The DNC : unfucking believable.. Fire the messengers not change the message

'The DNC : unfucking believable.. Fire the messengers not change the message'

It goes back to Harry Reid stating the DNC does not have to change goes back to Nancy Pelosi telling Americans they had no right to know what was in the ACA until it was rammed down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it.

The Liberal Attitude is:
'There's nothing wrong with US - it's the people who refused to be RULED!'
Yes. I want to win. So...I will demand that my Dem legislators stop focusing on gender issues and abortion issues like they always have. They are just obsessed with these identity politics issues.
Just partially marginalizing the crazies could be enough. PC/Identity Politics - as compared to real, honest conversation - is now (finally, mercifully) a net negative for the party. If the zealots can just be moved off to the side a bit that could be enough. Next would be finding a way to communicate a serious, left-leaning populism.
Are you doing any introspection as to why you didn't see this before the election? Or more likely ignored it before the election? Here is one "fact" that stood out to me about the election, it is from a link in another thread: "21. 13 sponsors aired Spanish language ads in the presidential general election on broadcast TV: nine Democratic sponsors and three Republican sponsors. The three GOP sponsors aired 650 spots and the Democratic sponsors aired 17,000 spots. (courtesy: Kantar Media/CMAG)"

The democrats wrote off the deplorables, white people, even though they make up the majority, still, of the voters. Obama attracted white voters on white guilt alone. There was absolutely no reason to think he was going to do any type of great job, which as it turns out he didn't. He failed in the ONE thing he should have been able to accomplish, bring America together. Hillary followed suit thinking that minorities alone, and women would win her the election. She was wrong, woman, in my opinion, hate women who let their husbands walk all over them. Hillary showed weakness or a lack of backbone in sticking with the cheating Billy. Of course she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Her likability, what there was of it, was most based on Bill not Hillary. If she jettisoned him then she would never have stood a chance.

I think as long as democrats treat whites as racist dummies they will continue to lose. That or the elections cycle will do what it does and swing back to democrats once the electorate get fed up with Republicans.
Believe me, there was plenty of introspection during the campaign. And if PC/Identity Politics were the only issue, sure, voting GOP would have been the obvious choice. But there were plenty of other issues to consider, many of which I disagree more with the GOP than with the Dems.

As I've mentioned, Hillary scored a -12 with me, but Trump was a -14, and I've seen nothing yet that has changed my mind. In fact, I was thinking he might be fairly moderate in his cabinet choices, and he's gone hardcore Right. So, while I remain hopeful, I'm pretty freakin' nervous.

No, I don't think you have changed at all. You have been railing against identity politics for some time but then you post something like this: "moderate in his cabinet choices, and he's gone hardcore Right." Why is that not identity politics at its worse?

I am not sure what you are so worried about. Trump's election has brought consumer confidence to high levels and the stock market is almost over 20,000. Hillary would have just been more of the malaise. She also showed little signs of not being a war hawk.

Everything aside, the Republic was saved with the election of Trump thus avoiding Hillary making 3 to 4 SCOTUS nominations. Praise be to the American people for seeing the clear and present danger.
Yes. I want to win. So...I will demand that my Dem legislators stop focusing on gender issues and abortion issues like they always have. They are just obsessed with these identity politics issues.
Just partially marginalizing the crazies could be enough. PC/Identity Politics - as compared to real, honest conversation - is now (finally, mercifully) a net negative for the party. If the zealots can just be moved off to the side a bit that could be enough. Next would be finding a way to communicate a serious, left-leaning populism.
Are you doing any introspection as to why you didn't see this before the election? Or more likely ignored it before the election? Here is one "fact" that stood out to me about the election, it is from a link in another thread: "21. 13 sponsors aired Spanish language ads in the presidential general election on broadcast TV: nine Democratic sponsors and three Republican sponsors. The three GOP sponsors aired 650 spots and the Democratic sponsors aired 17,000 spots. (courtesy: Kantar Media/CMAG)"

The democrats wrote off the deplorables, white people, even though they make up the majority, still, of the voters. Obama attracted white voters on white guilt alone. There was absolutely no reason to think he was going to do any type of great job, which as it turns out he didn't. He failed in the ONE thing he should have been able to accomplish, bring America together. Hillary followed suit thinking that minorities alone, and women would win her the election. She was wrong, woman, in my opinion, hate women who let their husbands walk all over them. Hillary showed weakness or a lack of backbone in sticking with the cheating Billy. Of course she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Her likability, what there was of it, was most based on Bill not Hillary. If she jettisoned him then she would never have stood a chance.

I think as long as democrats treat whites as racist dummies they will continue to lose. That or the elections cycle will do what it does and swing back to democrats once the electorate get fed up with Republicans.
Believe me, there was plenty of introspection during the campaign. And if PC/Identity Politics were the only issue, sure, voting GOP would have been the obvious choice. But there were plenty of other issues to consider, many of which I disagree more with the GOP than with the Dems.

As I've mentioned, Hillary scored a -12 with me, but Trump was a -14, and I've seen nothing yet that has changed my mind. In fact, I was thinking he might be fairly moderate in his cabinet choices, and he's gone hardcore Right. So, while I remain hopeful, I'm pretty freakin' nervous.

No, I don't think you have changed at all. You have been railing against identity politics for some time but then you post something like this: "moderate in his cabinet choices, and he's gone hardcore Right." Why is that not identity politics at its worse?

I am not sure what you are so worried about. Trump's election has brought consumer confidence to high levels and the stock market is almost over 20,000. Hillary would have just been more of the malaise. She also showed little signs of not being a war hawk.

Everything aside, the Republic was saved with the election of Trump thus avoiding Hillary making 3 to 4 SCOTUS nominations. Praise be to the American people for seeing the clear and present danger.
My opinion of his cabinet picks have nothing to do with gender or race or any Identity Politics issue. It's about ideology.
Yes. I want to win. So...I will demand that my Dem legislators stop focusing on gender issues and abortion issues like they always have. They are just obsessed with these identity politics issues.
Just partially marginalizing the crazies could be enough. PC/Identity Politics - as compared to real, honest conversation - is now (finally, mercifully) a net negative for the party. If the zealots can just be moved off to the side a bit that could be enough. Next would be finding a way to communicate a serious, left-leaning populism.
Are you doing any introspection as to why you didn't see this before the election? Or more likely ignored it before the election? Here is one "fact" that stood out to me about the election, it is from a link in another thread: "21. 13 sponsors aired Spanish language ads in the presidential general election on broadcast TV: nine Democratic sponsors and three Republican sponsors. The three GOP sponsors aired 650 spots and the Democratic sponsors aired 17,000 spots. (courtesy: Kantar Media/CMAG)"

The democrats wrote off the deplorables, white people, even though they make up the majority, still, of the voters. Obama attracted white voters on white guilt alone. There was absolutely no reason to think he was going to do any type of great job, which as it turns out he didn't. He failed in the ONE thing he should have been able to accomplish, bring America together. Hillary followed suit thinking that minorities alone, and women would win her the election. She was wrong, woman, in my opinion, hate women who let their husbands walk all over them. Hillary showed weakness or a lack of backbone in sticking with the cheating Billy. Of course she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Her likability, what there was of it, was most based on Bill not Hillary. If she jettisoned him then she would never have stood a chance.

I think as long as democrats treat whites as racist dummies they will continue to lose. That or the elections cycle will do what it does and swing back to democrats once the electorate get fed up with Republicans.
Believe me, there was plenty of introspection during the campaign. And if PC/Identity Politics were the only issue, sure, voting GOP would have been the obvious choice. But there were plenty of other issues to consider, many of which I disagree more with the GOP than with the Dems.

As I've mentioned, Hillary scored a -12 with me, but Trump was a -14, and I've seen nothing yet that has changed my mind. In fact, I was thinking he might be fairly moderate in his cabinet choices, and he's gone hardcore Right. So, while I remain hopeful, I'm pretty freakin' nervous.

No, I don't think you have changed at all. You have been railing against identity politics for some time but then you post something like this: "moderate in his cabinet choices, and he's gone hardcore Right." Why is that not identity politics at its worse?

I am not sure what you are so worried about. Trump's election has brought consumer confidence to high levels and the stock market is almost over 20,000. Hillary would have just been more of the malaise. She also showed little signs of not being a war hawk.

Everything aside, the Republic was saved with the election of Trump thus avoiding Hillary making 3 to 4 SCOTUS nominations. Praise be to the American people for seeing the clear and present danger.
My opinion of his cabinet picks have nothing to do with gender or race or any Identity Politics issue. It's about ideology.

Then state your differences not just identity politics of writing them off because they are "hard right." That is no different than writing the democrats off calling them liberals.
Just partially marginalizing the crazies could be enough. PC/Identity Politics - as compared to real, honest conversation - is now (finally, mercifully) a net negative for the party. If the zealots can just be moved off to the side a bit that could be enough. Next would be finding a way to communicate a serious, left-leaning populism.
Are you doing any introspection as to why you didn't see this before the election? Or more likely ignored it before the election? Here is one "fact" that stood out to me about the election, it is from a link in another thread: "21. 13 sponsors aired Spanish language ads in the presidential general election on broadcast TV: nine Democratic sponsors and three Republican sponsors. The three GOP sponsors aired 650 spots and the Democratic sponsors aired 17,000 spots. (courtesy: Kantar Media/CMAG)"

The democrats wrote off the deplorables, white people, even though they make up the majority, still, of the voters. Obama attracted white voters on white guilt alone. There was absolutely no reason to think he was going to do any type of great job, which as it turns out he didn't. He failed in the ONE thing he should have been able to accomplish, bring America together. Hillary followed suit thinking that minorities alone, and women would win her the election. She was wrong, woman, in my opinion, hate women who let their husbands walk all over them. Hillary showed weakness or a lack of backbone in sticking with the cheating Billy. Of course she was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Her likability, what there was of it, was most based on Bill not Hillary. If she jettisoned him then she would never have stood a chance.

I think as long as democrats treat whites as racist dummies they will continue to lose. That or the elections cycle will do what it does and swing back to democrats once the electorate get fed up with Republicans.
Believe me, there was plenty of introspection during the campaign. And if PC/Identity Politics were the only issue, sure, voting GOP would have been the obvious choice. But there were plenty of other issues to consider, many of which I disagree more with the GOP than with the Dems.

As I've mentioned, Hillary scored a -12 with me, but Trump was a -14, and I've seen nothing yet that has changed my mind. In fact, I was thinking he might be fairly moderate in his cabinet choices, and he's gone hardcore Right. So, while I remain hopeful, I'm pretty freakin' nervous.

No, I don't think you have changed at all. You have been railing against identity politics for some time but then you post something like this: "moderate in his cabinet choices, and he's gone hardcore Right." Why is that not identity politics at its worse?

I am not sure what you are so worried about. Trump's election has brought consumer confidence to high levels and the stock market is almost over 20,000. Hillary would have just been more of the malaise. She also showed little signs of not being a war hawk.

Everything aside, the Republic was saved with the election of Trump thus avoiding Hillary making 3 to 4 SCOTUS nominations. Praise be to the American people for seeing the clear and present danger.
My opinion of his cabinet picks have nothing to do with gender or race or any Identity Politics issue. It's about ideology.

Then state your differences not just identity politics of writing them off because they are "hard right." That is no different than writing the democrats off calling them liberals.
If you don't like the term "hard right", then use whatever term you'd like, for example, "beautifully and wonderfully conservative". McMahon, Perry (good gawd, at least it wasn't Palin), Puzder, Sessions, Carson (holy shit), DeVos, Flynn, Mnuchin -- they're all "beautifully and wonderfully conservative", too much so for my particular taste.
Yes. I want to win. So...I will demand that my Dem legislators stop focusing on gender issues and abortion issues like they always have. They are just obsessed with these identity politics issues.
Just partially marginalizing the crazies could be enough. PC/Identity Politics - as compared to real, honest conversation - is now (finally, mercifully) a net negative for the party. If the zealots can just be moved off to the side a bit that could be enough. Next would be finding a way to communicate a serious, left-leaning populism.

The engine of growth and jobs in America is small business.

"Left-leaning populism" is socialism. Americans aren't dumb, they have seen where this leads now, they don't want it. It's a dead issue in the water. After this whole ACA scandal, folks are just imagining how the elites will continue to dismantle the social fabric and destroy the ability to create opportunities just to control the economy in order to enrich themselves, their friends, and for their "sustainable development," damn idealist crusade. (Not that this isn't a great goal, but there is more than one way to achieve it, not just by authoritarian mandate.)

Average folks just don't want that BS.

I don't think anyone disagrees that crony capitalism is bad, and we're sure to get a stomach full now with this new administration.

That said, what hard working small business leaders and entrepreneurial folks are hoping, is that small businesses will get some scraps though. The Obama regime just didn't give a shit. It destroyed the very ability, the engine of growth, which powers the ability of main-street to take care of the people. Who cares if Wall-Street shows profits and there are more jobs at Walmart? That isn't helping people to live better than their parents did, nor is it giving them the opportunities to reach out and accomplish their dreams.

All this has been done so government can control the people and the crony capitalists can make even more money. Is that seriously the vision of the "left-leaning populism?" Bullshit, they are just as corrupt as the right. I don't think folks will ever accept it.

Individualism, the Horatio Alger story, the role of the family, these are the traditions that matter for the average American heart land going back generations.

As far as communicating a left-leaning populism? That can only be done through forced schooling in government institutions and by crony capitalists controlling the media. If you have to do it that way, let's face it, that's sort of unethical and evil.

None of these pols really give a shit about Joe Plumber anymore. Not really.
No, I don't think that left-leaning populism is "socialism" - which, by the way, is as badly an over-used term as is "racism".

I'm game.

What's the difference between left-leaning populism and democratic-socialism?
Degree. Perception. And you said "socialism", not "democratic socialism", which are not the same points on the spectrum. In actual socialism, the government owns means of production and distribution, for example. In democratic socialism, it does not.

So if we're going to drop the term "socialism" and look a left-leaning populism vs. democratic socialism, we look at the spectrum. As we move toward the Left, the role, size and cost of government increases. Income taxes increase. I'd put democratic socialism to the Left of left-leaning populism.

Thank you.

You can parse words all you like, but that was all I needed. You and I know what we are talking about, and I will not disagree with you. That said, the guy working at Wall-Mart, or the kid that just got out of college that wants to start his own business that doesn't critically and obsessively study politics, it's all the same to them.

More regulations and government control = socialism.

What we are talking about here, is you don't like me using the unmodified, unqualified word, "socialism," b/c in America, let's face it, it is a dog whistle for government and bureaucratic control, rather than the free market. But let's not play footsy and call a spade a spade.

Conservatives get just as pissed when you tell them that the Federal Reserve is Socialism, but let's face it, that is what it is. It's socialism for the rich, at the expense of the poor. If we got rid of it, there would be no need for a minimum wage laws. There would be a true competition and market for capitol. Even arguing with folks that Big Banks should occasionally go out of business meets with terrified shock from the stupid and the dumb.

At this point, it's moot, when it happens, as it eventually will, humanity has no choice but to turn to complete authoritarianism and slavery, or utter anarchy.


Damn the DNC is a stubborn lot and don't see the real fucking problem..

They are going to keep losing..

Blame the messengers: Dem boss Schumer fires staffers after November rout

With Christmas days away, nearly every member of the Senate Democratic Media Center has been fired, a senior Democratic aide confirmed to Fox News. Schumer swung the axe on Friday, according to Politico, which first obtained “goodbye” emails from staffers, including some with decades' experience.

The move comes amid plans to revamp the unit, which handles video content, in an effort to help the Senate Democratic caucus get their message out in the New Year. The party not only lost the presidential race, it failed to capture the Senate or House and lost state legislative races throughout the country.

Democrats won the Senate vote nationally by 11 million votes.
Damn the DNC is a stubborn lot and don't see the real fucking problem..

They are going to keep losing..

Blame the messengers: Dem boss Schumer fires staffers after November rout

With Christmas days away, nearly every member of the Senate Democratic Media Center has been fired, a senior Democratic aide confirmed to Fox News. Schumer swung the axe on Friday, according to Politico, which first obtained “goodbye” emails from staffers, including some with decades' experience.

The move comes amid plans to revamp the unit, which handles video content, in an effort to help the Senate Democratic caucus get their message out in the New Year. The party not only lost the presidential race, it failed to capture the Senate or House and lost state legislative races throughout the country.

Wow fire the low people. Isnt that what they say pubs and corporations do?
Keep up that great strategic thinking libs, hate on whitey some more.
Damn the DNC is a stubborn lot and don't see the real fucking problem..

They are going to keep losing..

Blame the messengers: Dem boss Schumer fires staffers after November rout

With Christmas days away, nearly every member of the Senate Democratic Media Center has been fired, a senior Democratic aide confirmed to Fox News. Schumer swung the axe on Friday, according to Politico, which first obtained “goodbye” emails from staffers, including some with decades' experience.

The move comes amid plans to revamp the unit, which handles video content, in an effort to help the Senate Democratic caucus get their message out in the New Year. The party not only lost the presidential race, it failed to capture the Senate or House and lost state legislative races throughout the country.

Democrats won the Senate vote nationally by 11 million votes.

There was no republican in California, so go fuck your bullshit. Thats 90 % of that number.
Second your saying Trump was running ahead.

Their it netted you 2 seats with that discrepancy, cant wait until 18, when we have an advantage, well destroy you,.
Damn the DNC is a stubborn lot and don't see the real fucking problem..

They are going to keep losing..

Blame the messengers: Dem boss Schumer fires staffers after November rout

With Christmas days away, nearly every member of the Senate Democratic Media Center has been fired, a senior Democratic aide confirmed to Fox News. Schumer swung the axe on Friday, according to Politico, which first obtained “goodbye” emails from staffers, including some with decades' experience.

The move comes amid plans to revamp the unit, which handles video content, in an effort to help the Senate Democratic caucus get their message out in the New Year. The party not only lost the presidential race, it failed to capture the Senate or House and lost state legislative races throughout the country.

Wow fire the low people. Isnt that what they say pubs and corporations do?
Keep up that great strategic thinking libs, hate on whitey some more.

“Job creation has never been a strength of the Democrats,” a Republican aide told “But firing staffers just days before the holidays so they can play catch-up is pretty brutal.”

And right before Christmas!?


Are they really this out of touch? :lmao:
Dems need to move further Left. Eat the rich. From each according to their means, to each according to their government approved needs

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