terrorist Attack was a terrorist attack, called it a case of 'workplace violence'

- Said virtually nothing to condemn the terrorist attack on a Naval Recruiting station that resulted in the deaths of several of our military.

I don't mind him pulling back the un-deserved 'vilification' of Muslims, but I source wish he would stop being an apologist and supporter of Islamic Extremists and of internationally recognized terrorist organizations AND of the leading exporter of terrorism in the world - Iran.

An apologist and supporter of Islamic Extremism? He's not. I'm not saying everything Obama has done is good, it's hasn't been. However he's certainly not a supporter of Islamic Extremism.

I'd say he's just smarter than a lot of people and trying to do things in a smart way which gets the ire of a bunch of people who like their stuff simple. If it looks like an Arab, it's a terrorist. If it's a terrorist shoot it, if you miss, bomb it, if you miss, nuke it.
Firstly. Your point.

Muslims are responsible for the image the US has of them. Yes, in part this is true. However not ALL MUSLIMS are responsible for this. Some Muslims are. Why should ALL Muslims be responsible for this image that some have made.

Secondly, Bush helped to make this image, he helped to spread this image.

All muslims are not radical terrorists, but all radical terrorists are muslims. That is a basic truth then you libs and your kenyan messiah need to accept.

As long as we define "all" as "six percent". That number ain't going away.
No matter how long you go :lalala: --- it'll still be there.

Great, so 6% are radicals who want all non-believers killed. Are you so naive that you think the other 94% ignore the words of the Koran when it instructs them that all non muslims are to be eliminated?

There are many many good muslims, I worked in the mid east and know many of them personally. The problem is the teaching of islam and the current religious leaders who are indoctrinating a billion muslims world wide with bullshit.

No you colossal Dumbass---- that doesn't say "6% of Muslims are terrorists" as your fantasy would have us believe... it says "6% of terrorists are Muslim". HUUUUGE difference.

Bullshit. if only 6% of terrorists are muslims, tell us who the other 94% are. Are they buddhists? hindus? Christians? wichens? Papists? shintos?

then you can give us a list of acts of terror committed by non-muslims. Bring it, or STFU
Put that moron on ignore.
Columbia Heights students walk out over Facebook post about Muslims

Trump declines to correct man who says Obama is Muslim

"We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims," said the first man Trump called on to ask a question. "We know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American."

Ahmed Mohamed, Muslim teen cuffed over clock mistaken for bomb, still suspended from school

"Mohamed will not be charged with possessing a hoax bomb because there's no evidence the 14-year-old meant to cause alarm Monday at MacArthur High School in the Dallas suburb of Irving, according to police Chief Larry Boyd."

Since 9/11 Muslims have been having a hard time in the US. The reasons are clear, Bush wanted to make a new Common Enemy, the demise of the USSR left a gaping hole in the right wing "be tough on anything" policy.

In the past just calling someone a Communist was as bad as it got, now it's calling someone a Muslim. You want to get at Obama because you don't like him? Just call him a Muslim. It's simple, so simple even a redneck who managed to pass grade 2 could do it. It doesn't take brains.

And the whole while with ISIS going around killing and apparently this being really important for the citizens of the US, as opposed to, say, the Civil War in DRC or other such places.

Some Muslims are bad. Some Christians are bad. But by vilifying ALL Muslims people are essentially giving the right exactly what they want. People criticise Obama's foreign policy, it hasn't been amazing, but he's pulled back from the vilification of Muslims, and the need for the right to make Muslims the problem (and therefore the solution).
In the first half of the 20th century, is was the blacks. In second half of the 20th century it was the communists. And in 1st half of the 21st century it's the Muslims. Since the best way to avoid being a scapegoat is to find one, there will always be one.
Muslims, like blacks, are responsible for the image the US has of them.
Not to say that's justified in all cases but that is reality.

Firstly. Your point.

Muslims are responsible for the image the US has of them. Yes, in part this is true. However not ALL MUSLIMS are responsible for this. Some Muslims are. Why should ALL Muslims be responsible for this image that some have made.

Secondly, Bush helped to make this image, he helped to spread this image.

What spread the image was video of planes crashing into the Twin Towers. Not to mention the countless other terrorist attacks by young Muslim males.

The best way to ensure you are not lumped in with the radicals is to condemn them often and loudly. That isn't done. Instead, we have Muslim organizations, like CAIR, whose sole purpose it is to push the Muslim agenda. They claim to reach out to improve relations, but all of their goals have to do with others accepting Muslims and not the other way around. There have been complaints about people flying American flags on their property and many Muslims have claimed to be offended by that.

I agree with Carson about not wanting a Muslim president. Since the peaceful ones don't bother to separate themselves from the radicals, we have no idea just how devout some are or what they believe. We see women mistreated by the supposed peaceful Muslims, which alone should disqualify anyone from becoming a leader of this country. How can someone represent ALL the people when they believe women don't have the same rights as men? Some of the 'peaceful' Muslims, including one on these boards, claims that women are given what they need by the Muslim men. That means they do not have the same rights as men, only what the men choose to give them.

Peaceful Muslims also demand that women cover their faces for legal IDs and driver's licenses and even mug shots if they get arrested. How would that work to have a president who demands that Muslims not be held to our laws?

We've seen the treatment of women, Christians and gays in Muslim countries. The ones doing the torturing and killing have the upper hand in many places. Either there are far more radicalized Muslims that previously believed or it's common for devout Muslims to treat infidels, women and gays as if they are lesser beings.

I cannot get past the way Muslims treat women. The religion dictates that women hide their bodies as if it's something to be ashamed of. That is insane and the women who have managed to break free from the religion say it's an oppressive hell being owned by Muslim men.

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