The Donald's FIRST TV ad for 2016....

How many times have you masturbated to it already? Or are you still working one off to Putin on a horse shirtless?
I especially support his stance on Illegal Immigration. It's time for it to end. Honorable Veterans who've risked their lives for our country, can't even get medical treatment. They're being placed on long waiting lists. Many are dying waiting for treatment.

Sadly, their Government has put Illegals ahead of them in utilizing resources. They've become a higher priority. And that's just plain shameful. Illegal Immigration has to be ended. I hope Trump can accomplish that.
The Republicans have the one "Establishment Candidate," Senator Rubio--who famously does not show up for work. The Republicans have the one, "Anti-Establishment candidate," who does not work at all, Donald Trump. They seem to be GOP as usual(?), to anyone! Trump is now at least opposed to ISIS. Al Qaeda apparently did a good job on covering his advertised remarks(?). Apparently they are not included, even in the stampeding hordes, running amok toward some fence(?). Hispanics are apparently worse than Al Qaeda(?)!

This ad could dispel the old adage, "It does pay to advertise(?)!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Storm Troopers in space, who do not exist, worth far more money: In Lands Taken Away From Many Nations(?)!)
As someone who has worked on political campaign marketing collateral I have to say it's really very good.
A good test: turn off the volume completely and you still get the full message. Very strong, bold graphics.
Notice everything is in dark gray tones, no color. That is intended to scare you. Karl Rove tactics.
The way the video segues from Hillary and Obama to the San Bernardino killers is dark, scary making a subliminal link.
The voice-over narrative is very strong until you get to the "...until we can figure out what is going on." That is so lame and amateurish.

LOL, Bush's war in Iraq created ISIS, but no no...more war will some how "defeat ISIS".

By the way ISIS has 100 heads, it is a Hydra, it is independently operated in every city.

Agreed. Al-Baghdadi started ISIS in Camp Bucca in Iraq while he was detained there from 2005-07. The camps were set up where the detainees could mingle freely with each other. Big Mistake, Dubya. Heck of a job.
As someone who has worked on political campaign marketing collateral I have to say it's really very good.
A good test: turn off the volume completely and you still get the full message. Very strong, bold graphics.
Notice everything is in dark gray tones, no color. That is intended to scare you. Karl Rove tactics.
The way the video segues from Hillary and Obama to the San Bernardino killers is dark, scary making a subliminal link.
The voice-over narrative is very strong until you get to the "...until we can figure out what is going on." That is so lame and amateurish.
LOL you're praising fascist propaganda techniques.

What's next, Trump's campaign adopts Red-White-Black?

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