The Door Is Wide Open For Warren in 2020

No, progressive does mean something. It means they desire a collective based governmental system. That's all it means.

Not a single self-described "progressive" that I know desires a "collective based governmental system".

Why should I accept your definition over theirs?

Sure they do. That is the very nature of their campaigning. You tell me the last time that a self proclaimed progressive advocated for LESS powerful government. I'll wait.

My mother, on the phone with me yesterday.

Oh? What political office is she running for?

Since when are we only talking about politicians?

Because it is politicians who run the world. That's why. I am off to lunch now but will reengage later on. Have fun!

I'm sure that he can provide examples of his "disavowing" Mr. McGarrett, then.


If the forum allowed us to go back far enough, yes. I have seen him absolutely demolish Tank on more than one occasion. The same with shootspeeders. I can't say I have seen him interact with steve-o however. That does not negate my point about progressive though. They not only don't disavow, they frequently cheer on the idiocy. That is a fact.

"Progressive" doesn't mean anything, and any time you trying to assign personality traits based on political positions, you're full of shit.

I know people who call themselves "progressives" who don't fit your little box - just as I know conservatives who don't fit the boxes claimed by clowns like rdean.

No, progressive does mean something. It means they desire a collective based governmental system. That's all it means.

Not a single self-described "progressive" that I know desires a "collective based governmental system".

Why should I accept your definition over theirs?

Sure they do. That is the very nature of their campaigning. You tell me the last time that a self proclaimed progressive advocated for LESS powerful government. I'll wait.

Both Trump and Bernie promoted a for policy that is less powerful (although Trump hedged his bets by acting like Cesar at times)
Why is your skin color something to be "proud" of?

Because Native Americans are proud of their heritage, because blacks are proud of theirs. For some people it is an essential aspect of their identity. Who are you, or me, to tell them that they are wrong to feel that way?

I'm not telling anyone they're wrong, I'm asking a question.

And I answered it.

"Who are you to tell them they're wrong?" is not an answer to "Why is skin color something to be proud of?"

First sentence.

"Because Native Americans are proud of their heritage, because blacks are proud of theirs. For some people it is an essential aspect of their identity."

That's also not an answer to the question. I asked why - pointing out that other people do it too isn't an answer.
Clinton did not make a single campaign appearance in Wisconsin. She just ASSUMED her blue wall would hold and didn't even give those voters the time of day.

And something like 75,000 voters in Florida voted down ballot, but not for President.

Clinton counted on the Democratic machine to do all the heavy lifting for her, while Donald Trump put out ten times as much effort pounding the pavement as Hillary did.

You can be sure the Democrats are choking on their lazy performance and low turnout and are vowing not to make that mistake again in 2018 and 2020.

And the front runner for the Democrats in 2020 right now is Elizabeth Warren, a woman who makes Hillary Clinton look as conservative as Rush Limbaugh.
Warren will be crushed.

She won't be able to resist the social justice warriors arm of the Democratic Party that killed Hillary's campaign.
Warren IS a social justice warrior. She's way out there on the fringe with Bernie Sanders. And I guarantee you a lot of Democrats are wishing they had nominated Sanders right now.
So... if by chance Warren runs against Sanders for the Democrat Party Nomination which one do you think the DNC will fuck over?


Bernie would have won.
Clinton did not make a single campaign appearance in Wisconsin. She just ASSUMED her blue wall would hold and didn't even give those voters the time of day.

And something like 75,000 voters in Florida voted down ballot, but not for President.

Clinton counted on the Democratic machine to do all the heavy lifting for her, while Donald Trump put out ten times as much effort pounding the pavement as Hillary did.

You can be sure the Democrats are choking on their lazy performance and low turnout and are vowing not to make that mistake again in 2018 and 2020.

And the front runner for the Democrats in 2020 right now is Elizabeth Warren, a woman who makes Hillary Clinton look as conservative as Rush Limbaugh.

I think Zephyr Teachout should be given a look. She has a similar background to Warren without the "I am an American Indian" background/baggage.

I like Teachout a lot, and know people who've worked on her staff. But she's gotta win something local before she'll be a serious contender on a larger scale. She got a tough beat in NY-19 this year.

She needs to get out in front of the people and show that she's a contender.

...says Proud To Be White Forever.

Can you find posts of his disavowing you?
YOU are the reason why Democrats keep losing.

There is nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage, no matter what your race is.

Proud yes. Advocating violence against those of another race, for whatever reason is not. The problem with most racists is they can't even conceive of an occasion where a black person, let us say, can possibly be better than a white person. That position is simply absurd.
That is a strawman.
No one with an actual voice in the pro-white movement is saying this.

That is not true. I don't care to go to their websites but that is the message that is broadcast. White supremacists are every bit as backwards as those they claim are inferior.
If you don't go to the websites, then you don't know what the message is.

The message is that white people have to right to not live in eternal guilt, and the right to control their own destiny in our own homelands(Europe).

There are people who take advantage of the appeal that this message has(the KKK), but the reason why Stormfront and other white nationalist sites are so popular is because of that core message to end the decline of white culture and end white guilt.
Clinton did not make a single campaign appearance in Wisconsin. She just ASSUMED her blue wall would hold and didn't even give those voters the time of day.

And something like 75,000 voters in Florida voted down ballot, but not for President.

Clinton counted on the Democratic machine to do all the heavy lifting for her, while Donald Trump put out ten times as much effort pounding the pavement as Hillary did.

You can be sure the Democrats are choking on their lazy performance and low turnout and are vowing not to make that mistake again in 2018 and 2020.

And the front runner for the Democrats in 2020 right now is Elizabeth Warren, a woman who makes Hillary Clinton look as conservative as Rush Limbaugh.
Warren will be crushed.

She won't be able to resist the social justice warriors arm of the Democratic Party that killed Hillary's campaign.
Warren IS a social justice warrior. She's way out there on the fringe with Bernie Sanders. And I guarantee you a lot of Democrats are wishing they had nominated Sanders right now.
So... if by chance Warren runs against Sanders for the Democrat Party Nomination which one do you think the DNC will fuck over?


Bernie would have won.

Laugh if you want, Tom, but look how close Hillary got and she was a lying corporate whore that most Progressives couldn't support. Bernie would not have had that kind of baggage.
I'd like somebody to convince me that integration has worked for either blacks or whites....I used to think it was possible....I no longer do until blacks stop thinking we whites OWE them a fucking thing.
I'd like somebody to convince me that integration has worked for either blacks or whites....I used to think it was possible....I no longer do until blacks stop thinking we whites OWE them a fucking thing.
Trump is our only hope for integration to work.
Laugh if you want, Tom, but look how close Hillary got and she was a lying corporate whore that most Progressives couldn't support. Bernie would not have had that kind of baggage.

Bernie is a a communist without the balls to really BE a communist. I saw communism with my own eyes in wouldn't care for how it's enforced on people who don't want anything to do with it.
Laugh if you want, Tom, but look how close Hillary got and she was a lying corporate whore that most Progressives couldn't support. Bernie would not have had that kind of baggage.

Bernie is a a communist without the balls to really BE a communist. I saw communism with my own eyes in wouldn't care for how it's enforced on people who don't want anything to do with it.

There's is QUITE a difference between Socialism and Communism. I realize your knowledge of such things is limited, but you really should look it up.
I wouldn't count on the faux Indian too much. You could be very disappointed again.

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